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22,176 Views | 202 Replies

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 15:06:33

At 1/31/03 03:03 PM, I wrote:

But about the problem with 13 year olds(again, most of them, since some are fair) is that they like reviewing badly and blamming stuff. They don't care if it's good or bad. They just blam the damn entry.

Oh, unless it has violence.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 15:09:50

katana man i don't thinkI am prejudiced against 13-14 year olds and never said anything to that effect. I don't look at age really - but I look at your frame of mind. I admire you are your work. I only say "tweening" because it is an easy way to animate versus frame-by-frame which only but a few talented flash artist can do. I have nothing aginst tweening- but all I am saying is it requires was less flash knowledge to tween movies clips versus make a game that works. i have nothing against flash tweened movies it was just a comparison in the context of this post. BTW your movies rock and you should make more. Peace.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 15:11:54

At 1/31/03 03:05 PM, DRUGFILMS wrote: So in all, I can fairly understand why the majority may vote more for a FF peice or whatnot- versus a well scripted game with complex interactions. That still goes to show that alot of hard work goes unnoticed - and the author who made it may feel like they spent all their hard work on it was in vain to see a FF peice beat it score-wise.

But there's a point you might be missing about well scripted games VS animations. Games take more time to make than animations. So sometimes animations, even though they didn't have as much work put into it as the game, are better as an animation than the game as a game. Am I making any sense at all? :)

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 15:13:20

At 1/31/03 03:09 PM, DRUGFILMS wrote:

BTW your movies rock and you should make more. Peace.


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 15:19:36

A little sense. Let me make it more sense for you.

People want to see things happen on the screen. And what happens on the screen is probably the ruling factor of their vote. I.E. they might rather see Osama blow up versus just him standing there doing nothing. So the things that happen on the screen are more like an extension of your imagination - or have to be. So in games- not much may happen, or change on the screen. Alot of times in games - you struugle just to make the background change or uncover a peice of artwork. So in movies alot may hapeen - alot of different shit throwing you from place to place- so there is more to feed you imagination. I guess that is what it is all about - but I may be worng. i have thought aboutit alot. What do people want to see?

So you are totally right about a animation may fare better as an animation then a game as a game. Why? Probably cause it's harder for things to happen or things that will spark your imagination in games, because it's harder to make each thing work. Animations it is easier to change shit around and make more imaginative things happen. Thanks for your insight katanaman.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 15:25:52

i really don't care much - or ever did - for score - but i will tell you that a good score does make you feel good. A good score makes me feel better than a bad score makes me feel bad. I don't take the score seriously- but because that is what the site *seems* to be about nowadays - I am sure alot of talented artists have had frustrations because of theor hard work being beaten by some tweening and simple graphics.

Well, you saw what Tom wrote, more views are more important than a good score, put it does seem a bit illogical that many people would go and see a movie with a lower score that the top movie of the moment. If you think the portal is getting to score-oriented, what could be done for that? It would seem silly to organize the top 50 by the number of views, or reviews, obviously.
I noticed that movie now have a popularity ranking, and I was wondering what it was based on exactly, I mean, is is the number of views a movie has or the number of views over a certain period of time? If that was the case, organising the portal by popularity instead of score would make more sense than ranking movies by the number of views, but I still think the score system is better, it's not only Ng that functions on scores, but the whole world.

Well, in any case, now that the portal front page is rotating way more frequently and that the daily top 5 is more important, decent movies get the exposure they deserve.
And we where all 13 once, where we that bad? Of course not! I think the range of age for the tard-ass user is much broader than 13-14, and that less that 1% of NG users are completely dumb.

BBS Signature

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 15:29:19

what up sess, drugfilm, pete, whatever you're goin by nowadays....

it's cool that you're out to motivate flash artists, i think it's pretty commendable. it's always been my opinion that no ones vote should ever count for more than any other persons, it's just too bad it'll never be like that on newgrounds because of the experience and blam points. but....let me just say that i dig all your shit and i think it's amazing what you've done with sessnet and drugfilms. as for critics, if you stick around long enough, the negative shit just rolls off your back. i remember when i made the blackout games how everyones negative comments meant so much to me...but eventually...you just stop trippin and realize that the world will never harmonize. anyway that's my piece.

i'm witcha dawg.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 15:31:18

If you really believe you are Flash material- don't let anyone or anything stop you. I love you NG. Peace.

Word man. Powerful speech. Fight the system NG's flash artists!
And never give up...


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 15:45:24

I hear that, brother!
I used to suck at Flash and knew that if I posted to NG it would get torn apart like a porn stud screwing a virgin. So I didn't post anything for the longest time and improved my skillz.
Now I know what I am doing and am working on a huge project with my buddy and it is looking fuckin great!


p.s. Suck my hairy anus all you haters who put our work down when you can't flash worth shit

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 15:49:01

You said it, man. In the end, the artist becomes his or her own worst critic. It is the artist that decides to keep creating or to stop. Therefore, it is really what the artist thinks that matters. Keep up the positive attitude. :)


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 15:59:39

Katana, the fact that all 13 year olds only know how to blam is NOT true. I myself am 14, so although you are right in some cases, don't you think that label's kinda harsh?
Plus, I am probably not the only 14 year old to give a decent, honest score to a movie that deserves it.
So, maybe you should lighten up just a teeny bit.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:02:13

Amen to that brother. I give a bad review, if someones spent ten minutes on their Flash. Anything else, and i try to be fair. You're right. Non-designers, have no idea how long, and sometimes frustrating, Flash design and programming can sometimes be.

Seedy out.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:07:13

Damn right!!!!
But it's easier making a movie than a game.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:08:27

a- fuckin -men!

Anything good takes months of work, thought, frustration, etc. And especially games... I've spent five straight hours of work to design one puzzle in my game.

BUT... this coming week... (or soon) I will be posting a game I've been developing since Last summer. I think it's pretty damn awesome, and hopefully people are gonna like it... It's the finshed product of the "Escape from elm street demo" (you can see it now if you want) but it became much bigger than I thought it would be...


BBS Signature

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:12:19

At 1/31/03 03:59 PM, BrainClock wrote: Katana, the fact that all 13 year olds only know how to blam is NOT true. I myself am 14, so although you are right in some cases, don't you think that label's kinda harsh?

I said most 13-14 year olds review badly. Not all. There are lots of 13 year olds who are more mature than some 19 year olds. I'm a 14 year old myself so don't worry. I'm not trying to be harsh. Just making a point.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:17:08

Man, I've just submited a movie to DrugFilms and tottaly fucked up. Is there a way to edit the entry? Because I made everything out of the frame be visible as well. And I don't people to see the movie like this. How can I edit the entry?

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:27:14

I understand what you are saying completely. I myself am not an artist...but i have attemped to work with flash. Result: I couldnt do anything. I looked at tutorials and other help forums and stuff online, but to no avail. I respect people who do good work, and artists who do good artwork. They should get major props from everybody. So hats off to you and all of your films. Hats off to everybody who has submitted a good flim or movie but got bad scores because some shit didnt like the game or what the movie was about. If you dont like it, go to another website.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:38:18

If you really believe you are Flash material- don't let anyone or anything stop you. I love you NG. Peace.

thnks u have made me want to start doin flash again i am really apprectiate ur help on given us flash artists tht arent tht good but with practice will some hope

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:39:47

At 1/31/03 01:07 PM, skyline_gtr_racer wrote: shut up faggot i dun care how much effort u put into it people can vote what they like as long as its there opinion its not effort its quality and when u make sdhit bout drugs think to urself does everyone like drugs?

It's called a peroid, homophobe, use it.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:41:07

I always thought that Users were suppose to vote based on Quality, not how much time an Artist spent.

If you can't handle the critizism, then you shouldn't submit your flashes.

Anyways, I agree that some Users vote badly without viewing the flashes, but there are also Artists that create bad flashes on purpose.

I think NG should elimate the benefits of Blammin' and Savin', that way those people who just blam will have no reason to anymore.

I also think NG should remove the "Turd of the Week" award (even though I like some of the flashes on there), because its like giving a reward for making a bad flash. This would elimate some those people who make bad flashes on purpose.

Just ideas, If they have been posted before, Sorry. I don't read every post.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:45:29

At 1/31/03 01:48 PM, evilshadows wrote: Sessnet it gets even worse than that.I once submited a flash game. called kiling spree which I wasted 12 hours on.Everyone was giving it good scores and it had about a 2.06 as a score.Then suddenly a litle fucker whose name is Jim Yang said the movie is stolen.Suddenly everyone was following that guy and lying and never said where they saw it.U could tell this was before the server upgrade.It got blammed which realy suks since I put 12+ hours on that damn game.

Arg... Your such a bad liar... When you zoom in on the background of your movie (which i reviewed), it even says Jim Yangs name... Right there on a building, it says his name, the name of the cartoon, and I think when he created it. So... Feh to you...

And Sess, great post. Im with you 100%. I only come to newgrounds to play the games and make em!

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:54:44

Drugfilms are bad m'kay, you shouldn't do Drugfilms, m'kay


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 16:59:44

hehe, pretty good message there. when you're passionate about something, well, you're passionate about something.

i do think though that a large handful of the wrong people are going to adopt your message into their own world there and keep on making complete shit.

The missing part of this message is: if a movie gets blammed a bunch of times, the audience might actually be seeing it the RIGHT way - perhaps it blows huge fucking balls. Alot of people truly need to accept that and stop using your overall message as a crutch.

The only person who is opressed with good movies I can think of would be Drunkmagikoopa. Check out his DEW HAAST movie and behold the glory.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 17:07:58

At 1/31/03 04:59 PM, synj wrote: hehe, pretty good message there. when you're passionate about something, well, you're passionate about something.

i do think though that a large handful of the wrong people are going to adopt your message into their own world there and keep on making complete shit.

The missing part of this message is: if a movie gets blammed a bunch of times, the audience might actually be seeing it the RIGHT way - perhaps it blows huge fucking balls. Alot of people truly need to accept that and stop using your overall message as a crutch.

The only person who is opressed with good movies I can think of would be Drunkmagikoopa. Check out his DEW HAAST movie and behold the glory.

forgot a few sentences in there.

Artists aren't made in a couple days and there is truly a line of suckage that must be crossed. I think it was Davinci who appologized to God close to his deathbed for not reaching his full potential in art yet. Now that's a cool dude. Always practicing!

For those people who finally come to accept the terms that they just plain don't have enough experience to create something entertaining yet, I wanted to suggest they shouldn't quit cold turkey but rather practice for a few months and submit again.

yeah, there we go. hehe

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 17:13:17

I agree fully with what drugfilms said except one thing. No one cares how much work you put into it if the game is boring.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 17:27:53

I can understand that it's real shitty when you put blood, sweat, tears, and other bodily fluids into your work and people, most of whom don't know who tough it is to put something like a flash movie together, totally rip it to shreds. Personally, I'm sick of the stupid reviews that simply say, "You're a faggot. Die." or any variation thereof. However, anyone that expresses themselves through any kind of art has to learn to take rejection. Not everyone is going to like everything, no matter how good you think your stuff is. This goes for artists, actors, writers, and the like. Hell, I'm aspiring to be a writer and I know that not everyone is going to like the way I write even if I think it's near flawless (well not really).

But going back to NG, what everyone has to remember is that most of comments that say, "You are gay" "You suck and work sucks" "Die asshole" are probably written by pimply faced middle schoolers who do nothing but sit in front of their computer and watch flash movies on NG...that is when they're not jerking off to cheesy internet porn or some dirty movie on HBO.

But what I'm really getting pissed off about is that a lot of flash artists who post on NG are using the defense, "You don't make flash so you can't say anything about my stuff." I don't make flash. I never have. I've tried to learn flash on my own, and I'm actually taking a course right now to learn it...but I will probably never be able to make quality flash. That doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to review other movies as I see fit. =p

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 17:30:47

Also Riftmaster thanks for the support and let me tell you I think Geek Fighter is the best fighting game on NG yet - (this coming from me who made Bloody rage). Now bloody rage wasn't all that but I did spend like 200+ hours at least on it. However Geek Fighter is pure, and so much more fun picking shit up and hitting people. Did you ever play Poi-Poi? Your games are the shit - and thanks for the support flash brethren.

Wow thanks for the kind words! :D
heheh I liked Bloody Rage alot :) It was cool to have that many characters in a flash game ;)
I haven't played Poi-Poi actually. I should though!

heheh like I always say, us Flash game devs gotta stick together ;)


And yes Tom you are quite right about the Views being more important than scores. GF's score might not be that great but ALOT of people have played it ;)

I'm going to make a Geek Fighter 2 pretty soon btw :D
here's some new character designs for anyone interested...

I was never really here.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 17:41:24

Games are good to play and have fun, but movies show the true artistic value and a movie can show so much meanning and drama, Im sure you make good stuff, if not then tom wouldnt have said anything at all, when reviewing a movie i like to give credit for the quality and the type of art, but also like to point out the parts that might make it better, and some people just take things the wrong way, a review is a review the artist knows when he/she makes good stuff, besides certain conditions have taken a great deal away from the review, ohwell, sorry if i have confused anyone...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 17:52:02

At 1/31/03 12:46 PM, SESSNET wrote: Ok so most of you may know I am actually DRUGFILMS. It seems I have bred alot of hatred with my movies...

thanks for the inspiration. btw, ure games are awesome.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 17:52:36

Dear Drugfilms Webmaster-

I'm glad that there are people out there with as much passion for this medium of art as you do.

It's a shame that many people tarnish the image of the portal viewer.

I dunno about you, but I see way, WAY too much crap late at night on the Portal. A lot of this crap deseves the BLAM.

But, then there are people who take a long time and turn out stuff that doesn't deserve to be blammed.

I understand that people log on, and blam movies that they don't even watch, just to get a blam point. That's bullshit. You should have to write a review for the bad movie saying why you didn't like it, and quote things from the movies they saw.

The only problem is that there'd be no way to enforce it.

Anywho, thanks for not submitting total crap, and for actually caring about this stuff.