The Invasion Chapter Six is a continuation of The Invasion Animated Series. In the last Chapter the alien forces has taken over the X-71 and has begun to use it against the Americans. The aliens then target the blast to earth. Now in this chapter the American forces must stop the blast from hitting earth or it could be the end of humanity. The battles in the skies begin to get intense as the aliens begin to bring forth their mother ship. This battle is far from over!
not very good
its a bit short and its not a lot to it try and make futuremovies longer and put more of a storyline to.
Pretty Good...
The graphics were well done and the music suited the flash. I just found the fighting to be a little basic. No cool moves or anything.
Well u win in click clack with this score
It's not tooo coool, not to retarted but average it could use some sharpening about 4 min and better fighting sequencess.
"the stort was really orginal" quote from remrulzz
The "stort" was not orginal in any way shape or form, at all, ever. This was..... not the best flash I've seen, nor the worst. Try working on something for more then a minute brfore you sumbit.