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22,136 Views | 202 Replies

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 17:53:24

thanks for the inspiration. btw, ure games are awesome.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 18:28:10

I know alot of Flash artist get turned off when they get bad reviews- but don't let that stop you.

Props to you for good advice.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 18:49:30

The problem isn't jealousy, it's 14 year olds, or at least the mentality of theirs.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 19:01:24

There has been many interesting points raised so far. I just take the good reviews and ignore the bad. People have different taste and interests and no movie or game can satisfy everybody. But it doesn't feel good when your movie gets a low score but there are no bad reviews to tell you why. Oh well...

As for the scoring system: Can games and movies really be compared with each other? Probably not, but it doesn't seem easy to separate them under the current score system.
An idea: Since there are usually more movie than game submissions, the Daily Top 5 could be divided up: e.g. Top 4 movies and 1 game. The proportion could be based on scores and number of total game submissions per day. Any thoughts?


BBS Signature

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 19:03:23

Preacher J makes a good point about reviews

But I for one have do not completely agree this is a review I once wrote and if you read the author response it remind NG members
that it is not only the audience with the bad attitude its authors who can be assholes.

Granted you have skills and ideas January 19, 2003

Entry: Red Dawn (Segabahoy) Overall rating: 7

Your work has potential,the entrance is awesome but it lacks any main focus. Seriously the opening was excellent but I was lost afterwards.The music was a good pick but the end left me disatisfied...

Anyway all it needs is something people can understand and you will be fine.
Graphics: 7 Sound: 4 Interactivity: 0 Style: 8 Violence: 0 Humor: 3

Author's response:
Thanks for your compliments. The last part of the movie was made when the head of my penis was getting gnawed at by a swarm of gnats. That's why it sucks - I'm sure you can imagine what I was experiencing at the time. Regardless, I appreciate your thoughts, and am truly ashamed of this vodka-induced catastrophe.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 19:04:17

At 1/31/03 12:46 PM, SESSNET wrote: Ok so most of you may know I am actually DRUGFILMS. It seems I have bred alot of hatred with my movies submitted by DRUGFILMS. I don't care. I make games - that's it. Also I noticed games don't fare well on NG in general. Out of the top 50 - there are only like 10 games. Rememeber games is what NG was all about when it started...sigh..the good old days.

Anyways I also am kind of reluctant to submit stuff to NG because people really don't know shit about how long it takes to make (much less finish) a flash movie/game. Yeah I might have spent 50+ hours on it - (in some cases 150+) and people put it down. That really makes the artist feel bad. They thought they were being creative and doing something good - and then some stupid shit who doesn't know any better gives it a zero and a stupid review.

Well guess what. That will not stop me (or any flasher worth their salt)- you have to get used to it. Get used to people hating your shit - and even you. I will bet 90% of that hatred comes from JEALOUSY.

I know alot of Flash artist get turned off when they get bad reviews- but don't let that stop you. Just remember alot of Artists were persecuted and even jailed in the old days for their work/beliefs. You always have to stand strong for what you believe in. I am writing this cause maybe there will be one Flash artist who gave up - and reads this- and realizes it's not really about what someone thinks of your work - it's what YOU think of your work. And do not let any shitbrain tell you otherwise. Feel good about yourself, your flash movies, and your artistic abilities - and keep making stuff- don't stop for anyone.

If you really believe you are Flash material- don't let anyone or anything stop you. I love you NG. Peace.

F**K YEA, SESSNET! You tell 'em!

I am not a flash artist, nor can I draw so well, but I totally sympathize with you and your cause. People need to start considering that it's just NOT FREAKIN EASY to bust out movies and games. I may not know exactly what's involved with going into those things, but I understand what it's like to put hard work into something, only to have others criticize it and reject it. To all artists out there, DON'T GIVE UP! Everyone has their opinion, some good, some not so good, but don't let that stop you from using your talent and expressing yourselves! Amen, brutha.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 19:33:54

CokeHead 2 rocks and I'm tired of seeing great flash games/movies getting blamed I only blam somthing that's 40k or just shit I do try and vote my best though everyone don't let the people get you down and keep making games and movies

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 19:39:16

I am so glad there are people out there that would understand this post. I didn't just post it to whine or whatnot. I want REAL flash artist to stick true to their cause. It is true sometimes a bad score/review makes you feel bad sometimes- and think twice about "Why the hell did I make this Flash in the first place". But you must not ever question yourself. You made the Flash in the first place to excercise your ideas or believes. You made that flash in the first place to GET SOMETHING DONE. Wheteher or not someone likes it does not matter - what matters is that you stay true to you causes or beliefs (beliefs/believes who cares). Anyways, what I mean is stay true to yourself and what you believe in. As far as shitty submissions go, yeah you may keep making shitty flash, but in hope that one day you will understand and learn what it is that will make finish a creation that will make you proud of yourself. That does not mean keep submitting shitty flash til you are proud, that means LEARN and GROW from previous experience. That does not mean conform to everyones thoughts/reviews - that means keep making what it is you believe in. Noone can automatically make a work of art. It will take alot of time and attention, and learning to keep making things that will make you a better FLASHER. What that means is you have to build yourself and your skills, become what you want to become through education and hard work. A shitty flash make well become a good flash one day if you have good intentions. You must have good intentions - and stay true to your cause. I really appreciate all the feedbacl this post has gotten, and believe that it will reach the ones it is supposed to reach. If your goal is to make shitty flash - you will make just that. However if your goal is to make good flash movies and games you should try really hard - cause who knows, that may be what you are really good at. I believe I was put here onthis earth to spread truth, and share some wisdom, and create what I believe in. If you believe you are creating what you believe do not let anyting stop you - not critism, not bad scores, not anyones remarks. The main thing you should be concerned with is voicing your beliefs and GETTING SOMETHING DONE> If you get nothing done - the world will move slower, it's up to us to get something done- so the world can turn. Stay true to your cause and the world will turn. One love NG, flashers, and even shitty flashers alike. Stay true to yourself.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 20:12:11

Just cause one person thinks a flash is good, doesn't mean others will think the same thing. Sometimes when a person votes 0 on a good flash, he might actually, truly believe that, that flash is bad.

Anyways, I think removing "blam points" and the "Turd of the Week" Award will solve many things.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 21:05:28

At 1/31/03 12:46 PM, SESSNET wrote...


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 21:29:08

"ZERO's come from ZERO"s"
sessnet that is the gayest saying i have ever heard my mom make sup better ones

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 21:30:22

ps. tutitv kicks ass! and check out kermit kombat my all time fav!

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 21:35:03

That's the same feeling I had when I submitted Street Spirit (fade out). I really wanted someone to post something like this in the front page sometime and thank god you did it. I too am being turned off on wanting to post anything on NGs, but I'm still going to. I like making my movies, and no matter how many morons say "I loved it but it had no hentai/FF/NUDITY so gave you a 0 BLAM!!" I won't quit. :D

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 21:54:51

At 1/31/03 12:46 PM, SESSNET wrote: stuff

Well said and fuck em all...

At 1/16/09 06:14 AM, Jonas wrote:

: Altr remains the only reason the BBS is here. It waits for him to post, and cries when he ignores it's unlubed asshole.

BBS Signature

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 21:57:58

Criticism, even bad criticism, is just a part of this world. Look at sports teams who work their asses off. When they win, everyone is their best friend. And when they lose---EVERYONE turns on them, DESPITE the fact that they put their hearts and souls into it. In fact, MOST people in this world are just plain assholes---take a look around at the local Wal-Mart. And those that judge without consideration, well, their opinions are worthless.

The real gem, though, is the minority that takes the time to appreciate and criticize. I like even harsh criticism, if I believe they are being genuinely truthful. Someone may not even be knowledgable in whatever it is they are crticizing, but if they are truthful in their opinion, it makes all the difference in the world. Of course, it is helpful to get all good praise, but it will usually not be the case, due to the varied tastes in the world.

In the best way I can sum it up, you have to expect and accept criticism in whatever form. But as they always say....take it from where it comes and with a grain of salt. Do what you want to do and make your mark as an artist. Your contribution is worth more than their mild opinion anyway.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 22:12:19

I don't care. I make games - that's it. Also I noticed games don't fare well on NG in general. Out of the top 50 - there are only like 10 games. Rememeber games is what NG was all about when it started...sigh..the good old days.

Get with the friggin times and make a good cartoon...games USED to be good, there still ok once in awhile but Cartoons are so much better!

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 22:34:20

well, i agree that a flash animator shouldnt give up because a few bad reviews, but there is also the instance that the animator isnt very good. i mean, yes, i have toyed with flash before, but a novice can put 100+ hours into a game/movie, and feel bad when it gets blammed. just because something has a load of time put into it doesnt make it good. hell, i had a friend submitting shit to the portal that must have put 20 hours into his shit (sorry roberto) and it still turned out bad because NO TALENT.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 22:46:00

Well, I've read this out pretty thouroughly, and I think I found something that no one mentioned in severe painful detail:

The audience.

See, if I make something about Barbie (just an example, don't flame me for it), and it's perfect in every way, I bet my bottom dollar it will be blammed. Why? Subject matter.

As a matter of fact, I know this first hand, because I primarily make Game Show flashes. People will vote the weirdest things JUST because it's about a game show. It's Jeopardy? Blam! What the hell...? The Price is Right? Blam! Those suxx0r!

I think that no matter how big this website gets, there will still be some niches that'll never be touched here, because the audience isn't right.

Then again, audiences change frequently. Today's blammed game may be tommorow's Daily First Place.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 22:49:56

i hate all the noobs who think its so easy to make a movie. if every newby on ng could use flash they would proble have more thoght about voting.alot of times when i see a movie and it took them a long time and i dont like it i dont vote.i mite say some thing mean or or just be a leave a dumb ass message.like the clock crew movies i hate them but i still see if they took a long time on it and i dont vote if i know it took them a long time to make.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 23:13:11

I agree! These people who hat you because you can do something they cant! They need to get a life and grow some balls! Anyways ill keep those words in mind when i start submitting!

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 23:31:10

This site is filled with little kids. Save a few of Tom's games and a few others (including Sim Girl, actually), most of the games are crap - just like most of the movies are crap.

I agree, Super Console Wars is COMPLETELY overrated - it's all motion tweened predone artwork with no real sense of direction and cutting; and some crappy artwork ninja and vampire movies appear on the top 50 from time to time - but some of the overrated games are just as crappy on their own merits, no matter how much "longer" they took to make.

Time is not completely relevant when it comes to quality. Some people take two years to make crap. It's all about the finished product. I stopped caring about pleasing the kiddies a long time ago, which is why I'm veering toward other types of projects that don't involve stupid blood and nudity that are focused on improving my own skills.

Once you realize that you're babysitting here - you stop caring about the 8 year olds that travel around the portal thinking that gaining experience points on a freaking website is "cool." Once you see what they actually LIKE, you are almost happy to see your stuff blammed. :)

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-01-31 23:50:28

Well said Arrogancy :)

And to the idiot who said games "aren't where it's at anymore": KISS MY ASS! Games will are still the shit! Alien Hominid is 200x more entertaining than {insert name of your favorite movie here}!!!
Actually have a clue what you're talking about before you puke it outta your piehole!

I was never really here.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 00:03:11

Yes, like many have said before, I'm really glad you posted this. I have recieved many a death threat, and ruined many peoples favorite songs or bands with my horrible cartoons(there not really that bad, my batting average is 2.71). And people against Sessnet's post, saying that were pussies and shit. I think you fall into 2 catagories, one noobs who don't know any better but are slowly learning, and two assholes whos 600 cartoons of stick figures peeing have been blammed, so they take out there anger on the more talented peoples cartoons.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 00:34:21

Sess i agree and salute you.Nutin will stand in my way to make a flash movie.Reviews are like nutin more than a flea bite.I dont care if it gets blammed wont stop me from making a flash movie.Gay reviews are merely things that makes me more willing to make a movie/game.
So all u Haters out there kiss my ass.



Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 01:17:56

I'm always objective when I vote.

As for Games vs Movies: I suck at games. I always have and always will. I'm talking about playing them. So I stay away from them most of the time. There is never enough time in the day for me to figure out games unless they're puzzles or something. I'm horrible at shooting, aiming, kicking, punching, and advancing in levels. So I don't waste my time playing the games.

Does that mean I don't know that you guys put tons of work into your games? No. I know that you guys spend a lot of time and shed a lot of tears when you're working on the scripting for your games. Some of the games here sound AWESOME.

If I could play better, I'd be right on it dood.

Personally I don't think that any sort of work is about the score and if it is maybe people should think about why they are doing it. It sucks to have something you worked hard on blammed or knocked down by some idiots that think "its siht!" but that's life. And if you really know it was good then you don't have anyone else to prove it to.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 01:34:22

That is just amazing!


Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 03:57:52

HALEJULAH! FLASH ARTIST POWER!! I get what ya saying. But sometimes, I rely on insults to striiiiiive.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 09:03:01

I am so sick of hearing artists cry because they get bad scores, critical opinion is a part of ng and that is just the way it is. You might have the coolest graphics ever with sounds and everything but if your game sucks, or your movie has a shitty plot its going to get a bad score - live with it.

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 10:51:15

i think

Response to DRUGFILMS 2003-02-01 10:55:00

At 2/1/03 10:51 AM, OOTMINS wrote: i think (sorry about that! pressed ze wrong button!)

i think that the ng blamming system should be scrapped for a new kind of system. a flash movie should be given a month on ng and if it gets more positive reviews than bad reviews - it stays. if it doesnt - it goes. that way, a movie wont get blammed because of people going round in groups blamming and people will actually stand a chance to see a movie/game someone actually spent their spare time on