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Sprite Club

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Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-20 17:24:32

At 11/20/03 04:40 PM, -Majin- wrote: i will say his name wen you all say somthing about him!
and,(ofcorse)i will make more sprites for him!

Well it looks cool =D

I see only one possible problem. It almost kinda looks a little bit like he has breasts. *If I'm mostaken no big deal, thats just what I see a little bit though.* Besides that great work. =)

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-20 17:24:43

At 11/20/03 12:14 PM, Niko1uk wrote: im thinking a wanted poster featuring my gaurdian sprite.tell me what size you want it and ill see what i can come up with.

Well the movie is going to going by the normal 400 x 550 pixels, so whatever you think will be a good size is great. Just make sure you don't have it overly detailed, incase I have to minimize it a bit.

At 11/20/03 12:03 PM, -Majin- wrote: i have an idea for the movie!
like if you make a comic book in a book case! if you klick a book a comic i made will pop up!

give an hint what it is about,and i will give a small twist to the movies story in comic style!

That's an awesome idea Majin! You know what we could do is, if your interested, is kind of "hide" some of your comics throughout the movie, and maybe have viewers enjoy them the second time they watch! Let me know if your interested... I'll send you the finished script if you need it.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-20 17:37:52

At 11/20/03 05:24 PM, Tweekit wrote: stuff

ok no prob.i may have it done tomorrow.its getting kinda late over here and i got school tomorrow.if not by tomorrow then sunday or monday.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-20 21:36:36

soz every1 thats expecting my sprite comic
but... um.... do u think 2 main characters is enogh?

-zed (thats my real name!) or zdez

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-20 22:16:09

At 11/20/03 09:36 PM, zdez wrote: soz every1 thats expecting my sprite comic
but... um.... do u think 2 main characters is enogh?

-zed (thats my real name!) or zdez

it's your comic, feel free to to do what you want with it. Something you have to realize about your own artistic works is that you shouldn't be confined to what other people want in your artistic works. It's a suprisingly hard concept for most people to understand, feeling they should give epople what they feel they want, and not what you yourself want. You should really do what you feel is is good for your works, not trying to satisfy others.
Uh, sorry for going on and on like that. Basically, you should just do what you want. if you need any comic resources, here's a list of web comics and comic resources.

http://www.squidi.net/index.php - it's updated daily and is really humorous. Pixelated are too, be sure to read it from the beginning.
http://www.briworld.com/ - webcomic about movies. Always good for a larf (I know what I said...)
http://ctrlaltdel-online.com/ - one of the first real web comics I read, right after nuklear power. One of the best, in my opinion. Definete must for gamers and non-gamers alike.
http://www.megatokyo.com/ - online manga. Simple as that.
http://nuklearpower.com/ - home of eight-bit theatre. You know you want it.
http://www.penny-arcade.com/ - Best there is. Read the entire archives as soon as you can. Sometimes, you may not understand the comic, as you normally may need t read a news post that corresponds to that date, though it's not always necessary. A lot of people have flamed this style, but I feel it enhances it.

Online Comics

http://www.pvponline.com/ - story of a gaming magazine, with an awesome art, rivaling Tim Buckley (ctrl alt del) and Gabe (Penny arcade), as well as Scott Ramsoomair (VGCats).
http://www.vgcats.com/ - Lovely art, awesome game parodies.
http://mallmonkeys.com/ - Antics of a bunch of teens in a mall... the craziness!
http://www.samandfuzzy.com/ - Sam and Fuzzy is a comic that chronicles the lives of Sam, a sincere but unconfident cab driver, and Fuzzy, a scheming and occasionally sadistic bear-like creature. Awesome style, that I truly envy.

http://www.blambot.com/ - Awesome resource for fonts, as well as links and info for other comic resources.
http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html - awesome for finding difficult colors
http://www.members.shaw.ca/creatingcomics/index.htm - Anything you need to now about making comics.
http://howtodrawmanga.com/ - tutorials and info on drawing manga and anime' style art. May want to also check out book series
http://www.polykarbon.com/ - Lots of wholesome comic goodness. Tutorials and other keen stuff... and I know I said keen. Shut up.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-20 22:17:44

Concerning my last post, all links are web comics UP TOO blambot.com. Sorry about the typo.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-21 04:56:39

At 11/20/03 05:24 PM, Ghaleonx5z wrote:
Well it looks cool =D

I see only one possible problem. It almost kinda looks a little bit like he has breasts. *If I'm mostaken no big deal, thats just what I see a little bit though.* Besides that great work. =)

well,that is becuse he got "chest".
he is supost to look sturdy.(and i will make some jokes on him that he looks kinda gay)


i will make some comics in it.
just send the script to: garobotX@hotmail.com

i am sick today,so anyone ho wants me to make a new comic,i will do it today!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-21 10:41:01

At 11/20/03 10:16 PM, Tweekit wrote: http://www.squidi.net/index.php

I always love that one lol, Been reading it a while myself.

Oh not sure if ya have this one up or not but here is another.

Weekly updates though

and what the heck here is mine. I need to really update but I need an idea

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-22 14:10:57

i said yesterday that i wold make more comics....well,i'm way more sick than i was thinking...i have to take REALY HEAVY medication...
i feal better now,but just a few minits ago,i had this fealing i wold die.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-22 14:27:27

At 11/22/03 02:10 PM, -Majin- wrote: i said yesterday that i wold make more comics....well,i'm way more sick than i was thinking...i have to take REALY HEAVY medication...
i feal better now,but just a few minits ago,i had this fealing i wold die.

well glade ya feel a bit better.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-22 15:11:22

well,if you did know what medication i have to take..

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-22 18:35:25

At 11/20/03 04:40 PM, -Majin- wrote: what do you all think about him?

Well i thought he was a she because of the belt\skin showing by his waist and his breast were a little large but hey nice sprite especialy if it was a girl.

I made some more sprites over my odd computer whiping. (I had to whipe my computer so I could intsall more stuff). Here are your very own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles . with the new game out I figured I'd make them but after playing the demo i might wanna put off christmas JP ; )

Sprite Club

BBS Signature

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-22 19:04:01

Doc Is there a way for members of the sprite clube to vote on the entry's so we can have Bi-weekly awards. Like the one here. Obliviously it'll look a little beter but the name will always stay the same ; ) . People Could put
Sprite Club Bi-Anual weekly winner 13-13-13
in there sigs to show off.

BBS Signature

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-22 19:05:49

sorry pressed "Post It!" to fast

Sprite Club

BBS Signature

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-23 10:33:41

At 11/22/03 03:11 PM, -Majin- wrote: well,if you did know what medication i have to take..

and the worst part is...i don't get any better.
i feal like i'm dieing now...

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-23 11:40:11

sorry to hear your ill hope you get better

i think that giving out awards would take the fun out of the sprite challenge.its better that were just making sprites for fun than against each other.it may cause arguments as some people might not agree with the judges decision.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-23 16:52:18

At 11/23/03 11:40 AM, Niko1uk wrote: as some people might not agree with the judges decision.

Ya I understand what your talking about but I thought the sprite club members would vote therefore there would be no single judge and the Votes would decide like the Presidency (BUT NO RECOUNTS)
And I searched for some SM001 posts but I couldn't find them did he get banned and all his messages with him?
(u may have to drage the pic into it's own window\save pic to see it's message)

Sprite Club

BBS Signature

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-24 01:18:46

Here's my official entry (finally!) ...

GAME TITLE: The Heckler
GENRE: Platformer / Fighting
SYNOPSIS: Straight from the pages of DC comics, you are the Heckler fighting to wrest Delta City from the iron grip of Boss Glitter! With colorful creeps such as El Gusano, Ratchet Jaw and the Flying Buttress standing in your way, cracking wise while cracking heads ain't gonna be easy!

Sprite Club

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-24 01:45:28

Busy days here at Doc Monster Labs! Mrs. Monster had knee surgery on Friday and I've been playing Florence Nightingale ever since. I was finally able to pull myself away. I have the next challenge rolling 'round my noggin and will post it later on this afternoon once I have the particulars worked out. It's currently 1:45am and I'm feeling punchy! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend! I think you'll dig the next challenge! Cheers!


At 11/19/03 11:21 PM, Tweekit wrote: I gave (Monster Fighting Kid P.P. Ding) a nine, overall, keep in mind, when I'm reviewing, I am absolutely critical. It's one of the highest scores I've given.

Wow! Thanks a lot, Tweekit! That means a great deal!

I feel I've been neglecting it, but no more! Expect a Tweekitorial (or 2) this weekend.

We all understand life can pile stuff up on ya which keeps you away from time to time. I don' thtink anyone holds it against you. I'm excited to be soon expecting a Tweekitorial! WOO-HOO!!!

I put a DocMonster Labratories poster in Tweekit's room, because Doc was such a major influence.

Cool! Thanks! Hopefully I can get voices to you soon. I've been SO behind that I apologize profusely!


At 11/20/03 04:40 PM, Tweekit wrote: i want to know your option about him,so i can make him better.

Before I read through the rest of the posts, I also thought the character looked like it had female breasts. One fix that may help would be to pull the left shoulder (as you look at it) out more and fill in the space with more of the chest. If we see the left side tapering into the sprite's waist, it may give more masculine definition to the musculature. I think it looks great for a female sprite and, though a little light, the pale skintone you currently have seems to work best with the red "hair". Overall, I like it.

I hope by the time of this writing you're 100% better and off the medication. If not, I wish you a speedy recovery!


At 11/22/03 06:35 PM, BenitoXIII wrote: Here are your very own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

They look cool! I especially dig the ones with the smaller heads.

after playing the [TMNT] demo i might wanna put off christmas JP ; )

Oh no! Does it really suck that badly?

Doc Is there a way for members of the sprite clube to vote on the entry's so we can have Bi-weekly awards.

I don't promote the challenge as a competition because the only thing we should be competing against is our own abilities. As Niko1uk said, awards, even if a competition is judged by all concerned, tend to cause resentment and take the fun out of things. I'd like to keep it light so everyone's having fun while at the same time challenging their own abilities. : )

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-24 04:41:14

thanks all!
i will fix(and make more)sprites of him.

but only if i feal better...

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-24 05:31:24

soz everybody im scraping my comic 4 2 resons
1: i have a rely crapy program to do it
2: i cant think up more then 3 gags

but ill try to make a sprite 4 the cenjoint comic


Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-24 07:00:02

At 11/24/03 01:45 AM, DocMonster wrote: 1:45am and I'm feeling punchy! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend! I think you'll dig the next challenge! Cheers!

yeah my weekend was good.went to a party on saturday.felt like crap the day after though.looking forward to the next challenge.sorry i couldnt get my calvin sprite out im going through a bad spot with all my work latly.i may try it again soon ill post it here if i do.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-24 18:14:29

Greetings, Sprite Club, and welcome to the new ...

(Nov. 24 - Dec. 8)

I'd like to thank the folks who made the fifth challenge such a success - BenitoXIII, Ghaleonx5z & -Rook-! Thanks for your contributions, guys!

Click on this link for the official Sprite Challenge guidelines and a look at the awesome work of this club's sprite artists.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-24 18:22:01


At 11/24/03 05:31 AM, zdez wrote: im scraping my comic

I'm sorry to hear that!


At 11/24/03 07:00 AM, Niko1uk wrote: yeah my weekend was good.went to a party on saturday.felt like crap the day after though.

Ah, the sign of a truly good party! ; )

sorry i couldnt get my calvin sprite out im going through a bad spot with all my work latly.

I hope it's nothing too serious!

i may try it again soon ill post it here if i do.

Excellent! I look forward to it!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-24 18:25:13

WHOA! We're already on the next page! In that case, here it is again ...

(Nov. 24 - Dec. 8)

I'd like to thank the folks who made the fifth challenge such a success - BenitoXIII, Ghaleonx5z & -Rook-! Thanks for your contributions, guys!

Click on this link for the official Sprite Challenge guidelines and a look at the awesome work of this club's sprite artists.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-24 18:37:11

At 11/23/03 04:52 PM, BenitoXIII wrote: And I searched for some SM001 posts but I couldn't find them did he get banned and all his messages with him?

He's now DarkZeroEntity. You'll find all of his past posts under that name. Hope that helps!

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-25 06:53:45

i like this chalenge!

even in this condition,it wont be hard to make it.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-25 10:32:22

At 11/25/03 06:53 AM, -Majin- wrote: i like this chalenge!

even in this condition,it wont be hard to make it.

Yeah =) this souldn't be to hard.

Glade I already have characters lol, but dang I need to think of a good idea.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-25 11:29:33

At 11/24/03 06:22 PM, DocMonster wrote: Ah, the sign of a truly good party! ; )

true that is the sign of a good party even if you cant remember it

I hope it's nothing too serious!

no its nothing serious ive just got school stuff and things like that.

anyway im going to try and complete this challenge sounds good.majin will have no trouble with this one.

Response to Sprite Club 2003-11-25 11:37:26

not at all!

*evil smile*