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Final Fantasy Club

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-12 07:36:27

At 5/8/12 10:57 PM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote:
At 5/8/12 06:42 PM, LaForge wrote: what are your guys' thoughts on XII?

your character was a whiny angsty bitch with a lame backstory and story all together. you have three hot chicks with barely any sexual tension, the voice acting was horrible and the only redeeming quality was the monster hunting, Balthier, and the battle system doing all the work for you.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-12 08:30:00

At 5/12/12 05:39 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/12/12 05:12 AM, FallenMartyr wrote: Done being a salesman now.

Play this shit yo.
It comes to no surprise that this game was never released in Europe. Maybe on PSN eventually but I lost faith in the imports long ago. We should be getting games like Chrono Cross and Xenogears but nope.

From one man who loves rpgs to another, get and play this game bro. It's a real shame that one of the best rpgs is so damn difficult to obtain. I had to buy a physical copy off Ebay, very pricey but worth it. You don't have to buy a brand new copy like I did though, either way the game runs for atleast 50 bucks, easily. My copy cost me 130.

Anyway, yeah if you're not sure about shelling out the cash on my recommendation alone, try watching some gameplay of it.

I can easily assure you though, you'll fall in love with the game and John Truit's voice acting (voices the bad guy).

BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-12 08:44:07

Also, everybody here that hasn't played Alundra, shame on you sir.

Seriously get on that shit.

Final Fantasy Club

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-12 09:53:07

At 5/12/12 05:12 AM, FallenMartyr wrote:

Play this shit yo.

I still own my copy, after an entire decade :D

I replayed it just recently and what this man says is very true. Lunar was criminally underrated when they and the PS1 remakes came out. They're not as in depth as some other RPG's, but the battle system is good, the world is good and I'll also vouch for the music; it's fantastic and worth listening to on it's own.

Can easily say the same for Lunar 1.

In terms of FF....sadly I haven't played any, recently. Last year I went trough a big FF phase; replaying most of the main titles and even beat FFII for the very first time. III is the only one I've never beaten, and I don't think I ever will. Something about it is so boring and outdated, and honestly I feel the same way about the original FF, too. Might pick up 13-2 one day, but otherwise aside from replays, I'm pretty much done with the FF franchise......until FFX HD comes out!

BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-12 10:33:36

At 5/12/12 09:53 AM, Onett wrote:
At 5/12/12 05:12 AM, FallenMartyr wrote:

Play this shit yo.
I still own my copy, after an entire decade :D

I replayed it just recently and what this man says is very true. Lunar was criminally underrated when they and the PS1 remakes came out. They're not as in depth as some other RPG's, but the battle system is good, the world is good and I'll also vouch for the music; it's fantastic and worth listening to on it's own.

I loved Lunar because when these games came out the rpg market was dominated with deep,dark storylines and lunar takes a very light hearted approach, with some genuine moments of humor. The Lunar series and the original Grandia were the gentlemen's choice during the era in which FFVII and VIII reigned supreme, oh and Wild Arms 1 and 2.

Yes, the PS1 remakes are the definitive version by far, vastly improved and changed many things. Working Designs was easily my favorite company when they were around, so devastated they are no more. they always made high quality games with amazing packaging.

Can easily say the same for Lunar 1.

Yep, both games are of very high quality, but I personally feel the second game did EVERYTHING the first did, but improved on characters, minor battle quarks, graphics, much more animation sequences, better pacing, imo better music, basically just slightly improved everything.

In terms of FF....sadly I haven't played any, recently. Last year I went trough a big FF phase; replaying most of the main titles and even beat FFII for the very first time. III is the only one I've never beaten, and I don't think I ever will. Something about it is so boring and outdated, and honestly I feel the same way about the original FF, too. Might pick up 13-2 one day, but otherwise aside from replays, I'm pretty much done with the FF franchise......until FFX HD comes out!

Imo FFIV-X are the ones worth playing and Tactics, if you've completed those than you're golden.

VI and IX are my personal favorites.

BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-13 08:52:55

Oh man, why did i found this so late... Anyway, i'm like a decade off the happenings in FF, my last played game was FF VIII, and i didn't even complete it, because the damn thing was russian D: Anyway, how good was this part compared to the others? Bad? Good? And is there any FF to play on a pc? cause my PS2 is broken and i have no money to fix it/buy a ps3.

My art Thread, prepare to get your eyes burned!

BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-13 09:32:24

At 5/12/12 08:44 AM, FallenMartyr wrote: Also, everybody here that hasn't played Alundra, shame on you sir.

Seriously get on that shit.

I actually snagged that game from my local indie game shop. Not sure when I'll start playing it, though.

At 5/13/12 02:41 AM, Austerity wrote:
At 5/13/12 02:12 AM, Travis wrote:
Vaan just "being there for the ride" is a good reason to hate him.
But certainly not a good enough reason to regard the game as trash.

It wasn't just Vaan that I wasn't too fond of; it was the crew overall. I only really cared for Balthier.

At 5/13/12 08:52 AM, NiteCrow wrote: Oh man, why did i found this so late... Anyway, i'm like a decade off the happenings in FF, my last played game was FF VIII, and i didn't even complete it, because the damn thing was russian D: Anyway, how good was this part compared to the others? Bad? Good?

FFVIII is actually one of the weakest from the main titles so you've got a lot of good stuff to look forward to playing.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-13 21:34:43

I bash on FFVIII quite often, but I do believe I'm being a bit harsh. It did many things right, Triple Triad was a fantastic mini game, the music is undeniably badass and the cgi compared to VII is vastly improved, also having one of the most amazing intros ever.

I also want to note that if you only play Disc 1, I think it's a solid 9/10 game. The scene where Squall steps out of the submarine/boat thing and you see Dollet on the horizon, warfare everywhere then you crash on the beach Normandy style and instantly rush out, so fantastic. Assassinating a sorceress ... man if the game had been as awesome as the first disc all the way through without the amnesia and difficult to follow, convoluted storyline with a sorceress from the future (not ever telling you her true motives) it would have been way better, I loved the concept of being a mercenary for your "garden".

Sadly the junction system and the storyline of Disc 2 and beyond crippled the potential the game had. The characters weren't fantastic either, my favorites being Laguna and Quistis, but the latter hardly touched on.

BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-14 09:09:01

To be fair, FFVIII does start off well but when it comes to Balamb Garden as the airship, that's when it goes downhill and I feel the game goes completely dead at disc 4. If there's anything I don't like RPGs doing, it's restricting my freedom, unless it was the very last thing I was doing. I know FFIX blocked off a fair amount of places on disc 4 but at least it wasn't 90% of all the locations that were made unavailable to you. As for Triple Triad, I can agree that it's a good minigame, although the Same and Plus rules are a headache.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-14 12:50:07

At 5/14/12 09:09 AM, Bahamut wrote: To be fair, FFVIII does start off well but when it comes to Balamb Garden as the airship, that's when it goes downhill and I feel the game goes completely dead at disc 4. If there's anything I don't like RPGs doing, it's restricting my freedom, unless it was the very last thing I was doing. I know FFIX blocked off a fair amount of places on disc 4 but at least it wasn't 90% of all the locations that were made unavailable to you. As for Triple Triad, I can agree that it's a good minigame, although the Same and Plus rules are a headache.

To be fair, IX at least kept the important places unlocked in the last disc. I mean, why would you return to the Ice Cavern? But VIII doesn't have that excuse; if you didn't know the locking towns and stuff was gonna happen, you just missed 90% of the sidequests if you left them to be done at disc 4. Thank god for Tonberry's Call Shop, though.

At 5/13/12 09:34 PM, FallenMartyr wrote: I also want to note that if you only play Disc 1, I think it's a solid 9/10 game.

This. So much potential, characters were going well...but then the plot gave up. Fuck Momotu Toryiama and his stupid common origin in an orphanage story. Oh yes, the director of XIII was the scenerio writer for VIII.

Sadly the junction system and the storyline of Disc 2 and beyond crippled the potential the game had. The characters weren't fantastic either, my favorites being Laguna and Quistis, but the latter hardly touched on.

I actually liked the Junction system and the GFs, best summoning system in the series IMO. And I agree, if she didn't say a few bland lines now and then, Quistis would've had NOTHING to contribute to the plot. Hell, she may not have been there at all except for disc 1.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-17 13:18:04

My problem with VIII is that it's all good ideas and terrible implementation.

The idea of focusing on a love story and using the standard "end of the world" plot as a back drop for something more personal is alright, but the butt-fuckingly stupid plot and senseless plot twists along with characters that attempt to be quirky but end up being frustratingly idiotic just shit all over everything.

The junction system is neat and offers depth for number-crunching freaks, but the best ways to increase your character's strength lies so heavily in Triple Triad and the card-collecting meta-game that FFVIII stops being a combat based game and turns into a collectible card game. The fact that leveling up offers no real benefit means that it's preferable to use the GF ability that turns off all random battles meaning it literally becomes a collectible card game punctuated by the occasional boss battle. But even if you didn't get the Diablo GF you're still going to turn all the enemies into cards to refine into items and magic meaning you're not really doing any battling.

Of course the game gives you little to no indication that playing the game like a traditional RPG is the worst way to progress so the game becomes insufferable and challenging on top of all the busy work you're doing because the game is so vague about the new systems it's introduced. The game was a massive disappointment for me when it first came out because I didn't know any of the tricks. I came back to it recently and once you know how to streamline the bullshit it's actually a decent game and in the moments when the story works it is lighthearted and charming, but my god is it tough to get over that hump to where you can actually know what the fuck you're doing.

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-18 06:26:14

At 5/17/12 01:18 PM, Jercurpac wrote: but my god is it tough to get over that hump to where you can actually know what the fuck you're doing.

Well when you actually know what you're doing, know where to get all the good spells from early on and know how to set-up your GFs the game becomes ridiculously easy which is also a bit of a shame in my opinion.

Overall I think the junction system was a decent idea and it isn't as complex as some people make it out to be, but unfortunately it's quite broken. I also hate how it pretty much "penalises" you for using powerful magic and as such makes magic a bit useless.

As for the plot, I agree that it goes downhill after disc 1. Where it really hits rock bottom for me is when they go to Trabia Garden and find out that all the major characters in the game all grew up in the same orphanage together. That was a terrible and pointless plot twist in my opinion.

Anyway, I still have a bit of soft spot for this game as it was the first final fantasy game I ever played and I really loved it the first time. Furthermore, it does have a few redeeming qualities like fantastic music, (at the time) breath-taking FMVs and at least they tried some new things rather than sticking to the old formula. But I can see that it's one of the weakest entries in the series.

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Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-28 20:08:37

At 5/21/12 12:12 AM, Travis wrote:
Anyone know if Square-Enix is going to have an e3 conference stream somewhere on the internet?

E3 Lineup

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-31 11:44:47

At 5/28/12 09:46 PM, Travis wrote:
At 5/28/12 08:08 PM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote:
At 5/21/12 12:12 AM, Travis wrote:
Anyone know if Square-Enix is going to have an e3 conference stream somewhere on the internet?
E3 Lineup
That didn't really help me.

Will this help?

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-31 20:36:21

At 5/31/12 12:30 PM, Travis wrote:
At 5/31/12 11:44 AM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote: Will this help?
Eh, I'm still looking for where they are going to be broadcasting their conference EXCLUSIVELY...

But, Final Fantasy Dimensions looks quite promising.

then you will have to wait for G4 Coverage. if you dont have it on sattelite or or it at all gust go to G4.com and go to E3 coverage and look they usually give Square Enix they're own page for Coverage.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-05-31 20:49:08

Nomura on FFVII Remake

his weekâEUTMs Famitsu features retrospectives on Final Fantasy VII and XI. In the Final Fantasy VII feature, character designer Tetsuya Nomura shares his thoughts on the game, a remake, and the series in general.

Here are some bullet quotes:

âEUoeI consider Kitase a worthy successor of Final Fantasy.âEU
âEUoeThe new Final Fantasy must overcome the Final Fantasy of the past.âEU
âEUoeThere are a lot of people who want a remake of Final Fantasy VII. However, new titles take precedence. We work our hardest to make something that might be even better than Final Fantasy VII.âEU
âEUoeAt first Yuffie was planned to be an outlaw. There were going to be wanted posters in the street of the opener, one for each of the people youâEUTMd become friends.âEU

I bolded the Ironic parts that they are doing just so well on..

please Enix fire that douchebag.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-03 21:29:34

This place is depressingly silent lately.


BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-04 18:01:14

E3 is here and im waiting for the Square Enix conference.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-09 10:13:55

At 6/9/12 09:50 AM, LaForge wrote: thanks to an MMORPG, i'm now familiar with the tank/dps/healer-mage trifecta, and it's paying off in spades in FFXII. i'm breezing through high level enemies so much that it's boring. i'll be able to complete the game 100% for sure. too bad you guys seem to have disdain for the game.

You're gonna need more than that to beat Omega and Yiazmat. But good luck! I'm also one of the few that don't disdain the game, FYI.

In other news, I've been replaying FF XIII-2, except this time I'm going for 100% (which is something considering XIII almost cured me of my "must 100% every FF" fever) and going in without all of my negative and pessimistic self. Yes, I admit, the first time I played this, I was being an ignorant asshole and too stubborn to care/pay attention to some details and I kept wishing, even if just a little, that the game would fail. Now I'm free of those thoughts, and the game IS looking much better in my eyes.
When I complete it, I'll give it a REAL fair and honest review, unlike my last one.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-10 03:51:40

BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-10 05:41:55

At 6/10/12 03:51 AM, FallenMartyr wrote: So we can remember their once greatness...




90's Square was the shit.
(Plus 2000's FFIX)

I'm bored guys and going on a music binge.






BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-10 10:04:32

At 6/10/12 05:41 AM, FallenMartyr wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKAoSY5bhSw

Just too good of a tune. I'm disappointed The Black Mages never made a metal remix of You're Not Alone. At least with The Black Mages breaking up Nobuo has had more involvement with music in video games again. All I ask is for another good Final Fantasy game where he is the main composer.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-10 11:04:46

At 6/10/12 10:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/10/12 05:41 AM, FallenMartyr wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKAoSY5bhSw
Just too good of a tune. I'm disappointed The Black Mages never made a metal remix of You're Not Alone. At least with The Black Mages breaking up Nobuo has had more involvement with music in video games again. All I ask is for another good Final Fantasy game where he is the main composer.

I've always enjoyed Mitsuda's work just a little more, but would love to see them duel compose something together. Would be something of Legends.

Also effed up a link earlier and considering it was my fav of the bunch, reposting.

Both versions are amazing but the original SNES version has a charm to it.


Amazing that the snes had the capabilities to pull off the game's ost.

BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-10 18:19:17

At 6/10/12 05:41 AM, FallenMartyr wrote: 90's Square was the shit.
(Plus 2000's FFIX)

Agree x10


The first time I reached the castle and heard this music, I thought the game had crashed.


I am an absolute fanboy of this track, l still can't understand how it fit that moment SO damn well and even made it MORE memorable than it is. FF IX <3


To be honest, I don't really like this track. ln fact, l find FFX's soundtrack to be a bit overrated. Don't get me wrong, I like plenty of the tracks in that game, but I think it's overall more forgettable than the other games' that featured Nobuo's music.
Am I the only one?

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-10 18:32:49

At 6/10/12 06:23 PM, Travis wrote: So...

Anyone heard any rumors of FF XIII-3 in the works?

And if they actually go with that DLC episodes bullshit, I'm going to feel trolled by my favorite franchise.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-10 18:40:22

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-11 09:10:49

At 6/10/12 06:19 PM, portalwarpedJP wrote: To be honest, I don't really like this track. ln fact, l find FFX's soundtrack to be a bit overrated. Don't get me wrong, I like plenty of the tracks in that game, but I think it's overall more forgettable than the other games' that featured Nobuo's music.
Am I the only one?

I also think this way for FFX's soundtrack. Sure, it's good but really doesn't do a whole lot for Nobuo's standard of quality music. I can only pick a handful of tracks from FFX that really meet his standards.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-11 12:45:40

At 6/11/12 09:10 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/10/12 06:19 PM, portalwarpedJP wrote:

I also think this way for FFX's soundtrack. Sure, it's good but really doesn't do a whole lot for Nobuo's standard of quality music. I can only pick a handful of tracks from FFX that really meet his standards.

Completely disagree, i adore ffx ost. To zanarkand, this is your story, the ending theme just orgasmic.

BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-13 17:35:23

At 6/11/12 12:48 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 6/11/12 12:45 PM, FallenMartyr wrote:
At 6/11/12 09:10 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/10/12 06:19 PM, portalwarpedJP wrote:

I also think this way for FFX's soundtrack. Sure, it's good but really doesn't do a whole lot for Nobuo's standard of quality music. I can only pick a handful of tracks from FFX that really meet his standards.
Completely disagree, i adore ffx ost. To zanarkand, this is your story, the ending theme just orgasmic.
Agreeable, I actually enjoyed most of Final Fantasy X and the soundtrack. Only downside is why doesn't anyone call Tidus by his name in X or X-2? Is it really that damn hard to pronounce?!

I'm pretty sure you know that in the original FFX you could enter your own name, and there was no voice generator to pronounce it or anything. and it's not like they'd have the voice actor record every name possible... the main character is either 'you' or 'tidus' depending if you keep the original name or not. but in FFX-2 there was no excuse for this, I agree.

You probably already know all I just said obviously, but just saying

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2012-06-13 18:16:58

At 6/13/12 05:35 PM, NatsumeSabrina wrote: but in FFX-2 there was no excuse for this, I agree.

...yes there was. It's a continuation of Tidus' story, he's obviously still intended to have the name you gave him.