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300 = Best Movie Evar

5,456 Views | 95 Replies

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-13 01:00:25

I can't believe that I haven't seen it yet.


Sig made by me, want one? Pm me, don't expect something really fancy though.

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 12:20:52

I finally saw it last night. It was definitely the best movie I've seen in theatres in a long time. I've wasted ten bucks and been disappointed too many times, so I don't go very often anymore, but it was worth the risk last night. Yeah, I saw it on St. Patty's Day. Doesn't mean I didn't get shitfaced after ;)

It was extremely well done, and they managed to keep the film believable the whole way through. What I mean by that is you never really noticed that this was a modern film acted out today; it was completely immersive and (for some strange reason) everything was credible. If movies set in ancient times aren't done properly, the audience can usually see that there wasn't enough work.

Loved the visuals, music, acting, sound EVERYTHING. Some parts were slightly boring, but meh. I could care less. I was also reminded of Gladiator at certain points, but 300 shoves a spear up Gladiator's anus.

At one point during one of the battle scenes I realized I had a smile from ear to ear. I was a giddy school girl, and I thought to myself "Wow, look at all these people getting brutally slaughtered. This is awesome. I'm a horrible person."


Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 12:39:09

$31,185,000 this weekend, still going strong.

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 12:42:06

Ya. That movie was pretty good.. But, not "epic"

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 12:43:44

I still havent seen it. This sucks.. >=(

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 12:55:38

I saw it an absolute must see movie it should be MANDATORY for teenage males to see the movie.The action,the story, the beautiful scenery.The movie was an unbridled dream come true.It had a fantasy feeling, while still adhering to some hitorical facs.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 13:05:58

I saw it on opening night. The best hack 'n slash to date.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 13:16:20

At 3/11/07 03:34 PM, JackPhantasm wrote: Cheesiest dialogue in the world.

So was Army of Darkness and that movie ruled.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 13:17:39

At 3/18/07 01:10 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: You people are Still talking about 300?! .......sigh people these day's.

YEAH! It's such an OLD movie you guys it's like a week old! You're STILL talking about it! Oh my God!

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 13:29:54

At 3/11/07 04:08 PM, life wrote: One of my favorite bits from the comic, which isn't in the trailer and may or may not be in the movie... when the Spartans arrive at the mustering point for the Greek armies, one of the other city-states' soldiers says, "I thought the Spartans would have sent more soldiers." Leonidas (or Dienikes, I forget) asks them what their professions are, and they respond farmer, potter, merchant, etc. Then he asks his own Spartans what their profession is, and when they all lift their spears in the air, he says, "See? We still brought more soldiers than you."

That's in the movie, and was a good scene. Yes, the dialog was cheesy, but it's the good kind of cheesy. The action was good too.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 13:34:35

At 3/10/07 09:53 AM, EyelessArchfiend wrote: If there was, I will fight you. That is no lie.


anchorman reference?

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 16:53:12

Amazing movie, first one that I have been to in a long time that recieved a standing ovation. I'm going to see at least two more times in theaters, at least once at IMAX. I'm also trying to find someone at my school who can get it for me bootleg.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 17:12:21


300 = Best Movie Evar

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 19:27:17

Totally disagree.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 19:29:59

At 3/18/07 05:12 PM, Alex122 wrote: sparta?

Heh, that's kinda neat, because I was listening to this song, and when he was saying that line a bunch of times, it went along with the sig :P

At 3/18/07 07:27 PM, GiantDouche wrote: Totally disagree.

Wow, you're original because you claim to dislike something the majority of people enjoy. Bet you feel pretty special now.

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 19:34:13

At 3/10/07 09:57 AM, ArabFreak wrote: There's a fair amount of yelling in the film.


I've been Fab since the re-design,have you?


BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 19:35:25

I just got back from seeing it today.

I was impressed, but not as impressed as I thought I would be. The whole cinematography was incredible. The style was amazing, and the action was very cool.

A little cheesy at points, but still a good movie. Also, some unnecessary nudity at times. I felt the times they showed it, it was totally unneeded.

Now on to the point of historical accuracy. I, for one, didn't care at all how accurate the movie was. Some other people, on the other hand, complained about it the whole time. I'm sure Miller didn't design it to be a lesson in history, and I feel it would have been boring if it was completely true.

Sure there were more people fighting, allegedly. Sure the Spartans wore more than a cape. But I'll be damned if it wasn't a cool movie.

Overall, I was impressed. It was a great movie. Not in my top 10, but it would probably be in my top 20.

I'd give it about a 8 1/2 out of 10.

Jason Becker, will of steel. | Django Reinhardt, the greatest.

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 19:45:05

At 3/10/07 06:17 PM, Gunter45 wrote: I can't understand why people are using that as a basis to critique the film; this is madness!

Ughhh...I can't...help it!!

At 3/10/07 06:17 PM, Gunter45 wrote: this is madness!



I have nothing to say that is at all relevant.

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 19:51:28

is this move over rated/hyped like Snakes on a Plane?

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 21:26:12

At 3/18/07 07:51 PM, HAcoreRD wrote: is this move over rated/hyped like Snakes on a Plane?


because people actually went and saw 300 instead of just talking about it like with snakes


Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 21:27:28

man i need to see this movie...i hear its fukin bad ass

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 21:31:36

NG UOTD 2/4/11 | I run a Minecraft server. | Con los terroristas

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 21:33:06

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 21:51:07

Anybody hear about the crap about this movie being against the religion of the middle east? They need to grow up and enjoy the gore and blood

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 21:51:57

Didn't want to see it. Looks to mid evil for me. I would probably get very bored and ask for my money back. But I suppose since you all say its so good, I'll go see it.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 21:54:37

At 3/18/07 09:27 PM, CruzAzul-19 wrote: man i need to see this movie...i hear its fukin bad ass

That's because it is fucking bad ass!

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 22:20:32

Was an awesome movie!
Loved it!
Loved this is SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!
If u haven't seen it, u don't know what u r missing.

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 22:26:09

The movie was horrible and I fell asleep.

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 23:24:34

I concur. I give this film an 11 out of 10.

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-18 23:42:13

It was a good movie. Not the greatest thing ever, but an extremely satisfying visceral experience.

Also, the people saying that a bronze sword could sever thousands upon thousands of limbs, and pierce plenty of armor along the way, without losing its edge are insane. The highest quality metal available today couldn't keep an edge that long. But srsly, who cares?

I just wish the immortals would've brought down more spartans. Yea, spartans are trained fighters, but the immortals are trained fighters and lookk to be on a level above that of the human, in terms of reflexes and power.

Everything is everything

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