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22,135 Views | 202 Replies

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 07:57:57

I might have spent 50+ hours on it - (in some cases 150+) and people put it down. That really makes the artist feel bad. They thought they were being creative and doing something good - and then some stupid shit who doesn't know any better gives it a zero and a stupid review.

Yeh man u fucking tell them! fucking keep up the good work and dont give up, and to all u fuckers who only reveiw to diss ppl, go fuck urselves, ppl work hard to make these games/movies, why dont u go make a movie and then we'll all diss it c how u like it, FUCK some ppl piss me off

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 08:54:42

I've been coming here for a while now, and I have nothing but respect for most of the Flash authors here. People like SESSNET, Synj, Tom, illwillpress and others are amazing artists and programmers. I only wish that I had the time to learn to do what these people do. Some of the "Toons" on this website are true artistic expression, like "Black and White," "The Welder," and "The Final Task."

For all those people that come here and throw around their voting power (as it is the only thing they care about here), grab a spoon and eat my @ss. Rather than piss and moan about how there's nothing but crap on NG, pick up a book and try to make your own movie or game; submit it, and watch as it gets torn to shreds by people that have no idea what kind of time and effort you put into it.

Mad props to the guys that keep this place humming; everyday I see more improvements and the movies and games remain spectacular.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 08:59:32

How about Phoenix Points which are giv'in to authors.

Artists (authors)who submit flash get Phoenix points which both increase there voting power and allow artists to visit the Grave Yard and Ressurrect good work thats been given a hard time plus it allows artists a means to defend themselves.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 09:22:06

I don't know about you all but i've made a good 5 flash movies that have taken me upwards of 250+ hours each and I sorta refuse to put them on NG because of the total fear that some dickheads are going to jump on me because of several reasons. Such as being a new artist, some random guy/girl that thinks I don't deserve a 3 or better when that much time is put into a movie and not a game, and the inevitable butt monkey that thinks his is better then mine and wants to stomp the comp and get his blamming friends on me. I love NG and love the way things have gone, but within the last year, from my POV, people are getting really harsh if it doesn't look real-life for movies or doesn't have sex, nudity or some type or current event resemblance. The five movies I do have came from a novel I wrote over the past three years and to have one of those unintelligent bastards blam it for craps sake would really put a bad demeanor on reposting, like a lot of artists. And to back up the other guy, phoenix points sound like a hell of a way for artists to fight back. Sorry for such a long post. Catch you guys ion the near future, when i have the nerve to upload a a couple of the movies. -Raven


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 10:01:21

Another Idea in relation to Phoenix points.

Any movie that is ressurrected through phoenix points automatically removes any blam points earned.That why you force people to think about what they blam or not.

Thanx RavenZamori for the heads up!

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 10:37:50

i wouldn't worry about it
most of these people that vote bad are either too lazy to do otherwise, or have nothing better to do with their lives to criticize other peoples work to make themselves feel better. i admit i've seen some crap in my day, but that was blatant stinky crap. don't sweat it drug, stick to your shit, and if people bitch? who cares.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 11:15:54

At 2/3/03 10:37 AM, shlappy wrote: don't sweat it drug, stick to your shit, and if people bitch? who cares.


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 11:46:43

Being an artist isnt about people making you feel good about your work all the time. Especially when you pour out shit like this because you pander to the media image that being a drug addicted idiot makes you "Suppish" (hehe). Hey to all you crackheads out there get help, dont embrace your wasted life, and dont let the high fool you, you really are that fucking stupid (especially if you like this guys game.)

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 13:27:57

At 2/3/03 11:46 AM, Socratostotle wrote: Being an artist isnt about people making you feel good about your work all the time. Especially when you pour out shit like this because you pander to the media image that being a drug addicted idiot makes you "Suppish" (hehe). Hey to all you crackheads out there get help, dont embrace your wasted life, and dont let the high fool you, you really are that fucking stupid (especially if you like this guys game.)

I agree with you.
Im tired of these assholes that think because a person doesnt make flash movies, then their opinion means nothing. Ive been an artist for a long time, and Im also I huge fan of film, I just happen to NOT work in flash. Just because some idiot took all summer to make a 3mb movie that is total shit, doesnt mean that I should HAVE to vote high on it. I dont make films, so when Im done watching a movie at the movie theater, and I think it sucks, does that mean my opinion is nothing because I havent worked on an actual film before? A person can tell what he or she likes, if a flash movie/game is crap, then a person can tell its crap, if its good then its good.
Of course someone is going to leave a long rude review, especially if youre on a dial up connection, and you just waited 20 minutes of you life to watch a movie that just turned out to be shit.
If youre an artist, you should expect people to not like/disagree in your art and you should be ready for that, not bitch like babies when it happens and then attack the general NG viewer for stating his opinion.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 15:29:19

Good Ideas MMK,

Artist should get extra voting, ressurecting, maybe even review-deleting powers if they are of certain criteris.

Maybe depended on your Artist Grade level you can do different things.

Also the number of uploads should count to. Cause it's harder to have a A rating with several uploads. That would make me feel more powerful or something that I may contribute with positively as an artist as well.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 15:49:08

At 2/3/03 11:46 AM, Socratostotle wrote: Being an artist isnt about people making you feel good about your work all the time. Especially when you pour out shit like this because you pander to the media image that being a drug addicted idiot makes you "Suppish" (hehe). Hey to all you crackheads out there get help, dont embrace your wasted life, and dont let the high fool you, you really are that fucking stupid (especially if you like this guys game.)

Dude I am "suppish" even without drugs, don't be jealous it's obvious. s'matter of fact you are right Your crackhead mom does need help, and tell your dad to stop bringing crack home for dinner your mom looks like she needs some help.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 15:52:19

At 2/3/03 09:22 AM, RavenZamori wrote: I don't know about you all but i've made a good 5 flash movies that have taken me upwards of 250+ hours each and I sorta refuse to put them on NG because of the total fear that some dickheads are going to jump on me because of several reasons. Such as being a new artist, some random guy/girl that thinks I don't deserve a 3 or better when that much time is put into a movie and not a game, and the inevitable butt monkey that thinks his is better then mine and wants to stomp the comp and get his blamming friends on me. I love NG and love the way things have gone, but within the last year, from my POV, people are getting really harsh if it doesn't look real-life for movies or doesn't have sex, nudity or some type or current event resemblance. The five movies I do have came from a novel I wrote over the past three years and to have one of those unintelligent bastards blam it for craps sake would really put a bad demeanor on reposting, like a lot of artists. And to back up the other guy, phoenix points sound like a hell of a way for artists to fight back. Sorry for such a long post. Catch you guys ion the near future, when i have the nerve to upload a a couple of the movies. -Raven

Raven don't do anything you don't want to do or uncomfortable with. The point of this post was that even if you DO get bad reviews/scores from people (especially brainless monkey-bots) you cannot let that stop you. You should only submit that flash if you are ready for the insults or whatnot cause it's part of it, or if you wanted to share it with the people at NG.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 16:21:16

Crap is crap...not matter how much time put it. Just how it is. Its up to those artists to get over it and move on cause I wouldn't have it any other way. And if I was an avid flash artist, I'd follow the exact same ideology I do now.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 16:37:51

Drug films...i think all ur entries are amazing....and maby you right...i put over 200+ hours into my last entrie and people blamed it becuse the LAST fuckin button was FUCKIN BROKEN! ALL YOU FUCKIN HAVE TO DO IS RIGHT CLICK AND PRESS PLAY!!!! but some people just dont know how to...or maby there too lazy but they blamed it....so i went back.....found the button....and fixed it.....resubmited it!
(it was an awsome movie)! but some assholes all voted 0 cuse they thought it was the same movie even tho i put =-FIXED-= next to the name!
Then some Dick heads wrote reviews that showed up in the obituarys saying "your so dumb,if you would a good flash artist you wouldnt of messed up in the first place and wouldnt of had to fix it!"

and that just discuraged me....so.....i stoped....
but your words might bring me back to spending 200-300 hours on perfectly animated movies and games! keep it up and i will too( and all you other hard working flash artists...keep it up as well!)

Thx man!~!~!~!~!~!~!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 16:42:51

http://www.dk3.com/index/ look at this web

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 18:54:35

At 1/31/03 12:46 PM, SESSNET wrote: If you really believe you are Flash material- don't let anyone or anything stop you. I love you NG. Peace.

Wewt.. I totally agree.. But tend to try to do what people will enjoy with Tomorrow's Nobodies, because that's its goal, to entertain. It's about as artistic as a french fry.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 21:17:23

At 2/3/03 10:01 AM, MMK wrote: Another Idea in relation to Phoenix points.

Any movie that is ressurrected through phoenix points automatically removes any blam points earned.That why you force people to think about what they blam or not.

Author should definately have the power to remove reviews, without any form of control. I think that people who are good enough to make Flash that stays on the portal are smart enough to use review-deoletion in a smart way.
Author should also get experience points for anthing that is submitted and that stays. Well, maybe... You see, as with Blam/Protection points, I'm pretty sure crap authors would submit twice as much shit every day to get points. I, for one wouldn't complain.
Authors though should never get the power to ressurecr crap that has been blammed. If it was blammed, it's for a reason. Authors can always resubmit their work if they feel they have improved their skills enough for their work to stay on the portal.

BBS Signature

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 22:38:30

Raven don't do anything you don't want to do or uncomfortable with. The point of this post was that even if you DO get bad reviews/scores from people (especially brainless monkey-bots) you cannot let that stop you. You should only submit that flash if you are ready for the insults or whatnot cause it's part of it, or if you wanted to share it with the people at NG.

This message thread is starting to sound like a Crappy Flash Artist sympathy club.
Look at most earlier post for a more serious comment.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-03 22:41:42

yo dude i just be responding to what you said bout how people put down zeros for their score, well i do but only when it really sucks cuz theres some that are like 10 min jobs, or it seems like it. The reason i say this is cuz ive done flash presentations myself, not on NG I mind you because i dont have the flash program, but i still can estimate the time put into someones work. im not sure if i have seen your work specifically but if i thought it was crapy i stil give it atleast a 1;infact most of the time ill give it a 3. Maybee the people who give it zeros and dont respect the artist for what they attempted are jealous as you say but what about thos people who have done presentations? what about those people? what if its profesionals who think that the work is a steaming turd? Dude just get off of your high horse, calm down and relax I know this may sound a little biast but its only in the human nature. If you have any problems with me or you just wanna write me back positive or negative i dont care. My e-mail adress is sky_53182@yahoo.com

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-04 06:23:14

seems u really struck a cord here, i have seen some of the reviews your games have been getting and it just doesnt make sense, are people offended by the drug abuse overtones? if so why are they on newgrounds. by voting in the way they do they limit what an artist will do when considering a new movie.
also its totally unfair to try and blam a game that clearly has much more action scripting than most people will ever be inclined to write

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-04 07:39:04

Thank you all.



Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-04 10:06:35


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-04 12:26:31

At 1/31/03 01:48 PM, evilshadows wrote: Sessnet it gets even worse than that.I once submited a flash game. called kiling spree which I wasted 12 hours on.Everyone was giving it good scores and it had about a 2.06 as a score.Then suddenly a litle fucker whose name is Jim Yang said the movie is stolen.Suddenly everyone was following that guy and lying and never said where they saw it.U could tell this was before the server upgrade.It got blammed which realy suks since I put 12+ hours on that damn game.

NO, u little idiot! GEEZUS! You DID steal that game, aswell as most of your others, it even says "Made by JIM YANG"!!! If you zoom in on your killing spree game it says so, so don't be a little dickhead and make your own movies.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-04 16:15:30

I'm thinkin about makin a flash, i hope i got what it takes...

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-04 21:17:17

At 1/31/03 01:10 PM, DRUGFILMS wrote: Wow thanks Wade I am reading that and it is good to read something relevent. Education and hard work is the key to everything. Thanks Wade.

Oh man that is all true
All the ignorant morons come on this site. lol all those damn douche bag 12 year old AOL kids come on here swearing and trying to look like they are imporant. well guess what people. YOU ARE ALL FUCKING RETARDED. you freaking simple minded asshole wankers.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-05 00:31:59

At 1/31/03 01:07 PM, skyline_gtr_racer wrote: shut up faggot i dun care how much effort u put into it people can vote what they like as long as its there opinion its not effort its quality and when u make sdhit bout drugs think to urself does everyone like drugs?

Soooo... you were dropped on your head when you were a baby, right? Pick up that big book labeled "Dictionary" and look up "punctuation". And while you're at it, look up "ignorant". I think you'll find your picture next to the entry.

God. Fucking pre-teen, junior-high, Sum-41 liking morons.


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-05 09:21:48

I have to give this guy a big fuckin whahoo! It's about time I started hearin someone stand up for what they believe in despite how very little they may be liked or not. We are one in a few - but the few and the one's that in the end will sneak up and kick ass! I enjoy Drugfilms, and am not a fuckin crack head - in fact, dont ( or, no longer ) do them myself, but that does not stop me from enjoying the humor in it all. Some people are just too uptight for their own good


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-05 10:53:09

im 13, and, i made a crappy movie, but i tried, and i like to give people high scores, and only rate movies that i think i would like, so they all get 5's basically.... so, everyones diffrent, and u shouldnt stereotype 13 year olds

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-05 15:14:51

Sess.Net, Drugfilms??? You know, you were one of my favorite animators. WHen I read this it really shocked me. Ok, Drugfilms movies are NOT bad but they are just not fun. But don't let that get you down, man. Your fighting games rock! You are one of the best animators around here. You rock man.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-05 18:30:57
