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22,175 Views | 202 Replies

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 11:09:41

Meanwhile, we need to make sure people that constantly post worthless crap get the hint and stop wasting our time.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 11:11:16

At 1/31/03 01:07 PM, skyline_gtr_racer wrote: shut up faggot i dun care how much effort u put into it people can vote what they like as long as its there opinion its not effort its quality and when u make sdhit bout drugs think to urself does everyone like drugs?

yes, everyone does like drugs

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 11:27:13

Dude I love your movies. What kind of fucking idiots diss your movies? I would kill to do something as good as that! Don't Let those bastards get you down! Keep up the good work!

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 11:44:51

ah! stop whinig around!!
the problem with flash-games is:
99% of them ARE shit!

the main reasons:
- no long-time-motivation
- nearly unplayable
- simply boring
- 2 easy or 2 difficult

better put 300 hrs into a real good game than 150 in a ok-game.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 11:57:00

this really has nothing to do with the topic....but today, 02/01/03, i couldn't vote at all. the pico buttons didnt show up on any of the submission pages.


BBS Signature

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 12:12:36

Well, good point made, but it pisses me off about the 13 Yr. old stereotype. I am 13 myself, and i think i vote and view fairly, even if it is something I HATE. (aka Tricky the Clown) and i always watch movies before voting and reviewing. What really pisses me off is these moron who make me look stupid by knowing three numbers: 0,5,10. It makes me want to be able to blam users sometimes. I am completely and utterly sick of crappy movies, moronic reviews, stupid voters, and non-viewers. The End.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 12:54:58


looking good and dressing well is a necessity. having a purpose in life is not.

BBS Signature

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 13:36:46

Alright thats great Man, least someone knows how I feel.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 15:28:56

At 1/31/03 01:35 PM, SA-Magic wrote:
At 1/31/03 01:07 PM, skyline_gtr_racer wrote: shut up faggot i dun care how much effort u put into it people can vote what they like as long as its there opinion its not effort its quality and when u make sdhit bout drugs think to urself does everyone like drugs?
And here is the case in point. Little idiots who start any argument with 'shut up faggot' and a mass of bad spelling. The idiots who don't understand the, as stated above, definition of a vote of 0 on Newgrounds. 0 or 5 are the numbers they know. >_<

Life's full of them. Ignore them, and praise the sensible, intelligent people. :)

I agree totally.Im only 13,and have lost about 4 accounts,all with(i will agree,crappy)flash entries.But i only had 30 days.Then i started a game.Which never did get finished.One of my Older ones( i made when i was 10)is The "i suck"Man One of the reviews said i suck men.I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU.LETS SEE YOU MAKE A FLASH MOVIE.YOU PROBOBLY COULDNT DO ANY BETTER ID YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT.Anyways.Maybe Newgrounds Leader Peoples should put you must go to macromedia,download the trial,make a movie and submit it.Could work,Maybe wont(doubt it will).but to all you slacking retards out there Look a bit harder.This Quality Bullcrap.HAH! ON THE REVIEW RATINGS IT SAYS EFFORT:# does that mean anything to you,or does blamming everything beacause your life is messed make you feel good?Get a life...

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 15:55:58

SESS, I realize how much time your games must take. I understand your anger towards people who vote higher on submissions that have taken a fraction of the time to create. I gave Cokehead 2 a 3.

And that was somewhat generous. Why? Because your games simply aren't fun to play. They are boring, repititious, and humdrum. I did not enjoy endlessly clicking on objects, and just quit the game after about 4 minutes of non-entertainment. My votes aren't based on appreciation of the time spent by the author of a submission. If I see that someone has spent a great deal of time on a game, I won't vote a 0, but that's about it. Your complaints that users have voted low on your games are petulant and repulsive. You aren't hated by the users. Your games just aren't fun. It's very difficult to make a game that's enjoyable to play. That's why movies comprise the majority of the Top 50. Your dislike of users who use motion tweening to create movies is likewise pathetic. People don't submit movies to NG to impress people with the amount of time they spent on them. Super Console Wars, for all its motion tweening, is clever and fun to watch; so are synj's movies. Do I like synj's submissions more because they are frame-by-frame? No. Do I vote them higher? No. The effort put into a submission is always secondary to the actual result. I am a terrible artist. If I spent 20 hours on a school art assignment, should I get an "A" when my project is distinctly inferior to that of others? Certainly not. SESS, you clearly have superlative animation and coding skills, but all of this is for naught if your games aren't fun to play. Make them more fast-paced, less monotonous, and more exciting, and you WILL see your submissions on the Top 50, joining Alien Hominid et al. People vote high when they enjoy something. Your games aren't enjoyable, and knowing the amount of effort behind them does nothing to their playability.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 17:04:58

:My votes aren't based on appreciation of the time spent by the author of a submission

An art critique once said " It is sad to se that even today some people juge the quality of a work by how much time it took to complete". That was 400 years ago!
You've got a good point, it is the final result that matters, and, behind an Art student, understand this very well. Some people can do amazing things in very little time and other will do something slightly better, but in 10 times the time and work.

BBS Signature

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 17:06:40

...... oups, that's "being an art student, I understan..."

BBS Signature

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 17:37:02

heh. I never complained about the low scores in my games. Maybe people should actually read the post more carefully before they take words out my mouth. My main points are:

1. Games do not fare well on NG - a website that at once was only about games.

2. Artists and game-makers should not be discouraged by low scores or brainless hatred-filled reviews.

3. Keep doing stuff and perfect your artwork/ouput because that is what matters if you are serious. Everybody needs to work their way into a groove- find their style- and that is what makes a person that will create great work.

Also about the comment that my games are boring - shit. I don't make my games for nothing. If it was boring I would have never finished it. Yes I make shit and try to finish it. Sometimes it's hard to make a game that does EVERYTHING you want to do. And it's really hard for ONE PERSON to make a great game - non-boring or whatever. But one person can makes games - and I do. I always thinkof how all the games I used to love had ENDLESS rolling credits- hundreds of japanese names. Then I imagine mad japanese people sweating and working like mad - more studious than companies i have seen in america. Then I think again that "Hey I just finished a pretty dam good game- and I am only 1 man". That is what makes me proud - and think I am doing something special. Yes I can do something special and I do it. I don't care if 99% of the people think the game is boring or shit - I did it for a reason - usually to learn how to do something in flash a different way. Or make something happen that I would like to make happen. My main point is that after it's done- don't think it's over and that's that 9no matter what anyone says). Deep down inside you should know it's time to make something better or different so you can evolve your skills, convey more in your work. That is the steps people should take- especially if you were not born with some amazing gift that makes you a genious in your feild. Meaning never stop evolving and keep working on your shit no matter what anyone says. About the 13 year old shit - I never said anything bad about 13 years old. But I will tell you what - out of a lot I met they have nothing but shit on their brains - and do not know enough of the world. And yes I used to be like that too I am sure. Who cares? What are you gonna do? Fuck me up? I think not. Anyway, about tween aimations - I still believe it does not take much work because I myself had to bust out almost 1 HOUR of tweened and 3d animations. How many flash artists on NG can say they did 1 HOUR of flash tweening animations? Proof? http://scifi.com/maatkara. Animation by PETER KAPELYAN that's me. Anyway the only reason I said anything about tweening cause yes it takes signficantly far less knowledge of flash just to tween things versus making a game. However I still believe frame-by-frame is superior cause only a real artist can draw and move them- that's phenomonal to me. Just a few frames of frame by frame can indicate to me that this person has alot of talent- it's obvious. But that is just me? Why? BECAUSE I TRIED ALL THESE THINGS AND I KNOW HOW LONG IT TAKES TO DO/ AND THE AMOUNT OF SKILL AND TALENT INVOLVED. So I am not talking out my ass. Therefore I believe that no entry deserves a ZERO - especially from a person with even just a shred of ability in fllash. However Crappy entries should be given zeros by blammers- and yes movies should get blammed. But I don't vote at all on movies that are crap - and I am lucky there are some systems in place on NG that I will never waste my time looking at complete crap. I hope it's understood what I meant by this post- basically artist listen to yourselves more than you listen to others. Input from others can be good- but in the end - those are not your ideas. You need to voice your/your groups ideas if you want to create a great work. Peace.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 17:59:20

arragoncy stfu seriosuly buddy ur callin super console wars over rated? im a fan of ur work cuz its entertaining but fuk man ur callin him on motion tweening thats all u movies are

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 18:02:21

o and drug films ghuy im not tryin to be all negative and shit sotrry i guess but like i just hate people whining about the effort they put into stuff i guess i been pretty harsh

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 18:04:59

and yet another complaint i obviously suck at typing as i make many typos but like dun be gay and say shit liek wow u cant spell look at ur grammar errors and shit cuz thats wut little fags who have no life liek blammo do

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 18:06:49

Skyline STFU you obviously don't know shit man. One sec you fucking talk crap - then you try to make sense. Look man - nobody was whining about the time they put into shit- all I was saying is that I PUT ALOT OF TIME into my shit and thenit doesn't get good scores - that is not whining - that just shows my commitment to this shit. Dude man you should really fucking go back to english class man - or talk to the wall.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 19:07:40

At 2/1/03 06:04 PM, skyline_gtr_racer wrote: and yet another complaint i obviously suck at typing as i make many typos but like dun be gay and say shit liek wow u cant spell look at ur grammar errors and shit cuz thats wut little fags who have no life liek blammo do

Ure right Skiline u realy are gay.


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 21:39:51

At 2/1/03 09:03 AM, ElectricBlue wrote: I am so sick of hearing artists cry because they get bad scores, critical opinion is a part of ng and that is just the way it is. You might have the coolest graphics ever with sounds and everything but if your game sucks, or your movie has a shitty plot its going to get a bad score - live with it.

Big words for someone who doesn't make Flash :P

I was never really here.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 21:51:17

This is going to seem radical but I think people who don't make Flash should have much lower voting power than actual Flash artists. Or the Grounds Gold EXP could be reworked so that people who submit Flash which doesn't get blammed gain exp from quality submissions. either way Newgrounds puts too much power in the hands of completely idiotic children.
I never meant to offend 13 year olds, there are some very cool younger kids on this site and in other places on the internet (I know one kid who's 13 and learned php/mysql in like 3 weeks and built a message board and all kinds of shit and he's very polite and doesn't talk shit or put people down). What I meant is it seems alot of the NG Riffraff comes from immature 13 and 14 year olds who use NG similtaneously as their playground and toilet, where they come to dump all the shit that was possibly inflicted on them in school...

I was never really here.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 21:56:15

PAWZ YOU ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tweening is cool though - you can't knock it.

O k I have a feeling this post is about to end

Astro_Princess you sound hot AIM me "flashgames" plzzz also any hot girls on NG plzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 1

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 22:09:42

At 1/31/03 01:07 PM, skyline_gtr_racer wrote: shut up faggot i dun care how much effort u put into it people can vote what they like as long as its there opinion its not effort its quality and when u make sdhit bout drugs think to urself does everyone like drugs?


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 22:10:25

DrugFilms I love your stuff please make more great games

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 22:19:39

No doubt Steve.

I will without a doubt continue to make games. Thank you so much for your kind words. Trust me a have quite a few things up my sleeve I would like to unveil pretty soon.

riftmaster you were thinking exactly what I was thinking when you wrote your post. Somehow I didn't have the balls to post it because I thought "Who am I to say how NG should run". however I was thinking exactly the same but more to the end of - "Don't let people who aren't registered press ZERO". that would account for maybe a few unnecessary ZERO that caused the score to drop "unfairly".

Afterall yes score is kinda how the world runs, but in most countries you have to be of a certain age before you can vote.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 22:24:14

This is too far

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 22:26:20

Just allow people to vote once, and only once on a game or movie. Then, even if one person doesn't like it, they can't keep blamming it every day until it gets a really low score. Anyone Agree?


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 22:28:35

Well guess what. That will not stop me (or any flasher worth their salt)- you have to get used to it. Get used to people hating your shit - and even you. I will bet 90% of that hatred comes from JEALOUSY

That is true I bash movies cus im jealous of them, even if the movie is a good stick with 5 views even I say its shit because I am too impatient for flash, I am too impatient for flash to download on a 56k modem, which I dont have but a cavle modem with a work on the internet makes it feel like its a 16.6 modem and its 1000 times faster. I suck at flash and am creative but can draw on anything worth a shit. hand drawing-nope, computer drawing nope, I wish I had a notebook thing I could draw on and then my computer could fix the crappy stuff and manipulate the image with minor details added, thenm I would be a good flash artist.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 22:31:51

At 2/1/03 09:03 AM, ElectricBlue wrote: I am so sick of hearing artists cry because they get bad scores, critical opinion is a part of ng and that is just the way it is. You might have the coolest graphics ever with sounds and everything but if your game sucks, or your movie has a shitty plot its going to get a bad score - live with it.

shut the fuck up, You will not admit you are jealous like I just did because you are a pussy hating, cock loving, homoerotic bastard who uses google pictures for gay porn, I use it for lesbian porn buddy.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 22:32:29

Earth Crisis don't do that shit!!!!!!!!!!! man!!!!!!!
What the fuck?????// Ok now I understand but I hope you are just fucking being stupid and saying that. Dude man if you can't say something good or constructive about something -don't say it all all!!!!!!! Especially if you are an artist and know how hard it is to try and finish something. shit man!!!!!!! Just for that you will deserve ZEROS because what goes around comes around! Don't start that shit in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 22:48:05

Viscious monkey that makes sense and I think Tom was gonna do that eventually too.