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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-07 12:58:34

You entered the top 3000 in Experience Points. Outstanding!

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-07 19:03:42

Wow, what a day - bunged up with cold, no cricket, the F1 was reduced to speedboat racing at Silverstone and I've managed to omit doing the list... that's worrying, but I will strive to return in the morning.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-08 07:08:43

Coop makes the cricket tea, while trying his best to recover. Congratulations to:
Decky: Level 25
Fagamut: Level 44
Gambit: Level 49
Auz: 23rd Birthday
ViceFullbuster: 34,000 Experience
gamejunkie: Medals from 700 Games

Listening to:
Aerosmith - Amazing
Rush: One Little Victory

At 7/6/12 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/6/12 04:50 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/5/12 09:27 AM, Bahamut wrote: And a few hundred years later, we have become an American state. :P
I dispute that - European, I feel.
And now for the next debate: Are we even part of Europe anymore? :P

Whether or not we are, most of those bastards in Westminster would argue that we are.

But in a few hundred years, I'll be dead, so won't care.
I can't tell you how long a dragon can live but maybe long enough for that.

Sucks to be you :P

When was the last time I tuned in to the radio? Oh right, during the last two months of Bruce Dickinson's Friday radio show two years back.
I still listen to Alice Cooper nights, every now and again.
How are his shows generally performed?

I like them - he has a very broad taste in music. I'm not sure you would like them, because he likes some acts that you think "Oh god no!" about, such as Ke$ha

At 7/6/12 01:37 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/6/12 04:50 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/5/12 04:09 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/3/12 04:00 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/2/12 11:51 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/2/12 04:15 AM, Coop wrote: Must be a spot that developed later than the rest...
Yeah, beards tend to be the last thing that develops fully. When my father grew his first beard, the hairs had a different colour in some spots.
If it's any consolation, when I have a crew cut, the hairs on the back of my head do go all mottled, having more than three individual colours and plenty of shades mixed in there.
My hair starts to become gray already. :(
Well, some people I know started going grey at 17-18, which is really weird. Plus one of the guys I went to school with was completely bald by the time he was 20. You've got it easy.
I think I discovered my first grey hairs when I was 27. Also, I have bald spots at the temples (or a "receding hairline"/a "widow's peak"...). But at least I don't have what we call "a knee cap": A bald spot on the back of your head, like my brother...

Ah, the Prince William Special, as we have come to know it in the UK. He's got a stunning wife, but he's going to be bald within a few years.

Also, with a beard, receding hairline and long hair, you'll look like Bill Bailey. Cool.

I think I'd fit if I found a grey hair.
So, did you find any grey hairs so far?

I plucked one out of the beard, that I thought was grey - I have been trying to convince myself that it was blonde. I'm more worried about the ginger one I found, tbh :P

It was just me trying to act like a girl... you know the situations, where you can never say the right thing? "Honey, do you think I can wear this skirt or does it make me look fat?" - "You can wear it, it doesn't make you look fat." - "OH, so you think I'm FAT?!! *tears*"

Luckily, my wife isn't anything like that. :3
Ah, the joy of someone who doesn't care too much. I remember when I had someone who cared too much and I also remember when I had someone who didn't care enough. Now to find the balance...
Hm, Thesis, Antithesis... so, according to Hegel you'll meet your Synthesis next. :)

We can but hope. She's out there.

I was thinking more along the lines of Beverly Hills Cop - "This is not my bedroom!"
Oh, it's too long ago since I watched that movie.
I watched it the other night. We've finished Cop 2, so now onto Wonderworld and Cop 3, which is the most bizarre of the lot.
I never liked Eddie Murphy, to be honest. And that dislike was even before such atrocities like "The Nutty Professor" or "Dr. Doolittle".

Well, he can be a bit of a donkey :P

LOL! Good thing I never went to church, nor was I ever a "member" of this "club".
I can't help my parents, nor their way of bringing me up. I wouldn't change it, as it's opened my eyes and I've made my own mind up.
And I have to thank my parents for never having me baptized. I think you actually have to pay to get out of church... but on the other hand, you can save some money, because you don't have to pay church taxes anymore.
I think it was a good excuse for a family piss up, with my lot.
Yeah, makes you wonder what's this "freedom of religion" thing is all about.
It's bollocks, basically. I made my own mind up and to be fair, my mum has stood by me and allowed me to make my own decisions, for the most part. Saying I wished to abstain from RE lessons at school didn't go down well, neither did me getting caught reading during them, nor skipping the lessons, to finish my A-Level Physics coursework.
Recently, there was a court decision that said, circumcision of little boys isn't legal anymore, if there are no medical reasons for it. Also has something to do with "freedom of religion", since the boys cannot decide for themselves, if they want to be circumcised or not, or want to be jewish/muslim or not... highly controversial topic!

Wow, that's as messed up as the French, with the Muslim headscarves being banned in public...

At 7/6/12 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/6/12 04:50 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/5/12 09:27 AM, Bahamut wrote: And a few hundred years later, we have become an American state. :P
I dispute that - European, I feel.
And now for the next debate: Are we even part of Europe anymore? :P
And I always thought you never where part of Europe in the first place :P

Would you be a good chap and tell Angela for us? Thanks.

This is mostly because she seems to be trying to buy the rest of Europe and make it into a superpower. What a brilliant idea, why didn't someone think of this before?

What? Oh... right...

Guess a high five is out of the question, then?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-08 08:18:32

Listening to:

Battle Ram - Smash the Gates

Thanks to:


At 7/7/12 08:53 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 7/6/12 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: Now that's a grand achievement to do. Sure, the last boss was from out of nowhere but everything else went smooth.
Yes, I knew about the final boss however. I think it is insane to go so long without spoilers for a FF game. Apart from the first or second game, I guess no one cares about them.

The first two FF games haven't aged that well in terms of storyline. However, FFI was the way to build up the franchise so it's still respected.

At 7/8/12 07:08 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/6/12 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: And now for the next debate: Are we even part of Europe anymore? :P
Whether or not we are, most of those bastards in Westminster would argue that we are.

Like you said, the Westminster are bastards.

I can't tell you how long a dragon can live but maybe long enough for that.
Sucks to be you :P

Not quite, at least I'll get to witness a revolution in my lifetime.

How are his shows generally performed?
I like them - he has a very broad taste in music. I'm not sure you would like them, because he likes some acts that you think "Oh god no!" about, such as Ke$ha

I said pass the moment you said Ke$ha. Keep that shit away for all eternity!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-08 11:31:12

At 7/7/12 05:49 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/6/12 01:37 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/5/12 09:27 AM, Bahamut wrote: But it's fucking gold!
Maybe, but I have to take a look at it again (with sound), before I can judge it.
Be sure to do that just to have some laughs.

Was busy (re)installing some OS's. Took me longer than expected, due to some unforseen difficulties. Why can't this shit just WORK for a change?

Twisted Sister are actually really good. It's just a shame they have an association with hair metal just like how W.A.S.P have horribly been mislabelled as that many times.
I don't like Twisted Sister too much. Maybe they aren't exactly hair metal, but they are really close. Anyway, hair metal or not, I don't like their music. ^^
Your loss then. There's a fair amount of good songs on Stay Hungry. Now Quiet Riot, that's a band I couldn't really enjoy.

Too much "glam" in their "rock", man.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-08 11:33:08

No Coop, I didn't forget about you, I was just too stupid to include everything in one single post once again...

At 7/8/12 07:08 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/6/12 01:37 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/6/12 04:50 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/5/12 04:09 AM, Haggard wrote: My hair starts to become gray already. :(
Well, some people I know started going grey at 17-18, which is really weird. Plus one of the guys I went to school with was completely bald by the time he was 20. You've got it easy.
I think I discovered my first grey hairs when I was 27. Also, I have bald spots at the temples (or a "receding hairline"/a "widow's peak"...). But at least I don't have what we call "a knee cap": A bald spot on the back of your head, like my brother...
Ah, the Prince William Special, as we have come to know it in the UK. He's got a stunning wife, but he's going to be bald within a few years.

I always found Kate to be rather plain-looking. Also, is it really worth it: Losing your hair, but having a (not so) stunning wife? I guess this is something everybody has to decide for himself.

Also, with a beard, receding hairline and long hair, you'll look like Bill Bailey. Cool.

But then everybody would ask you: "Did your hair leave your head and went down to the chin?" Not cool.

I think I'd fit if I found a grey hair.
So, did you find any grey hairs so far?
I plucked one out of the beard, that I thought was grey - I have been trying to convince myself that it was blonde. I'm more worried about the ginger one I found, tbh :P

Well, I like ginger hair.. but only on girls. ;)

Ah, the joy of someone who doesn't care too much. I remember when I had someone who cared too much and I also remember when I had someone who didn't care enough. Now to find the balance...
Hm, Thesis, Antithesis... so, according to Hegel you'll meet your Synthesis next. :)
We can but hope. She's out there.

Every Jack has his Jill.

Oh, it's too long ago since I watched that movie.
I watched it the other night. We've finished Cop 2, so now onto Wonderworld and Cop 3, which is the most bizarre of the lot.
I never liked Eddie Murphy, to be honest. And that dislike was even before such atrocities like "The Nutty Professor" or "Dr. Doolittle".
Well, he can be a bit of a donkey :P

Maybe the annoying voice he has in the german dubs doesn't help too much as well.

Yeah, makes you wonder what's this "freedom of religion" thing is all about.
It's bollocks, basically. I made my own mind up and to be fair, my mum has stood by me and allowed me to make my own decisions, for the most part. Saying I wished to abstain from RE lessons at school didn't go down well, neither did me getting caught reading during them, nor skipping the lessons, to finish my A-Level Physics coursework.
Recently, there was a court decision that said, circumcision of little boys isn't legal anymore, if there are no medical reasons for it. Also has something to do with "freedom of religion", since the boys cannot decide for themselves, if they want to be circumcised or not, or want to be jewish/muslim or not... highly controversial topic!
Wow, that's as messed up as the French, with the Muslim headscarves being banned in public...

Headscarves where once banned in Iran in the late 30's. But it only had the effect that many women never left the house anymore, because they felt naked without the headscarf... even some men supposedly didn't leave the house anymore. They feared they could see women without a headscarf. Hm.

At 7/6/12 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/6/12 04:50 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/5/12 09:27 AM, Bahamut wrote: And a few hundred years later, we have become an American state. :P
I dispute that - European, I feel.
And now for the next debate: Are we even part of Europe anymore? :P
And I always thought you never where part of Europe in the first place :P
Would you be a good chap and tell Angela for us? Thanks.

Sorry, Angela doesn't listen to common people.

This is mostly because she seems to be trying to buy the rest of Europe and make it into a superpower. What a brilliant idea, why didn't someone think of this before?

Zbigniew Brzezinski once said, that we need some kind of "Eurasian super state".

What? Oh... right...
Guess a high five is out of the question, then?

High fives are sooo 90's!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-08 14:49:38

1,500 Audio Reviews!

I wanted to reach this goal for 2 years now. But either I had too much to do to really write reviews, or I lost more reviews than I wrote (there where times when I lost 8-10 reviews each month. Very frustrating).

But now I have finally done it! And what better way to celebrate it, than with an angry face? >:(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-08 16:50:59

I thought I had

93rd most experienced

I've passed DjGurk for experience, with now Inertius and iWalker looking like my next two targets. Hell, I can sniff the top 90. Not the most fragrant of tops, but one that I am within range of smelling, nonetheless :)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-08 18:53:45

I know have medals from 300 games.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-09 02:51:06

So I do have a question that I really would only trust Wi/Ht?ers to be able to answer well:

What would you consider to be the ten most influential submissions for Newgrounds that were not involved in-house in any way? (In-house meaning submissions where staff had a hand such as Pico & Castle Crashers would be excluded.) I also should note this is specific to submissions as opposed to series as well (that does not mean a submission from a series can't be considered, but using a series as a whole should not be).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-09 03:53:06

Level 27!
Probably gonna take me another four months to get to level 28 with deposit rate.

Meet the Mayor.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-09 07:17:08

Got called around an hour ago for an agency contract that only lasts for today. Infact, work will start in around 45 minutes and will last for six hours. I only agreed on this simply because they can keep a better mind of me for future jobs they might come across.

At 7/8/12 11:31 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/7/12 05:49 AM, Bahamut wrote: Be sure to do that just to have some laughs.
Was busy (re)installing some OS's. Took me longer than expected, due to some unforseen difficulties. Why can't this shit just WORK for a change?

Which OS is that? My laptop has been on Vista for almost four years now. It's starting to age a bit now but I feel that's regardless of the OS that I'm using.

Your loss then. There's a fair amount of good songs on Stay Hungry. Now Quiet Riot, that's a band I couldn't really enjoy.
Too much "glam" in their "rock", man.

For Quiet Riot, that is right. Twisted Sister, I suppose some won't dig them that much but damn, they did write some sweet songs whether glam/hair metal or not.

At 7/9/12 02:51 AM, NeMeSiSM66 wrote: What would you consider to be the ten most influential submissions for Newgrounds that were not involved in-house in any way?

I'd say Coop's list was spot on but it could do with a video games parody since they attract quite a crowd here. Probably go with Metal Gear Awesome in that case. Epic Battle Fantasy is more of a fan game than a parody. The early VG parodies were what brought me to this site to begin with and it's what my friends would go non-stop about back in 2004 which I'd say was NG's peak for popularity.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-09 10:51:37

107,000 B/P

Congratulate me or not, I'm still racking 'em up. I'm one of the good guys, remember?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-09 13:28:35

At 7/9/12 07:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: Got called around an hour ago for an agency contract that only lasts for today. Infact, work will start in around 45 minutes and will last for six hours. I only agreed on this simply because they can keep a better mind of me for future jobs they might come across.

Yeah, it's always a good thing if you have some "completed jobs" on your record.

At 7/8/12 11:31 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/7/12 05:49 AM, Bahamut wrote: Be sure to do that just to have some laughs.
Was busy (re)installing some OS's. Took me longer than expected, due to some unforseen difficulties. Why can't this shit just WORK for a change?
Which OS is that? My laptop has been on Vista for almost four years now. It's starting to age a bit now but I feel that's regardless of the OS that I'm using.

I bought a new SSD (= Hard drive) a few weeks ago, but didn't install it right away. First I wanted to finish my diploma thesis.
I installed it on Friday and because SSDs are so incredibly fast, I decided to install my OS's on there. First I installed Windows 7, then I installed Debian (dual install). I went back to Windows 7 only to discover that it didn't work right. I couldn't create a backup (always got the error: "Couldn't find specified file"), I couldn't even install the Service Pack 1.

I got so frustrated trying to fix that error, that I hit my fist on my desk... result: Now I have a hole in my desk. o_O I didn't even hit that hard... I mean come on, my hand didn't even hurt a bit! Fuck you IKEA and your cheap furniture!

Anyway, I then wiped the whole Hard Drive again, installed Windows 7. This time I used a different DVD, that had SP1 already included (in case you are wondering: I can get Windows for free from Microsoft, and some other programs as well because I study a computer science related course). I then installed every update there was, and I also created a backup. THEN I installed Debian again on the same Hard Drive. When I went back to Windows and tried again to create a backup I got the same error as before.

So, I had to wipe the Hard Drive YET AGAIN... this time I only installed Windows 7 on it and I will install Debian on a different hard drive in the near future. However, I will disconnect the SSD, so that Debian cannot fuck up Windows again. :/

Your loss then. There's a fair amount of good songs on Stay Hungry. Now Quiet Riot, that's a band I couldn't really enjoy.
Too much "glam" in their "rock", man.
For Quiet Riot, that is right. Twisted Sister, I suppose some won't dig them that much but damn, they did write some sweet songs whether glam/hair metal or not.

We ain't gonna take it is a nice song, but that's about it.

At 7/9/12 02:51 AM, NeMeSiSM66 wrote: What would you consider to be the ten most influential submissions for Newgrounds that were not involved in-house in any way?
I'd say Coop's list was spot on

Yes, Coop's list is very good. I even remember playing "Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder?" back in the day.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-10 04:05:53

23 B/P yesterday... and all saves. I must have voted 30-40 0s for nothing. Congratulations to:
SmashLuigifan1: 3,000 Medals

Thank you to:

At 7/9/12 07:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: Got called around an hour ago for an agency contract that only lasts for today. Infact, work will start in around 45 minutes and will last for six hours. I only agreed on this simply because they can keep a better mind of me for future jobs they might come across.

A day's wage and a foot in the door. I like the sound of that.

At 7/9/12 02:51 AM, NeMeSiSM66 wrote: What would you consider to be the ten most influential submissions for Newgrounds that were not involved in-house in any way?
I'd say Coop's list was spot on but it could do with a video games parody since they attract quite a crowd here. Probably go with Metal Gear Awesome in that case. Epic Battle Fantasy is more of a fan game than a parody. The early VG parodies were what brought me to this site to begin with and it's what my friends would go non-stop about back in 2004 which I'd say was NG's peak for popularity.

Perhaps something like "The Matrix has You", instead of Bunnykill, since that was inspired by Madness. I could possibly have delved into the Video Game parodies, but the only ones I could think of were the Street Fighter Collab and MGS Collab, which were arranged through Stamper, weren't they?

At 7/9/12 01:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/9/12 02:51 AM, NeMeSiSM66 wrote: What would you consider to be the ten most influential submissions for Newgrounds that were not involved in-house in any way?
I'd say Coop's list was spot on
Yes, Coop's list is very good. I even remember playing "Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder?" back in the day.

Did you ever play "Pussy or Raw Meat"? I was also tempted to put Slugger's Xmas up there, but we'd had enough movies, to be honest.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-10 04:08:45

You passed 3000 Saves. Way to go!

EGB || Sig by EmmaVolt

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-10 05:10:41

Total Voting Power: 9 (32% B/P Bonus)

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-10 08:57:29

Listening to:

Blind Guardian - Battalions of Fear

At 7/9/12 01:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/9/12 07:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: Got called around an hour ago for an agency contract that only lasts for today. Infact, work will start in around 45 minutes and will last for six hours. I only agreed on this simply because they can keep a better mind of me for future jobs they might come across.
Yeah, it's always a good thing if you have some "completed jobs" on your record.

The job is thankfully over and done with.

I installed it on Friday and because SSDs are so incredibly fast, I decided to install my OS's on there. First I installed Windows 7, then I installed Debian (dual install). I went back to Windows 7 only to discover that it didn't work right. I couldn't create a backup (always got the error: "Couldn't find specified file"), I couldn't even install the Service Pack 1.

Damn, why all the complications for you?

I got so frustrated trying to fix that error, that I hit my fist on my desk... result: Now I have a hole in my desk. o_O I didn't even hit that hard... I mean come on, my hand didn't even hurt a bit! Fuck you IKEA and your cheap furniture!

Enjoy your affordable Swedish crap.

For Quiet Riot, that is right. Twisted Sister, I suppose some won't dig them that much but damn, they did write some sweet songs whether glam/hair metal or not.
We ain't gonna take it is a nice song, but that's about it.

I highly recommend Horror-Teria (The Beginning):


At 7/10/12 04:05 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/9/12 07:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'd say Coop's list was spot on but it could do with a video games parody since they attract quite a crowd here. Probably go with Metal Gear Awesome in that case. Epic Battle Fantasy is more of a fan game than a parody. The early VG parodies were what brought me to this site to begin with and it's what my friends would go non-stop about back in 2004 which I'd say was NG's peak for popularity.
Perhaps something like "The Matrix has You", instead of Bunnykill, since that was inspired by Madness. I could possibly have delved into the Video Game parodies, but the only ones I could think of were the Street Fighter Collab and MGS Collab, which were arranged through Stamper, weren't they?

They are Stamper's collabs but I don't see them as that defining part of Newgrounds. That's why my thoughts were instantly MG Awesome. The Matrix Has You is an early example of collaborations on the site so that's another good example.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-10 09:24:28

2,000 medals

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-10 11:36:05

I keep getting script errors off the portal page and malware alerts from different entries. Is anyone else having this problem?

blood...its in you to give...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-10 12:56:53

At 7/10/12 04:05 AM, Coop wrote: 23 B/P yesterday... and all saves. I must have voted 30-40 0s for nothing.

Todays results:

Blams: 18036 (+1 since last log)
Saves: 39066 (+14 since last log)

Sometimes I ask myself why I even bother trying to blam the crap? I could just as well not vote on it, it wouldn't change anything. :/

At 7/9/12 01:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/9/12 02:51 AM, NeMeSiSM66 wrote: What would you consider to be the ten most influential submissions for Newgrounds that were not involved in-house in any way?
I'd say Coop's list was spot on
Yes, Coop's list is very good. I even remember playing "Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder?" back in the day.
Did you ever play "Pussy or Raw Meat"?

The name rings a bell, but I'm not sure, if I played it.

At 7/10/12 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/9/12 01:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/9/12 07:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: Got called around an hour ago for an agency contract that only lasts for today. Infact, work will start in around 45 minutes and will last for six hours. I only agreed on this simply because they can keep a better mind of me for future jobs they might come across.
Yeah, it's always a good thing if you have some "completed jobs" on your record.
The job is thankfully over and done with.

If it was a shitty job, it's even better if it only lasted one day.

I installed it on Friday and because SSDs are so incredibly fast, I decided to install my OS's on there. First I installed Windows 7, then I installed Debian (dual install). I went back to Windows 7 only to discover that it didn't work right. I couldn't create a backup (always got the error: "Couldn't find specified file"), I couldn't even install the Service Pack 1.
Damn, why all the complications for you?

I really have NO idea. And I sort of study this whole crap. Sometimes I ask myself why I put myself through this whole shit.
The only possible explanation for this is, that somehow the changing of the partition table did fuck around with Windows's settings. But I installed Ubuntu on the same hard drive as Win7 before, and I encountered no problems at all... *sigh*

I got so frustrated trying to fix that error, that I hit my fist on my desk... result: Now I have a hole in my desk. o_O I didn't even hit that hard... I mean come on, my hand didn't even hurt a bit! Fuck you IKEA and your cheap furniture!
Enjoy your affordable Swedish crap.

The problem is: Tables are so damn fucking expensive! So I really have no choice here.
We have a small "not IKEA"-table in our living room, we payed 540 Euros for it! But well, it's a high quality table. I could break my hand on this thing and the table wouldn't even get scratched.

For Quiet Riot, that is right. Twisted Sister, I suppose some won't dig them that much but damn, they did write some sweet songs whether glam/hair metal or not.
We ain't gonna take it is a nice song, but that's about it.
I highly recommend Horror-Teria (The Beginning):


Good song, indeed. But I liked the first part better than the second part.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-10 15:09:10

At 7/6/12 11:59 AM, Fagamut wrote:
At 7/4/12 10:51 AM, S-k-y wrote: Level 44!
Level 44!

Level 44!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-10 16:58:11

500 audio reviews. Been a while since I did reviews in general, feel a bit rusty.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-10 22:37:46

Somehow I passed 23,000 B/P this weekend.

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-11 04:13:26

Coop looks at the ominous rainclouds, while enjoying a fleeting moment of July sunshine. Congratulations to:
Spretznaz: 3,000 Saves
Soapbubble: 9.00 Total Voting Power; 500 Reviews (Audio)
Decky: 2,000 Medals
EmoDragon: Level 44
DiMono: 23,000 B/P

Thank you to:

At 7/10/12 07:45 AM, Odyssic wrote: WHY IS THIS STILL AT THE BOTTOM OF EVERY PAGE!? I mean, look how many views it has, is this just some joke I'm not getting?

I'm not going to click the link, otherwise it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy...

At 7/10/12 04:05 AM, Coop wrote: 23 B/P yesterday... and all saves. I must have voted 30-40 0s for nothing. Congratulations to:
That's how I feel every day, although I got around 8 blams yesterday.

I managed 6 yesterday, but 63 saves...

At 7/10/12 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/10/12 04:05 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/9/12 07:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'd say Coop's list was spot on but it could do with a video games parody since they attract quite a crowd here. Probably go with Metal Gear Awesome in that case. Epic Battle Fantasy is more of a fan game than a parody. The early VG parodies were what brought me to this site to begin with and it's what my friends would go non-stop about back in 2004 which I'd say was NG's peak for popularity.
Perhaps something like "The Matrix has You", instead of Bunnykill, since that was inspired by Madness. I could possibly have delved into the Video Game parodies, but the only ones I could think of were the Street Fighter Collab and MGS Collab, which were arranged through Stamper, weren't they?
They are Stamper's collabs but I don't see them as that defining part of Newgrounds. That's why my thoughts were instantly MG Awesome. The Matrix Has You is an early example of collaborations on the site so that's another good example.

I wanted to be sure, so I omitted.

At 7/10/12 11:36 AM, Bloodthorne wrote: I keep getting script errors off the portal page and malware alerts from different entries. Is anyone else having this problem?

Not I. What browser are you using?

At 7/10/12 12:56 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/10/12 04:05 AM, Coop wrote: 23 B/P yesterday... and all saves. I must have voted 30-40 0s for nothing.
Todays results:

Blams: 18036 (+1 since last log)
Saves: 39066 (+14 since last log)

Sometimes I ask myself why I even bother trying to blam the crap? I could just as well not vote on it, it wouldn't change anything. :/

Don't think like that, we've lost too many committed voters already, because of thoughts like that!

At 7/9/12 01:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/9/12 02:51 AM, NeMeSiSM66 wrote: What would you consider to be the ten most influential submissions for Newgrounds that were not involved in-house in any way?
I'd say Coop's list was spot on
Yes, Coop's list is very good. I even remember playing "Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder?" back in the day.
Did you ever play "Pussy or Raw Meat"?
The name rings a bell, but I'm not sure, if I played it.

Same template as Boobs, Butt or Shoulder, just a little more risqué.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-11 04:53:15

At 7/11/12 04:13 AM, Coop wrote: Coop looks at the ominous rainclouds, while enjoying a fleeting moment of July sunshine.

And no doubt rejoices in England's 4-0 whitewash of Australia in the cricket. I know I did.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-11 07:44:57

Listening to:

Dantesco - Seven Years of Battle

Thanks to:


At 7/10/12 12:56 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/10/12 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote: The job is thankfully over and done with.
If it was a shitty job, it's even better if it only lasted one day.

Yep, it was shitty all right.

Damn, why all the complications for you?
I really have NO idea. And I sort of study this whole crap. Sometimes I ask myself why I put myself through this whole shit.
The only possible explanation for this is, that somehow the changing of the partition table did fuck around with Windows's settings. But I installed Ubuntu on the same hard drive as Win7 before, and I encountered no problems at all... *sigh*

So everything but Ubuntu is the problem. :P Also, can you go back to that Voivod music video yet?

I highly recommend Horror-Teria (The Beginning):

Good song, indeed. But I liked the first part better than the second part.

Wow, I actually got you to like something. Mind you, I prefer the second part but the whole song is good.

At 7/11/12 04:13 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/10/12 07:45 AM, Odyssic wrote: WHY IS THIS STILL AT THE BOTTOM OF EVERY PAGE!? I mean, look how many views it has, is this just some joke I'm not getting?
I'm not going to click the link, otherwise it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy...

Now we have different submissions so it's no longer of Odyssic's concern, although there's still low rated content.

At 7/10/12 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote: They are Stamper's collabs but I don't see them as that defining part of Newgrounds. That's why my thoughts were instantly MG Awesome. The Matrix Has You is an early example of collaborations on the site so that's another good example.
I wanted to be sure, so I omitted.

You can be sure now.

At 7/11/12 07:17 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 7/11/12 04:13 AM, Coop wrote: I managed 6 yesterday, but 63 saves...
Nothing yesterday...

You can thank the hopeless portal voters for that.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-11 13:58:20

At 7/11/12 04:13 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/10/12 12:56 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/10/12 04:05 AM, Coop wrote: 23 B/P yesterday... and all saves. I must have voted 30-40 0s for nothing.
Todays results:

Blams: 18036 (+1 since last log)
Saves: 39066 (+14 since last log)

Sometimes I ask myself why I even bother trying to blam the crap? I could just as well not vote on it, it wouldn't change anything. :/
Don't think like that, we've lost too many committed voters already, because of thoughts like that!

Yeah, I know. Also, thanks to robot day, I now have 68 Saves and 2 Blams more to my account.

At 7/9/12 01:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/9/12 02:51 AM, NeMeSiSM66 wrote: What would you consider to be the ten most influential submissions for Newgrounds that were not involved in-house in any way?
I'd say Coop's list was spot on
Yes, Coop's list is very good. I even remember playing "Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder?" back in the day.
Did you ever play "Pussy or Raw Meat"?
The name rings a bell, but I'm not sure, if I played it.
Same template as Boobs, Butt or Shoulder, just a little more risquÃf©.

I thought so. It is possible that I played it.

At 7/11/12 07:44 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/10/12 12:56 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/10/12 08:57 AM, Bahamut wrote: The job is thankfully over and done with.
If it was a shitty job, it's even better if it only lasted one day.
Yep, it was shitty all right.

So, was the payment all right?

Damn, why all the complications for you?
I really have NO idea. And I sort of study this whole crap. Sometimes I ask myself why I put myself through this whole shit.
The only possible explanation for this is, that somehow the changing of the partition table did fuck around with Windows's settings. But I installed Ubuntu on the same hard drive as Win7 before, and I encountered no problems at all... *sigh*
So everything but Ubuntu is the problem. :P

Yeah, I think that's one of the things we learn from this little story. ;)

Oh, I totally forgot: First time I installe Debian, everything was okay with that OS. I had a GUI, it ran fine. Second time I installed it, I had NO GUI! Only the (text based) console! Ok, this wasn't that much of a problem. I study this crap, after all... I think I already told you about Lynx. ^^

Also, can you go back to that Voivod music video yet?



Not bad. Could be a lot more "punky", though.
Also, I found this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTZTEhhcktE in the related videos. I remember watching this on MTV one time. Note, that the guitarist didn't even cut the strings on his guitar. It looks just stupid...

I highly recommend Horror-Teria (The Beginning):

Good song, indeed. But I liked the first part better than the second part.
Wow, I actually got you to like something. Mind you, I prefer the second part but the whole song is good.

Is it really THAT unusual that I like what you post? :(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2012-07-11 21:22:13

07/11/12 09:14 PM
27,000 Exp. Points

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge