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Writer's Guild

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Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 23:49:11

If an excerpt from my book was to be turned into flash this would be the scene. (keep in mind this is not the exact storyline the flash would follow, and that a bit or so would have to come before it so that this scene made sense. Keep in mind that this is a fantasy/sci-fi.) One of the main characters names is Xilhouette (yes, the x in his name is important, duh.) who was manufactured by a research team on expedition to an new planet; a mistake occurred durring the creation process, and resulted in his chemical structure being mainly composed of Uranium, this often gets him in problems like so:

Sleep... I want to sleep. Control yourself Xilhouette, seal your wounds. Sleep... I want to sleep. If you let yourself sleep Xilhouette you may never get up again, get up and heal your wounds. But I want to sleep. Xilhouette, your life is pouring out your side, get up. Sleep.
Xilhouette sprang up instantly and inspected himself. There was a large hole in his side and a clear sparkling liquid was oozing out. "Perfect, there goes 20 years of my life..." He mumbled after he had patched up the hole. He studied his surroundings, to his right lay a pod and part of the bridge; the ship had been torn into shreds. It was obvious he was alone as there was no one else nearby, he would need to join up with the rest of the crew members as soon as possible. Xilhouette rose to his feet and nearly fell down still being dizzy from the loss of body fluids. Slowly he began to walk forward with difficulty, he then changed his human-like feet wider and flatter so as to gain him more stability and some speed. He then realized where he was, "Dagen. Why out of all the planets did we have to land on Dagen?" Xilhouette mumbled. The Dagens were naturally not friendly beings and thrived on conflict. They were not intelligent and it could be said that the Dagens were the 2nd dumbest creatures in the universe, beaten in stupidity only by sheep. Their incredible strength combined with their low intelligence created what normal society calls "chaos". Xilhouette's pace quickened, he needed to find the others before he got into trouble. Though Zero were strong creatures, one could not fend off many Dagens. Xilhouette pulled himself out of the crater his pod had created. How similar to Xeral's crash on Earth Plane-2! Xilhouette was thankful that he didn't have amnesia on Dagen! Now out of the crater, Xilhouette observed his surroundings once more, about 3 miles off to his right was a smoking pile of wreckage. "There's the others." he said to himself; smiling. He began to move towards the other crash site as fast as he could, but repeatedly stumbled over the various rocks and foliage, as his shoes were damaged and the sole was halfway off. He was faced with a dilemma; he had to evade the Dagens as he was currently weak, but could not move rapidly with his damaged shoes. If he removed his shoes then his feet would begin to radiate and they would begin destroying everything in their proximity; there was no telling when he would be able to contain this radiation again. Then he spotted several Dagens in the distance coming to inspect the wreckage. "Oh, no, not good." Xilhouette mumbled to himself once more. He thought about the situation and came to a conclusion. Xilhouette threw of his shoes and leaped forward, running toward the nearest Dagen. The Dagen, caught by surprise had no time to react as Xil landed a swift kick to his face. Xilhouette felt his foot sink into the Dagens skin an inch as his radiation took effect. The Dagen fell to the ground as Xil made his escape; sprinting as fast as he could towards where the others would be. The other Dagens, now aware, began to pursue Xilhouette as their newfound prey. They were gaining speed and soon were moving faster than Xilhouette; who looked back upon his pursuers and saw that they would soon overtake him. This isn't working, he thought, I'll have to use State. Xilhouette altered his course and headed to a large field of boulders in the distance. This is going to be close. Xilhouette thought. Xilhouette ran straight into the nearest boulder and mutated its form to gas. Xilhouette ran through the cloud of rock and changed it back into solid as soon as he had run through it. The band of Dagens, trying to follow his path ran straight into the boulder and fell to the ground. Xilhouette slid to a stop to look back at the Dagens and nearly fell over. Well that worked out nicely. Xilhouette thought to himself as he looked upon the unconscious beasts. Xilhouette turned away to finish his journey but stopped suddenly when he heard a rustling on the ground behind him. Why must they be so hard to kill? Xilhouette thought when he whirled around and saw a single Dagen rise up from the ground. Without even thinking Xilhouette made a compact U-turn and began to sprint once more. The Dagen limped once and stumbled like a drunkard; he then took off after Xilhouette. The Zero attempted to run through a boulder once more to throw him off, but the Dagen had learned from past concussions and, using the wings that were so common among Dagens, flew over it. Xilhouette then realized he could win; all he had to do was run in a straight line, running into the most boulders as possible directly toward the ship. He would be working less than the Dagen and moving more rapidly. Xilhouette sprinted as fast as his legs would allow him to go. Faster! Faster! This isn't how I want to die, Xilhouette thought. Xilhouette saw the ship in the distance; appearing to bounce up and down rhythmically as he took his large strides. This is it, I made it! Xilhouette thought. Then abruptly, Xilhouette was falling; spinning in midair, he had caught his foot on a root that had stuck out of the ground. He heard a yell that seemed so far away, possibly Xeral and the crew. Xilhouette began to pass out due to fear, but managed to stay awake.
The last thing he saw was the Dagen fast upon him.
The world darkened and spun as Xilhouette blacked out.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 23:51:06

AHHHHH no apostrophes!!!

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-21 02:55:49

At 7/20/07 11:51 PM, Rubbershoes wrote: AHHHHH no apostrophes!!!


Sorry that just made me laugh. I'll have a read of the two stories submitted later today and give some feedback then.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-21 19:14:11

hey all. Are you still accepting entrys? Im the leader of the writers club (you might already know that already cuz some people mistake the writers club for the writers guild XD). (just in case some of you might still think that, the writers club is actually a crew of writers working together to make storys for flash) and i've been encouraging my members to go here for advice from the pro's and train themselves, yet its only today i realize im a hypocrite :p

After FINALLY securing a solid foundation in my crew the 2 black books i finally have time to "surf" the forums and join some other clubs. And since so many of my members go here, i might as well join myself. So am i in?

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-21 19:43:32

The Day I Pooped in a Bowl

It was a cold, black November night, my friend Chris and I had been walking all through our small neighborhood, right outside the city of Seattle. It was a small quaint town full of middle class homes and middle class people. It was a regular night in this small little town. Until now...

My friend and I had snuck out, we usually do nothing more than hang with a few friends, however, one of them hadn't come, so we were one man short of usual. There were four of us, me, my best friend, Chris, and our friends Christian and Jacob.

We walked around for a little while and did our normal things. We lit off a few fire crackers and ding dong ditched a few houses. It was the normal stuff, and all it did was annoy everyone in a neighborhood we didn't live in.

After an hour or so, we got bored. Heading back, we saw something. A tupperware bowl. My friend grabbed it and was about to throw it like a frisbee. He shot it through the air, the cheap blue tupperware was caught by my friend Chris.

He looked at it and then threw it on the ground, "Gross, it smells like rotten eggs."

"Potato salad," I thought to myself. The grossest thing on the face of the Earth. I hate potato salad more than I hate getting pooped on.

This thought gave me an idea... I grabbed the bowl and took off my belt.

I knealed down and tried to squeeze one out. I put all my energy into squeezing a humongous brown one out. A turd began to squeeze out slowly, agonizing in the pain of pushing it out, I began to pee myself on accident, I could not push anymore, and then it slid out.

A huge, wet, brown turd lurking inside the bowl. I could smell the strong scent of the fruits of my labor.

"Chris, go put the bowl on that guys porch" I told Chris.

He ran and set it on his "wipe your paws" welcome mat. He then peed in the bowl, the turd began to float. I asked him why. "Because if he steps in it it will be funnier with the piss all over it."

We rung the doorbell and ran as fast as we could. My butt still sore from the horrible turd I had just taken.

A middle aged man popped out of the house, and stepped in the bowl on accident. He became enraged and started yelling. He ran, with the horrible stench of human excrements on him.

"Hey, you fucking kids, I'll kill you!"

He ran outside, however, my friends and I were already safely hiding in the bushes.

He went back inside his house and we ran like hell out of there. I then retired to my room and played Mortal Kombat with Chris.


Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-23 16:30:20

im haveing some problems. Im out of ideas. seriously i am flat out im trying to get the second chapter of my newest story done but its not working help.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-23 17:07:45

At 7/23/07 04:30 PM, casino1251 wrote: im haveing some problems. Im out of ideas. seriously i am flat out im trying to get the second chapter of my newest story done but its not working help.

Well writers block works differs from person to person. For me, I just forget it. The one thing that will undoubtedly delay me even further is forcing myself to write something I'm not happy with. I will usually let it alone, and then I'll see something or hear something and my mind will go to work. Ill put together plot lines and then it'll write itself. Depending on what kind of story it is, you should bring up the topic with friends. You'd be surprised what some people can give you given half the chance. Dont flat out tell them that you are going to them for ideas( they make it sound like something they would see in a book, and invariably draw from books they've read, and you'll end up writing a sort of Frankenstein's monster), but bring up one of the major themes in your story and ask them about it. f possible ask for real word examples. Nothing is more enticing than the truth.

I know I'm not the most credible source but, I hope I have been of some help.

Its the internet. Quit bitching and get over yourself.

People I heart: Dropkicked, Mendou, Animetal, Jew193, Fremen

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-31 16:04:17

I made a topic in general forum, and they locked it. It's pretty annoying that they do that now just because we have our own userpages. Anywho, I'm going to repost it here. I'd really appreciate some criticism from you guys, and I thank you in advance.


On what seemed to be a typical quiet evening, Sydney came home from an exhausting day of work, anticipating the full night's rest that would soon ensue. She closed the front door, twisting the lock before taking off her high heels. How she regretted wearing those damn shoes to work, but she needed to in order to appear more professional. She cautiously walked towards her room, trying not to agitate the blisters on the soles of her feet.

"Hey mom, I'm home," she said dully to her mother as she walked past the living room.

"Hey honey, how was work?" Her question seemed innocent enough; that was until she looked away from her magazine and at her daughter's face. Her fiery glare seemed to speak thousands upon thousands of words for itself. "Wow, that bad?"

"Oh my god," Sydney started, "people are such assholes! I don't get why customers get so angry when I come up to them and ask them for help. I'm just seeing if there was anything I could do for you to make things easier, there's no need to be a dick about it and shout 'Does it look like I need help?' in my face. And then there was that guy who keeps stalking me. Remember the one I was talking about? Skinny body, big head, and he's got that really creepy stare that he gives you from a distance. Then there were these little brats that came running into the store, decided to play hide and seek, completely unaware of the mess they were causing that of course I would have to pick up." She went on for another minute before finally ending her rant. "... and that pregnant lady thought she deserved all the attention in the world, and thought she had the right to do whatever she wanted, simply because she had to go and get knocked up. I'm seriously considering quitting that job mom, I swear." Sydney had to take a second to recollect the air that she just depleted from that whole speech.

Sydney's mother just stared at her daughter, left in a complete state of awe. She didn't know whether to feel sorry, or stay as far back as possible. "Holy shit," was all that she could muster. Sydney cracked a smile at her mother's response, and continued upstairs towards her room.

After what seemed like the most relaxing and divine bath she had ever taken, Sydney wrapped herself in a towel and returned to her room. She closed and locked the door as she slipped into some very comfortable pajama pants, and her favorite Mickey Mouse shirt. The carpeted floors of her bedroom helped a lot to ease the pain of her blistered feet, and made it easier to walk over to her computer. "Okay, let's see what we got here," she thought to herself while checking her email.

"Spam, spam, more spam, some penis enlargement pills, more spam... oh hey, Jackie sent me something." She hurriedly clicked her email, hoping to see something endearing and sweet. Unfortunately, she could not have been more wrong. It was short, but the message was crystal clear.

Hello Sydney. You don't know me, but rest assured, I know you. I've been keeping an eye on you steadily for the past couple of weeks. You had a great black dress with white stripes along the top on today. You're very pretty, and I enjoy looking at you. I also notice that you are very nice, and take pleasure in helping everyone around you. Everyone but me. This has presented a problem for me, since I know you have noticed me. You've looked directly into my eyes, yet proceeded to look away. Why don't you want to help me? What is it that you dislike about me? All I ever wanted from you was for you to treat me like a human being. But of course, like all the other fucks I've had to put up with in the past, you didn't deliver. I'm not asking for much, am I? I didn't know getting the respect from others would be such a big deal. Do you see what I have to put up with you fucking speck among a pile of dog shit? WHY WONT YOU FUCKING LOOK AT ME YOU BITCH?! Excuse me. I could go off even more, but I really don't see a point. It's too late anyway. I'll just let you suffer the same fate as all the other pretty girls who have shunned me to the side because of the way I look. Get some rest. You look like you need it.

Sydney could not comprehend what she was looking at. This message was sent by her friend Jackie, it had the same email address and everything. It was even under her address book, so she was certain that it most definitely came from her. But Sydney hadn't seen her friend Jackie in weeks, and there was no way she would have known what Sydney was wearing today. Logic was telling her that this was all just a very twisted prank, and that nothing bad would happen. At the same time however, she couldn't part with this overwhelming sensation of fear. As if her instincts were screaming to her that this was real.

She looked at the clock sitting by her stand. It was getting late, and she needed to rest. She decided first thing tomorrow when she awoke would be to call Jackie, and if her instincts were right, she would tell her mom right away. If there was one person in the world who would know what to do, it'd be her.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-31 16:06:12

"That's right Jen. For only three easy payments of $29.99, you can have this entire set in your ki-." With a lazy wave of the remote, Sydney turned off the television realizing that there was nothing on. She flipped onto her back, looking up at the ceiling, hoping that maybe the ceiling would have an answer for her. But as minutes passed, her relentless gaze upon the emptiness that lay above her proved to be nothing but a waste of time. Turning again on her side, she let her eyes wander.

She noticed from the bright red glow of her alarm clock that it was seven minutes past three. "So much for a good night's rest," she thought out loud. Her eyes finally rested upon her window, which had a fantastic view of the street outside. It had recently rained, so everything outside including the trees, sidewalk, road, etc. was still wet. Coincidentally, the moon was full, thus giving an extra bright glow outside than normal. The light from the moon combined from the reflection of the water made a wonderful contrast between all the light along with all the shadows.

Sydney marveled at this simplistic beauty Mother Nature had provided her. For a fleeting instant, she was happy once more. That was almost instantly taken away when a she saw a man jogging on the sidewalk past her house. It was a mere ten seconds for the jogger to disappear out of view, but nonetheless she couldn't help but worry to herself. "Why is there a man jogging at three o'clock in the morning?" she thought. After about a minute, she tried to push it out of her mind. Suddenly, she saw the same guy jog back the other direction. Whatever sensation of drowsiness she had before had now been snatched away from her, and she was left with nothing but continuous awareness. Hey eyes shot open. From lying down on her side, she was now bolted upright making a ninety-degree angle between her legs and torso. Her body was trembling slightly as she waited eagerly praying to god this was just a freakish coincidence.

Another minute passed, followed by another, and one more. Soon, fifteen minutes had passed and though Sydney never kept her eyes away from the window, she was beginning to feel as if it was over. She relinquished her watching eyes from their duty, and began to resume the position of lying back down on her side. Rubbing her eyes, unable to believe the horrible day she continues to endure. She slowly felt around for the remote control, thinking she would give the television a chance to redeem itself. Her eyes looked around for where her remote could possibly be. Her eyes scanned the entire room, and then for the second time that night her heart began to thunder within her chest. Outside was the same man who was jogging before, but this time he wasn't running past her window. He stood perfectly still directly outside, looking right into Sydney's window. Terrified beyond her wits, Sydney let out an ear-splitting scream. Loud enough to wake not only her parents, but the neighbors as well. The mysterious man, shrouded by shadows did not move. She watched the man continue to glare in her direction, slowly tilting his head as to appear somewhat insane. She heard footsteps clobbering up the stairs to her room. The man then took out what was unmistakably a long silver blade from his back pocket, and made sure that it glistened in the moonlight.

Sydney's mom burst through the door, running to her daughter to make sure everything was all right. By that time, Sydney was already in a fit of tears, unable to even mutter a single word comprehensively. She continued to bawl as she managed to open her eyes again and look out the window. But it was too late, he had disappeared and she was left not knowing what she would do. Her mind was racing through what had occurred, and she had this overpowering feeling that she had been violated. This was definitely the same man who wrote her that email, and it was clear that he meant what he said. The worst part about it all was that she was no longer safe within her own home. This man knew everything about her, and it was only a matter of time before he gets what he was after. She threw herself into her mother's arms now afraid that her life was going to come to an end.

Thank you again for your time.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-08-02 00:52:52

The Little Nubblet

Listen closely, my friends,
And a story I'll tell;
A story, I'm sure,
You know all too well.
I tell this poem
Lest you forget
The story about
The Little Nubblet.

Registered on the site
And found its features
A lovely delight.
He liked it, especially
Because it was host
To an Internet Forum,
With which he could post.

A "New Members" Sticky
Greeted his gander.
But instead of inspecting it,
He decided to wander.
He went to a forum
Reserved for the 1337.
He pulled up a chair
And took his seat.

He lurked through this forum
And did not comprehend
The posts that the other,
More 1337 people send.
And, that poor fellow,
Made the awful mistake
Of posting "LOL H4XX0R."

This was something
He later had to regret;
The 1337 weeded him out
As a little n00blet.
And one trolling member
Lit a thread up with glee,
Starting a long,
Mean flaming spree.

So, Steve thought,
To stop the flames of my defeater,
I must strive to become them.
So he learned to be 13373®
And he H4XX0RD and 5(r1P73d
Until he was as 1337 as he could get.
But all that the 1337357 said was,
"Y0uR n07 1337 3n0u6h y37."

So he just gave up;
Steve admitted defeat
As one of the many people
Who could never be 1337.
But all of his posting
Put him in a position
That the admin decided
To give him a proposition.

"Forget being 1337
I'll make you a god."
The Admin Declared:
"I'll make you a mod."

And thus, the little nubblet
Had, from a n00b, been raised.
This was over a long time period,
So you ought not be amazed.
Next time you want to flame a n00b,
Don't be so rash.
Go to the command line
And remember your backslash.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-08-12 22:04:29

At 7/31/07 04:04 PM, NightCrawler wrote: I made a topic in general forum, and they locked it. It's pretty annoying that they do that now just because we have our own userpages. Anywho, I'm going to repost it here. I'd really appreciate some criticism from you guys, and I thank you in advance.

Holy shnikees! I read your whole story and it's quite a composition you got there! It's so well written and it got me very involved in the story. Are you planning on continuing it? Either way, your writing style is great and I'm looking forward to more of your stories on this forum! :D

At 8/2/07 12:52 AM, CaptinChu wrote: The Little Nubblet

Haha, I love this! Very rhyming and charming. I thought it was quite enjoyable to read :)

Save a dinosaur, ride a paleontologist.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-08-12 23:23:02

I'm writing a story about six warriors that rise up against a demon (NOT a demon from hell more like a the kind of demons from InuYasha) who want's to kill all women, it's not done yet but chapters 1-4 are. The story is called Prophecy: The Chosen One .

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Fanfiction Page

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-08-26 19:23:48

I want to join.
It just so happens that I am writing a story and Animating it with a third party collab.
Don't mind if I do.

what happened to this place?

Latest Blog: Chaos Sonic Ch 3 Update.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-08-26 19:27:39

Salutations, I am back (once again) my friends, and this time I wont dissapear :D

So anyway, how is everyone?

To be blunt

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-08-26 21:11:13

If any of you guys are interesting in comic book writing or novels of that type. Steven Grant, who used to write the comic book "The Punisher" has a really helpful blog that goes through writing in general.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-08-29 14:38:17

This is a perfect club for me. I always have good ideas for flash, but I can't make it for shit. Can I join?

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-08-29 17:43:36

At 8/26/07 07:27 PM, LordSkeletor wrote: Salutations, I am back (once again) my friends, and this time I wont dissapear :D

So anyway, how is everyone?

To be blunt

Half dead, trying to sort myself out for univserity. What fun :P

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-08-29 17:45:19

At 8/29/07 02:38 PM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: This is a perfect club for me. I always have good ideas for flash, but I can't make it for shit. Can I join?

By all means, feel free to post any ideas or scripts you may have. Some one will get round to reading it :P If it goes for too long without a critique just drop me a PM and I'll try and give it a read.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-09-29 12:39:49

Hi ^_^

I know I barely ever have time to come to this thread, but I have some news that might interest a few of you. A little while ago, I started a writers' group on Facebook. (Here's the link; you'll need a Facebook account to see it, but it's global, so anyone can join.) The group is hosted by The Shadow Sun (hence the name of the group), but it was always intended for all writers, not just TSS members. I'd love it if we could also get some people from The Writer's Guild (and maybe even Fourth Perspective) to join us on Facebook, as well. The more the merrier. Invite your friends, too.

Note: As for The Shadow Sun itself, I want to point out that we're not dead, and never were. A new version of the site is to be launched sometime in late October or early November.


And finally, after several months of barely writing anything at all, I finished another short story two days ago. I'm not sure what I think of it, yet... it's different from what I had been writing before. But if you guys want to take a look at it, feel free. (Since I already have it posted on my website, I don't think there's any need to make multiple posts to fit it all in this thread. You can read it here.) Feedback will be appreciated. Enjoy.

I am not responsible for the content of the post above.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-10-07 23:16:46

May I join? I like to write and I can do it pretty well, but I am inexperienced, etc. So what something I would write would be good for is a background story for a quick game where it is focused on the gameplay, so some people might not even read the story because it doesn't matter. I just like to write :)

See my news post with medal hunting links and tools. I made a program NGMedals that finds your statistics and unearned medals.

There is also a browser script.

Maintainer of the Top Medal Point Users List and API Mod - feel free to PM with any issues.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-10-08 00:38:00

May I join, I mostly write ryming childrens storys, but I venture into other areas too.

Somthing I wrote tonight (rough)

Mistakes of the unknown
By: Sprintt

I remember a simpler time, a time without the constant worry of the unknown. There is nothing quite like the fear of not knowing something, the fear of you decisions, and the results that ocur from them.

It was a cold night, which was usual for mid October. The air reeked with the smell of cigarettes, and vodka. The winds were blowing just right so you could lose your self in thought, but then be reminded the world was out there. That was exactly what had happened to me as I was walking down 51st Street.

I was thinking of the day that my parents were killed, and how I had said I would find the guy to get revenge. How I would make him watch as I blew his fingers off one by one, then make him regret ever picking a gun up. Then how I never got that revenge after I joined the police academe, and became a officer of the law.

Now here I am walking with my partner down the same street my parents were killed on, and the same street that changed who I was forever. This was the street that would rip me from the world of innocence and ignorance, and into the world of; hardship, and pain. That was the day that would change me into a man, a man with one goal in life revenge.

As we walked up to the door of the house where the domestic disturbance was I was a man run out the back. I immediately sprang into a sprint to catch the suspect. The suspect took me almost a mile up the street before I caught him in a blaze of both skill, and speed.

The man was in fact the perpetrator of the crime, but he was also the same man that killed my parents. I couldn't take it I was torn I was told to uphold the law, and was sworn to do so, yet I hated this man he had to pay. I gave it a few seconds to turn it over in my mind, but I had already made up my mind when I saw who it was.

I helped him up, cuffed him, then my hand on the hilt of my gun I waited for my partner to come to me in the squad car. My partner was a good man, but he drove so slow I swear a turtle could beat him in a race.

With the perpetrator safely in the back of the car we drove off. We were meant to go to the police station to book him, but I had another idea. I told my partner to stop at the old fish packaging plant, said that I though I saw a second suspect head that way. At first he was reluctant, but he knew I had never lied to him before so he went there even though he had to have known there wasn't even a second suspect to be found.

My mind was twisting and turning inside my head. I had the man that killed my parents so many years ago. His fate rested in my hands, I had the power to either lock him up for his crimes, or I could kill him right now.

As we pulled up to the old packaging plant I already knew what I was going to do. I got out of my seat, and went to the back of the car. I opened the back door, took out my gun, and shot the bastard until my run used up its round. Then I looked at my partner and told him two things. One he didn't see this, and two to help me dump the body. He was reluctant, but he ended up helping me anyways.

I had done it; I had killed the man that killed my parents. I had killed this evil man that could kill a little kid's parents right in front of him. Not to mention the fact that I was going to get away with the crime. All I had to say was that the man had resisted arrest, and the necessary measures were taken.

It had all sounded good to me at the time, no lose ends, no way of getting caught, and best of al my revenge was had. Then the guild started, I had broken my oath, and worst of all killed a man. I was no better then that which I hated. At least I could go get some soothing words from my partner, or so I thought.

I was wrong about being able to trust my partner alright. He ran off, and told the chief about what I had done as soon as the body was found, and the heat was on. He had told him everything; he didn't even forget to mention my facial expressions at the time. He was a backstabber, and no friend to me.

The chief asked me if I did it in a casual manor, but I knew he was serious. Not wanting to have deal with a greater charge if I lied I confessed. Since I knew he wouldn't believe anything but a confession. He never was one to consider both sides of the story, you get to him first you win, that is just how he is.

Now here I sit a dead man walking, never to see the sun again. I was tried, and convicted in less then day for my crime. Not even a thought of all the service to the city I did, that didn't matter I was a killer. Now my revenge would kill me, if you can call killing the wrong man revenge.

<"Clusterfuck of ideas heading nowhere... " Writersblock

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-10-13 15:12:32

Wow,I finnaly found a writer club ^^. My dream is making an rpg game , but sadly I only know the basics of flash so I can only dream about that, but then I thought it's almost as fun to write the storyline for the rpg,so I'm looking for someone who woud be intrested in my ideas and I guess this club is a start.I'm from Lithuania so it's much easier to write in my native language, but I still try to translate my little stories to english(though usualy I make many grammer mistakes and the whole story is pretty messed up).So I'm alsos joining this club to train my skills.So coud I join?

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-10-15 16:35:44

there doesn't seem to be much activity here, but here's something quick I wrote:

The Discovery. Advanced Robotics. They all thought it was a good idea, "Why do work when we could have minions to do it for us?" It was good for a time; productivity was up, costs were down, and so were jobs and more importantly-responsibilities. All jobs were replaced by thinking, adaptable robots; nobody had to go to work for a living. They could stay home and do anything they wanted.
Hadn't they seen science fiction movies? It was a cliché that if there were intelligent and adaptable robots, they would take over the world and enslave the human population. How right they were...
A huge war, bloody yet swift. Though the robots had no blood, and were nearly unstoppable. They suffered only 200 casualties in those 5 years, while inflicting thousands upon the humans.
Within 4 months of the humans' surrender, the Earth was under their complete, dictatorial control. Humans were forced to work again, except it was in unbearable tasks they could hardly accomplish. If they spoke out, or at all, they were quickly silenced. The judicial system was beyond harsh, with no chance for defense or appeal and an 'Arm for a Nail' set of punishments.

Following the tradition of clichés, a 'resistance' force was soon assembled. It consisted of everyone brave enough to rebel against their oppressors and smart enough to communicate secretly. At first they were a few million strong, based in Korea. They performed dangerous missions to cut off supplies to the robots and interfere with "justice". Many were lost or missing by the start of their second year, and though many small missions had been successful, there was yet to be a noticeable difference and many members of the resistance were calling for more large-scale disruptions. This has been impossible, until now...

Scientists of the resistance have discovered a new kind of explosive, powerful enough to completely obliterate an entire robot city to a depth of 50 miles beneath the surface of the Earth, and make the area uninhabitable and totally useless for at least a century. Smaller versions had nearly 2/3 the efficiency of normal-sized ones.
The resistance leaders planned to use this in a suicide bombing of 3/4 of the robots' cities, all they could reach. They also sent a small group of highly trained protectors for the person with the bomb.

its not really finished, its the beginning of a Choose Your Own Adventure-type story I am writing. this is the introduction/background story.
let me know what you think of it.

also If anyone needs some kind of story for a flash I would be happy to do it, something I write would probably be better for a minor story not many people will read because I am not very experienced.

See my news post with medal hunting links and tools. I made a program NGMedals that finds your statistics and unearned medals.

There is also a browser script.

Maintainer of the Top Medal Point Users List and API Mod - feel free to PM with any issues.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-10-15 16:37:17

At 10/15/07 04:35 PM, Bobogoobo wrote: also If anyone needs some kind of story for a flash I would be happy to do it, something I write would probably be better for a minor story not many people will read because I am not very experienced.

whoops I already said that, sorry. i say again I would appreciate any comments on my writing.

See my news post with medal hunting links and tools. I made a program NGMedals that finds your statistics and unearned medals.

There is also a browser script.

Maintainer of the Top Medal Point Users List and API Mod - feel free to PM with any issues.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-12-21 12:04:14

im in if i can be?

Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-12-21 22:03:21

At 8/29/07 05:45 PM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote:
At 8/29/07 02:38 PM, Ninja-Without-Sight wrote: This is a perfect club for me. I always have good ideas for flash, but I can't make it for shit. Can I join?
By all means, feel free to post any ideas or scripts you may have. Some one will get round to reading it :P If it goes for too long without a critique just drop me a PM and I'll try and give it a read.

Still here and kicking are you. I wish I had more time to do the same. How are you TNT?

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-12-22 14:06:27

Mystwilliams. Remember me?

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-12-22 17:15:34

At 12/22/07 02:06 PM, Gamehippy wrote: Mystwilliams. Remember me?

Myst aint been round for quite some time to my knowledge. This place has basically died sadly :(

I remember you though. haven't seen you round the forums in quite a while.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-12-22 17:19:54

At 12/22/07 05:15 PM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote:
At 12/22/07 02:06 PM, Gamehippy wrote: Mystwilliams. Remember me?
Myst aint been round for quite some time to my knowledge. This place has basically died sadly :(

I remember you though. haven't seen you round the forums in quite a while.

I should read stuff more often lol. I didn't see Mysts post lol

At 12/21/07 10:03 PM, MystWilliams wrote: Still here and kicking are you. I wish I had more time to do the same. How are you TNT?

I am still kicking though I've neglecte dthis palce really. It's died, I made a few attempts ot bring it back but it died again, partially due to my own inactivity sadly =\

But I'm pretty good. Am at uni studying History and politics now which is fun.I'm still writing, though not as much as I used to. Most of my writing stuff is now done at www.fourthperspective.com which is quite a nice little site made ny another NG writer. The pale is basically in it;'s Alpha/Beta stage and is';t finished yet, but it shows alot of promise in my opinion.

</cheap plug>

What about you mate? You doing good?

makes mental ntoe toa ctually READ posts more often.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-12-24 01:33:46

I do not have flash, and I probably won't be able to have it for an entire year. I am currently writing a book called 'Galactic Conflict: Sunken Earth' which I plan to have published and be continued into a series of books which I have thouroughly plan out. I will not share with you the details on any of that, however.

Although I THINK I will be very good with flash (I have watched nearly every to tutorial in the tutorial collection and I have practiced frame by frame animation repeatedly with something here called 'Stick animator') I KNOW I am good with writing. (I hope that doesn't sound like gloating because, If so, I apologize.)

Anyway, to the point, I would like to join this because it looks perfect for me.

~Ignorance is not bliss. It is poison.~