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Response to Fable 2004-08-03 22:47:22

Welcome Bertuzzi44 to the club. I also believe a darker breed has an excellent idea. Let us tell what we think our characters will turn out to be.

But as i've always found with roleplaying games i never quite turn out the way i plan to. Example. When i first played KOTOR i was bound and determined to be darkside. what happened? I turned out to be a saint. meh I'm just a nice guy. But good and evil aside. In fable I plan to concentrate on both strength and agility. No magic for me!

And yes so far San Andreas is coming out for only the ps2 but may i direct your attention that the other two GTA games came out for the xbox later. So its possible and more probable than Fable coming out for the Ps2.

Response to Fable 2004-08-05 13:41:25

Well to keep this crew alive i've decided not to wait for other people to post. And shall post at least once a day. With ideas of topics etc.

I would also like to ask all our members if you would Post our Aim Screen Names here. So that we may converse over aim as well. This is optional and not mandatory.

My Sn is: Maestro10177

Response to Fable 2004-08-06 16:45:42

At 8/5/04 01:41 PM, Maestro1017 wrote: My Sn is: Maestro10177

Hmm, I don't have AIM. If anyone ever wants to drop me and e-mail, you can go ahead. My e-mail is always visible. :o)

Thanks for letting me join the club! And thanks for the info - Fable is going to rock.

Response to Fable 2004-08-13 21:25:31

Guys there are a tone of new promising previews out. The best one that i've read so far is on IGN. Check them all out there are links on alter ego.

Response to Fable 2004-08-14 19:46:02

At 8/13/04 09:25 PM, Maestro1017 wrote: Guys there are a tone of new promising previews out. The best one that i've read so far is on IGN. Check them all out there are links on alter ego.

I'll go check out IGN right now.
Thanks for the heads-up.

Response to Fable 2004-08-14 20:48:10

Fable looks awesome


BBS Signature

Response to Fable 2004-08-25 17:28:03

Rejoice all for FABLE has gone gold!

Response to Fable 2004-08-25 17:50:34

At 8/25/04 05:28 PM, Maestro1017 wrote: Rejoice all for FABLE has gone gold!

Nice. I'll be buying it on Sept. 14 for sure.
Man on Fire (awesome movie) also comes out on DVD that day. So I'm ready to spend over $100 (Canadian dollars) in one day. Yikes.

Response to Fable 2004-08-30 15:30:35

I was bored today, and made a Fable sig. I thought this would be the best thread to post it in. Feel free to use it if you like it.
Heeyyy, Fable comes out in like, 16 days! Woohoo.


Response to Fable 2004-08-30 15:43:53


Kinda makes me wish I had an X-Box :(

Hey Maestro check out my profile and sign on AIM you fewel. kthx

BBS Signature

Response to Fable 2004-09-03 01:41:59

rejoice my bretheren 11 days until Fable is released. Also IGN has given fable 9.5/10 and Gamespot i believe gave it 8.6/10. It is going to rock....oh yes it will! And if you haven't already gamespot has a ton of videos of Fable now.

Response to Fable 2004-09-04 11:38:09

hardi har har hardi harr harr har oh it hurts.

Response to Fable 2004-09-04 12:02:19

At 9/4/04 10:21 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote: Due to circumstances beyond our control, Fable's release will once again be postponed.

Until when!?

I r teh agnry.

Response to Fable 2004-09-04 19:52:58

He's lying. It was a joke. The game has gone gold. It will be out in ten days.

Response to Fable 2004-09-04 21:38:38

At 9/4/04 07:52 PM, Maestro1017 wrote: He's lying. It was a joke. The game has gone gold. It will be out in ten days.

In a word: Good. Haha.
I thought they may have had shipment problems or something. I knew the game was gold, but problems with shipping are always possible..

Response to Fable 2004-09-06 14:08:08

8 Days until i lock myself away with a bottle of whiskey and the greatest RPG ever.

Response to Fable 2004-09-06 20:29:32

not quite angle! sometimes it vodka, or gin, or tequilla.

Response to Fable 2004-09-09 06:49:17

5 days till fable...from here on out there shall be a countdown till the day of its release.

Response to Fable 2004-09-09 15:38:49

At 9/9/04 10:13 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote:
At 9/6/04 08:29 PM, Maestro1017 wrote: not quite angle! sometimes it vodka, or gin, or tequilla.
I see....Oh well, my bad.

Only Five days left huh? What will you do till then?!

Vodka + Vaseline + Porno mags I'm guessing.
It will be goodtimes for Maestro ;)

Anyways, I'm excited, because it comes out on the same day as Man on Fire. I love that movie, I'm buying it for sure.

Response to Fable 2004-09-10 08:54:48

four days....until fable. And until i stop playing burnout 3.

Response to Fable 2004-09-10 20:04:04

Tuesday, September 14th is the official day in which I stop doing homework ;)

Response to Fable 2004-09-11 15:57:19

fable looks like an awesome game, my brother told me about it like three months ago, and i was hesitant, but the more i thought about it the better the idea sounded, so hes gonna get it, i cant even begin to imagine the amount of work that went into that game to make every action have an effect, and the bonus is no matter how many times you play the game, its never the same

Response to Fable 2004-09-11 16:28:25

Yeah. I didn't know that any of my friends knew about Fable, but one day, I brought it up in a conversation with a friend of mine, and it turns out that he's known about it for longer than me! We are both going to buy it Tuesday, woohoo!

Response to Fable 2004-09-12 10:50:20

well everyone knows it anyway but its 2 days. And on a side note the second Resident Evil Movie was great. And also Burnout 3 is quite good also.

Response to Fable 2004-09-13 02:24:46

Only one day left until Fable. JOY

Response to Fable 2004-09-13 17:18:35

I'm so happy. I was eating supper tonight, and then I realized - Fable is coming out tomorrow! And I'm getting my mom to drop in to the good 'ol Wal-Mart and buy it while I'm at school. I know what I'll be playing after school tomorrow.

Response to Fable 2004-09-13 17:48:32

i knew it wouldnt be too much longer till someone made one of these , i thought about it ages ago but i decided not to , FABLE COMES OUT TOMMORROW after all the time ive been waiting , like almost a year, well anyway its gonna rock i know it i cant wait

Response to Fable 2004-09-13 20:11:08

I don't think my Wal-Mart is getting the game :-(
Not tomorrow, anyway. I'll have to call around this shitty county to see if anywhere else sells it.

Response to Fable 2004-09-13 23:00:42

18 hours until i get my hands on the game.

Response to Fable 2004-09-13 23:40:16

actually there is this girl that i can't get out of my head.....wait WAIT I KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING. trying to trick me in admitting i have problems.