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<X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X>

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<X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 18:42:40


First off if you’ve clicked on this, you’ve either been misdirected, come to flame, or have some sort of interest in chess. This post will probably be kind of long, but if you’re intent on being in this club, then read on. FAQ style.

1) What’s the point of this club?

Basically, a club for people who like chess. Go figure.
Talk about it here, debate it here, discuss tactics, famous people, whatever.
But I’d like this to be more of an interactive club, I want to go beyond the BBS with it. We should be able to hold regularly scheduled tournaments on an external site, if enough people join and there’s enough interest. More details in the “how do I join?” section.

2) What sort of people should join this club?

Preferably people who want to play chess. If you just want to come and chat, that’s cool. But the idea this club is more of an interactive thing.

As for skill, that’s entirely limitless. Even if you just want to learn how to play, this club will be perfect for you. If you’re a chess master, you’re also welcome. Everyone from a casual player to a fanatic, from a total newb to a lifelong fan. Come one, come all.

3) Sounds great so far! How do I join?

There’s a process involved. There are a few steps; this is to discourage people who want to join for the hell of posting in another club. I can’t really stop people from posting without membership... but hey, if you just want to chat, follow the steps below and then forget all about it.

Here we go.

Step I - Go to this website: http://www.pogo.com. (If there's a dire problem bewteen you and pogo, post about it. Someone should be able to help).

Step II - Create an account there. Not just any old alias either. Your name should the Newgrounds alias you are best known by, followed by some sort of Newgrounds tag. For example, my NG name on pogo is Zerok33NG. I had add the numbers because ZerokNG was already taken. >:D

Pogo doesn’t allow underscores in screen-names, so it’ll have to NG at the end of your name somehow. Add a few numbers if it’s taken. Just so we know who you are.

Don’t start any chess games just yet. As a new member you should start off with a clean win/loss record.

Step III - Find the “Friends” link on pogo. If you have trouble locating it (on the front page), you’re probably not the chess type, and should quit now. ^_^

Once you find it, add the SN Zerok33NG to your friends list. Not a complicated process.

Step IV - Post here, saying that you’ve added me, and what your SN is. This is just so I can confirm that you’ve got an account, and that it’s yours and not some stupid imposter’s. Then go get familiar with Pogo. There are some fun games and a neat token system that can be redeemed for prizes. Most, acquaint yourself with the chess rooms, and how they operate.

Note: - If you decide to start playing random people, refrain from joining a rated game. The Pogo legends aren’t hard to follow. They may or may not change the “rated” symbol from time to time.

Step V - Well, that’s it. Stay tuned for tournament announcements. Feel free to challenge other club members. One more thing though: YOUR ACCOUNT SHOULD ONLY PLAY RATED GAMES AGAINST OTHER CLUB MEMBERS. This is for bragging rights within this club, and I might get a rank chart going. Of course, it’s easy to cheat. I can’t stop you, but it’s really kind of stupid if you sit and think about what you’re trying accomplish. ^_^

For organization’s sake, I am, for now, the official super ultra chess nerd guru guy. Meaning, don’t take any “official” club posting seriously unless I confirm. If this is successful I’ll appoint others to help out and such.

Suggestions are welcome.
Should we have some sort of “club roolz” thing?
Or maybe our own forum :o? Maybe we’ll wait a bit.
Have fun!

- Zerok

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 18:43:43

At 1/12/05 06:42 PM, Zerok wrote: Suggestions are welcome.

Lose the hair. It makes you look 10 years younger.


Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 18:44:56

Where do we meet?

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 18:46:23

My name is "AFireInsideNG"

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 18:49:10

At 1/12/05 06:44 PM, Misty_Dragon wrote: Where do we meet?

That'll be decided later, once we get a big chunk of people signed up. Hopefully, sometime later on tonight, for a sort of an exhibition thing. To test it out.

At 1/12/05 06:46 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: My name is "AFireInsideNG"

Wicked, add Zerok33NG to your friends list.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 18:50:19

BTW, I'm MistyDragonNG
(duh) ^_^

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 18:50:24

At 1/12/05 06:43 PM, PwnPatrole wrote:
Lose the hair. It makes you look 10 years younger.

Fuck off.

Ok im in, ive posted in your original topic and im easily ready to join, despite being from Blighty. I liked the last tournament held by AfroNinja, and it was fun, despite getting seriously gunned by JonThompson our current only GMT mod, the fucking irony. I'll prolly get beat again, but im all for trying harder again, and again, and again, if needed.

Pogo alias = CRdudeAZYNG

And ive already added you. So lets get the ball rolling, any offers for a game?

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 18:50:25

At 1/12/05 06:49 PM, Zerok wrote:

At 1/12/05 06:46 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: My name is "AFireInsideNG"
Wicked, add Zerok33NG to your friends list.

Done and done, Try and come up with a meeting time.

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 18:54:09

Apparently my account doesn't auto-update when you add me, or it's being slow. I thought it did update... GrAwG! But that's okay, I'll you guys now. Give it like, half an hour before we go rushing off to pogo.

Actually, fuck it, go play now if you want, but don't go in to rated games. I want to save those for "official" challenges and the tourneys.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:00:09

At 1/12/05 06:50 PM, _SCD_ wrote:

And ive already added you. So lets get the ball rolling, any offers for a game?

How about a non rated game? my name is above

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:01:18

Zee current list:


I'd suggest you'd all add each other, you can find out what rooms you're all in. If you want to get started, a pretty empty room right now is Social > Observation Deck.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:03:41

At 1/12/05 07:01 PM, Zerok wrote: Zee current list:


Added them all. But it says the server is to busy and won't let the front page load >:(

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:07:44

Hi, I've never actually played chess, and I really don't know how to play. But, I'm willing to give it a shot.

Screenname: JustinBaldenNG

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:09:24

I'm in. EvarkNG. Simple enough.

I can't wait to play, however it will probably be a while until I can actually afford the time to sit and play a game.

Oh well, adding everyone to my list now.

BBS Signature

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:13:24

At 1/12/05 07:03 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: Added them all. But it says the server is to busy and won't let the front page load >:(

Apparently the massive influx of 5 or 6 new accounts killed the server, Off to a good start, I can tell!

Pogo is usually pretty reliable. I have an old account there, I used to go there all the time. Every now and there'd be a big server down, but it was good for the most part.

At 1/12/05 07:07 PM, JustinBalden wrote: Screenname: JustinBaldenNG

Wicked. I can help get you started in some unrated games, as soon as Pogo stops being such a whore. There'll be TONS of info online too. It's a really good game when you start getting deep into strategy and stuff.

At 1/12/05 07:09 PM, Evark wrote: I'm in. EvarkNG. Simple enough.

Looking forward to it! :-D

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:14:29

Im having problems with that fucking site. It seems Firefox doesnt allow you to play despite unblocking the site from pop ups, dammit. Maybe its just me, anyone else having problems of this kind ?

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:17:34

At 1/12/05 07:14 PM, _SCD_ wrote: Im having problems with that fucking site. It seems Firefox doesnt allow you to play despite unblocking the site from pop ups, dammit. Maybe its just me, anyone else having problems of this kind ?

go to 'Tools'>'Options...'>'Web Features'> and de-select pop-up blocker. I had the same problem.

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:26:50

Whoaa dude this is like my kind of club allthough i like checkers this is strange because i was checking on my pogo acount today signed up in 2001, i played 2 games of checkers today 1 w 1 loss giving me a total of 13-3 now sogh...

well if its not about checkers ill go then...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:31:42

pogo.com is having difficulty creating your account…
Your screen name can't contain 'anus'.

You fucking faggots.



Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:37:02

Unlucky justin, you have a hell of a lot to learn, I find this club fun already, well done Zerok.

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:45:59

At 1/12/05 07:31 PM, Janus wrote: pogo.com is having difficulty creating your account…
Your screen name can't contain 'anus'.

You fucking faggots.



Haha! That sucks.

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 19:52:01

At 1/12/05 07:39 PM, -Alex- wrote: Do we have to have NG at the end? I already have like a 50k token account. I'm in.

Yep. Or NewGroundsYourName.
Just we know, right?
The tokens are no matter. I'd like everyone to start off equal, as stated before. ^_^

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 20:07:01

At 1/12/05 07:52 PM, Zerok wrote:
The tokens are no matter. I'd like everyone to start off equal, as stated before. ^_^

Except me. Who lost in a rated game. Didn't know it was rated when I joined.

I pwnd Justin in like 3 moves

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 20:18:44

At 1/12/05 08:07 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: I pwnd Justin in like 3 moves

Well, he doesn't know how to play, really. YET.
In other news, MistyDragon pretty much pwned me twice. The last game was better than the first. Not by much. I need the pressures of a rated game to spur my brain... </excuses>.

Anyway, a tourney time?
Not tonight. Quite possibly tomorrow though.
I'll arbitrarily say 6 PM NG time. Very flexible though. Comments?

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 20:31:47

At 1/12/05 08:18 PM, Zerok wrote:

Anyway, a tourney time?
Not tonight. Quite possibly tomorrow though.
I'll arbitrarily say 6 PM NG time. Very flexible though. Comments?

Thats three pm to me. Sometimes when I get home from work I pass out on the couch till like 6pm my time which is 9pm NG time.
I might make it

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 21:51:56

w00t sounds like fun,

stickmooseNG and I added you, Zerok =D

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 21:58:49

At 1/12/05 08:31 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: I might make it

Alright. Maybe I'll bump it to 8pm NG time.
Most of us so far seem to be North Americans anyway.

At 1/12/05 09:51 PM, stickmoose wrote: stickmooseNG and I added you, Zerok =D


I might, if this takes off, get something like this going:
Current roster / ranks:

Rank. Name \\ rating \\ change. (maybe \\ tourneys played)

1. ZerokNG \\ 1500 \\ 0
1. Alex1224NG \\ 1500 \\ 0
1. CRdudeAZYNG \\ 1500 \\ 0
1. EvarkNG \\ 1500 \\ 0
1. J4nusNG \\ 1500 \\ 0
1. jayteeblahblahNG \\ 1500 \\ 0
1. JustinBaldenNG \\ 1500 \\ 0
1. MistyDragonNG \\ 1500 \\ 0
1. NewGroundsKurt \\ 1500 \\ 0
1. stickmooseNG \\ 1500 \\ 0
2. AFireInsideNG \\ 1493\\ -1

Except get all the spacing nice, like those fancy Wi/Ht charts.
(I just guessed at your rating loss, Very ^_^)

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 22:16:31

Im in, added ya zerok,
this be cool!

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 22:36:14

At 1/12/05 09:58 PM, Zerok wrote:
2. AFireInsideNG \\ 1493\\ -1

Except get all the spacing nice, like those fancy Wi/Ht charts.
(I just guessed at your rating loss, Very ^_^)

I should get a one game handicap for this first tourney.

Hey Zerok, make an updated list of member names every page or so, so that adding friends is easier

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to <X> Newgrounds Bbs Chess Club <X> 2005-01-12 22:47:09

At 1/12/05 10:45 PM, Hycran wrote: HycranNG whoever wants to play me now
lets do it
old school

No ratings.

Everything is everything

BBS Signature