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Response to Fable 2004-09-14 12:43:13

5 hours 20 minutes

Response to Fable 2004-09-14 14:54:38

OK, this sucks.
I got my mom to go to the mall while I was at school to get it. It's not in yet. Might not be out for another 2 days or so. But they're getting a truck in in about half an hour, with some more stuff on it. Although it's unlikely, there may be a game or two on it... I hope there is. It's such bullshit that in a county of over 20,000 people you can't even get a freakin' game the day it comes out. Not even from Blockbuster!

Response to Fable 2004-09-14 15:12:18

thats why i'm having to wait until 6pm to get my copy from EB. i'm sorry man that totally sucks. But if you didn't reserve it, it may take 2 to 3 more days for the bigger stores to get it.

Response to Fable 2004-09-14 15:54:08

At 9/14/04 03:12 PM, Maestro1017 wrote: thats why i'm having to wait until 6pm to get my copy from EB. i'm sorry man that totally sucks. But if you didn't reserve it, it may take 2 to 3 more days for the bigger stores to get it.

Yeah, that's the problem. The best store around here to buy a game from is Wal-Mart. There are no specific gaming stores around here at all...
Oh well. Thanks for the sympathy! And tell us how the game is after you buy it!

Response to Fable 2004-09-14 15:57:57

I got mine on reserve with 41 dollars on it. It came out today, but i think that means it ships today. Cause most of the places I know don't get copies until tomorrow. That's when I'm getting my on reserve copy from Game Stop. This game is going to be so awesome i'm never going to leave my room.

Response to Fable 2004-09-14 16:35:13

yeah i'm lucky the EB where i live does a same day shipping for there reserve copies. So I get it in an hour in a half hopefully. I will once i do get it post my impressions before i go to bed. That is without any spoilers of course.

Response to Fable 2004-09-15 14:32:14

Holy shit i just got Fable. It's the fucking best game ever guys. Holy shit. Once it was in my hands i practically jizzed myself. I'm so excited guys. I can't play it till my brother gets home but i got the strategy guide... fucking amazing! Good luck with the game though guys. I'm gonna be a good guy, my brother is gonna be a bad guy, then we're gonna swap off. I'm so excited my ahnsd aer shkaign!!!!1111shift+1

Response to Fable 2004-09-15 14:37:34


I want it. I'm headin to town tonight to see if they got it yet. They better have.
Anyways, I may pick up a strategy guide as well. I tend to get stuck in RPG's a lot. But yeah, it's good to hear that the game is going to be as good as it was said to be.

Response to Fable 2004-09-15 15:26:28

At 9/15/04 02:37 PM, Bertuzzi44 wrote: I want it. I'm headin to town tonight to see if they got it yet. They better have.

Well, hope they have it man. It's a great game.

Sorry I sounded like a n00b though in my previous post... i was a bit over excited and shouldn't have been typing.

Response to Fable 2004-09-15 15:30:23

At 9/15/04 03:26 PM, Deathcon7 wrote:
At 9/15/04 02:37 PM, Bertuzzi44 wrote: I want it. I'm headin to town tonight to see if they got it yet. They better have.
Well, hope they have it man. It's a great game.

Sorry I sounded like a n00b though in my previous post... i was a bit over excited and shouldn't have been typing.

Haha, thanks man. I like this thread, it's really friendly. It's a shame it's so small...
You didn't sound like a noob. I know the feeling, everyone gets over-excited sometimes =D

Response to Fable 2004-09-15 19:21:32


I went into Wal-Mart, looked in the electronics department, at they finally got it in! Yes! It's soooo awesome too. I can't wait to progress a little bit further in the game!
Definitely lived up to my expectations.

Response to Fable 2004-09-15 19:53:47

I don't know how far i am. But so far i'm kicking serious ass in this game. But i wind up doing every quest naked. So i'm kinda a big hunk of scars and muscle.

Response to Fable 2004-09-15 19:59:40

At 9/15/04 07:53 PM, Maestro1017 wrote: I don't know how far i am. But so far i'm kicking serious ass in this game. But i wind up doing every quest naked. So i'm kinda a big hunk of scars and muscle.

Nice. I'm still an older kid.
I can't wait to get all strong. I'm going to try to not get all scarred up though.

Response to Fable 2004-09-16 02:48:09

I've played about 3 hours and 30 mins into it, and I love it.. But I've been chatting it up at the xbox forums, and some stuff I can't figure out...

A lot of people are saying they aren't seeing a difference in skin tone. Like getting tanner, or paler from the night time.. Because that's what's supposed to happen.

And if you keep using the same type of weapon over and over, do you actually get BETTER with it? I thought that's how it was supposed to work, but I don't think that's how it is.. I believe you just put experience points in, and just use whatever weapon you want.. I hope I'm wrong, because I really wanted to focus on using like big ass hammers, and become really good with them. Not because I have a ton of physique, but because I use them all the time... But I'm not sure if that's how it works :(

And I want some tats for single arms, I can't find them. All the tats for arms go on both of your arms.. I want my right arm covered in tats, and have none on my left..

Despite some of the negatives, im still enjoying it a lot.

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

New to the video game forums?

BBS Signature

Response to Fable 2004-09-16 07:09:37

yes i also noticed that. But there is a good chance that that stuff is still in. I'm pale as shit. But I barely ever let my character sleep. And I have noticed that you weapon does keep track of how many enemies you have killed with it. but regardless I can't see using you're first sword for the majority of the game. cause there are alot better weapons out there. And its hard as hell to have sex in the game. I've only been able to do it twice with one of my three wives.

Response to Fable 2004-09-16 07:15:28

*nonsence muttering*lkdjhgvpakjsdnf GetGameSaturdayafkljsfbalkgLuckyBitches;gh;PlayGameAllreadylkjhdglaksjdI join crew*Nonsence stops*

so whats the ONE best thing about the game, thats not a spoiler?

Response to Fable 2004-09-16 13:58:45

i personally think the whole stat thing is great. When i was predominated on strength it called me a barbarian. But when i equalled it out with skill my class became warrior. the magic is pretty good also. After your hair goes white load up on magic and good god will it make you go grey quick.

Response to Fable 2004-09-17 01:10:33

beat it 13 hours. time for time 2

Response to Fable 2004-09-20 06:54:29

Hey quick question to all. Has anyone found a way through the demon door on the bandit toll. Its the one that asks you to do an act of great evil in its site. I've figured them all out except for that one.

Response to Fable 2004-10-06 22:20:24

First Can i Join!?!? I Beat it in 10 Hours :P! I could do it faster but i was colecting alot of stuff..The way to get that door open is to Eat 10-20 Crunchy Chicks and BAM itll open right up!

Response to Fable 2005-07-26 14:54:11

I know.
You have to kill someone in fornt of it or eat 15 corchy chicks.

Oh and good luck.

I'm the man with the plan, the man who will ban, and the man who will kick your can.

Don't turn around.... because I'm right there!

BBS Signature

Response to Fable 2006-06-26 18:28:46

At 9/20/04 06:54 AM, Maestro1017 wrote: Hey quick question to all. Has anyone found a way through the demon door on the bandit toll. Its the one that asks you to do an act of great evil in its site. I've figured them all out except for that one.

You can also come back when you are really really evil, thats how it opened for me.

God I want to kill this kid. You should too.

This is my clown. He want's to eat you.

BBS Signature

Response to Fable 2007-12-07 16:27:20

If you don't want to be a really bad guy, just eat the crunchy chicks

Response to Fable 2007-12-07 16:36:24

Best fucking game ever, I loved the Lost Chpaters, only because that was the game I played.
It is in fact a great game though.