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Ghost / Supernat. Club

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Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-10 19:57:20

Hmmm, well let me give this shot then. Breaking a Ouija board is just about the worst thing you can do, besides using one of the damned things in the first place. Additionally, asking how your going to die is pretty bad as well, that's the sort of information your not supposed to have, it's a sin to try and ask spirits that stuff, which is one of the many, many reasons using Ouija boards is such a bad idea. But whats done is done, and if I were you I'd try and help your friend. Sounds like he is pissed off, right? Well stop him from being pissed off! What is he religion wise? That would help me advise what to do next. Sure, you didn't ask for my advice, but that's what I do around here, you don't half to listen, you don't even have to answer me, but it sounds like he's got a powerful spirit on his hands and it's pretty mad, and since he burned the Ouija board that spirit isn't going anywhere unless someone does something about it.

Teh Spoony Experiment. Click for a good time.

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Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-10 20:53:44

At 8/10/08 12:47 PM, Complete wrote: This particular experience didn't happen to me, but it happened to my cousin.
Wow, that's pretty freaky. I wonder if that man had something against that person or if there was an actual reason why he was going to hurt that specific person. If not then maybe it was a spirit there to harm him for some reason. I wonder if that person robbed someone else or something that night. That's pretty good stuff there. Death hasn't hunted him down yet has he?

Yeah I think the movie you are thinking about is Final Destination. The friend is a she and yes, death has hunted her down. Her computer blew up on her and the shockwave from the explosion sent her flying out of her window and she fell for like 6 stories and landed in a garbage truck as it was closing and it snapped her in half.

BBS Signature

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-10 23:40:01

At 8/10/08 03:29 PM, keyword wrote:
that made me imagine santa clause with a squirrel tail sticking out of his mouth with a little chat bubble saying "wut?"

Lol wut?

At 8/10/08 03:45 PM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: Sorry for not bring around often lately. Its' just that the stuff has stopped, and I think I know why.

Before I even read why. It's probably taken a lot of pressure of your mind hasn't it?

I think that a ghost might have been passing through from the graveyard passing thrugh my house( I am thinking about going there with a friend one night around 3 in the morning and look for ghosts. For fun :)) But I do have a story to share. This actually happened to my dad:

I command you that you must take pictures of the graveyard whether you find anything in them or not. And please people if you see an orb don't say anything about it because orbs are more then likely just dust.

Alright, so one day my dad is in the kitchen( P.S. this was before I was born) and he thought of his uncle. He rarely thought about his uncle, seeing as how they just never talked after my dad's dad died.

Or your grandpa on your dad's side. >.<

My uncle was currently in the hospital, and my dad thought he saw his spirit pass through the room. Next he gets a phone call that his uncle died. So I think my dad is also a believer too.

Things like that are really known to happen and it's kind of a nice feeling at times because the person is visiting one last time.

At 8/10/08 05:18 PM, Pink-Ninja wrote: Chickidydow! Welcome back (if your staying) You know we love doll's here so i will be reading you contribution soon.

It looks like he's staying for at least today. He's really helped this club today.

The story from Complete about the vision on the school bus was very creepy. I have always wondered what it would be like to have visions like that. Reminds me of Final Destination.

I knew what the movie was, but I just couldn't think of the name for some reason. I can't believe I couldn't remember though since number three is sitting here on my shelf.

At 8/10/08 05:54 PM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: Wow, that was an intense read. Never realised if you had two different religous items in a house, one predating Christianity and the other Christian, that that would lead a ghost i.

I haven't seen his huge post yet and it may be hard to reply to since when I quote it all of the characters are already gone and it doesn't quote the whole thing because of all the extra : added in. I will get to it though.

On a side note, I just saw Beneath the sheets. I am not one to acvtually laugh out loud at a movie, but when the "ghost" tripped, the had me rofling. Greatest ghost movie ever.

Yeah, believe it or not I actually tripped and hurt my leg while doing it. You guys didn't review it though. :(

At 8/10/08 06:54 PM, tejowlyinsurancedog wrote:
oh yeah and it said"son of a bitch!" lol that was funny.

Again, a nice bit of my acting. Do you guys think I make a good ghost? I thought the funniest part was I THINK I JUST SHIT MY PANTS.

At 8/10/08 07:15 PM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: Yeah, even "I guess they really wanted to go to Busch Gardens".

That would be just a bit of my friends acting. He is actually a very good actor. A lot better then me.

So, anyway, what does anyone think about my hypothesis that my ghost was just a ghost passing through mt friendly neighborhood graveyard? Is it logical?

Well how close is this graveyard exactly? If it's close then yeah it sounds like something that could be happening, but I would rather think that the ghost was leaving the graveyard. Maybe even going back and forth from it.

At 8/10/08 07:26 PM, gamerdakota wrote: Haven't posted here in a while, so here's another.

Everyone gets active at once. Nice.

A few weeks ago me and my friend bought an ouija board. I was expecting some scary to happen, like the lights going on an off, seeing ghosts, etc. None of that happened, but apparently it really fucked my friend up.

Sometimes the things that happen don't happen visually or physically. Sometimes things mentally happen.

We got out the Ouija board and waited a bit, but nothing happened. Around 45 minutes later, we found a spirit. He said "Hello, my name is Johnny." We introduced ourselves, then asked him how he died.

Always a nice question to start out with.

He said that he was a slave that was hanged, because he tried to escape the plantation he worked at.

Wow thats kind of weird because one of the first ghosts I have ever talked to was a African American who escaped on a plantation, but he died in the war.

He then asked us if we knew a "Trevor". We said yes, as Trevor was one of my friends. He then said that his great great great grandfather was the slave master of the plantation that he was enslaved at.

Make sure to ask Trevor about his family history to make sure.

We gave our apologies. My friend then asked if he knew how we would die. He said "Yes." He said William, my friend, would go peacefully in his sleep, and I would never see my death coming. Yeesh.

A question that you aren't suppose to ask because sometimes they lie and sometimes they may "help".

Anyway, it was getting late, so I said bye to "Johnny", and went home.

The next day, I went back over to his house, and asked him if he wanted to use the board again. He said that he burned it. I was pretty pissed, since it was 30 bucks out of my money.


He said that after I left, he went to bed, but he would keep waking up and see that stuff had been moved around in his room. He moved everything to where it was, and went back to sleep. It kept happening, until around 6 AM, when he would wake up around every 30 minutes to see all his stuff had moved.

Wow a spirit that is strong enough to actualy move things around.

He did, however, notice that he didn't wake up in his bed, but instead the couch in his living room. When he tried to get back into his room, it was locked. He was able to bust through the lock with a hammer, and he saw that all his stuff moved again, with the ouija board sitting in the middle of his floor.

It sounds like maybe Johnny was entering his body and making him move all of the stuff himself. Then he would leave the body, which would wake your friend up. All in all Johnny really wanted to talk about something.

I wasn't exactly sure how "Johnny" fit into that, but ever since he destroyed the board it never happened again.

That's not a good sign though...

Pretty sad, since talking to dead people is fun.

It is, but it really sounded like Johnny had to get something out.

At 8/10/08 07:38 PM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote:
Good story. Wish I had some stuff to sshare :(. My ghost went away( I think).

If you would get a board I bet not only your ghost would return, but several with him. I think the most that have ever followed the board at once with me was 8.

At 8/10/08 08:53 PM, Complete wrote:
Yeah I think the movie you are thinking about is Final Destination.

Yeah, I was.

The friend is a she and yes, death has hunted her down. Her computer blew up on her and the shockwave from the explosion sent her flying out of her window and she fell for like 6 stories and landed in a garbage truck as it was closing and it snapped her in half.

Are you shitting me? That's fucked up right there. WHy didn't you include that in the first part of your story? It's not something I think you would want to leave out.

Well this is the first time that I have gotten so many posts that I didn't feel like going through them all at one time. Meaning that I'm going to have to do a lot of catching up in the next couple of days. Oh well, it will give me some good reads.

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-10 23:49:51

I would just like to say to Corky that i think that Complete was joking about the whole friend died falling from window gag. Unless you were being sarcastic with your apology.

My graveyard is not even a mile away, I could walk to it real easy. The only problem is that I live on an extremly busy street in a non-towny town, basically its' just houses there isn't even a sidewalk. I mean the houses are pretty, but of course where I live there is no sidewalk. :( So I think my parents would find it a TAD eronius if I ask to go to a graveyard, meaning crossing my extrewmly busy street, at 3 in the morning with a camera to take pictures and prove its' haunted.

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 00:13:02

At 8/10/08 05:31 PM, Chickidydow wrote: I'm not going to lie to you, a combination of disinterest, procrastination and rising interest elsewhere is what accounted for my disappearance from this club.

Have you been sticking around newgrounds though? I honestly don't see myself ever leaving newgrounds. I just love it too much.

Aside from that I have been fine.

I'm happy to hear. I've also been great.

I haven't been actively seeking out spirits like you brave people, but rather searching the corners of the television and internet expanding my knowledge of the spiritual realms.

I haven't been seeking them out... not yet, but I will be soon.

Let this be my re-introductory post back into the crew. It is a rather long piece on my favorite paranormal activity. That's actually a bit misleading, the word favorite, because I really am not very fond of any spirits whatsoever. But these types of spirits are the ones that frighten me the worst, and are without a doubt the most dangerous spirits you can run across. They are the demonic.

I know that your specialty is religion and demons. I remember that from you first joining this crew.

Demonic spirits, or just demons if you will, are very very real.

I know. >:(

Presumably they are from Satan's hell, the one that is all fire and brimstone, a place for the inherently evil, a place separate from true hell, a limbo in which human ghosts wander aimlessly, lost from God. At least that is what I believe, and it is respectively mine. Should you believe something different, I haven't a problem with it, as honestly these are just beliefs and not facts.

Something good to have is respect for other peoples believes. Especailly in this club where people are going to have several different believes. I thank you for that.

We don't know. What is a fact is that there are things not of this world, paranormal creatures that seem to have one purpose, torture and destroy humanity. They have strange abilities and seem to be devoid of substance, a dark being of no physical form, manipulating the material world to cause suffering to all who cross their paths. they draw their power from both a place of unreality and, of course, from you.

I know where this is going. I know from personal experience on how a demon can effect you. You remember the series of dreams that I had right?

Demons are negative beings, and as such they can draw strength from any negative energy. This is created by certain emotions, depression, anger, frustration, fear, they all create the energy that demons feed off of. You can feel it, I'm sure we all have at some point.

Yeah, fear is what drove mine I think. I think the fear of having the Ouija board under my bed and that the demon might have already been attached to the board anyway.

The heaviness in the air, the apprehension, that sense of being out of place, that uncomfortable wind in the air. When do you experience this purely negative vibe from the environment? When somebody is fighting, when somebody is crying, when somebody is hating and someone is being hated. This, quite literally, fuels the fires of the demonic, the more energy they can get the more powerful they're manifestations are likely to be. They gain from negativity and cause negativity. That is why they are so tricky to deal with.

When the negative energy was lessened in my house the weird things that were happening to me seemed to end. There is still a lot of negative energy in my house, but I think that my positive outlook and my confidence is enough to keep it away.

Do you ever see an angry priest? Perhaps, but when is that priest a good priest? He isn't, because an angry priest, a priest of hatred is a priest of negativity.

No I haven't ever seen one actually. >.<

Do you ever see a happy bully? A person who enjoys life and still seeks to cause harm to others? Perhaps, but then again there are always exceptions.

Bullies do seem to enjoy harming others though. I think that the joy covers the negative energy, but doesn't get rid of it.

What I'm getting at is that fighting fire with fire just makes a bigger fire, and in no case is this more true than when it is with spirits that wish to cause harm, especially demons. To be angry at them, to seek them out and to try and force them out of your home with hatred is futile. An exorcism isn't God raining down his rage on Satan, it is filling a person or place filled with demonic spirits with positive energy. You know that feeling you get in an environment? That feeling of relaxation, peace and warmth? That is positive energy, and it is given off by happiness and love, the feelings Jesus Christ himself tried to spread to all men. They are the most powerful emotions a person can feel, and only through positive energy can a demon be combated.

He all get pissed and we all get angry. Its just all about how you get rid of the negative energy before something harmful happens both mentally and physically.

Some time ago someone posted a link to a video on youtube about a man who was possessed by demons, I watched it and only now do I understand how he was saved.

Woah, I don't remember this link. Can you post the link up again or point out what page it was on so I can check this out sometime?

A women, a single person who wasn't officially affiliated with the church, drove multiple evil spirits from this poor man's body with the simple words "In Jesus's name leave". Was it because she was hateful and angry at the spirits? No, it was because of her love for the man, and that positive energy forced them from his body.

That's the same thing that I said on the night that my problems in my room stopped happening. Was it the fact that he was scared of Jesus or was it my postive energy that I thought it was going to work which drove him away?

Homes that are generally positive in nature, with no drama in their families and no hateful people living there, are in general a lot safer from evil spirits.

Not my house. I'm surprised Satan himself hasn't found shelter in my house with all of the negative energy that is here.

Being faithful is not just parading around with a bible and yelling heathen at anyone who thinks differently, it is being a good person, a person of positive energy. That is why an angry priest is a bad one. He may know the bible like the back of his hand, but it is his anger and hatred that ruins him.

That's the thing. I'm not really religious at all. I don't go to church. I haven't ever read anything from the Bible, but I realize that the whole point is just living a good moral life.

But there are ways that they can find there way in. Demons are complicated, and can find many ways into a home of even positive energy, a home where the people are even faithful to Christ, or are perhaps Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, or are followers of Native American beliefs. Love is not picky, but it can be hindered when those who seek it are lead astray. What I mean by this is that in the home of the faithful certain objects can, in fact, offset their own positive energy. Say I had a home and covered it with objects of Christianity, but I go on a trip to New Orleans and bring back a voodoo doll. That object would actually bring a negative aura into my home, not because I am no longer faithful, but because it is a symbol of a strange deity. Even a religion of positive energy such as Buddhism can do this to my home. A Buddha statue would do the same, as would a satanic pentagram (Yes, there's a difference between the satanic pentagram, used in curses and summonings, and the good pentagram, which represents the wounds of Christ.)

So what you are saying is that two items of different religion can kind of cancel themselves out? I have never heard of this, but you do tend to know what you are talking about when it comes to religion so I guess I believe you. It just doesn't sound like something that should happen. I guess it kind of makes sense. My opinion on religion may be very different then most peoples though so I'm not really going to go into much detail about it.

I know I said I wasn't going to get to these, but oh well. I did.

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 00:28:41

Though voodoo is a negative religion, often known to be entangled in the workings of the devil, so proven by the case of the voodoo queen Marie Laveaxe, whom adopted the devil baby of bourbon street in the French Quarter, it is not the fact that it is voodoo that brings the interruption of the home's positive energy, it is the violation of the commandments. Strange idols of odd gods brought before Christ, a sin, and sins are obviously negative. This alone may provide a foothold for demons to enter the home, but if one is knowledgeable and careful about what one brings into their home, they can present a hard point for darkness to pierce, and this is where we come into the next subject. Demonic infestation.

So what I basically get form this is that voodoo is a negative religion and it can almost bring on enough negative energy from not only because its negative, but from the strange idols it beholds. I still never knew that interruption like this could have such a negative effect or that it happened at all.

A demon is intelligent, a cunning and devious creature, and is known to disguise itself as something it isn't to enter the home.

They sure are smart. They can disguise themselves as dead relatives that you may have, dead friends, or even something more serious they may take the name of their master.

They are given a fair bit of power when invited into a home, and need permission to do some of their most powerful manifestations.

I'm pretty sure mine came in attached to the board that I had brought from college, which I had used in the graveyard where I talked to "Satan", which I know now was probably just a demon taking its masters name.

I am reminded of the story of a boy who met a young ghost child in his backyard, the boy named man. He invited man into the home, and then man showed his true colors. If you read the story on my link earlier you will have a prime example of demonic infestation.

Oh man. I think you told this story before earlier in the club. It was a very interesting story. Ah, the good memories of this club.

It will play on your positive energies, your sympathy and pity, and attempt to garner acknowledgment and a permission to enter your home. Once it is well entrenched, it will then proceed to attempt to possess someone. Beyond this, a demon is very troublesome. They can teleport objects, physically harm people, wreck up rooms and break objects. Haunted dolls are seldom haunted, but rather just used as tools of some spirit, though an exception may be that of Robert the doll.

Do you think that good spirits move around objects too though? I don't always think that it's negative spirits or demons that move and break objects. Sometimes I think that the positive ones or harmless ones want to just let the people know that they are there.

That is for another story.

I like the sounds of that. That means more from you.

My point is, never trust a spirit because you simply don't know. They are known to target people with psychic abilities, or those who use Ouija boards. For your own sake, it is suggested you use neither and never try and contact a spirit, but if you must be wary of what you've been told. The demon's powers are deadly, possessed people are known to kill themselves. Cars of those targeted by a demon are known to stall out.

Do you agree that these people are weak mentally though? I think they really go after the person in the group, if there is a group, that is the most scared and worried. I feel they go after the person that has the most negative energy and fear.

The worst part is demons aren't' tied to a particular property, there is no running from a demon. My only suggestion is to nip it in the butt before it becomes a major threat, hit it with positive energy or whatever ritual your particular religion uses to dispel such spirits on your own while it's still small, otherwise professional help maybe required. They are real, they are dangerous. The fact that almost all religions have some way of dealing with them is testament to that.

You know that I like finding these dangers though no matter what could happen. That's just how I roll I guess. ;)

Good to be back guys.

Really good to have you back.

At 8/10/08 11:49 PM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: I would just like to say to Corky that i think that Complete was joking about the whole friend died falling from window gag. Unless you were being sarcastic with your apology.

Oh god I hope he was joking because that is too messed up to be real. It was like something exactly from the movie.

My graveyard is not even a mile away, I could walk to it real easy. The only problem is that I live on an extremly busy street in a non-towny town, basically its' just houses there isn't even a sidewalk. I mean the houses are pretty, but of course where I live there is no sidewalk. :( So I think my parents would find it a TAD eronius if I ask to go to a graveyard, meaning crossing my extrewmly busy street, at 3 in the morning with a camera to take pictures and prove its' haunted.

If I had a graveyard that close by then I would be going to it every week probably. You don't have to ask your parents if you maybe go over to a friends or just sneak out some night. Pictures though. Please take pictures. I've begged people to do it and we really haven't had too many at all yet.

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 00:35:26

At 8/10/08 11:40 PM, Corky52 wrote: Are you shitting me? That's fucked up right there. WHy didn't you include that in the first part of your story? It's not something I think you would want to leave out.

I was only joking. I was referring to how the deaths are like in Final Destination. She is still alive, I think.


Lately something weird has been happening in my dreams. Ever since the Ouija dream, I have been having more control over my dreams. Not exactly like lucid control. My dream still has some control. Let me give an example:

In a typical dream, if I am running from a monster, I can only run down one path. So in a nutshell, my dreams are very, very linear. If I am running and I see a great place for hiding I literally think "I want to hide there", I better hope my dream makes me hide there. It is like watching TV, I can't control anything that happens.

But lately, I am fully capable of making my own decisions. Such as if I am talking to someone, I can respond to what my dream says to me. Or if I am walking down a path, I can choose how to walk or where to walk. Just last night I had a dream I was following someone in the garage. I decided to leave, now normally my dream wouldn't allow that, but I actually left. However I still can't control much, such as where my dream takes place, what is happening, the issues, etc.

Another thing new is emotions. I am slowly getting all of them. My first emotion was awareness, such as I can feel threats or when something is not right and to be careful. An example was a few days ago. Now, this dream is extremely weird but it is a perfect example, I was a doctor and I was watching my superior doctor do something to this girl, which she appeared to look like a hooker. He left and the hooker began to come on to me. So I avoided her because the first thing I thought of was "STD".

My second emotion was sadness. I began feeling sad when I heard a relative died (In the dream of course) and I literally felt it. My third emotion was happiness, which could lead to extreme disappointment when you wake up. I think you know why. My fourth emotion is fear, I forgot most of the dream but I felt very scared in it.

I don't know what the hell is going on. It is like I am slowly developing intelligence of my own in my dreams, instead of the dream bossing me around. I don't know what will happen next, hopefully it can lead to lucid dreaming.

BBS Signature

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 00:48:22

Damn that fllensoul dude, there is no way I am getting to sleep in the next DAY now. I was looking at page six, saw some links and when followed then the second one I knew it was going to be one of those things that went out and screamed boo, but when it didn't happen for a little while I drew closer and BAM. And the picture was really creepy too, so yeah I say screw bed rright now I need some freakin' cartoons!

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 00:55:58

Ah, thank you Ninja, that is the bunch of links I was referring to. Try the last one people, it's the one I touched upon in my hella long post.

Now for Corey's questions. Yes I remember the dreams, page six, fallensoul posted it, the last one on the list, I think it was the positive energy FROM your faith and love of and from Jesus Christ that drove it away, Demons often use fake names (Apparently there is some power in knowing a demons true name), I believe intelligent spirits of the human kind, not necessarily good, but at least human, do many of the things demons do, even possession, but typically are too weak to do as much of that stuff or to do it on the scale of a demon, yes I believe demons pick on the weak of faith and mind, because they are quite cunning and intelligent, and I'm going to try and stick around for a while. And yes, Robert the Doll is probably going to be my next subject, for he is very, very peculiar and very, very powerful and quite likely very, very evil. Just look him up if you get impatient, he's fairly easy to find info on.

Teh Spoony Experiment. Click for a good time.

BBS Signature

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 00:59:25

Oh god, Robert the doll. I wanna go to that musuem today, I really hope he would like me and let me take his picture, though I am tempted to take it even if he doesn't tilt his head. The curse would be interesting.:) Yeah, right now I am shaking out of not fear but just shock the fear already wore off. But its' almost three and I don't want to scare myself too badlybefore going too bed so enough ghost video hunting stories are okay but videos aren't.

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 01:03:04

I find him intriguing, really I do. On one hand, he's an inanimate object, no different from any other 'haunted' doll. On the other he's so much more. He eats, he seems to move rather than be moved, he is said to have his own spiritual aura, though many of his tricks are those of regular spirits. Is he bound to the doll or is he in fact the doll? That is the question I ask myself, and shall be the basis of my next post assuming something else doesn't grab my attention beforehand. By the way Ninja, did you read that other one I posted?

Teh Spoony Experiment. Click for a good time.

BBS Signature

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 01:07:57

The long demon one? Yes, I did. Just curious, how should I go about ghost hunting? Though I am scared easily scared, I want to ghost hunt.

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 01:10:24

No, the link to the story about 'Annabel'? I can't tell you how to ghost hunt, I've never been, too scared to myself in fact. I'd suggest for starters having some friends along, and a camera and an EVP recorder, and hitting a mainstream spot, since those are usually pretty safe and you know what to expect, and might actually get something.

Teh Spoony Experiment. Click for a good time.

BBS Signature

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 01:17:44

Yeah, I am going to a graveyard which is mainstream. I don't think i can get an EVP thing, though. And yeah I saw the Annabelle one too. Yet again, creepy. So yeah. I don't know what else to talk about.

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 01:23:18

Ummm, I guess if I don't get killed for going off topic, you can check out TEH SPOONY EXPERIMENT. Yes people, I'm not all darkness and demons and 'Follow Christ damnit!', no no no, I'm actually a pretty laid back fella. I listen to reggae sometimes, I like the brewskie, I play the G-tar, and I love fucking Spoony (Noha). His movie reviews are quite good, but you can't get much better than his game reviews, or his 'Kingdom of the Crystal Skull' review, since they are videos of the man himself tearing everything a new asshole. A good time killer, and worth more than a few laughs to help you calm the fear of ghosts before bed.

Teh Spoony Experiment. Click for a good time.

BBS Signature

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 01:32:57

Yeah, I'm over that already. I'm watching mission hill right now. So,you have a life? I never would've guessed tha- I MEAN no just kidding. Yeah, so I feel like seeing if the graveyard is haunted, and that would explain the two-day mini-haunt. It probably will be haunted since its' a graveyard and all. And no worries, I haves a life too. Jujitsu, piano, friends, party, gotta lotta stuff on my plate. NG is only a small part of my life. (Sorry Tom)

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 12:46:55

At 8/11/08 12:35 AM, Complete wrote:
I was only joking. I was referring to how the deaths are like in Final Destination. She is still alive, I think.

That's what I thought, but I was just making sure because that would of been some freaky shit if that really happened. What would you guys do in real life? If you knew a friend was going to die, but if you saved them then they would die a horrible death in the near future then what would you do?


Lately something weird has been happening in my dreams. Ever since the Ouija dream, I have been having more control over my dreams. Not exactly like lucid control. My dream still has some control. Let me give an example:

I haven't had control over a dream of mine for a very long time. In fact I haven't had a dream in a very long time.

In a typical dream, if I am running from a monster, I can only run down one path. So in a nutshell, my dreams are very, very linear. If I am running and I see a great place for hiding I literally think "I want to hide there", I better hope my dream makes me hide there. It is like watching TV, I can't control anything that happens.

Which brings up a question that really can't be answered though. Is it you really thinking on your own or is it just your dream making you think that? It can be a very confusing subject.

But lately, I am fully capable of making my own decisions. Such as if I am talking to someone, I can respond to what my dream says to me. Or if I am walking down a path, I can choose how to walk or where to walk.

Again, if this makes any sense, how do you really know that you are controlling it or if your dream is still making those decisions for you? Maybe you want to stop walking and you stop, but that's what is really suppose to happen in your dream. Or you are going to spin around in circles, but again the thought of wanting that is just your dreams making your thoughts like that.

Just last night I had a dream I was following someone in the garage. I decided to leave, now normally my dream wouldn't allow that, but I actually left. However I still can't control much, such as where my dream takes place, what is happening, the issues, etc.

See above explanation.

Another thing new is emotions. I am slowly getting all of them. My first emotion was awareness, such as I can feel threats or when something is not right and to be careful. An example was a few days ago. Now, this dream is extremely weird but it is a perfect example, I was a doctor and I was watching my superior doctor do something to this girl, which she appeared to look like a hooker. He left and the hooker began to come on to me. So I avoided her because the first thing I thought of was "STD".

Emotions aren't really anything too new to a dream for me really. I have had sad dreams and been sad in the dream and then even wake up being sad. I have dreams where something scares me and I react to the threat like I would in real life and then even wake up being scared sometimes. If I know something is bad in a dream I usually avoid it like you said you did above, but there are those few dreams where I know something is bad, but I don't avoid it even though I want too. It's just a rarity that I have one of those though.

My second emotion was sadness. I began feeling sad when I heard a relative died (In the dream of course) and I literally felt it. My third emotion was happiness, which could lead to extreme disappointment when you wake up. I think you know why.

Those are dreams that you love and hate at the same time. You get so happy about something or your having the best time ever in your dream and then all of a sudden you wake up to being sad because you realize that it's not real.

My fourth emotion is fear, I forgot most of the dream but I felt very scared in it.

I don't know what the hell is going on. It is like I am slowly developing intelligence of my own in my dreams, instead of the dream bossing me around. I don't know what will happen next, hopefully it can lead to lucid dreaming.

If your dreams get too real then you might even fool your mind. Which on a lot of movies is a bad thing because when they die in their dreams they die in real life. Do you think that it's possible to think a dream is real so much that something like getting a scratch or even as serious as dieing can cross over into the real world?

At 8/11/08 12:48 AM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: Damn that fllensoul dude, there is no way I am getting to sleep in the next DAY now. I was looking at page six, saw some links and when followed then the second one I knew it was going to be one of those things that went out and screamed boo, but when it didn't happen for a little while I drew closer and BAM. And the picture was really creepy too, so yeah I say screw bed rright now I need some freakin' cartoons!

Lol I don't watch most of the links that come through here because I have really slow internet and they don't load for me. While I'm in college, which is very soon, it only takes a second or two to load so I watch the links then. I never knew that someone posted a screamer in here before though. >.<a t 8/11/08 12:55 AM, Chickidydow wrote:

Ah, thank you Ninja, that is the bunch of links I was referring to. Try the last one people, it's the one I touched upon in my hella long post.

I wish I could watch it. >:(

Now for Corey's questions. Yes I remember the dreams, page six, fallensoul posted it, the last one on the list, I think it was the positive energy FROM your faith and love of and from Jesus Christ that drove it away, Demons often use fake names (Apparently there is some power in knowing a demons true name), I believe intelligent spirits of the human kind, not necessarily good, but at least human, do many of the things demons do, even possession, but typically are too weak to do as much of that stuff or to do it on the scale of a demon, yes I believe demons pick on the weak of faith and mind, because they are quite cunning and intelligent,

All the way back on page six? God it seems like just not too long ago that I was talking about them. Are you sure you are talking about the right dreams here because I didn't talk about my dreams until I got home from college. I thought that the club had more then six pages by then.

and I'm going to try and stick around for a while.

Stick around for as long as you can.

And yes, Robert the Doll is probably going to be my next subject, for he is very, very peculiar and very, very powerful and quite likely very, very evil. Just look him up if you get impatient, he's fairly easy to find info on.

I still can't believe my dad use to scare me when I was little with a Chucky doll. I don't find dolls scary on their own, but the thought of one being haunted is pretty scary in itself.

At 8/11/08 12:59 AM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: Oh god, Robert the doll. I wanna go to that musuem today, I really hope he would like me and let me take his picture, though I am tempted to take it even if he doesn't tilt his head. The curse would be interesting.:) Yeah, right now I am shaking out of not fear but just shock the fear already wore off. But its' almost three and I don't want to scare myself too badlybefore going too bed so enough ghost video hunting stories are okay but videos aren't.

What are you talking about? The more scary videos the better. Even though know ghost movie is scarier then the one that I submitted, Beneath The Sheets, which I thank Complete for reviewing very much. ;)

At 8/11/08 01:03 AM, Chickidydow wrote: I find him intriguing, really I do. On one hand, he's an inanimate object, no different from any other 'haunted' doll. On the other he's so much more. He eats,

Wait he eats?

he seems to move rather than be moved, he is said to have his own spiritual aura, though many of his tricks are those of regular spirits. Is he bound to the doll or is he in fact the doll? That is the question I ask myself, and shall be the basis of my next post assuming something else doesn't grab my attention beforehand. By the way Ninja, did you read that other one I posted?

I'm really going to have to look at this soon.

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 12:48:10

At 8/11/08 01:07 AM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: The long demon one? Yes, I did. Just curious, how should I go about ghost hunting? Though I am scared easily scared, I want to ghost hunt.

There is no shame in being scared when going ghost hunting. Everyone is going to be scared, but it's how you handle it. Even the best ghost hunters get scared, but if you go and freak out on every little thing then your not going to be good at it. Even when you get something really big that happens you have to stay calm and stick it out. Trust me you would be pissed off at yourself if you saw a real ghost and then all of the sudden you freaked out and ran away. You want to experience all if that you can.

At 8/11/08 01:10 AM, Chickidydow wrote: No, the link to the story about 'Annabel'? I can't tell you how to ghost hunt, I've never been, too scared to myself in fact. I'd suggest for starters having some friends along, and a camera and an EVP recorder, and hitting a mainstream spot, since those are usually pretty safe and you know what to expect, and might actually get something.

I think that the best thing to do is to just take a long two other people with you. One with a camera, one with a very small light (small so you don't scare things away, but you still need light to pick stuff up on a camera), and one person that is video taping. If you feel weird or feel different in any spot then sit there and take pictures all around the area. You will know when you find something big because all of the sudden the batteries will start to drain from the cameras. A camera on any regular day will last so long, but on a ghost hunt it only seems to last half as long. I think this is because spirits and ghosts draw energy from the cameras to find enough strength to make themselves shown or to make a noise of some sort.

At 8/11/08 01:17 AM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: Yeah, I am going to a graveyard which is mainstream. I don't think i can get an EVP thing, though. And yeah I saw the Annabelle one too. Yet again, creepy.

Well again, you don't need to much fancy equipment, but I like places that you won't pick up lights from the town or houses because that can mess pictures up. Make sure not to take a picture towards light because it will appear in the picture as wavy energy and it may make you think its a spirit.

So yeah. I don't know what else to talk about.

If you ever run out of things to talk about here just find a link to a scary ghost movie or another scary story and the conversation will start right back up.

At 8/11/08 01:23 AM, Chickidydow wrote: Ummm, I guess if I don't get killed for going off topic, you can check out TEH SPOONY EXPERIMENT. Yes people, I'm not all darkness and demons and 'Follow Christ damnit!', no no no, I'm actually a pretty laid back fella. I listen to reggae sometimes, I like the brewskie, I play the G-tar, and I love fucking Spoony (Noha). His movie reviews are quite good, but you can't get much better than his game reviews, or his 'Kingdom of the Crystal Skull' review, since they are videos of the man himself tearing everything a new asshole. A good time killer, and worth more than a few laughs to help you calm the fear of ghosts before bed.

I gave the website a quick look over and it doesn't look like something that I would really be into to be honest. Newgrounds is actually the only website that I go on except for occasionally myspace, facebook, nfl.com, and youtube. Of course whatever is linked here I give a look at too, but I spend so much time on newgrounds when I find time for the interenet that I don't have time for any other site.

At 8/11/08 01:32 AM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: Yeah, I'm over that already. I'm watching mission hill right now. So,you have a life? I never would've guessed tha- I MEAN no just kidding.

People would never guess that I'm a person you likes to compete in weightlifting competitions and someone who plays semi-pro football either. Yes we all have lives out of the internet. Most of us do anyway.

Yeah, so I feel like seeing if the graveyard is haunted, and that would explain the two-day mini-haunt. It probably will be haunted since its' a graveyard and all. And no worries, I haves a life too. Jujitsu, piano, friends, party, gotta lotta stuff on my plate. NG is only a small part of my life. (Sorry Tom)

Don't apologize to Tom, it's not like he is going to see it. >.< And it's not like he really cares too much. All he cares is that the Ad money is coming in and making him even richer.

I think my friend and I are going to be making some more movies soon, but they won't be ghost related like Beneath The Sheets was. I will still link them here since I know some of you guys will check it out and I'm sure some of you guys like some good humor and a laugh here and there. After that probably not too many movies from me since I will be back at college. Maybe a quiz or guide here and there, but really nothing too much. I do have a very big project that is all animated though so as soon as the first episode is done I will be sure to link you to the front page so you can find it yourself. ;)

All I can tell you about it is that it's a Silent Hill series so I know some of you horror/ghost guys will love to check it out and I promise for it to be scary and actioned packed.

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 12:59:35

Thanks. I will try to get out during the day so it doesn't seem so weird to my parents that I'm going out so late and so a friedns can accompany me. I'll upload photos and if I can use it, video. That is when I getaround to it. Also, here's a good link to true stories. And what i meant by my post of no more vidos wasn't to stop submitting them, its' just I wasn't going to watch anymore. They creep me out a lot more then stores.

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 13:52:51

At 8/11/08 12:46 PM, Corky52 wrote:
Again, if this makes any sense, how do you really know that you are controlling it or if your dream is still making those decisions for you? Maybe you want to stop walking and you stop, but that's what is really suppose to happen in your dream. Or you are going to spin around in circles, but again the thought of wanting that is just your dreams making your thoughts like that.

I thought about that too, it is very hard to explain but I am almost 100% sure it is me controlling. Maybe I always had the "awareness" emotion, but it was a lot less weaker. It can't really be explained though. But that is a good point. However I can compare a modern dream to my younger dreams and see major difference in control.

Another thing new is emotions. I am slowly getting all of them. My first emotion was awareness, such as I can feel threats or when something is not right and to be careful. An example was a few days ago. Now, this dream is extremely weird but it is a perfect example, I was a doctor and I was watching my superior doctor do something to this girl, which she appeared to look like a hooker. He left and the hooker began to come on to me. So I avoided her because the first thing I thought of was "STD".
Emotions aren't really anything too new to a dream for me really.

Well I would wake up and remember the dreams and can be happy, sad, scared, etc. But my emotions in my dreams are a bit stronger.

If your dreams get too real then you might even fool your mind. Which on a lot of movies is a bad thing because when they die in their dreams they die in real life. Do you think that it's possible to think a dream is real so much that something like getting a scratch or even as serious as dieing can cross over into the real world?

Maybe, but I doubt it.

BBS Signature

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 13:56:13

Dude. Satanism? The one thing that is 100% sure to bring demons into your house, if not your body? I just know someone here is going to try it, and get seriously hurt. Check out the last ink in fallensolu's post of link's on page six. That guy was a Satanist.

Oh and slight correction on previous post. I didn't mean I would stop watching them entirely, just to stop then because I had to go to bed and it was almost 3. :0

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 14:38:13

Not necessarily bring demons into your house with Demons, what really intrigued me was the self-actualizing and self gratifying philsophies of Satanism. (or Leveyism). ie. If someone disses YOUR own house. (throw the fucker out), take RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions, (no being a little emo whore, and saying, oh football jocks, this, teachers that, parents this, bullies that). I like that with Satanism. basically he's saying you own your own fucking body (his attitude, I like to have a more cooperative synergy symbosis with spirits relationships). But lots of balls to go it your own way. With your own consequences.

With Lucifer's orginally revolution against, god. It's better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. It was Anarchism vs Centralized Federalism (the one and ONLY god). Actually I have alot of respect for that.

At 4/22/09 12:38 AM, MultiCanimefan wrote: Raped by hongkong. NEXT.

Yeah, that was one champion of a post, wasn't it? -Zerok

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 14:42:09

Like these kids who go to magic stores to buy a copy of the Necronominicon, believe that they can conjurate an undead army of Skeleton soldiers or some shit they saw on Buffy, or Bruce Cambell). This book isn't a spell book, it's a fictional story, in the same series of Lovecraft's other works...

You want to mess with undead, and bio science, and poke around with the mechanics of human organisms, just study to be a forensics scientist like on CSI. (you get to examine the mechanics of human machinery), or hell, study Stem cells.

At 4/22/09 12:38 AM, MultiCanimefan wrote: Raped by hongkong. NEXT.

Yeah, that was one champion of a post, wasn't it? -Zerok

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 14:48:11

How to summon sucubbuses.... Stop masturbating for an entire year. let your Mojo (endocrine imbalances build up, so your body is filled with horny hormones). You'll start dreaming of babes, and getting wet dreams. (sucubusses, sucking you off), serious!

how to summon monsterous demons, get your dad really drunk and angry! or get yourself really drunk or angry! This happened one night. I drank LOTS of saki, and then smoked weed, and became a "ww2 undead Samurai, soldier..... Pearl Harbor was also playing at the time). Booze will always be a magical potion to turn one into a demon. Devil's piss I call it. But serious, just become really drunk, really drunk listen to some heavy metal, or some war ballard by Drop Kick Murphies, run around the neighborhood, causing a big rukus.... Just stay sane enough to not kill or rape anybody. Destruction a must for this lol!

or stay sober, and watch someone else become the "Demon". drinking brings out the best or The WORST, in someone.

At 4/22/09 12:38 AM, MultiCanimefan wrote: Raped by hongkong. NEXT.

Yeah, that was one champion of a post, wasn't it? -Zerok

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 15:08:31

today's spritual, or physical lesson... Ibuki breathing... for you martial artists, know that Ibuki breathing is forced breathing, particularly when on screams out yahhhh when striking. (this is to keep you breathing, to keep you fighting). Muscles need air. air goes through your lungs, and through sacs, then transfered to the red blood cells, which travel to your cells, along with food...

The cells burn this energy, called ATP, and creating Chi energy. (just life energy). For those of you who played Parasite Eve, (great game), the Mitochondria, or Midelochorians (in Luca's mind), give us spritualists our life energy.

now then Ibuki breathing, when you're tired as fuck. (maybe your teacher is boring you with rundundant but IMPORTANT information (he or she is just giving the lesson over and over again to strengthen your skills. These skills are important to your FREEDOM in a democratic society (the ability to reject bullshit and dogma, and keep on going forward, this is important if you want to fuck around with ghostly things we talk about here. What happens if you hit a very very bad spot as you psychonaut (brain sailor), that make the Malestrom from Pirates 3 look like a gentle breeze? you need your own ingenuity to survive these storms). You say WTF when you read crazy posts (especially mine). I don't care. This is one way to transverse these waves. As there are spirits out there who are assholes who don't want you to travel some happy hippy trip. and they give terrible mind fucks to spritualists. (this is why we have Holy wars, in ANY religion btw).

How to get over the fear? breathing.... breathing helps center you in THIS world. and bring happy warm blood to your brain. If you're tired at work, tired at school your teacher teaches boring shit, just sliently breath HARD. Suck on the air if you were some coke head! You'll feel very very good, for the next 5 min. Get high on air!!!!!

As your body feels better, the bullshit of this world would become nil! That's why office jokes on paper say. Stop breath! if someone is being a jerk to you giving you bad service. They haven't mastered this chilled to the bone ability....

breathing will also help you create stay focused on your work, that helps you get to the work that you like(presumable something artistic and something creative that you know you were spritually created for).

What also helps, breath helps society, as you're doing your part to help make the world a less stressful and angry place, again helping to shift to more abundant and fairer society. (just by doing what you were created for). New ageists, often talk about abundance, this, wealth, that, law of attraction, and other manifestations of prosperity. What they are refering to is, as you live a productive and constructive life, always moving foward, (and breathing out the fear, helps). you will prosper, and ultimately develop your own unique talent, and contribution.....

Jesus just wants you to help ONE person, yourself. by contributing to yourself, you're not contribution to the shitty world we live in. so be good to yourself. Treat yourself like gold, and.... heh, being a rich playboy, that lazy around, and is materialistic, isn't being good to yourself. Score higher, with the REAL points. (your advancement, as you advance)...

At 4/22/09 12:38 AM, MultiCanimefan wrote: Raped by hongkong. NEXT.

Yeah, that was one champion of a post, wasn't it? -Zerok

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 16:05:55

At 8/11/08 02:48 PM, hongkongexpress wrote: How to summon sucubbuses.... Stop masturbating for an entire year. let your Mojo (endocrine imbalances build up, so your body is filled with horny hormones). You'll start dreaming of babes, and getting wet dreams. (sucubusses, sucking you off), serious!

im gonna try that one! It will be a challenge

NewGrounds' forum signatures are terrible.

BBS Signature

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 16:50:49

At 8/11/08 04:05 PM, tejowlyinsurancedog wrote:
At 8/11/08 02:48 PM, hongkongexpress wrote: How to summon sucubbuses.... Stop masturbating for an entire year. let your Mojo (endocrine imbalances build up, so your body is filled with horny hormones). You'll start dreaming of babes, and getting wet dreams. (sucubusses, sucking you off), serious!
im gonna try that one! It will be a challenge

>>> Want to really challenge yourself, fantasize about sexy chicks at school, or out there. Ie. Kylie Minogue, and work out! to really get those hormones floating... Holy shit, no wonder Shao Lin Monks can fly around and slam their fists into stone, with out breaking.... or Catholic Knights (the good ones not the evil Sith ones), could like fly around and shoot lazers with their swords, or that Sexy Bastlia Shan from Knights of the Old Republic, was such an angry sex babe! Or Yoda could lift that Xwing....

a Whole YEAR at Your age? well if you succeed, just don't turn into the Incredible Hulk and charge at some cops.....

At 4/22/09 12:38 AM, MultiCanimefan wrote: Raped by hongkong. NEXT.

Yeah, that was one champion of a post, wasn't it? -Zerok

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 18:22:28

Want to really challenge yourself, fantasize about sexy chicks at school, or out there. Ie. Kylie Minogue, and work out! to really get those hormones floating... Holy shit, no wonder Shao Lin Monks can fly around and slam their fists into stone, with out breaking.... or Catholic Knights (the good ones not the evil Sith ones), could like fly around and shoot lazers with their swords, or that Sexy Bastlia Shan from Knights of the Old Republic, was such an angry sex babe! Or Yoda could lift that Xwing....

a Whole YEAR at Your age? well if you succeed, just don't turn into the Incredible Hulk and charge at some cops.....


NewGrounds' forum signatures are terrible.

BBS Signature

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 18:35:00

On the topic of sexy babes. Damn Eva Longoria..... Hmmmm

BBS Signature

Response to Ghost / Supernat. Club 2008-08-11 19:16:23

At 8/11/08 12:59 PM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: Thanks. I will try to get out during the day so it doesn't seem so weird to my parents that I'm going out so late and so a friedns can accompany me. I'll upload photos and if I can use it, video.

Alright, I hope I'm not mistaking what you are saying here, but are you just leaving during the day to go to a friends or also going to the graveyard during the day? I hope your not going during the day because we probably won't be catching anything on camera during the day. Again, if you guys could get out of the house then the best time would be around one in the morning and then stick around there until around three thirty or four. Which might mean sleeping all day and setting your alarm to get up for the early.

That is when I getaround to it. Also, here's a good link to true stories.

Nice, thanks for the link.

And what i meant by my post of no more vidos wasn't to stop submitting them, its' just I wasn't going to watch anymore. They creep me out a lot more then stores.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes though a really good story creeps me out more then a video because in a story I can let my mind do the imagining for me and sometimes that can be a lot scarier.

At 8/11/08 01:40 PM, slevin wrote: A website about summoning demons, truth or myth?

Ah, another link. Why thank you. :)>

At 8/11/08 01:52 PM, Complete wrote:
I thought about that too, it is very hard to explain but I am almost 100% sure it is me controlling. Maybe I always had the "awareness" emotion, but it was a lot less weaker. It can't really be explained though. But that is a good point. However I can compare a modern dream to my younger dreams and see major difference in control.
Well I would wake up and remember the dreams and can be happy, sad, scared, etc. But my emotions in my dreams are a bit stronger.

Yeah, like I said that can be a very confusing topic to talk about it and personally I don't know enough about dreams for me to make an educated theory on how everything works. Maybe someday I will be, but not now.

Maybe, but I doubt it.

I mean I have woken up where my leg was hurt in a dream and I swear when I woke up my leg was sore, but that could just be maybe it got hit while I was sleeping. Maybe I hit it myself or maybe I rolled into the wall. Small things like that can't be proved, but a big scratch or major injury wouldn't be explainable. But I doubt it too.

At 8/11/08 01:56 PM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: Dude. Satanism? The one thing that is 100% sure to bring demons into your house, if not your body? I just know someone here is going to try it, and get seriously hurt. Check out the last ink in fallensolu's post of link's on page six. That guy was a Satanist.

Ha, and if I remember correctly he had a very scary haunting. I think he was the one that saw a ghost of a girl that was killed in his house, which really wanted him to leave. That might of been someone else though.

Oh and slight correction on previous post. I didn't mean I would stop watching them entirely, just to stop then because I had to go to bed and it was almost 3. :0

What are you doing up at three in the morning? That's the best time to watch them. That's the Dead Time. >.<a t 8/11/08 02:38 PM, hongkongexpress wrote:

Not necessarily bring demons into your house with Demons, what really intrigued me was the self-actualizing and self gratifying philsophies of Satanism. (or Leveyism). ie. If someone disses YOUR own house. (throw the fucker out), take RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions, (no being a little emo whore, and saying, oh football jocks, this, teachers that, parents this, bullies that).

Yeah, guys. No emo whores are allowed in this club anyways. >.<

I like that with Satanism. basically he's saying you own your own fucking body (his attitude, I like to have a more cooperative synergy symbosis with spirits relationships). But lots of balls to go it your own way. With your own consequences.

I personally would like to think that my body is my body and that another being doesn't have control over my life.

With Lucifer's orginally revolution against, god. It's better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. It was Anarchism vs Centralized Federalism (the one and ONLY god). Actually I have alot of respect for that.

But is it really better to serve in hell then it is rule in heaven? Again, I don't know enough on the subject to really go into that much.

At 8/11/08 02:42 PM, hongkongexpress wrote: Like these kids who go to magic stores to buy a copy of the Necronominicon, believe that they can conjurate an undead army of Skeleton soldiers or some shit they saw on Buffy, or Bruce Cambell). This book isn't a spell book, it's a fictional story, in the same series of Lovecraft's other works...

I have to admit that this reminded me of the times that I use to play Diablo 2 and raise a small army of the dead with the one player you could be. Is anything from a magic store really any use though? Does any of it work?

You want to mess with undead, and bio science, and poke around with the mechanics of human organisms, just study to be a forensics scientist like on CSI. (you get to examine the mechanics of human machinery), or hell, study Stem cells.

I rather study the dead in another way. Like going ghost hunting and looking for ghosts or spirits. I'm not really that into science. I'm actually really going to hate having science classes in college. >:(

At 8/11/08 02:48 PM, hongkongexpress wrote: How to summon sucubbuses.... Stop masturbating for an entire year. let your Mojo (endocrine imbalances build up, so your body is filled with horny hormones). You'll start dreaming of babes, and getting wet dreams. (sucubusses, sucking you off), serious!

I'm 100 percent sure that I could stop masturbating for a year or more, but at the same time I'm also 100 percent sure that I wouldn't be able to stop from having sex for that long. I think that's out of the picture.

how to summon monsterous demons, get your dad really drunk and angry! or get yourself really drunk or angry! This happened one night. I drank LOTS of saki, and then smoked weed, and became a "ww2 undead Samurai, soldier..... Pearl Harbor was also playing at the time). Booze will always be a magical potion to turn one into a demon. Devil's piss I call it. But serious, just become really drunk, really drunk listen to some heavy metal, or some war ballard by Drop Kick Murphies, run around the neighborhood, causing a big rukus.... Just stay sane enough to not kill or rape anybody. Destruction a must for this lol!

Lmao, I love the tips you are giving everyone. I suggest everyone goes out and does this immediatly, taking pictures and video whenever possible. ;)

Of course pictures so we can see the demon in you. ;)

or stay sober, and watch someone else become the "Demon". drinking brings out the best or The WORST, in someone.

Well since I don't drink I will ask the members that do a question. Is it true that the truth comes out when you are drunk? I've had a friend that has gotten drunk and told the truth many of times, but he also tends to lie a bit more. Like how he told us he got pull over by a cop and then again told us that it never happened when he got sober. At the same time though he was telling a kid off that he really hated, which he would of never done while sober.

At 8/11/08 04:05 PM, tejowlyinsurancedog wrote:
im gonna try that one! It will be a challenge

I dare you to try it! I don't think that you could do it, but if you could then that would be pretty crazy. The hormones that go through the body of someone your age would make this near to impossible, but hell if you can do it more power to you. I just wouldn't want to be in the general area when that year was up. >.<

You know what. I wish more of us live in the same general area so we could all go ghost hunting sometime. Maybe not all of us, but a small group of about 3-5. With the mentality of the people here I'm sure we could find something somewhere. It would be fun, but too hard to get together. Maybe sometime in the future, but not the near future at least.