lol that was epic
Hey everyone. This morning I saw a pretty cool video on youtube, in which case me and my friend had a funny idea to implement into the video, so, bored, I did. I started and finished this animation in one day, and in my opinion, turned out pretty good.
E: Thanks for all the great comments guys, here's the original vid, btw-
http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=1flVlL4Mf8k&feature =related
Everyone could learn a very important life lesson from this animation...
lol that was epic
Simple, but funny
I could tell that the creation wasn't very hard to do (especially with the thing exploding and all) and it was short but it's all about delivery and the all-around impact of the stuff that's going on in the flash (however briefly) that really brings the all-around satisfying conclusion of enjoyment.
I don't know how you scored a 4.
It was so funny. The navy wasted a big bomb on a small fish.
epik lol
Yeah, best thing I've seen today. Really unexpected and fun. Keep up the good work. Late.