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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-17 21:08:22

At 1/17/06 08:15 PM, Bi0Reaper wrote:
At 1/17/06 12:17 AM, Monocrom wrote: Sorry for double posting...... Hey, BIO Reaper, I'm glad that the links I posted were helpful to you and your friend. I went to my favorite site that deals with self-defense.
Great, so far i qualify as a potential rapist, now i have to go kick my ass, thanks alot:P That site looks great, and the guy who is stalking her definitly fits into a catagory or two in there as well. I'll definitly show her that site, thanks for the link:)

Yeah, that site has a lot of useful info on it. I'm glad to hear that things are generally going well for your friend. A weekend, training seminar from someone who is "for real," will come in much handier than several years of training. To be realistic, the weekend seminars are usually only good for adding 1 or 2 new techniques to your bag. But still highly useful. Here's a link to a free on-line magazine www.realfighting.com they put out a new issue like 4 times a year. But, the back issues have articles that give background info on some of the best self-defense instructors in the business. They teach in days what a lot of traditional schools teach in years! If she's interested she might be able to get self-defense instruction from one of those guys. There's other articles on the site too!....... As for guns being impersonal? Not true with handguns! Realistically, about 90% of cases where people had to use one for self-defense, the attacker was 7 FEET away! (That's not a typo)! From that distance, you're going to get his blood on you, he may even reach out and try to grab the gun away from you; so he'll even touch you! Definitely not impersonal........ BTW, don't worry about being a potential rapist. Just as long as you're not a real one, nobody cares about that! ;)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-17 21:15:46

At 1/17/06 09:08 PM, Monocrom wrote: As for guns being impersonal? Not true with handguns! Realistically, about 90% of cases where people had to use one for self-defense, the attacker was 7 FEET away! (That's not a typo)!

lol thats now what i meant :P I meant that i prefer a physical hit, to a gun. I know all about all that ballistics stuff and how blood and brains and such will get on you from certain distances, but that never beats the feeling of knocking someone out with a single hit, or knocking someone sevral feet back with a punch or kick, know what i mean? So, yeah, thats what i meant:) Anyway, off to train and shovel snow, happy training guys!:D

British Columbians: Speak out against the new meal tax or you'll be paying 7% tax on top of the 5% you already pay. http://www2.nomealtax.ca/

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-17 21:26:32

At 1/17/06 08:09 PM, Bi0Reaper wrote:
shes tiny, but muscular in the legs, so I want to teach her some good, strong, disabling kicks to use. Do you know any sites for that? Any way, thanks for your support so far, and listening to the situation and such:) Talk to you later, happy training! :D

Sorry for double-posting...... Unfortunately, I don't know of any sites that concentrate on kicking. The problem is, unless you've spent years being able to instinctively balance yourself while kicking, it can become real easy for an attacker to knock you onto your back. Not good! Think about it; the moment you lift up one leg, you lose 50% of your foundation. It's not just me who feels that way. A lot of mixed martial arts tournaments have the "3 kick rule." This means that during a match, each fighter MUST kick a minimum of 3 times, or be disqualified. Why? A lot of fighters would win matches without even attempting to kick. They didn't want to lose 50% of their foundation....... If she's one of those people who can keep her balance easily, kicking might work for her. As always, you and the other members of this club are welcome to any info and experience that I can share!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-17 21:31:09

At 1/17/06 09:15 PM, Bi0Reaper wrote:
At 1/17/06 09:08 PM, Monocrom wrote: As for guns being impersonal? Not true with handguns! Realistically, about 90% of cases where people had to use one for self-defense, the attacker was 7 FEET away! (That's not a typo)!
lol thats now what i meant :P I meant that i prefer a physical hit, to a gun. I know all about all that ballistics stuff and how blood and brains and such will get on you from certain distances, but that never beats the feeling of knocking someone out with a single hit, or knocking someone sevral feet back with a punch or kick, know what i mean? So, yeah, thats what i meant:) Anyway, off to train and shovel snow, happy training guys!:D

Yeah, I know what you mean! But not everyone has the benefit of being born a Big Guy, or a Brickwall....... like me! But I know what you mean about that "satisfying" feeling. (Also makes things much less complicated if the cops arrest you for beating up your attacker)!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-17 21:31:37

Yay 100 pages. Yipee...... Okay it's done. But hell guys this a pinacle for any club. Now this is where the mods really look for spam so remember keep it on topic. Im sorry shin i was reading your post and lost interest. I have never been to good bout that have i. Thanks for understanding shin.

Okay so heres the deal. The martial arts video for my school is in production and i have the opening scene. You'll know which one is me. It is an awesome flying sidekick. OF course that doesnt sound to impressive but i fyou see it you'll think it was the greatest kick ever.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 14:30:26

heres a link to the katana i was looking at, it caught my eye because it has only good reviews, and the price of course. like i said before im not a expert on sword stuff so... Hanwei Folded Tiger Katana

anyways, I got all of my registration stuff for joining the Bujinkan, so a month or 2 before i can get my membership card and im official apart of it. Bujinkan is the school that teaches ninjutsu, in case i havent said that any time before.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 15:11:47

At 1/18/06 02:30 PM, Tsuchiya wrote: heres a link to the katana i was looking at, it caught my eye because it has only good reviews, and the price of course. like i said before im not a expert on sword stuff so... Hanwei Folded Tiger Katana

Thank You for providing the link. I took a look at the description of the sword, read all the reviews that others gave it, and checked out their FAQ page. The price looks right; and the use of real ray skin is something you don't normaly find on a "wall-hanger." But one thing did bother me though. There was no mention, anywhere, about the steel used for the blade! Usually that's not a good sign. A place that's selling a high-quality sword will definitely want their customers to know about the quality blade-steel, used in the sword. I read all the reviews that owners of the sword had left. A lot of them described it as having "a high-quality blade." But NONE of them actually said which high-quality steel was used for the blade........ Here's an example of what I mean, http://www.coldsteel../japaneseswords.html
Take a look at how this site presents its Katana. All the important info available at a glance. Especially, the blade steel. (In this case 1050 Carbon Steel). When it comes to functional swords, 1050 is close to ideal........ Honestly, the sword you want looks like a quality item. But I can't give you a definite answer about that, because the site refused to list the blade steel! A site that refused to do that; I wouldn't spend my $$$ there. If you've bought items off of that site before, and they never cheated you, well; that's something else.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 15:39:16

thanks for the other link, ive been there before and have been looking at the cheaper ones, cause i dont have alot of money to spend (i should probably get a job), but till then i can always dream. thanks for all the info and stuff on the blades themselves, i dont want to spend alot on somthing thats only purpose is for display. ive spent $80 on some cheezy ninja sword once, but thats not alot in the world of swords i dont think. and another question, do you think i should get a boken for practice, i have a shinai already, so would a boken just be a little too much? its only $10 so price doesnt matter, i just would like to know if i would actually use it.

i just had a thought, is anyone else here involved in a art that involves weaponry? it doesnt really matter if its brass knuckles to guns or anything, they are still weapons. if you do use them what are they and what-not?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 16:27:31

At 1/18/06 03:39 PM, Tsuchiya wrote: thanks for the other link, ive been there before and have been looking at the cheaper ones, cause i dont have alot of money to spend (i should probably get a job), but till then i can always dream. thanks for all the info and stuff on the blades themselves, i dont want to spend alot on somthing thats only purpose is for display. ive spent $80 on some cheezy ninja sword once, but thats not alot in the world of swords i dont think. and another question, do you think i should get a boken for practice, i have a shinai already, so would a boken just be a little too much? its only $10 so price doesnt matter, i just would like to know if i would actually use it.

I would recommend getting the boken! I really don't like shinais for one simple reason, they teach bad habits! Look at a sparring match between two expert practioners. If you look closely enough, you'll realize that they are hitting each other with the SIDES of the blade, not the "edge." Or, if they are hitting each other with the "edge," they're just making stastic hits. They don't draw the edge across the limb or the body. The way you would with a real sword. What they're doing is basically using stick-fighting techniques, with sticks that only resemble swords!....... A boken is better because it's less forgiving. But you still have to be conscious of the fact that you use the "edge" portion of the boken, and not the sides. If your boken is made out of wood, examine it closely if you use it for sparring. Leaving a sharp chunk of wood buried in your partner's shoulder is not cool....... As for self-defense weapons, the only other club member I know who carries them is Faces. I usually take along my tactical folding knife, a harmless-looking impact weapon. (Such as a Comtech Stinger; picture a small push-dagger with no cutting edge or point. Designed for targeting bone, rather than flesh. There's a pic and a link to a site that sells them on the bottom of page 88 of this thread). And, sometimes I carry a small cannister of pepperspray. (Much more effective than mace)! Also, if you're usually out-and-about at night, a small flashlight (preferably with a pocker-carry clip attached) and using LED bulbs can definitely come in handy. Muggers & rapists use darkness as their friend. I say, take away their biggest advantage! I prefer Surefire flashlights. Bright as Hell, but very expensive plus they eat batteries; and not just the regular kind but the pricey lithium ones! (Their E2E Executive model is my favorite). A Mini Mag-lite is more affordable, but the bulbs aren't LEDs, so they burn out quicker! Here's the links to their sites, if you want to check them out. www.surefire.com and www.maglite.com (As far as the Mag-lites go, most of them are over-priced junk! But the Mini Mag-lite model actually works well).

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 17:39:43

lol when i saw flashlights i thought you were gonna say they were an inexoensive tool to bash people in the head with. but thanks for the advice again, you really seem to know your stuff.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 18:10:38

At 1/18/06 05:39 PM, Tsuchiya wrote: lol when i saw flashlights i thought you were gonna say they were an inexoensive tool to bash people in the head with. but thanks for the advice again, you really seem to know your stuff.

LOL ....... If you need an impact weapon; any large, heavy object will do; but it'll be a giant pain in the ass to carry around!....... But seriously, you're welcome! I appreciate the kind words. Let me know if there's anything else, martial arts related, that I can help you with. :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 18:53:59

Evening all, I like the look of this club.
I study Shotokan Karate, have been for about 4 years now, but only am Red belt.

Nec Deficit Alter.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 18:55:42

Yo people, i study Jeet Kun Do and want to study Hapkido...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 18:58:35

At 1/18/06 06:55 PM, TheHellScorpion wrote: Yo people, i study Jeet Kun Do and want to study Hapkido...

Yay! Another one with Jeet Kun Do in his resume! Wel, i for one am glad to let you into the club, i'll tell you that for sure.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 19:30:39

Anyone, with a serious interest in martial arts, is welcome to join this club! I hope the 2 new individuals who posted above, will become regulars. Welcome aboard!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 19:37:42

Are we allowed to discuss 'kill' moves, or is that out of the question?

Nec Deficit Alter.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 19:39:14

At 1/18/06 07:37 PM, Jedi_Master_Xanthus wrote: Are we allowed to discuss 'kill' moves, or is that out of the question?

You may discuss them, but to say exactly HOW to do them is prohibited. If you do, then that could make the retards who take the internet too seriously go out and try to do these moves, which would lead to some bad results.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 19:45:16

I thought that would be the case, just wanted to make sure.

Nec Deficit Alter.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 20:15:44

At 1/18/06 07:39 PM, BigLundi wrote:
At 1/18/06 07:37 PM, Jedi_Master_Xanthus wrote: Are we allowed to discuss 'kill' moves, or is that out of the question?
You may discuss them, but to say exactly HOW to do them is prohibited. If you do, then that could make the retards who take the internet too seriously go out and try to do these moves, which would lead to some bad results.

Yup, Big Lundi is 100% correct about that! When it comes to moves or techniques, we usually talk about the stuff that'll help you to make it home at the end of the day.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 20:18:58

Well, here's one for the ladies, stelletto heals can be a helluva weapon!, stamp on your attackers feet, kick him in the nuts if you can. It kills!!! (my gf practices on me - also a karate student)

Nec Deficit Alter.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 20:20:15

hey, i have a friend whos really into shotokan, but i never get to talk to or see him anymore (he lives 1400 miles north of where i live now, cause i moved), and hes a black belt, so i got"connections" (i wish). i have another friend whos learning a hybrid art of jeet kun do and aikido, and i used to take lessons from the same teacher too, so i got some experiance there. but anyways, welcome aboard!

P.S. whats hapkido? i knew what it was once, but i seem to have forgotten...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 21:11:47

You may discuss them, but to say exactly HOW to do them is prohibited.

So i shouldnt say that a punch squarely on the nose could kill? How about a sharp blow right between the eyes? Can I say that?

British Columbians: Speak out against the new meal tax or you'll be paying 7% tax on top of the 5% you already pay. http://www2.nomealtax.ca/

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 21:13:43

At 1/18/06 08:15 PM, Monocrom wrote: Yup, Big Lundi is 100% correct about that! When it comes to moves or techniques, we usually talk about the stuff that'll help you to make it home at the end of the day.

oooo crap... shouldve read further... meh, I've found some videos from my last kung-fu demo that my mom took, would anyone actually go and look if I turned them into flash and uploaded them to my site?

British Columbians: Speak out against the new meal tax or you'll be paying 7% tax on top of the 5% you already pay. http://www2.nomealtax.ca/

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 21:16:23

At 1/17/06 09:26 PM, Monocrom wrote:
Sorry for double-posting...... Unfortunately, I don't know of any sites that concentrate on kicking. The problem is, unless you've spent years being able to instinctively balance yourself while kicking, it can become real easy for an attacker to knock you onto your back.

Or your ass, as my friend showed me, when i tried to show her a stretch kick... She just used a block to keep my foot in place, then pushed me backwards. I know a few kicks that you dont have to lose much balance for, but yes it is still an issue. I dont know her abilitys so far, but if theres anything you can recommend to help with balance while kicking, please tell me, and i'll ask my sifu at kung-fu tomorrow. I just triple posted... oops, oh well, happy training all!:D

British Columbians: Speak out against the new meal tax or you'll be paying 7% tax on top of the 5% you already pay. http://www2.nomealtax.ca/

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 22:10:42

At 1/18/06 09:16 PM, Bi0Reaper wrote:
At 1/17/06 09:26 PM, Monocrom wrote:
Sorry for double-posting...... Unfortunately, I don't know of any sites that concentrate on kicking. The problem is, unless you've spent years being able to instinctively balance yourself while kicking, it can become real easy for an attacker to knock you onto your back.
Or your ass, as my friend showed me, when i tried to show her a stretch kick... She just used a block to keep my foot in place, then pushed me backwards. I know a few kicks that you dont have to lose much balance for, but yes it is still an issue. I dont know her abilitys so far, but if theres anything you can recommend to help with balance while kicking, please tell me, and i'll ask my sifu at kung-fu tomorrow. I just triple posted... oops, oh well, happy training all!:D

Well, when we talk about not going into detail about "Killer moves," we mean the ones that aren't obvious. If I said you can kill someone by stabbing them in the throat with an 8-inch blade, that's pretty obvious. No need to worry there. But, if you know an obscure killing technique, best not to go into detail about it. For example: If you take a ___ and shove it into a person's ___, they'll die. Also if anyone examines the body, it will look as though the person died of ___! BTW, that's a real example! (No, I'm not going to fill in those missing words. So please guys; don't ask)! It's useless for self-defense.......... In all honesty, R.B.S.D. doesn't emphasize kicking above the knee. (That way, if you miss, your attacker has LESS of a chance of putting you on your back)! None of the Western arts emphasize kicking; and I'm afraid I don't know of any good websites that teach how to stay balanced, no matter how high you kick. Sorry. Definitely your best bet would be to ask your Sifu about maintaining balance. Actually, if he doesn't mind, could you share that info with us?.......... As for the flash, if you make it and submit it on NG, I'll watch it. Post here to let us know when you plan to submit your work. (But please, don't reveal any methods for executing "killer techniques." Untrained civilians will just get the wrong idea; they won't understand).

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 22:15:10

At 1/18/06 09:13 PM, Bi0Reaper wrote:
At 1/18/06 08:15 PM, Monocrom wrote: Yup, Big Lundi is 100% correct about that! When it comes to moves or techniques, we usually talk about the stuff that'll help you to make it home at the end of the day.
oooo crap... shouldve read further... meh, I've found some videos from my last kung-fu demo that my mom took, would anyone actually go and look if I turned them into flash and uploaded them to my site?

Sorry for double-posting........ Seems I missed that part about putting the flash on your own site. That's different then; I'll definitely watch it! Post here when it's ready.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 22:23:50

....WAHAHHAHAHAHH. Im sorry untrained civilians. Mono i would make fun of anyone who said that. Myself included. Bioreaper im sorry but dont do four post in a row. Not really the fact it makes the club look bad but mods like to ban people for stuff like that. Just lookin out for ya.

Anyways lundi i pratice a couple of styles. I do bo-staff,calli, and nunchaku. I may be learning either kendo or the Korean style of bushido. (and yes there is such a style).

Has anyone else heard of a tae kwon do grandmaster who could probably break a person in half with his reach-hand. My master has actually talked to the guy and might be training with him soon. Here is the story,.

This grandmaster is known for his control on the muscles on the body. To an extent where he can do something as to breaking a stone in half(not no pussy lil ones either). The guy has his students try to break rocks as well. Anyways the guy had a student who grew up to be a crash physics for bmw. The guy decided to test how much force was behind the guys attack. The test came in to 1.5 tons of pressure, and when they tested him hitting the rock it came out to be 2 tons of pressure. Could you imagine getting hit by that. You would seriously break in half. My master had a video of the guy doing it so there is proof. If you serarch the web you might be able to find it. Isnt that fucking nuts.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 22:51:28

At 1/18/06 10:10 PM, Monocrom wrote:

In all honesty, R.B.S.D. doesn't emphasize kicking above the knee. (That way, if you miss, your attacker has LESS of a chance of putting you on your back)! None of the Western arts emphasize kicking; and I'm afraid I don't know of any good websites that teach how to stay balanced, no matter how high you kick. Sorry. Definitely your best bet would be to ask your Sifu about maintaining balance. Actually, if he doesn't mind, could you share that info with us?

I know the kicking above the knee thing, thats what sifu taught us. Basically, a kick above the knee (or waist) is useless in most situations, and will probabley get you knocked on your ass, or killed swiftly o.0 I'll share whatever info i can remember with you, and if you have any questions i'll answer what i can, and ask about the rest, but i have a pretty good idea of what my sifu will and wont answer, so if he cant i'll tell you right off, deal? :P My flash maker is having troubles again with a "kernel32.dll" or something like that, so it will randomly turn off, so I cant promise anything of a due date for the nunchaku flash, website, etc, but I am working on the videos at this very moment, so they should be up by tonight, if not friday as i have kung-fu till 9:00 tomorrow, and school the next day. So, yeah, about the double or triple posting thing, I'll try not to, sorry about that. The videos are huge, and some of them are cut off, so i'm not gonna do anything fancy, maybe a fade to black effect with who is performing what. Anyway, i'll get back to work, ask any questions you have about pretty much anything, and i'll ask my sifu. He even tells us the best foods to eat when, and medicins to use and stuff like that. BTW, eat lots of pork, fish, and other white meat during the winter, dont eat peppers, garlic, onions, or spicy foods about 24 hours before training, and most stomach problems can be solved by eating rice. I'll find the recipe for a special rice soup he reccomended, and taught us to make. Anyway, thats some general stuff for ya, ask me something!:P Bye for now, happy training guys!:D

British Columbians: Speak out against the new meal tax or you'll be paying 7% tax on top of the 5% you already pay. http://www2.nomealtax.ca/

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-18 23:22:59

At 1/18/06 10:51 PM, Bi0Reaper wrote:
At 1/18/06 10:10 PM, Monocrom wrote:
In all honesty, R.B.S.D. doesn't emphasize kicking above the knee. (That way, if you miss, your attacker has LESS of a chance of putting you on your back)! None of the Western arts emphasize kicking; and I'm afraid I don't know of any good websites that teach how to stay balanced, no matter how high you kick. Sorry. Definitely your best bet would be to ask your Sifu about maintaining balance. Actually, if he doesn't mind, could you share that info with us?

I know the kicking above the knee thing, thats what sifu taught us. Basically, a kick above the knee (or waist) is useless in most situations, and will probabley get you knocked on your ass, or killed swiftly o.0 I'll share whatever info i can remember with you, and if you have any questions i'll answer what i can, and ask about the rest, but i have a pretty good idea of what my sifu will and wont answer, so if he cant i'll tell you right off, deal?

Deal!...... That sounds great! BTW was it your Wing-Chung teacher who taught you about the knee concept, regarding kicking? With the exception of JKD, Wing-Chung was the one Eastern Art I seriously considered studying. But, every school I found was traditional beyond belief! (I know there are some that teach a modernised version of it; just none in my area). I have borrowed a couple of techniques from Wing-Chung, but have never studied the Art completely........ As for the nutritional info, from a martial arts perspective; that sounds great! I must admit to being very curious about that. If you have receipes, please post them here! The one about rice soup sounds very healthy!........ I know I could stand to lose a few inches off my waist. ;)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2006-01-19 00:24:24

At 1/18/06 10:23 PM, dsmking wrote: break you in half with one hand

Well damn... i'm strong but... damn. I mean, I have broken Everlast punching bags open... but, damn. I don't even think I could break a brick bear handed. Although with wrap I can just barely break them... my sensai always said I needed to work on my concentraition and pay more attention, I always responded with "What? I missed that last part." then he would hit me in the shins with his kendo sword.
Anybody else have a sensai/master that does/did that?