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Altered Reality Colab

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Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 16:29:34

Fix the walking animation a bit. The legs look too flat and floppy.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 16:59:31

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:06:38

ok, so like someone dropped out, It's my chance. Yay!



I really want to be in this, I really do :'(

Egotist, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.

-Ambrose Bierce

"This sig, is fucking cool."

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:08:16

Dusty_h can I swap you to part 18? I just think that we will need to hook people alot better than what you are showing on your animation. First impressions are everything and well... what you have done isn't all that hot. I'm not saying that to put you down or anything but your part just kinda drags on.

Tell me what you think about swapping.

Rantish It's looking better. be sure to shade everything and put shadows and stuff in. Things arn't moving that much so make the drawings really sing. You are going to use textures in the elevator shaft and elevator right? You might talk to flashkid.

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Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:12:05

Thanks starogue

And Jack did you read my post?

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:22:31

At 8/8/05 04:59 PM, RANTish wrote: hows it ;look guys

Glad you fixed the head without me having to comment about it :)

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:23:07

i guess i wont mind switching to part 18.. i know what you mean about first impressions, I'm not making mine very interesting, or at least so far, I still have alot to add. Problem now though is I might have to make a new animatic or just animate my animatic to fit the new part of the music. anyway im leaving in an hour to go for a couple weeks so... yeah its up to you if you want to switch me or not. If so when I come back I'll make an animatic for my part, maybe you can put my first animatic i made for part one in the extras menu or something.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:29:32

At 8/8/05 05:23 PM, dusty_h wrote: i guess i wont mind switching to part 18.. i know what you mean about first impressions, I'm not making mine very interesting, or at least so far, I still have alot to add. Problem now though is I might have to make a new animatic or just animate my animatic to fit the new part of the music. anyway im leaving in an hour to go for a couple weeks so... yeah its up to you if you want to switch me or not. If so when I come back I'll make an animatic for my part, maybe you can put my first animatic i made for part one in the extras menu or something.

Yeah I think I would like to switch you out. and believe me that nothing is getting thrown away on this... what you have done will be in the final piece somewhere.

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BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:31:35

alright, and i hope by switching me out you mean moving me to part 18.. not just pitching me right?

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:33:44


right dont even bother looking at my old stuff but i would very much like to be in the collab. The reason you shouldnt bother looking at my old stuff is because they suck! If you wanna see my old stuff so you can choose to then ask me and ill send you it. I would have sent a link now but im on another computer and this hasnt got flash. Yeha but if you do just say on the forum and ill send you it.


Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:37:17

At 8/8/05 05:06 PM, Juanny wrote: ok, so like someone dropped out, It's my chance. Yay!



I really want to be in this, I really do :'(

I know you really want to be in the collab but I just can't do it with the work that you have shown. sorry.

Snare I read your post yes. You can just put the music back to back of each other... if there is a pop or something in the audio don't worry I'll fix it in the final.

Visit JackSmack.com and submit your Flash Games!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:45:26

hay flashkid can you help me with putting photoshop textures into flash plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:50:00

It's as simple as importing the image from photoshop into flash using File>Import in flash. Then, in the area you want your texture to go, go to the Color Palette, and select "Bitmap" from the dropdown list. You can now fill or draw with the bitmap image. Or, you can import the graphic to the stage, break it apart, drag it to the place where you want it to go, and then just crop off the edges, or put the image in a layer below.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 17:54:44

Updated list... This thing might be getting alot less populated soon. So if any Quality (can't Stress that enough.) Artists would like to join please post on the forum or email Jack@jacksmack.com

Part1 NOT TAKEN Animatic Needs refinement.
Part2 Buzzwerd No Animatic Yet Questionable... no contact.
Part3 -Aztec- No Animatic Yet Kinda Questionable waiting on snare.
Part4 -snare- No Animatic Yet Questionable teamed up but few updates.
Part5 paoloproduction No Animatic Yet Questionable... no contact.
Part6 MC_Booga No Animatic Yet Questionable... no contact.
Part7 FlashKid Animatic Solid work keep it up.
Part8 Mogly Animatic Solid start want to see more.
Part9 Astropuff Animatic Solid start want to see more.
Part10 Jacksmack Animatic Sucks majorly.
Part11&12 AppleT No Animatic Yet Questionable... no contact.
Part13 True_Darkness Animatic Restarting his animation.
Part14 Project_Stasis Animatic Solid start want to see more.
Part15 Sims_freak Animatic Not updating much... you still working?
Part16 RANTish Animatic Restarting animation.
Part17 Starogre Animatic Strong start want to see more.
Part18 Dusty_h No Animatic Yet Swapped to this piece.
Part19 Tystarr Animatic Solid start want to see more.
Part20 craze3 No Animatic Yet Questionable... no contact.
Part21 -Neeko- No Animatic Yet Needs animatic asap

Visit JackSmack.com and submit your Flash Games!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 18:04:31

sims freak sorry for not updating your comment I got your message.

Visit JackSmack.com and submit your Flash Games!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 18:14:06

Am I suppose to e-mail the animatic .fla to you? I already posted the finished version on the last page.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 19:10:49

Snare, add the music to the animatic. Just download the two parts and put it on. also make sure there's some syncing up with it and you didnt just cut/change scenes at random spots.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-08 19:28:12

help with textures i need it

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 03:07:06

At 8/8/05 07:28 PM, RANTish wrote: help with textures i need it

well, basicly, I use photoshop to actully make the texture. The import it into flash, break it apart and basicly from there it's works just like a gradient, you can fill that texture into and shape and stuff like that. If you need help with drawing the texture...well do you have some kind instant messenging programme we could talk in?

Your path is dark.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 03:16:52

hey this is gigafox,wasn't mine good enough?

that was just the animatic it took me an hour. please let me join. i'll make ten seconds of the good version.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 04:19:46

Ok, well heres where I'm at:

A few changes

Oh jacksmack, just to let you know this is my animatic, the thing you keep showing is my full animation at it's "I'm really gay have no textures and, you know the rest BLAM ME" stage.

This is the animatic that I wan't you show

Your path is dark.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 04:21:00

Dam it I forgot to say what do you think of everything that I've done with mine? sorry bout double post... :(

Your path is dark.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 05:21:40

Parts list. Part one is available to be done if anyone is interested in working on it... I was thinking about making it a collab with someone after I get mine done. I could use the practice in matching styles. (nudges astropuff) You interested after you get your main done?

Part1 NOT TAKEN Animatic Needs refinement.
Part2 Buzzwerd No Animatic Yet Questionable... no contact.
Part3 -Aztec- No Animatic Yet Kinda Questionable waiting on snare.
Part4 -snare- No Animatic Yet Questionable teamed up but few updates.
Part5 paoloproduction No Animatic Yet Questionable... no contact.
Part6 MC_Booga No Animatic Yet Questionable... no contact.
Part7 FlashKid Animatic Finished. Minor tweeks if wanted.
Part8 Mogly Animatic Solid start want to see more.
Part9 Astropuff Animatic Solid start want to see more.
Part10 Jacksmack Animatic Sucks majorly.
Part11&12 AppleT No Animatic Yet Questionable... no contact.
Part13 True_Darkness Animatic Restarting his animation.
Part14 Project_Stasis Animatic Solid start want to see more.
Part15 Sims_freak Animatic Needs to update more and get feedback.
Part16 RANTish Animatic Restarting animation.
Part17 Starogre Animatic Strong start want to see more.
Part18 Dusty_h No Animatic Yet Swapped to this piece.
Part19 Tystarr Animatic Solid start want to see more.
Part20 craze3 No Animatic Yet Questionable... no contact.
Part21 -Neeko- No Animatic Yet Needs animatic asap

Finished parts.

Part 7

And that's about all the info.. I changed a few links and stuff... Parts that are not taken will not be given to anyone who wants them. People in the collab have first call when the rest of the parts become available.

I'm keeping the deadline for your first animations the 27th. if you choose to do another one you will have 14 days to get it done... but first your original submission must pass the group's judgement.

Thanks guys.

P.S. Gigafox. I'm sorry I'm not saying you are not good enough... I'm just saying that you haven't prooven yourself good enough. If you are really ALOT better than the work that is on newgrounds show that work...

Flashkid. Nice work. Want to do another part? it will have to be a departure of the style that you used on this one. if you would like to you can choose a piece that has a questionable occupying it. I haven't heard from anyone so It's looking like they will be available.

Visit JackSmack.com and submit your Flash Games!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 05:45:55

emm, i wouldnt mind doing part one, ive allready finished an animation, ill send it to ya, just add me on msn if you have it, cheese_mester@msn.com

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 06:41:01

Flashkid - Your part is good. Only thing that needs fixing is the filled texture on the gun rotating up from the robot. For that, you should take the texture, make it a square in flash. Make it a movie clip. Then instead of filling the gun, mask the gun's fill with the texture square so that it appears you filled the gun with a texture. Then for each frame of rotation, make the square start squished, and end up nonsquished. It doesn't look right without that. Way to go though.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 13:37:38

I agree with starogre... that does need work.

Visit JackSmack.com and submit your Flash Games!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 13:53:14

Ok. Here's my latest version of my movie. You can't see any more of my animatic. I've done most-all of my backgrounds, and I've shown you my robot and character design.


Tell me what to improve on any of what I have so far. Thanks!

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 15:05:46

At 8/9/05 05:21 AM, JackSmack wrote: Parts list. Part one is available to be done if anyone is interested in working on it... I was thinking about making it a collab with someone after I get mine done. I could use the practice in matching styles. (nudges astropuff) You interested after you get your main done?

Depends, as I may already be trying to hard on my main one >.<

Over an hour of perfecting line variation for ultra smoothness

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 15:18:14

Heh. Very nice. Only suggestion is that the collar is a bit too thick for the rest of the style of the lines. Good job.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2005-08-09 15:34:21

At 8/9/05 03:05 PM, Astropuff wrote:
Depends, as I may already be trying to hard on my main one >.<

Over an hour of perfecting line variation for ultra smoothness

still no one has commented on mine :P anyway I really like it, you use a tablet right?