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Sprite Club

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Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-14 18:17:54

At 11/14/03 03:43 PM, Shin2k27 wrote: Hm, what if i do neo from the matrix ?
That or that kung fu master from Bullet Proof Monk ?

that second one should work I think.

Neo would be cool, but hasn't he been in a videogame already?

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-14 20:01:09

At 11/14/03 06:17 PM, Ghaleonx5z wrote:
At 11/14/03 03:43 PM, Shin2k27 wrote: Hm, what if i do neo from the matrix ?
That or that kung fu master from Bullet Proof Monk ?
that second one should work I think.

Neo would be cool, but hasn't he been in a videogame already?

Actually, he hasn't. There's only been one Matrix video game, and that featured that Niobe and Ghost characters. The develpoers felt that these too would be better VG characters, pertaining to their unknown characteristics. So Neo has NOT been in a video game, or at least not one I've ever heard of.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-15 07:11:15

neo was NEVER in a game(exept a cameo here and there...)

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-16 08:06:21

hey peole havent been here in a while.things seem to have slowed down.anyway neo was never in a game.you saw him in a clip from reloaded but never an in game charecter.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-16 08:09:10

I have a idea everyone,sseeing as this is thes prite club why dooesn't everyone get together and make a sprite movie?the only thing is i know everyone is really busy so it would be really slow going

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-16 09:38:10

At 11/16/03 08:09 AM, Nova_dragon wrote: I have a idea everyone,sseeing as this is thes prite club why dooesn't everyone get together and make a sprite movie?the only thing is i know everyone is really busy so it would be really slow going

ive already put this idea forward.everyone seems up for it but doc wont be able to start till january so well wait till then and see what happens.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-16 12:06:21

well,i hope the next chalenge will be not like the last one...

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-16 12:21:57

At 11/16/03 12:06 PM, -Majin- wrote: well,i hope the next chalenge will be not like the last one...

dude youve still got time to think one up.remember doc added a week to the deadline.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-16 12:30:59

well,i just don't got an idea what to make...-_-

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-16 12:44:43

At 11/16/03 12:30 PM, -Majin- wrote: well,i just don't got an idea what to make...-_-

hhmm well im sure theres a charecter from the old dragon ball cartoons that havent been in video games.maybe you could try one of those.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-17 08:54:29

Um just wondering but does the new challange start today then?

Just asking lol =)

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-17 11:17:41

At 11/17/03 08:54 AM, Ghaleonx5z wrote: Um just wondering but does the new challange start today then?

Just asking lol =)

no it starts next monday.doc added a week to our deadline.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-17 11:28:49

At 11/17/03 11:17 AM, Niko1uk wrote: no it starts next monday.doc added a week to our deadline.

I thought that was last week =/

well whatever lol, ether way didn't matter =)

besides I need an idea for my comic >_<

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-17 17:33:51

I haven't posted in a while seeing as though my hard drive killed its self. So I am sorry... but, I came up with a great Idea... I am going to make a comic with all the sprites, of the character's the authors ,of the members in the sprite club. So, email me... at askkroth@hotmail.com PEACE!!!!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-17 18:50:53

Well ill try and make neo and chow yun phat.

Not sure if ill have time for both but ill see what i can do.

For the club projectk, got no objections xcept if it doesnt have a good storyline.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-18 11:58:20

At 11/17/03 06:50 PM, Shin2k27 wrote: Well ill try and make neo and chow yun phat.

Well I wish you luck, and hope ya can get them done on time =)

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-18 13:37:59

At 11/17/03 05:33 PM, Kroth wrote: I haven't posted in a while seeing as though my hard drive killed its self. So I am sorry... but, I came up with a great Idea... I am going to make a comic with all the sprites, of the character's the authors ,of the members in the sprite club. So, email me... at askkroth@hotmail.com PEACE!!!!

well,my hotmail acount is not working right now...(don't worry,it's not deleted)
so i will post them here!

Sprite Club

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-18 13:40:32

and the one i use in the sonic crew...

Sprite Club

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-18 13:42:39

...and here is how i look like in real life(in sprite style).

Sprite Club

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-18 15:32:16

awsome sprites majin.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-18 17:10:01

Ok...I'm very glad that Majin has givin a sprite sheet,cool. For the other people I'f you have multiple sprite sheets...try to send me one that's a human. It would be greatly appreciated. I've also decided that I will use these for a WHOLE NEW comic series... And the comics will be posted here as they are made. I would also like to say that one of the members of the sprite crew is my "partner in crime" so to speak at KSE.tk ... so give a warm welcome to Enigmatic Elohim... AkA Enigma. I shal return when I have a new KSE comic...Or...errmmm...news.


Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-18 17:20:12

hello sprite club, does anyone know where i can find Capcom Vs. SNK 2 sprites? (im looking for a sprite of the guy in the white suit who uses lightning, i think hes also on the cover)

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-19 15:43:38

Greetings, all! I haven't been around since my schedule's pretty much status quo. I have four ideas for the recent challenge and I haven't had time to work on any of 'em! Hopefully I'll at least be able to get one in by the new deadline, Nov. 24th.


At 11/14/03 02:12 PM, -Majin- wrote: i think this weeks chalenge was no that good.

I think this challenge is one of the best simply because it's a good test of one's ability and imagination to adapt something that already exists into another medium while still keeping it interesting. If the video game industry is something you're interested in getting into as a career, you will be in meetings with clients or working for a company that wants to take the next hottest thing and turn it into a video game. When you're sitting at the table and are asked for suggestions on the spot, it's best you spent the time early on exercising your imagination to come up with ideas that break from what you're used to. There's nothing more embarrassing (or even deal breaking) than being the quiet one at the table. Even if you have a different career in mind, thinking "outside the box" is always a good exercise.

You always seem to state, "i never start with somthing if i don't get an idea." First off, I find it hard to believe you don't come up with any ideas because your comics show a pretty good imagination. Even if you have ideas you consider "small" or "unimportant", you should work on them anyway until the "big" ideas come along. You only benefit from doing that and here are some of those benefits:

1) Practice - whether it's writing or drawing, even if you write / sketch the "little" things, it's that much more practice you're getting in your art form.
2) "Bigger" things - a lot of the times, when you feel you're working on something "insignificant", as you work on it, you may come up with something more noteworthy and wind up with a "bigger", more "important" project on your hands.
3) Portfolio building - if you become a serious artist, the "small" things you work on are still portfolio-worthy material so, when someone asks you to see it, you're already prepared.

I put a lot of words in parenthesis only because I don't believe that any piece of art one produces is small or unimportant. Each line works to make the artist that much better as long as they're serious about their work. I hope this helped!

i hope the next chalenge will be not like the last one...

What ... challenging? ; )


At 11/14/03 03:43 PM, Shin2k27 wrote: what if i do neo [or Chow Yun Fat]?

I trust everyone when they say Neo hasn't been a Player Character or an NPC in any video game (though I haven't played the game myself). Chow Yun Fat is also doable as long as you stay away from "Crouching Tiger ...". I look forward to your entry!


At 11/16/03 08:09 AM, Nova_dragon wrote: I have a idea ... why dooesn't everyone get together and make a sprite movie?

Yeah, Niko1uk already suggested it back on Oct. 27 on Page 60 a little more than halfway down the page. Here was my suggestion:

"[It's] an awesome idea, but a bit too ambitious for right now. People are busy with their own projects [and], as we get closer to the holidays, folks will get busier with buying presents, visiting family, homework, work, etc. It wouldn't get done. A Sprite Club project is an EXCELLENT idea and something we should all try to undertake. [It'll] take A LOT of planning, scheduling and discipline. If we do it right and dedicate ourselves, it should be good. I suggest we let this holiday season pass and start tossing around ideas in January when things have calmed down."


At 11/17/03 08:54 AM, Ghaleonx5z wrote: does the new challange start today?

Because of the extension, it'll start on the 24th when the current one is over.


At 11/17/03 05:33 PM, Kroth wrote: I am going to make a comic with all the sprites, of the character's the authors ,of the members in the sprite club.

Great idea! I think -Majin- mentioned something like that early on. I've been trying to sit down and make my sprite sheet since -Majin- submitted his awesome one a while ago, but I haven't been able to find the time. I look forward to seeing how your stuff comes out! You do great work!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-19 16:02:23

bow before the docmaster...eehhh...monster.

you are right,i HAVE to put my mind into it more.
but becuse i have a realy hard time with school(final year) and with my 3 star exame,(i'm a deap sea diver in my free time)i don't have alot of time to think about anything else.
i'm also practesing so i can make DRAWINGS.so i can move on to art comics more.but my scaner is broken,and i realy have to get a new one.

you see that i did not make a comic in some time,but i was looking for some Bass.exe sprites(to shange the garobotX to garobotX omega),but spriteHQ is doun.so i can't get the sprite anymore.

i will work on the next chalenge it it comes in.i'm sorry that i did not worked in this chalenge.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-19 16:36:06

At 11/19/03 04:02 PM, -Majin- wrote: bow before the docmaster...eehhh...monster.


i have a realy hard time with school(final year) and with my 3 star exame,(i'm a deap sea diver in my free time)i don't have alot of time to think about anything else.

School is one of the best reasons not to enter the challenges! School easily comes first. I wish you the best o' luck with your final year! Scuba is something I eventually want to get into since I'm an avid snorkeler. It's awesome that you do it! Where do you dive?

i'm also practesing so i can make DRAWINGS.so i can move on to comics.

Excellent! Be sure to draw every day and do a lot of life drawings. They'll help you with natural poses, anatomy and proportion.

you see that i did not make a comic in some time,but i was looking for some Bass.exe sprites(to shange the garobotX to garobotX omega),but spriteHQ is doun.so i can't get the sprite anymore.

That sucks! I've been looking forward to more of your comics! Hopefully you'll be able to find the sprites you need somewhere else. I'll keep an eye out.

i will work on the next chalenge it it comes in.i'm sorry that i did not worked in this chalenge.

Again, that's cool. You've got some great reasons for not taking part. I thought it was a simple case of not having any ideas. I think you'll dig the next challenge! Cheers!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-19 23:21:32


Finally reviewed your movie. I realized I said I would quite some time ago, and I finally free'd up some time. To anyone who hasn't seen some of the Doctor's work, here is a good start. I gave it a nine, overall, simply because of my personal tastes. And keep in mind, when I'm reviewing, I am absolutely critical. It's one of the highest scores I've given.

To the rest of the club

As the more observant of you may have noticed, my presence in the club has been meager, at best. I apoligize for this, simply as I have a bit of a responsibility to it considering I am it's founder. I feel I've been neglecting it, but no more! Expect a Tweekitorial (or 2) this weekend.
I am beginning animation of my movie shortly, so Majin, or anyone else who wants something of theirs in the movie, tell me NOW. I'd love to have sprite clkub content "easter eggs" within it, but I need some of your support. And by support, all you have to do is give me a poster, or miscellaneous item that may be considered an easter egg, or something along the lines of that. For example, I put a DocMonster Labratories poster in Tweekit's room, because Doc was such a major influence. It's just a simply black box, with the Doc symbol, and "DocMonster labs" written on it. A link may be expected too.
So start submitting if interested.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-20 12:03:59

i have an idea for the movie!
like if you make a comic book in a book case! if you klick a book a comic i made will pop up!

give an hint what it is about,and i will give a small twist to the movies story in comic style!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-20 12:14:52

i guess i could have a go at making a poster.im thinking a wanted poster featuring my gaurdian sprite.tell me what size you want it and ill see what i can come up with.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-20 14:02:53

hey all whats up? =)

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-20 16:40:30

hi guys!
what do you all think about him?

i want to know your option about him,so i can make him better.
like,i actuly think to make his skin kollor more dark.

i will say his name wen you all say somthing about him!
and,(ofcorse)i will make more sprites for him!

Sprite Club