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Writer's Guild

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Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-10 23:16:09

I was angry.

"Fuck sex."
Scribbled on the printer paper
Were these simple words,
Written by a simple boy,
Who could do nothing more,
Than simply write them down.
Fuck sex.
How true,
And fuck your so called love.
Fuck your porn,
Fuck your blow up dolls,
Fuck all your toys,
Fuck your bondage,
Fuck your whip,
Fuck your fucking,
Fuck your van,
Fuck your appeal,
Fuck your leather,
and fuck your fetish.

There is no statement
That could properly describe
The boy's anger at this moment
Other than:

Fuck drugs.
Fuck your pot,
Fuck your LSD,
Fuck your crack,
Fuck your date rape drugs,
Fuck your ecstacy,
Fuck your meth,
Fuck your heroin,
Fuck your pipe,
Fuck your needles,
Fuck your addiction,
Fuck your rehab,
Fuck your fucking pathetic lives,
Fuck your happiness in ignorance,
Fuck your highs,
Fuck your lows,
Fuck you junkies,
Fuck your short memories,
Fuck your lack of money,
and fuck your dependance.

Where is the love?
The boy asks himself
Why does my pen spill out such hatred apon this paper?
So he thinks,
What has loved me indefinatley,
Without ever saying so?
What has moved me,
Without a single push?
His pen now write of his one love:

Love Rock n' Roll
Love the guitars,
Love the drums,
Love the bass,
Love their voices,
Love the metal,
Love Dime,
Love Vaughn,
Love Vicious,
Love Hendrix,
Love Holly,
Love Burton,
Love Rhoads,
And most of all
Love every one of the stupid kids
Who died because the music wasn't loud enough for em.
Rest in peace good buddy.

This thread is made of WIN.

(clever laughable phrase)

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-11 02:43:12

Wow I really need to join this club. I've recently been getting in to all (most) forms of expression, art, poetry, stories (not dancing) and the like so I'd love to be a part of this. If I am a little too wired to go to sleep them I may write something to night.

Its the internet. Quit bitching and get over yourself.

People I heart: Dropkicked, Mendou, Animetal, Jew193, Fremen

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-11 23:25:12

Where is everyone?

This thread is made of WIN.

(clever laughable phrase)

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-12 04:33:09

Can I join? I do enjoy writing.

[Last.FM] [Steam ID]

Bros 4 lyfe (he dun did dis sig)

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-12 05:14:35

At 7/11/07 02:43 AM, CynicalScythe wrote: Wow I really need to join this club. I've recently been getting in to all (most) forms of expression, art, poetry, stories (not dancing) and the like so I'd love to be a part of this. If I am a little too wired to go to sleep them I may write something to night.

Welcome to the Guild :-)

At 7/11/07 11:25 PM, Itsa-Bouncing-Rock wrote: Where is everyone?

Different time zones, doing stuff, sleeping :P

Interesting Poem by the way. I quite liked it.

At 7/12/07 04:33 AM, ironraven24 wrote: Can I join? I do enjoy writing.

Of course :-) Anyone is welcome here.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-12 09:11:44

By the way, I'd like to make all you writer's aware that I am regularling this thread (though not as much as TNT) and reading all your works. If I find one that I find one particulaly enjoyable to me personally, I might PM you or something.

I just keep forgetting to read the thread :(

Oh and I finished the first chapter of my new novelle pretty much.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-15 02:20:24

At 7/12/07 05:14 AM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote:

At 7/11/07 11:25 PM, Itsa-Bouncing-Rock wrote: Where is everyone?
Different time zones, doing stuff, sleeping :P

Interesting Poem by the way. I quite liked it.

Thanks... Its sorta kinda dedicated to my friend Joey from Texas, who used to use music to keep his sanity. But it just stopped working one day for him, and he shot a few people before he got shot and killed on the scene.

This thread is made of WIN.

(clever laughable phrase)

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-17 23:57:52

The Poles of the Body

The Fire

The heart is a furnace.

All feelings and ideas are born here, white hot.

If enacted too soon after their spawning, you'll burn up.

Your entire being consumed by the fire, the hate, the love. The fire of the heart is overwhelming

You cannot lie from the heart.

All lies and delusions warp and melt, unable to withstand the heat.

Ore who wears their heart on their sleeve, is guaranteed to burst into flames repeatedly.

Meeting others creates sparks. Lovers become torches. Those with fire in their bodies as well as
those with the flame in their mind.

They send you up in smoke with a passing glance.

The fire is fickle. It causes incredible pain, and incredible joy. The fire moves as it pleases.

Those who live in the heat of the moment, slowly destroy their fuses.

Those who%u2019s lives burn white hot, burn away faster.

They tower in a impressive inferno until nothing is left but ash.

The Freezer

If one restrains the heart the passion burns out.

The fire is put out. Its replaced by the cold.


It dissects the ideas. Transforms them. The cold of the mind is overwhelming.

It spreads through the body. It numbs it. All hatred and love is turned to cruel calculation.

Nothing escapes the ice.

Family and lovers were once enveloped by the warmth of your blood. The danger of being ignited
was always there, but it was a necessary risk.

It sustained them, and sometimes scolded them.

Even the burns brought upon the sick joy of knowing the fire was still there.

They are left to fend for themselves in the freezing wind.

Nothing , no one, escapes the ice.

Those who live in the freezer, live longer. They may live until the end of time.

They may live until their molecules collapse into dust.

Is a life spent frozen solid a life?

The Decision

Write it yourself.

Its the internet. Quit bitching and get over yourself.

People I heart: Dropkicked, Mendou, Animetal, Jew193, Fremen

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-18 05:38:58

id like to join im a writer.i write stories, poems and songs. im currently working on a new project.
So im gonna post some of me old stuff here.

Watch them burn
Let the fires burn throughout these halls
Flames devour theses walls
We watch the as the school FALLS!
This is for the pain you caused for me
Now your gonna suffer for all eternity
This is what you get for trying to get rich
Aint pay back a bitch?
The teachers screaming in agony
As the fires feat on there anatomy
We laugh at the sigh
The sight of destruction
There's no redemption
See you at the resurrection
Till then
We feed the fires with those who appose us
As they beg for mercy
Ill se you in hell
Let the fires devour them all
Let the fires feast on these walls
Let the fire engulf us all
Let the school fall
As we salute it
And sing out anthem
Let them burn
Let them suffer
Let them pay
Let them DIE!
May chaos take us all!
May the fires take us all!
Devour our souls
Leave nothing behind
The path of destruction is set
Let the fires do the rest
Ill see you in hell.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-18 05:46:36

Welcome to Casino1251.

Now for yout poem:

An interesting poem to say the least. very angry and quite simplistic, but that works quite well with it as it reflects the anger I think.

The only thing I would suggets is that you mess around with the rhyme scheme a little and make it a tad more varied. Just to add that little bit extra spice.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-18 16:23:01

cool thanks man ill give it shot. heres another one by yours truely.

Sitting here just a few feet away
Just imagining the words id say
To break the ice
She does seem pretty nice
I try not to get lost in here eyes
That doesn%u2019t sound so wise
Cause she's the girl next door
When I see her my heart sinks to the floor
Girl next door
When she gets on the buss
I forget all the fuss
Gotta thing for the girl next door
Sitting here just few desks away
Ignoring what the teachers trying to say
Wondering what would she would do
If I just said "hey"
I though I learned
Eventually ill get burned
Either way I still gotta thing for her
Cause she's the girl next door
When I see her my heart sinks to the floor
Girl next door
When I pass her by in school
I feel like such a fool
Gotta thing for the girl next door
Finally found the courage to just say "hi"
Instead she just passes me by
And went for that other guy
I guess that%u2019s good bye
Now when I see her I laugh at myself
She just a memory like a book at the back of the shelf
And I think
There's plenty of fish in the sea
Somewhere out there there's one for me
One for me
Had a thing for the girl next door

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 01:35:02

At 7/17/07 11:57 PM, CynicalScythe wrote: The Poles of the Body

This is an amazing work!! I really love the actual concept that you based this on. It's deep and very well written. The personification and metaphors used also make this so enjoyable to read. Great job on conquering the emotional aspect too. You truly are a great writer!

Casino1251- cool thanks man ill give it shot. heres another one by yours truely. .... the girl next door

I think you did a really great job on this poem. The rhyme scheme is pretty good and I like it better than your other poem, to say the least. Sorry, just not really a fan of the whole 'angry- burn in hell' thing. But you write really well :] I'm looking forward to more from you!

Save a dinosaur, ride a paleontologist.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 02:19:05

At 7/20/07 01:35 AM, anime-shorty003 wrote:
At 7/17/07 11:57 PM, CynicalScythe wrote: The Poles of the Body
This is an amazing work!! I really love the actual concept that you based this on. It's deep and very well written. The personification and metaphors used also make this so enjoyable to read. Great job on conquering the emotional aspect too. You truly are a great writer!

Wow. Thanks! That was a better reaction that I could ever hope for. I really appreciates your feed back. Be sure to look out for something else by me soon. And thanks again!

Its the internet. Quit bitching and get over yourself.

People I heart: Dropkicked, Mendou, Animetal, Jew193, Fremen

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 03:06:22

i wrote this the day my girl friend dumped me. After hours of CS that is.

I was lost for you. With every moment stood true. I went as far as to say that I love you. I guess it wasent enough. So on to memories that passed away. On these walls tell the stories of Broken promises and broken hearts. Pictures fadeing away but the pain remains within me. Holding back all the words I should have said, but you said good bye. Open wounds, broken hearts bleeding out. Please just go away. So i send my letters of regret regretting everymoment and so my heart will beat that empty sound is driving me insane. your not the one to blame. ofcourse not just forget me. if you havent already...

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 03:18:13

I'm not trying to ruin anyone's day, but you're supposed to say, e.g., "critique someone's work," not "critic it." The person critiquing the work is the critic, am I right? Anyway, I'd love to join!

Guaranteed not to disappoint.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 03:48:45

At 7/20/07 03:18 AM, NishieGirl wrote: Anyway, I'd love to join!

Welcome welcome welcome!

Feel free to have a read of stuff that's been posted or feel free to post stuff yourself : )

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 03:54:53

First part of a short story I'm writing about the IRA, have a read and tell me what you think please. Not sure if it's worth continuing with.

Republican Rising

Patrick had got up that morning, got into his suit, checked his briefcase and set out for work as normal. He%u2019d pulled up to his destination, took the briefcase out of the car, entered the post office bought some stamps and walked out; without the briefcase.

He left the post office walked into the bakery across the street and bought a bagel. He went back to his car, got in and started to eat. Fed up with only silence for company he turned on the radio. He finished the bagel and put the keys in the ignition and started to drive off.

The bomb exploded.

In the chaos that followed no one paid much attention to the ford fiesta that drove off away from the explosion. No one paid any attention to the six foot four bald man behind the wheel. They were all too busy gaping at the destruction that the bomb had caused.

Within minutes the police, paramedics and the fire service had arrived at the scene to deal with the situation. Patrick of course didn%u2019t know this, as by the time they%u2019d arrived he was on his way to work: singing along to radio as he went.

Things had been going so well when Patrick had left the briefcase in the post office. There were rumours that the British Government were going to give in. They were finally going to give Ireland its independence. The bomb was supposed to be the final nail in the coffin to secure the deal. Things very rarely work out as planned though. In fact in this case it made things a hell of a lot worse.

The bomb would cause the British Government to stiffen its resolve. They would decide that no matter what, they wouldn%u2019t give in to the demands of terrorists. What was worse was that they would eventually trace the bomb back to Patrick.

When the bomb went off, Patrick wasn%u2019t worried about this at all. He could only think of getting into the office in time to see if his numbers had come up in the company lotto. It wasn%u2019t much of a prize but every little helps.

He pulled up to the office and walked in through the swing doors. The receptionist was watching TV. He could hear the news report as he walked in.

%u201C%u2026fighters are struggling to contain the fire. The cause is yet to be determined though eye witnesses report hearing an explosion before the fire started. Estimates say that there could be up to 50 people inside the post office%u2026%u201D

Patrick tried not to smile as he walked up to the reception desk.

%u201CHey Debs. What%u2019s this I hear about an explosion at the central post office? It was all over the radio when I was on the way here.%u201D his voice was heavily accented with that of a Dubliner. It was a slight disadvantage to be from Dublin when you were living in Belfast, but he managed. It%u2019s easy to kill a unionist with a bomb, but it%u2019s not so easy to get rid of Unionist prejudices. To them, every southerner was a republican and a member of the IRA. To Patrick, every Northerner that proudly bore the term unionist was a traitor to Ireland.

Debby looked up at Patrick somewhat surprised to see him.

%u201CDon%u2019t be asking me Pat. I%u2019ve no clue m%u2019self,%u201D she replied, %u201CI was just watching the TV and then they said that there was a news bulletin an%u2019 they said that the post office has gone up in smoke. Bloody IRA! If they aren%u2019t behind this then I dunno who is.%u201D

%u201CI%u2019d be surprised if they weren%u2019t behind this%u201D Pat continued, knowing only too well that they were.

%u201CSo will most of the world I%u2019d imagine. Anyway, what you doing here? I thought you were off to London for the weekend for some conference or other?%u201D

%u201CI was. Got a phone call last night telling me that it was cancelled due to %u201Csecurity risks%u201D, whatever that means. I doubt they%u2019ll be another conference for about year after this little fiasco.%u201D

%u201CWouldn%u2019t blame anyone if they did decide to pull the plug on %u2018em really. What you gonna do now then Pat? You going to stick around and catch up with some work or go home?%u201D she turned the volume on the T.V down as the BBC news reporter stood outside the post office, microphone in hand, interviewing a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary.

%u201CI%u2019ll catch up with some work and then head home early if the boss don%u2019t mind.%u201D

%u201CWell I%u2019d go and see him if I were you. He%u2019s probably up in his office. You want me to call through and say you%u2019re coming up?%u201D

%u201CProbably a good idea. I%u2019ll see ya later Debs.%u201D

Pat walked headed up the stairs to the boss%u2019s office. Four flights of stairs later he was outside the office. He knocked twice on the door.

%u201CCome in!%u201D came a gruff voice from behind the door.

Pat opened the door to a luxurious office, laden with trappings and furnishings that clearly marked out the owner as a man proud of his heritage. Shamrocks could be found all over the place in all kinds of forms. Paperweights, pencil holders, pen tops. You name it and there was probably a shamrock shaped version of it somewhere within Mike Murdoch%u2019s office.

%u201CDamnation on you Pat Mculloch!%u201D he snapped as Pat walked into the office, %u201CMay the devil take your soul you sonnuva bitch! Do not tell me that you%u2019re responsible for this bloody mess at the post office.%u201D

He pointed at the television in the corner. The news reporter was still there interviewing the RUC man who was now begging for help from anyone who was in the area when the bomb went off.

%u201CI was following orders Mike. You know damn well that this thing was in the pipeline for weeks. Dermot told me when to drop off the case and I did as was told. It isn%u2019t my fault you were left out of the chain of command. Serves you right for running ya mouth off like that last month.%u201D

%u201CCondemn you to hell Mculloch! I ran my mouth off last week as warning against this god damn foolery!%u2019

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 03:56:19

Urgh..that's not actually all of it, but apparently the BBS doesn't like apostrophes...


Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 05:09:51

'Sup ladies and gents? Posting the obligatory 'CAN I PLAY, GUYS!?' thing-a-roonie.

Looking to post some short scripts and stories, for feedback/bashing -- as well as dish out the suggestions for others as well.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 05:15:30

At 7/20/07 05:09 AM, WhatTheBastardSays wrote: Looking to post some short scripts and stories, for feedback/bashing -- as well as dish out the suggestions for others as well.

Welcome aboard javascript:BBSPost.Save();
Post it! >matey : )

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 05:16:31

At 7/20/07 05:15 AM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote: Welcome aboard javascript:BBSPost.Save();
Post it! >matey : )

Ok...wtf? There is something screwy with the BBS for me = \

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 12:27:39

I'm in... as long as no one is irked by me posting ideas that all have to do with my unfinished novel: Zero Rising

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 17:34:51

At 7/20/07 05:16 AM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote:
At 7/20/07 05:15 AM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote: Welcome aboard javascript:BBSPost.Save();
Post it! >matey : )
Ok...wtf? There is something screwy with the BBS for me = \

Type up all your stuff in notepad first then copy and paste.

This thread is made of WIN.

(clever laughable phrase)

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 17:59:43

At 7/20/07 12:27 PM, Rubbershoes wrote: I'm in... as long as no one is irked by me posting ideas that all have to do with my unfinished novel: Zero Rising

Not at all, feel free to post any ideas you have.

At 7/20/07 05:34 PM, Itsa-Bouncing-Rock wrote: Type up all your stuff in notepad first then copy and paste.

Cheers, I'll be sure to do that next time.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 18:21:42

First of all I just want to say this is an awsome idea for a thread. Ive got some ideas ive been thinking about and needed a good page to write them on, and this looks like it!

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 18:22:47

At 7/20/07 06:21 PM, splinterchaos wrote: First of all I just want to say this is an awsome idea for a thread. Ive got some ideas ive been thinking about and needed a good page to write them on, and this looks like it!

Welcome abroad the good ship SS Writer's Guild.

Feel free to express any ideas you have and I'll be happy to give some feedback on them, or any pieces you want a critique of :-)

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 18:24:54

Heres on of my earlier works. I did it for a play I was co-writing.

The feeling of becoming a teenager is like the waking up for the first time. Im sure everyone has that first memory of the first time they woke up. That is what it feels like. When you in you're single digit ages you always want to be older, but when you reach that point of no-return, where that feeling of ignorance has left and you embrace the world in all its horror that finally relies that the days you really want are the days you had before. The days that you didn't know about girls and how they twist your life in ways unexpected, the days when political views didn't affect your friendships. And the days when the weight of the words "the next generation" didn't rest on you're shoulders. When you're a teenager, you look at your life and try to find solitude and reason, finding neither in the end. And in that journey through your mind, you find a thought, a memory of when you little, and the feeling of need for reason and solitude was non-existent. And in that moment, you find yourself in a paradise or bliss full ignorance that is childhood. When you're a child, you always seek to explore and find new things, never being able to do any. So in that quest you find yourself wanting to have the privileges and knowledge of that of an older individual. Slowly but surely you go through a series of rather unfortunate but necessary events that change you into a young adult. But at the end of the road, the light at the end of the tunnel turns out to be a lamppost, which in all of its mystery, answers the questions you asked, and raises questions untold. The feeling of that of a child is that of carefree ignorance, which in all is the best feeling, aside from love

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 18:26:05

Anyway, hopefully this won't fuck up like last time = \

Patrick had got up that morning, got into his suit, checked his briefcase and set out for work as normal. He'd pulled up to his destination, took the briefcase out of the car, entered the post office bought some stamps and walked out; without the briefcase.

He left the post office walked into the bakery across the street and bought a bagel. He went back to his car, got in and started to eat. Fed up with only silence for company he turned on the radio. He finished the bagel and put the keys in the ignition and started to drive off.

The bomb exploded.

In the chaos that followed no one paid much attention to the ford fiesta that drove off away from the explosion. No one paid any attention to the six foot four bald man behind the wheel. They were all too busy gaping at the destruction that the bomb had caused.

Within minutes the police, paramedics and the fire service had arrived at the scene to deal with the situation. Patrick of course didn't know this, as by the time they'd arrived he was on his way to work: singing along to radio as he went.

Things had been going so well when Patrick had left the briefcase in the post office. There were rumours that the British Government were going to give in. They were finally going to give Ireland its independence. The bomb was supposed to be the final nail in the coffin to secure the deal. Things very rarely work out as planned though. In fact in this case it made things a hell of a lot worse.

The bomb would cause the British Government to stiffen its resolve. They would decide that no matter what, they wouldn't give in to the demands of terrorists. What was worse was that they would eventually trace the bomb back to Patrick.

When the bomb went off, Patrick wasn't worried about this at all. He could only think of getting into the office in time to see if his numbers had come up in the company lotto. It wasn't much of a prize but every little helps.

He pulled up to the office and walked in through the swing doors. The receptionist was watching TV. He could hear the news report as he walked in.

"...fighters are struggling to contain the fire. The cause is yet to be determined though eye witnesses report hearing an explosion before the fire started. Estimates say that there could be up to 50 people inside the post office..."

Patrick tried not to smile as he walked up to the reception desk.

"Hey Debs. What's this I hear about an explosion at the central post office? It was all over the radio when I was on the way here." his voice was heavily accented with that of a Dubliner. It was a slight disadvantage to be from Dublin when you were living in Belfast, but he managed. It's easy to kill a unionist with a bomb, but it's not so easy to get rid of Unionist prejudices. To them, every southerner was a republican and a member of the IRA. To Patrick, every Northerner that proudly bore the term unionist was a traitor to Ireland.

Debby looked up at Patrick somewhat surprised to see him.

"Don't be asking me Pat. I've no clue m'self," she replied, "I was just watching the TV and then they said that there was a news bulletin an' they said that the post office has gone up in smoke. Bloody IRA! If they aren't behind this then I dunno who is."

"I'd be surprised if they weren't behind this" Pat continued, knowing only too well that they were.

"So will most of the world I'd imagine. Anyway, what you doing here? I thought you were off to London for the weekend for some conference or other?"

"I was. Got a phone call last night telling me that it was cancelled due to "security risks", whatever that means. I doubt they'll be another conference for about year after this little fiasco."

"Wouldn't blame anyone if they did decide to pull the plug on 'em really. What you gonna do now then Pat? You going to stick around and catch up with some work or go home?" she turned the volume on the T.V down as the BBC news reporter stood outside the post office, microphone in hand, interviewing a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary.

"I'll catch up with some work and then head home early if the boss don't mind."

"Well I'd go and see him if I were you. He's probably up in his office. You want me to call through and say you're coming up?"

"Probably a good idea. I'll see ya later Debs."

Pat walked headed up the stairs to the boss's office. Four flights of stairs later he was outside the office. He knocked twice on the door.

"Come in!" came a gruff voice from behind the door.

Pat opened the door to a luxurious office, laden with trappings and furnishings that clearly marked out the owner as a man proud of his heritage. Shamrocks could be found all over the place in all kinds of forms. Paperweights, pencil holders, pen tops. You name it and there was probably a shamrock shaped version of it somewhere within Mike Murdoch's office.

"Damnation on you Pat Mculloch!" he snapped as Pat walked into the office, "May the devil take your soul you sonnuva bitch! Do not tell me that you're responsible for this bloody mess at the post office."

He pointed at the television in the corner. The news reporter was still there interviewing the RUC man who was now begging for help from anyone who was in the area when the bomb went off.

"I was following orders Mike. You know damn well that this thing was in the pipeline for weeks. Dermot told me when to drop off the case and I did as was told. It isn't my fault you were left out of the chain of command. Serves you right for running ya mouth off like that last month."

"Condemn you to hell Mculloch! I ran my mouth off last week as warning against this god damn foolery!'

Patrick smiled. Mike was the perfect Irishmen. Patriotic to the core, a temper that matched even Dermot's, and believe me, that's a hard thing to do, and an intelligence and wit that few could match. He was wasted as an office manager really, but it gave him a position where he could keep his ear to the ground and find out what was going on in hard streets of Belfast. Mikes only problem was that he was overly cautious. He'd warned against bombing the post office, thought that it was too soon after the last attack, might lead the RUC to them. If only they'd listened to him...

'Don't worry your pretty red head over it Mike, no ones going to find out it was us specifically who did it. They haven't found out in the past, and they won't find out now.'

Mikes face was starting to match his hair. His knuckles were turning white as he squeezed his hand into a tight fist. It was time for Patrick to make a swift exit.

'I'll see you later Mike. I'm gonna get some work done then go home,' he said, the quickly leaving and shutting the door behind him without giving him a chance to reply.

Patrick started to whistle as he walked down the hall way to his cubicle where he sat down, messed around with his papers to make it look like he was doing some work, then sat back and turned on the T.V in the corner. The news was on. Not wanting to watch his handiwork, he flicked through the channels and settled on watching a Jerry Springer re-run.

Continued in next post

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 18:28:56

Months went by before anything happened. The British refused to unite Ireland in its independence, and the IRA set off a few more bombs here and there, killing some more people, injuring some others. It was business as usual really.

Since the post office bombing Patrick hadn't been called up for anything. He'd just got on with his life as normal. Everything was going quite well, he had successfully managed to persuade the blonde from accounts to go out on a date with him; he was due for a raise, much to Mike's annoyance, and he had won the company lotto. Life was good really. Isn't it odd how everything can just pull a complete one eighty on you and turn everything upside down?

On the day of his date with the blonde form accounts Pat got a phone call from Mike.

'Pat! Get yourself out of your house right now! The RUC just came round to speak to me about you. Said they wanted to talk to you in regards to some investigation. Wouldn't say what, but I'll be damned if it isn't the Post office bomb you dropped off. Get yourself out of Belfast and head to the fucking border! Once you're in the Republic you'll be fine, they won't be able to touch you. Now hurry up and get the fuck out of here!'

It was a good message, short, to the point and left no room for error. It was such a shame that Patrick was out on his date when Mike called his home phone to tell him of the danger, and it wasn't until he got home that he realised that he was in danger. But by then...it was too late.

Patrick turned the key to his flat and opened the door. What he normally saw was the table at the end of his hall with the small clock on it. Today however, his view of the clock was blocked by the barrel of an assault rifle being held by a member of the RUC wearing a complete set of swat gear.

'GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR!' came a yell from somewhere behind the armed officer.

Patrick, not being one to want to go head to head with a man holding an L1A1 SLR, due to the fact that he would almost certainly lose, dropped to the floor like a stone.

The armed officer moved forward, his gun aimed straight at Patrick's head at all time. As he moved Patrick saw that behind him were five other armed officers, all with rifles pointed in his direction.

'Shit,' he thought to himself as handcuffs were put on him and he was read his rights, 'How the fuck did they find me?'


Thoughts? Critique? Feedback?

At 7/20/07 06:24 PM, splinterchaos wrote: Heres on of my earlier works. I did it for a play I was co-writing.

Short, to the point, and reasonably well written. Can't say it blew mind, but it was a solid, if somewhat short, piece.

Paragraphing would be my one major suggestion. That and expanding on what you have to make it more...I dunno...whole and mor elike a story instead of just a random thought.

Response to Writer's Guild 2007-07-20 18:54:28

Thanks for the feedback, I have been working on another for some time that is more in the story form, here it goes.

Current, current flowed, current twisted and turned with the path it was set, never ceasing, never ending, and never stopping. This current, saw fit to stop, the black surroundings mixed with a faint blue, tendrils of energy grasping nothing around them trying to pry themselves out of their prisonlike state. But to no avail. It would not stop, it could not stop, it was the creatures purpose, to stay there, to be there as one with everything. It did not know the rules and laws made outside its black abyss, it did not know the future or the past, it did not know what it was or who it was, or where it came from, flashes of tall grey structures, and a sense of coming closer to a doom not far off was littered throughout its limited mind, it had no memories, it had no feelings, it had nothing yet it knew. It just knew that it needed to get out.

A voice, a voice was heard outside the abyss, it was loud, like a horn on a ship telling the shore a message of foreboding danger, or to alert them. The sound called again, this time louder than before, but still unquestionably incomprehensible, Faintly the creature tried to make out the sounds, it was hard, hard enough to find out who the creature was in the first place, and now to find out what the sounds outside prison were? The creature felt weak, felt age upon it, felt like it was on the hill, the hill? Slowly memories poured into an empty space not recognized before, memories of what the creature was, who the creature was, and why the creature was unable to move. The noise came again, this time a small bit was comprehensible. "Sampson" The Voice called. The creature then realized that it had a label, a name! Sampson! Sampson Dwight! That was the label! The creature then experienced a brief glimpse of something bright, very bright, too bright. The creature could not find a reason, any reason for existence, it had changed. It did not know how or why, but it changed. The noise came again. "Sampson Dwight! Wake UP!". Wake up? What is wake up? Wait oh....!" The creature opened its eyes, and through a blur, saw a woman above him.
The creature Sampson lay motionless on his bed, staring up at the woman staring back. Studying intently upon the face, he slowly realized that this was not a stranger but his mother, and that it was the morning.
"Sampson, finally your awake, i swear one of these days your going to give me a heart attack"
His mother sighed and walked to the end of the room, with a concerned face upon her, as though she was thinking intently upon something. Sampson had forgotten much, it seemed that his sleep had wiped clean his memories, he could only remember the memory of being a blue light, trying to escape from..where? He didn't know, and suddenly his grasp on the memory was fading, the many parts and seconds that were known were deteriorating in a flood of memories and principles, and it was as if his dream memories were being overwritten with his real memories. His eyes turned to the window, and he saw rain, so much rain, and it was as if the heavens themselves where trying to wash away the world. He wondered at this thought, pondered it, prodded it, linked it to his memory of the world, how it was green once, but now it lay, worn and dry, desolate and barren. All for what? He coulden't remember, he was still waking up. His thoughts now turned to what he should do next, his bed was comfortable, so he saw no need to get out of bed, but then again, his mother would surly not like the idea of he laying there for hours, so he made up his mind, he would get up. At that moment, a new memory entered his mind, one that made his heart go cold and created a sinking feeling in the middle of his torso. He was paralyzed.