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Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG??

10,037 Views | 220 Replies

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 19:34:10

At 1/9/03 07:28 PM, synj wrote:
I think the chocobo thingie in #5 on the portal is one of the bigger pieces of shit ever made.



It's not BAD but it is NOT TOP 50 MATERIAL

I blame the Final Fantasy Fanboys.
You know who you are!
*prepares for the flaming*

The fact that it's up there makes me hate it with a passion.

Re: Waterworld: it sucked for the amount of money it cost to make- that's a fairer statement. :)

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 19:35:17

At 1/9/03 07:28 PM, synj wrote: The thing is, it's rather impossible to say if you're voting fair or not.
Thus, the people who don't vote high for the winning entries should not be banned. That is, if newgrounds is a democracy here.

Excellent point Synj.

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 19:44:08

I agree with you guys too. I can't stand that FF movie. The author is a nice guy, but the fucking fanboys give him way too much fucking credit. There's always some dumb FF movie every couple of weeks, where people who like FF vote 5 (OMG I KNOW THAT CHARACTER, 5!!!)

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 19:49:39

At 1/9/03 04:04 PM, Shrapnel wrote: I smell spoofed e-mail.

I don't see why Wade would do that.

I agree, it does sound like a spoofed email. Or if it isn't im going to be pissed off.

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 20:08:46

At 1/9/03 04:16 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Alright, maybe I was a bit hasty warning certain people, but lately we have had a big problem with a group of people voting 0 on items as soon as they came in, so I am trying to figure out who these people are. The people who submit content to Newgrounds are the life blood of NG. We don't want them to leave because some group of idiots are voting 0 on their work to rack up BLAM points. We just want people to be careful and give a fair vote. If you don't care for something, but realize a lot of work went into it, vote 2.

But now it's the problem of, if we don't make a flash (like myself personally) how do we know how much effort went into it? Voting is based on opinion, as is reviewing, my personal opinion is that if a submission dosen't meet my tastes, I will vote low...and I also agree with Valz that if blamming is a problem the warnings should go out to the clock haters and the BC since they seem to have blamming agendas (meaning they exist to blam certain types of work).

I can sympathize with what your trying to do, but if you come on telling people how to cast they're votes, people will become frustrated and leave, and the flash submitters, who are indeed the life blood of the site, will have no one to view their work. So if you don't like how people are voting, perhaps the you should take voting out of the equation and leave content policing to yourselves (the adminastrators) otherwise you have to live with the evils that come along with public voting is my opinion.

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Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 20:12:50

Im on both sides, but you see the blam/protect points helps ng clean crap out, and helps good movies live. Really half of you idiots say that the point system is bad. I dont give a fuck and yes some persion allways voteing 0 is unfair. However what about 5? Voteing 5 if the movie is low quality they will give 5s and all 10 mostly the clocks and some other team/crew/club not that I hate them. I mean some of there stuff is 100% quality but ughh B? and some of the tricky movies? its not just 0s its also 5s.

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 20:13:36

Just vote the way you feel which most of yall do..........but i do admit when a file is 6kb or 16kb and its says "Blam this for free blam points" hehe free blam ploints for da lost ......me

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 20:21:38

whahahaha big brother is watching

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Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 20:23:29

I stopped voting on popular movies a while ago, now I only vote to blam or save

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Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 20:33:38

I protect submissions 95% of the time but forcing someone to vote a certain way is restricting basic freedoms. Nobody ordered anyone to submit their work to Newgrounds, just like Valz giving Monkey Island a 0 (a shitty submission I might add). When I hear about crap like this it really bothers me.

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 20:36:04

Shrapnel brought up a very valid point earlier about the amount of effort put into a movie doesn't directly affect the quality. I've known this for the longest time, and it really pisses me off to see these dipshits complain about their movie getting blammed and how hard they worked on it. Here's a speech I wrote a while ago to show people like that:

You are receiving this speech because you have said something to the effect of: "You need to think about how hard I worked on that movie", "Vote according to how hard I worked", "I'd give you a lower score but I can't do any better", or my favorite, "You can't judge my work! You don't have a single movie!" Here's how it works. Voters and Reviewers are called that for a reason. They vote and they review. If they were required to make really good flash before they could vote or review, they would be called "Voter/Awesome Flash artists" and such. The harsh truth is that having a NG account entitles you to vote and review movies as you see fit. Whether you have ever opened flash in your life has no bearing on your ability or right to vote. Saying that you have to make some good movies before you have the right to criticize other people's work is like saying that you have to be a politician yourself to vote for governer or president. The bottom line is this: Some people are assholes, and you have to live with the sad fact that some people will vote on your movie without watching it. But guess what? This might just be the work of BLAM CLUB. They are a group dedicated to de-crapping the portal through way of blamming crap movies. A good deal of the time they'll vote 0 without watching it. (I know they have rules against it, but c'mon. Do you really think they abide by that?) Your movie may have been the victim of an organized blamming care of BLAM CLUB. And there is a very good reason for the flagging of a movie as crap. It's a very obvious reason, but somehow it escapes most people. Here it is: the movie was flagged, because the movie is in fact CRAP. Blamming was invented to get rid of shit movies. And that is what it does to this day. Get rid of shit. I've seen the results. The cream of the crop survives blamming. The shit movies...some of which (not nearly enough) are blammed. It's the way it works, and it is a good system. Readers, I hope you absorb this and start acting accordingly. Don't bitch about how much effort you put into your movie, because it doesn't matter. Only the entertainment value of the end result matters. That's how some movies that may or may not look like crap get high scores. Because they're entertaining. You can spend years on a flash and get blammed real fast because it was boring. But more likely it won't get blammed because you people are idiots and "can't do any better" which brings me to my next bottom line point. Don't vote high on movies you know are crap because "you can't do any better" So what? You think it crap, so tell em! Throw em some 0's if you think they deserve them! That's how they know they need to get better! If you've managed to read through all this and understand it, give yourself a pat on the back and feel proud. Because you now know that you are enlightened. So get out to the portal and spread your enlightenment! *end of speech*

Sadly, my speech caused no such revolution.

Seems people are pointing fingers at everything they can find, but I'm going to point my finger at the real culprit: narcist, no-talent dipshits who happened across NG and said, "I wanna make movies too!" And we can't really do anything about them. We can't de-dipshitize them. All we can do is try to make them understand that they suck, and they either need to either stop making flash or pull some talent out of their ass. They just don't seem to understand it through way of blamming and bad reviews, but that's all we have.

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 20:39:34

Right on Grandmaster J.

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 20:41:02

At 1/9/03 08:36 PM, GrandmasterJ wrote: Shrapnel brought up a very valid point earlier about the amount of effort put into a movie doesn't directly affect the quality. :

props man

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 20:41:23

I woonder if Tom and Wade ever consider so many people for 0 cos the movies SUCK!, if my account is removed, screw it, the internet is a big place

BBS Signature

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 20:59:06

At 1/9/03 08:52 PM, EZ3 wrote:
At 1/9/03 04:25 PM, WadeFulp wrote: We are seeing a bigger problem with many users voting 0 to rack up blam points since the new system. So simply put, if users can't use the system fairly, we'll have to remove the vote ranks and blam points and go back to less voting activity. If you don't care for something, but can tell it took some work, vote 2.
I'd like it if we could go back. I'll take your side just because to much shit gets blammed. Can people now resubmit? Since they were unfairly blammed?

yeah it depnz on the movie if the movie sucked then yeah if a good movie was blammed unfare tehn this how its goes i guess :\

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 21:40:04

I'm scared because it's Wade-of Hitler. Persecution of the voters.

Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG??

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 21:42:25

At 1/9/03 08:36 PM, GrandmasterJ wrote:

*Applauds*, maybe NG's staff should take a poll on this kinda stuff to see whether it would be a good idea or not instead of pulling this crap.

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 21:49:55

On a minor note, I liked Waterworld. And thanks for the support, it's refreshing to see people who understand.

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 23:37:52


Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 23:40:30

wrong place wrong time

Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG??

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-09 23:46:39

This new voting stuff is a bunch of BS.

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-10 00:06:36

I admit that I fiven a lot of movies... Or maybe I'm just watching the good movies. I don't visit random movies too often.

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-10 00:09:51

Martial law is moments away.

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Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

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Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-10 00:17:53

this is the dumbest thing. he cant tell us how to vote. Sure sometimes people vote 0's on "high" quality things. its our own opinion if we think the thing sucks ass and as a result vote 0. what are we supposed to copy everyone elses vote?

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-10 00:21:34

Not to be an ass, but part 2 of the two part game Valz and others voted 0 on is now movie of the day, which I knew it had a chance to be. :) So it was a good example to use to see who was voting 0 on something that was probably one of the best submissions of the day.

1. Monkey Island - Escape
2. Wily Shorts #4
3. Robotech Director's Cut
4. Monkey Island - Escape
5. Wily Shorts #3

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Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-10 00:25:10

Maybe the ressurection stuff would be correct if errors happen again. No?

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-10 00:25:59

The monkey Islands were well done, however i found gameplay a little dry and liner....I mean in the begining of the first part, i must of been punched back to the begining a million fucking times

Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-10 00:33:50

At 1/9/03 06:36 PM, Kainsdoom wrote: The Blam clubs objective is to watch the portal and make sure that only quality movies get entered onto newgrounds.

There was once this group of people whose objective was to make sure only "quality" people got to exist in the world.


Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-10 00:36:05

So since you KNEW it was going to be in the daily top 5, you still decided to send me a nasty email because I voted low on something you liked. How did you know I voted low? Are you watching how we all vote? Do I now have to vote 2 on something I thought was shitty or should I just leave NG now before I get told how to post?

I am extremely upset that I got a threat such as "vote low on movies your account will be deleted", I think I have every right to be upset. I am not a person who goes out & just blams nor am I affiliated with the Blam Club or the Clock HAters. Do they get the same emails as I did? I thought from the begining that Blam points were the worse thing that you could have come up with. Why not get rid of it because that's where this is all steming from, not just me voting low on a few movies. Also since when do we have to vote at least 2 on a movie? I feel that our freedoms on NG are slow being taken away from us because of a stupid idea that you decided *& whoever else thought was good* decide to put in effect. I thought I had every right to vote as I seemed fit & if that or voicing my opinion gets me banned, then so be it. Just don't blame me for a system that you yourself put into effect not I.

Again I suggest two voting squares one that says good & one bad. Since 0-5 is causing problems.

Behind Closed Doors. *Video Clip Here* . Coming Soon!

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Response to Are We Now TOLD How to Vote on NG?? 2003-01-10 00:39:15

We are told how to vote - not what to vote. Just vote fairly.

I tend to vote funny. I throw in a lot of 2s sometimes, if it's low quality but I like it. If it reeks of noneffort it's a 0, I mean total non-effort, or it's nothing but pornography.

I think getting rid of protection/blam points might be a good idea if it's just getting abused. There will be less votes, definately, but the votes cast will be honest. They will reflect those that are willing to vote without an incentive... well there's the 5 votes for points, but it doesn't matter WHAT they vote there.