A great first!
Thank you for the hard work!
Did you draw everythin yourself? You should continue to work on your skills.
This is my first submission to Newgrounds and also my first serious flash movie. It was done for a student assessment which had to run for 2-3 mins in length and demonstrate flash techniques learnt
in class. Hope you enjoy it :)
EDIT: Watch the movie in a pop-up window, it runs smoother for some reason.
A great first!
Thank you for the hard work!
Did you draw everythin yourself? You should continue to work on your skills.
Nicely done
This was so well done and it a lot of effort put into it.
Busy weekend.
Damn that guy got screwed over bad. I wonder what he gave them money for?
I made it ambiguous so the viewer can decide.
Very nicely done, Brokenfridge. For your first submission to newgrounds this was fairly impressive. The only things I would recommend that you improve for future submissions is your art and animation. Your art wasn't horrible, but that doesn't mean it doesn't require improvement. The animation, was choppy at some points and the entire "movie" felt like it was moving very slowly. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this submission very much. Nice concept, almost excellently executed.
Here are a list of the pros and cons this submission has, for future reference.
- Nice concept
- Executed quite nicely
-Choppy animating
-"Rough looking" art/drawings
You have much potential, keep up the great work.
Its choppy because its only running at 12fps :P
Good work
The art wasn't supreme, and the animation was a little jerky, but you went from concept to product and overall it was a good first submission.