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design your own lightsaber

44,139 Views | 325 Replies
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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-01-03 10:38:28

here's my post, the knot is not that brilliant but it's the idea

design your own lightsaber

Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-01-03 10:50:17

Do you guys use photoshop Cs2 for that stuff

Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-01-03 10:51:57

At 1/3/07 10:50 AM, xxredxx wrote: Do you guys use photoshop Cs2 for that stuff

I use Photoshop elements

Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-01-03 12:35:04

At 1/3/07 10:50 AM, xxredxx wrote: Do you guys use photoshop Cs2 for that stuff

Well, i do. But i'm also planning to get a graphic tablet for this junk.

Drag0nSnak3© wuz here... that means me!

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-01-04 21:13:39

At 1/3/07 02:06 PM, Electric-Bla wrote: What can I say?


Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-01-04 22:05:25

Fans of 8-Bit Theatre will definitely get this one.

design your own lightsaber

No matter how good you are at something, there is always someone better. I'm living proof of that.

Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-01-04 22:22:53

I suck at making light sabers, but I AM good at importing the lightsaber to the NG BBS Mainframe!

even tho I actually didn't ;).

design your own lightsaber

Let's all catch thumbtacks on our bare eyes!

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-02-04 00:36:40

At 1/4/07 10:05 PM, Short-Factor wrote: Fans of 8-Bit Theatre will definitely get this one.


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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-02-11 12:48:57

At 1/3/07 02:06 PM, Electric-Bla wrote: What can I say?

hahaha that cracks me up.

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-02-11 14:51:46

in case you can't see: it's a Knuckle Thingy with Light sabers!

design your own lightsaber

Official Member of TFHHA

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-02-11 15:53:23

Heres my saber, its not a brilliant pic but you get the idea ^_^

design your own lightsaber

Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-02-11 19:19:32

The old light-saber through the head gag!
Comes in all colors!

design your own lightsaber

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-02-17 21:40:00

The lightsabers I'm seeing now are ok.

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-02-24 18:06:37

da- power-full light-sab-o-chain-saw

made by MtMthecandyman

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-02-24 18:18:22

made by MtMthecandyman

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-02-24 18:21:06

sorry for massaging so much,my picture won't load up >_>

made by MtMthecandyman

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-07-18 01:12:13

Keep those lightsabers coming!

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-07-18 01:30:18

At 2/24/07 06:21 PM, vonkrieg wrote: At 7/18/07 01:12 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: Keep those lightsabers coming!

Nice starter bump.

Gotta get my cream in Wisconsin

Party Room Suite at the Sheraton

Is my profile full of naked pics? YOU BET!

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-07-19 02:39:49

At 7/18/07 01:30 AM, OrbitalDebris wrote:
At 2/24/07 06:21 PM, vonkrieg wrote: At 7/18/07 01:12 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: Keep those lightsabers coming!
Nice starter bump.

I like seeing lightsabers.

Is that a crime?

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-07-19 07:26:33

10 minutes of work :P

Better Version

design your own lightsaber

Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-07-19 07:30:23

Yo fiskmannen, I always wanted a dark-light , light saber ;) Nice work everyone!

Response to design your own lightsaber 2007-07-19 12:50:12

At 7/19/07 07:26 AM, Fiskmannen wrote: 10 minutes of work :P

Better Version

Nice ligthsaber there!

I love the lightsabers i'm seeing!

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2008-11-23 21:34:15

Energy katana... kinda distorted at first, then it becomes more defined farther out.

design your own lightsaber

"If only time flowed backwards so I could meet them in reverse."

Response to design your own lightsaber 2008-11-23 22:01:06

At 4/22/08 08:01 PM, hereforrock wrote:
At 4/22/08 07:55 PM, hereforrock wrote: Mine isn't as good as some that I am seeing, but it's a little bit better than some......
lol I totally bumped this old as hell thread. oops. XD

how the hell did u even manage that lol

Response to design your own lightsaber 2008-11-24 02:35:17

Glad no-one has done a penisabre yet, that would ruin the thread. Immature fucks.

design your own lightsaber

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2008-11-24 05:05:49

I cheated also, 3d...
i couldnt resist doing this one heh.

design your own lightsaber

Response to design your own lightsaber 2008-11-25 01:44:03

At 11/24/08 05:05 AM, ColdLogic wrote: I cheated also, 3d...
i couldnt resist doing this one heh.

Very awesome!

Give me a second to whip something up...

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2008-11-25 02:14:29

Here we go =p

A pixelated light saber, red crystal.

design your own lightsaber

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2008-11-25 02:30:39

And here it is recolored to a green crystal...

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Response to design your own lightsaber 2008-11-25 02:31:50

At 11/25/08 02:30 AM, KillerGoose wrote: And here it is recolored to a green crystal...


Now I had to wait 2 more minutes nearly...

design your own lightsaber

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