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300 = Best Movie Evar

5,455 Views | 95 Replies

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 11:42:14

At 3/10/07 11:39 AM, TheChaosDemon wrote: I really hate it when people say "OMG IT WAS SOO UN-REALISTIC! THE PERSIANS DIDN'T LOOK LIKE THAT!"

STFU, it's based on a comic book, not the fucking historical even you assholes.

Yeah, I agree. They were actually still pretty accurate with most of the historical shit.

You've finally made it home

Draped in the flag that you fell for

And so it goes - the ashes of the wake

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 11:46:44

'Cuz thats how us greeks roll ;)

the sequal 400 has been announced also :]

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 11:49:24

Did anyone else think the king looked like a transexual mexican, and what was that like a pound, pound and a half of gold on his face?

Other than some over the top/stupid/disgustingly disfigured faggots, I enjoyed the movie. Since the action was amazing and really, that's what I payed my money to see.

A friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend with weed is better.

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 11:52:03

At 3/10/07 11:49 AM, EternitySpent wrote: Did anyone else think the king looked like a transexual mexican, and what was that like a pound, pound and a half of gold on his face?

Other than some over the top/stupid/disgustingly disfigured faggots, I enjoyed the movie. Since the action was amazing and really, that's what I payed my money to see.

Yeah, my friends and I were making fun of him the whole time. Especially at the end when Leonidas throws the spear at his face, I go, "OOF MY LIPSTICK. NO FACIALS NOW, JULIO!"

You've finally made it home

Draped in the flag that you fell for

And so it goes - the ashes of the wake

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 11:54:18

Yea I saw that movie last night. They got this badass dude in there that looks like eddy from IronMaiden. Fucking awsome movie.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 12:00:00

Honestly, some of the dialogue in 300 was really fucking bad. But it's an action movie, so that shouldn't count against it at all unless you're a dipshit who doesn't know how to sit back and enjoy a movie without criticizing irrelevant details. As far as action movies go, I give it a 9 out of 10.

But if you want to see character development, well-written dialogue, and historical accuracy, you'd be better off seeing Zodiac.

I am not responsible for the content of the post above.

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 12:02:11

THIS IS....SPARTA!!!!!!!!

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 12:04:23

I don't care about this movie.

For in just a few weeks TMNT comes out.

ERROR - you must enter at least one search term longer than characters.

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 12:29:24

Im going to watch that movie today.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 12:31:34

I'm glad it's getting good reviews. I literally plan to see this movie in 15 mins (It's my birthday and my parents are taking me).


Someone once asked me why I call myself Unimportant. Simple, I said. As a nihilist, that's what I see everyone and everything as. In the end, we are all Unimportant.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 12:32:22

I just knew I would find this topic in General somewhere lol, but yea I saw the movie last night and its probably one of my favorites. I just want to say to all the douche bags out there who have to get all technical and shit and look for every flaw in a movie that you need to shut the hell up. 300 was simply beautiful, the story line was interesting and the battle scenes were like no other. And I really can't stand it when you idiots try to point out historical innacurracys, its based of a graphic novel, not history. Anyways if you guys seriously go to a movie and just decide to criticize it the whole time than I pity you because your never going to enjoy a quality movie in your life, just sit down and watch the thing.

-So basically 300 was a sensation, the special effects and art aspect of the movie was facinating, each scene had its own beauty, I absolutely loved the movie.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 12:33:58

all i care is it...


thats all i care about (im such a nerd)

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 16:38:32

The movie was epic and all. But if it weren't for all the slowdown effects, the movie wouldn't even be an hour long.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 16:39:18

I heard that was nice.

There is a war going on in you're mind. People and ideas all competing for you're thoughts. And if you're thinking, you're winning.

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 16:41:24

I Made 300 sigs, because I saw it yesterday (in IMAX) and totally loved it

If you like one, use it.
PM Me on my main (MadCow) for me to put your name on the ones with my name.

also, perhaps credit me?

Sig One, very dark and grungy, I didn't think it needed any writing on it cuz it's hardcore like that >:o

Sig Two from the scene where the enemy shoots like, a million fuckin arrows

Sig Three I may just take the font off of it, unless a bunch of people want their names on it. From the classic scene where the Spartans push those guys off a cliff

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 16:44:28

At 3/10/07 11:16 AM, Lil-Jimmy wrote: It was given 2 stars.

** / *****

All people's opinion's.
The Newspaper I saw gave it 2.5 out of 4 stars.

I could give it a solid 3, maybe even 3.5 out of 4.
If they used all the special effects and shit, and gave it the plot of Gladiator, it would be the best movie in the world.

At 3/10/07 04:38 PM, X-Naut wrote: The movie was epic and all. But if it weren't for all the slowdown effects, the movie wouldn't even be an hour long.

Nah, that's just a retarded joke.

The slow-motion effect was used only a couple times during the battles, and when you see it, you probably won't be complaining, because it looks totally awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 16:45:58

At 3/10/07 09:53 AM, EyelessArchfiend wrote: Go fucking see this movie if you've got a set.

What do you mean by set?

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-10 18:17:21

The movie was not meant to be historical in the least. Not only was it based on a comic book which wasn't meant to be historical, they changed up a lot of the formations and everything for the sake of looking good on film. God forbid people take artistic licence with a movie based on a comic based loosely on an actual event. They make no claims that the movie is anything but sheer entertainment. I can't understand why people are using that as a basis to critique the film; this is madness!

Think you're pretty clever...

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-11 15:09:23


5 million over their budget.

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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-11 15:30:14

The trailer of 300 looks pretty good, I may go to the cinema next weekend to see if it is really as good as advertised.

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-11 15:34:54

Cheesiest dialogue in the world.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-11 16:04:32

Tits, Blood, and yelling.

This recipe made for the best movie ever.

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-11 16:08:17

I haven't seen the movie yet, but people bitching about realism and historical accuracy obviously haven't read the comics--or they missed the point.

Yeah, the comics aren't historically accurate. They're -mythic-. It's meant to perpetuate the legendary elements of the story, rather than reducing it to a cold documentary. There's a very long tradition--including the ancient Greeks, up to the romantic Classicists--of portraying heroic figures nude or semi-nude, as a way of highlighting the aesthetics of their bodies, and the 'purity' of their acts as symbols.

And while Miller might not have been explicitly imitating classical Greek art forms, he's definitely more interested in choosing his artistic style for visual impact rather than as a way of literally representing historical accuracy. The book is fucking full of panoramic shots of perfectly aligned, symmetrical shield-walls, Spartans uniformly [un]equipped with cloak, helmet, shield and spear, and so on. The implied comparison of Leonidas, naked and toting a spear, with Xerxes, pimped out with enough piercings and chains to sink a boat, is about as subtle as a kick in the crotch.

And yeah, the story has jack shit to do with 'freedom' in the modern since--it never has, and doesn't in Miller's retelling. It's oldschool, macho, military self-sacrifice. Hell, it's the myth of military self-sacrifice, as far as the modern world is concerned. The closest thing to 'freedom' is the idea of fighting for one's homeland against foreign invaders, which has been inspiration for all sorts of unfree armies throughout the ages, including Stalin's Red Army and Hitler's Wehrmacht. Frankly, I'm not even sure what makes people think the movie is about 'freedom' to begin with.

One of my favorite bits from the comic, which isn't in the trailer and may or may not be in the movie... when the Spartans arrive at the mustering point for the Greek armies, one of the other city-states' soldiers says, "I thought the Spartans would have sent more soldiers." Leonidas (or Dienikes, I forget) asks them what their professions are, and they respond farmer, potter, merchant, etc. Then he asks his own Spartans what their profession is, and when they all lift their spears in the air, he says, "See? We still brought more soldiers than you." That's pretty much what the movie is about: rah-rah militarism, of the oldest sort, essentially much unencumbered by any moral subtlety or political nuance.

So, yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-11 16:08:58

Incredible fucking movie experience.

Also, anyone else notice when he says "COME AND GET SOME!!!!"

I lol'd.

BBS Signature

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-11 16:17:18

Can someone tell me the song that plays in the trailer?

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-11 16:29:09

I wouldn't say it was the BEST movie out there, but it was fucking epic. Certainly one of the best though iMO.

"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery"

Personal Development

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-11 16:50:13

Just found the 300 trailer song. It is Just How You Imagined by Nine Inch Nails Pretty sick!

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-13 00:15:10

At 3/11/07 04:17 PM, UnknownFear wrote: Can someone tell me the song that plays in the trailer?

its "just like you imagined" by nine inch nails. .. its on the fragile album disc 1

Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-13 00:15:58

You're goddamned right it is :)


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Response to 300 = Best Movie Evar 2007-03-13 00:45:55

I prefer Gladiator...

Entertaining movie.


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