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The "Official" Trump thread.

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-01 01:00:43

At 8/31/18 12:59 PM, EdyKel wrote: This is all deflection, excuses, and projection.

I post evidence of Antifa attacks on innocent leftists in response to your claim POTUS is doing the same alarmist dog-whistling you do when he frets that there may be violence come mid-terms, and here you are shouting from the rooftops I'm -- surprise, surprise -- deflecting, excusing, and projecting...

If you were one of those positive affirmation types I would almost assume this is your mantra.

The fact is, the right has a huge problem with Neo Nazis, white nationalist, and racists

Lol no, not really. They get outed and deposed. On the left, racial hatred guised as liberal i-care-more-than-you-do intersectional bs flourishes.

and while they may be embarrassed by them, they often just cover it up, or out right ignore it

Name a couple instances please. You're asserting without evidence again.

while propping up Antifa as the greater threat, even though they don't have anything to support that assertion other than [actual violent uprisings]


it's the same thing they did during the civil rights movement with the black panthers

Which is an actual Neo-Nazi-grade hate-group LOL! Looks like you don't have a problem with racial hatred as long as it's anti-white, haha.

Again, you can't rebut far right terrorism as a greater threat, which is why you are doubling down on Antifa

Actually, you keep asserting Antifa, though vastly more condoned than racist "far right" militants (which are quashed before they do half the damage Antifa has), is not a threat, even though they consistently attack gatherings of innocent and law-abiding citizens.

and in effect, you, and the right, are defending the terrible shit that far right groups are doing.

In other words, you can't prove I love Nazis, so you're going to assert it anyway without evidence.

And that is what the left sees, who often [tacitly support or ignore] Antifa
right trying to white wash actual racism and violence from their side with the use of Antifa

Source? Lol. We're not the ones who believe racism is okay so long as it's anti-white, violence is fine so long as it's against bigots, and the first amendment only applies to people we agree with, lol.

So you ignore violence on the left to prop up your own agenda? Cool.

All this tells me is that is that you will believe anything without actual proof, and then treat it as real.

"I wasn't gonna go here, but since you're convinced I believe this crap..."
You take the bait every time.

Yeah, it's real easy for you to play like the paragon of virtue, when in lieu of actually addressing arguments...
I'm just blunt


and simply pointing out your constant stream of hypocrisy...

In lieu of actually addressing arguments... How great thou art LOL.

I have never condoned the violence from Antifa ,or any other hate group, or corruption from any side, but you argue as if I do accept those things

Gee, wonder why, when your response is, "B-but! Racism!" May as well start quoting Don Lemon. Did anyone see that the other day?


At least he has been consistent.

when all I am doing is simply putting them in proper perspective - and I have the statistics and facts to back that up with, while you rely on inferences, and conspiracies, an unsubstantiated unfairness
Again, you have nothing to back that up with

Except for actual instances Antifa has attacked peaceful protesters and innocent bystanders alike, and you seem to be okay with this just because some racists that literally every sane person on the planet denounces exist.

And then you start bleating about the President and his base when we suspect violence, lol.

When they start trying to bomb buildings

There were bombing plans not long ago which I'm sure I linked to in an earlier thread. But even if there had been major incidents like 7/7 in Britain, I'm sure you'd just excuse them.

or kill people

So, you're telling me I can intend to maim and kill people all I like, but until I actually do it, it isn't worth being concerned over? What bizzaro world do you live in?

like far right groups are already doing

Source? What incidents are you referring to?

instead of playing like thugs in the streets (mostly against white nationalist groups)

It's called rioting, lol.

you will have a stronger point. But, right now, they are just a convenient distraction from the actual violence and racism coming from the far right

Far right? You must mean alt-right socialists, like Richard Spencer. But seriously, what violence? Sources please.

Citation? You can keep saying white nationalist when no one in this thread is a white nationalist like you hope it sticks
I'm still waiting for a decent source...

Wrong answer! You can't cite any white nationalist sources used here because none of us think white nationalism is anything but what it is, racist bullshit. If you want to pretend everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi, cool, but that's not how the real world works, sweetheart.

And we know Trump gets in trouble for posting white nationalist shit.

Citation? First you implied people here were citing white nationalists and got spanked. Now you're claiming the president is a sympathizer. With Alex Jones' cowboy charades, Google's racist hiring policies, and 7 non-ADA compliant polling stations a problem for the nation since I started counting, you're rolling 0 and 4 with false claims. Step up your game.

You mean that the Puerto Rican people are happy that 3,000 of their own died, due to lack timely and constant aid?

Straw man, we meet again.

It's being compared to Katrina, and the bumbling nature of the Bush admin over it. The only thing you are going by is what some official said in the guardian article, which is easily countered, but you have nothing that says the people feel that Trump did an excellent job, which falls in line with what the media has pointed out

It's been over a year, and all I see is you pressing your confirmation bias not because you actually care about Puerto Ricans but because it's politically expedient right now. Go on, wield their misery like a cleaver. If the fact this is the first time the Federal Government preemptively attempted to cushion the blow of a disastrous hurricane in the territory doesn't appease you on the subject just because it's capitalist Trump and not socialist Obama, I don't know what will.

Or you could admit you're being overly defensive over Trump, and your race.
Your denial and hypocrisy amuses me. When you stop playing the victim game, and claiming to know me better than myself, please let me know.


Still a waste of time to blither over the word, "every," when the base you are referring to is collectively known as republican.
More spin to cover your ass over a mistake you made.

No, actually. It is pretty stupid to have a 2 day conversation over the fact you really do think Trump supporters are secretly Neo-Nazi sympathizers. I'm beginning to wonder if you might be mentally ill.

I said I am much more objective than you are, which is why you got everything I said wrong ... seeing people like you playing the victim card ... and getting pissed at other people for not agreeing with things you can't back up with actual statics, and verifiable patterns, just odd examples, and inferences.

My exact words: "You call yourself objective and morally correct, turn around and accuse people of bias and moral depravity for defending things they don't defend."

But please, keep proving me right.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // Take My Cymbals // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT and X! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-01 01:49:13

At 8/31/18 08:54 PM, EdyKel wrote: Trump declares mission accomplished in his bid to make America great again

Pretty decent article. Relatively fair coverage, though obviously left leaning by the closer.

My favorite bit covers CNN's recent gaffe, standing by its own bad reporting just because it supports the narrative, lol. Ofc, Bernstein is an unabashed Clinton supporter -- first thing you see is a Clinton propaganda book in his cover image -- and responses to that tweet are hilarious. Good stuff.

One of the anonymous sources, it turned out, was apparently Lanny Davis, the attorney representing Trump’s former lawyer in his plea deal with federal prosecutors. When Davis came forward and recanted his claim this week, however, CNN refused to retract its story, saying it was also based on information given to them by other anonymous sources.

It's funny they should later quote Trump likening himself to Lincoln back in the day, another Republican president almost unanimously hated by the left, so much so they assassinated him. Gee, with what the same left is trying to do today -- already one assassination attempt down. Failing all the tricks of the political trade, I imagine they'll just keep trying.

While I'm on the subject of assassination attempts, let's not miss the conspiracy theory that "Nice" British guy overstaying his Visa in California to try and assassinate the president was an apparent mystery, one-off case according to the left-leaning media. I guess what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Trump's Approval Number Nose-Dives, Dems' Blue Wave Might Be Building: IBD/TIPP Poll

Democratic approval has never been above the low single digits.

He also saw a big drop in support from men (it went from 49% last month to 40% today). His backing among women, however, barely changed. It's currently 32%.

Interesting. You would expect the "bigoted" president to lose more points with women. Huh.

And while the public doesn't approve of Trump's overall job performance, 45% give him top marks for his handling of the economy.

Weren't you bitching about this a long time ago as if it was imaginary or something?

60% say any talk of impeaching Trump is premature.
A plurality believe the Trump tax cuts have had a positive effect on the economy ...
29% say they've seen higher take home pay as a result of the tax cuts.
The share of "job sensitive" households — those with someone looking for work and/or worried about being laid off — saw a three-point drop this month to 24%.
46% say they are satisfied with the direction of the country.

I would roundly agree with this. Plus, I've already mentioned since the gutting of Obama care, my household no longer suffers a $5,000 penalty (five heads) to pay for insurance we can't use.

Beyond that, the sample size of this poll is abysmally small, as most polls, only 902 participants and 830 registered voters. Depending on who hits the polls, your numbers could be skewed any which way. That this is credited the most accurate poll with the best track record is a bit sad.

Just How Divided Are Americans Since Trump’s Election?

Aaand of course we're right back to the Civil War, white nationalism topic so deftly weaved into a discussion of the current state of affairs. One doesn't have to look far to see that this article is a gross oversimplification of the simple fact some people (Dems) want a new voting bloc (immigrants) and others (Republicans) only want American citizens in government. The Dems think the Republicans are racist for not approving of their race-based identity politics, so they react by calling them racist and trying to get them shut out of office, to be replaced by people who think tribalism and socialism actually work, and we-care-more-than-you-do.

But they're right about one thing: fact-based debate is hard to find these days. Might have something to do with Democrats being allergic to beliefs formed on the basis of evidence, rather than evidence fabricated on the basis of persistently held beliefs.

Wages aren’t growing when adjusted for inflation, new data finds

No shit. It might have something to do with democrats' socialist policies severely taxing (double entendre) the economy.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low

Also no shit. The majority included in these statistics fall into one of three categories, globalist (UN), socialist (South American countries), Islamic non-secular (see Middle East). Most of them also depend on our money and goods, both of which Trump has threatened to cut off if we don't get some "R-E-S-P-I-C-T."

Included link because you might like that Sharpton clip in the article.

Poll finds Republican tax cut remains unpopular

In January, Bernie supporters loved it.

Personally I'd rather we had voluntary funded government programs rather than legalized extortion, but I'll take a cut -- though it will probably mean debt along the line. In reality, our budgets are becoming needlessly exorbitant, bureaucracies becoming increasingly fat and convoluted, and needless nanny agencies multiplying like rabbits... or plague. Our debt is in the trillions. Something's gotta give.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // Take My Cymbals // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT and X! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-01 13:07:08

At 9/1/18 01:00 AM, ADR3-N wrote:
At 8/31/18 12:59 PM, EdyKel wrote: This is all deflection, excuses, and projection.
I post evidence of Antifa attacks on innocent leftists in response to your claim POTUS is doing the same alarmist dog-whistling you do when he frets that there may be violence come mid-terms, and here you are shouting from the rooftops I'm -- surprise, surprise -- deflecting, excusing, and projecting...

The point we were disusing was your lack of condemnation of white nationalist, Neo Nazies, and outright racists that plague the right, which lead to greater harassment, and terrorist acts, against the left and minority groups. I already provided the data from the links that link to the FBI data that support this. But people like you, keep burying it, to keep your narrative, by post any examples you can find, which mostly amount to street scuffles with far right groups, and a few innocent groups, while ignoring mass shooting by white nationalist, and bombing acts by far right groups. And this is what the right does, they focouse on Antifa all the time,and any violence from minorities, while often under reporting, or not condemning, the harassment and violence from the right, so they can keep their narrative going. This is exactly what you are doing, and you don't have statistics to back you up with. Even West Point, the prestigious military school, have done studies on right wing violence, since it's so bad these days.

I have never condoned the violence from Antifa ,or any other hate group, or corruption from any side, but you argue as if I do accept those things
Gee, wonder why, when your response is, "B-but! Racism!" May as well start quoting Don Lemon. Did anyone see that the other day?

Because it a greater problem, which you are constantly burying, to keep your argument about whites being under attack alive. The statistics just don't back you up, and you use any and all tactics, out of desperation, to create a false narrative, while making false accusations about your opponent to try and undermine them by claiming they are anti-white, racists - the very thing you accuse others of calling you, and people on the right. I have never called you a racist, just covering up actual racists from the right, to keep your narrative about the left.


At least he has been consistent.

I can do the same thing

Why white supremacists love Tucker Carlson

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

You even got white nationalist praising Trump.

So, I fail to see your point, when have partisan side doing this shit, and partisan interpretation. I'm not really interested in this your kidy game, I just point to the statistics.

when all I am doing is simply putting them in proper perspective - and I have the statistics and facts to back that up with, while you rely on inferences, and conspiracies, an unsubstantiated unfairness
Again, you have nothing to back that up with
Except for actual instances Antifa has attacked peaceful protesters and innocent bystanders alike, and you seem to be okay with this just because some racists that literally every sane person on the planet denounces exist.

Still waiting for the numbers on that from you. Anyone can spin a few examples - and Like I said, I don't care if antifa and white nationalist people get into scuffles, because they both want to beat each other up. I would pay for it if it was on pay per view.

When they start trying to bomb buildings
There were bombing plans not long ago which I'm sure I linked to in an earlier thread. But even if there had been major incidents like 7/7 in Britain, I'm sure you'd just excuse them.

We are talking about the left, not Islamic terrorism. And the biggest bombing in US history was from far right terrorist, Timothy McVeigh, in the Oklahoma bombing, which killed 168 people. You can't find any us bombing attempts by the left leaning groups/people since the 70's, but you can find recent ones by far right groups/people .

It's being compared to Katrina, and the bumbling nature of the Bush admin over it. The only thing you are going by is what some official said in the guardian article, which is easily countered, but you have nothing that says the people feel that Trump did an excellent job, which falls in line with what the media has pointed out
It's been over a year, and all I see is you pressing your confirmation bias not because you actually care about Puerto Ricans but because it's politically expedient right now. Go on, wield their misery like a cleaver. If the fact this is the first time the Federal Government preemptively attempted to cushion the blow of a disastrous hurricane in the territory doesn't appease you on the subject just because it's capitalist Trump and not socialist Obama, I don't know what will.

That's because Trump is doing a victory dance over it, and people like you are being over sensitive to people who point out that it's not something to praise himself over. It's really not that complicated.

Still a waste of time to blither over the word, "every," when the base you are referring to is collectively known as republican.
More spin to cover your ass over a mistake you made.
No, actually. It is pretty stupid to have a 2 day conversation over the fact you really do think Trump supporters are secretly Neo-Nazi sympathizers. I'm beginning to wonder if you might be mentally ill.

You entertain with your deflection over admitting you made a mistake.

I said I am much more objective than you are, which is why you got everything I said wrong ... seeing people like you playing the victim card ... and getting pissed at other people for not agreeing with things you can't back up with actual statics, and verifiable patterns, just odd examples, and inferences.
My exact words: "You call yourself objective and morally correct, turn around and accuse people of bias and moral depravity for defending things they don't defend."

This is why I am more objective than you, because you have this warped interpretation, and victim complex, because you are saying people are calling you a racist, or a Nazi sympathizer, when they never did. Out of the hundreds of different conversations I have had, I only called two people racist, one was a Neo Nazi, and another was arguing that blacks should not hold power because they have smaller brain cavities than whites, and believe in UFO type religions, and called me a racist against white - like you have.

You are using a small number of incidents, and overreacting, to justify your views about the other side, and looking for anything to justify them. You want people to call you a Nazi, or a racist, and you keep going down the rabbit hole, embracing things you can't justify, and daring people to call you those things. I's like you are practical goading me to say those things about you. It's like fetish that turns you on. Weird.

At 9/1/18 01:49 AM, ADR3-N wrote:
At 8/31/18 08:54 PM, EdyKel wrote: Trump declares mission accomplished in his bid to make America great again
Pretty decent article. Relatively fair coverage, though obviously left leaning by the closer.

Like the Puerto Rico claim by Trump, or over North Korea, Trump exaggerates his accomplishments, when they are from that reality. And that was the point I was making.

At 9/1/18 01:07 PM, EdyKel wrote:
At 9/1/18 01:00 AM, ADR3-N wrote: I post evidence of Antifa attacks on innocent leftists in response to your claim POTUS is doing the same alarmist dog-whistling you do when he frets that there may be violence come mid-terms, and here you are shouting from the rooftops I'm deflecting, excusing, and projecting...
The point we were disusing was your lack of condemnation of white nationalist, Neo Nazies, and outright racists that plague the right

Your logic so far: keep insisting your opponent condones Neo-Nazi bullshit when you get called out for making alarmist and outright false claims, ignore evidence, then when all else fails, gas light and shift the goalposts to avoid whatever statements the opponent has made entirely, because actual violence against innocent people is only important when it reinforces your narrative, lol.

Again, this all started with you waxing melodramatic on Trump's Puerto Rico comments, as well as his wariness about potential violence at midterms. I provided evidence that Antifa target political gatherings, particularly but not limited to republican campaign destinations, anti-communist demonstrations, etc. -- because they, like you, associate anyone who disagrees with them with Neo Nazis and Neo Nazi sympathizers.

These comments come from a man who has already had attempts on his life, whose rallies were targeted by both Antifa and other paid protesters, as well as the Clinton campaign's hired bozos. Of course, you only give the benefit of the doubt to leftists. When it comes to those republicans, who we have already established you associate with violent white nationalist Neo-Nazis, not even close, and no cigar. Had Bernie Sanders, Ocasio Cortez, or HRC said this, you'd be chanting how woke they are about these white racists literally no sane person condones or can get away with publicly endorsing (rightfully so) in the realm of politics.

I already provided the data from the links that link to the FBI data that support this. But people like you, keep burying it, to keep your narrative, by post any examples you can find, which mostly amount to street scuffles with far right groups, and a few innocent groups, while ignoring mass shooting by white nationalist, and bombing acts by far right groups.

Name your incidents and perps. I'm giving you reports you can go and check yourself. Either you're lazy, or you just want to sweep a bunch of communists rioting in the streets, intending to maim protesters and innocent bystanders because they -- like you -- just happen to think they're Neo Nazis, under the rug.

Because it a greater problem

Actually, it's not. We already know how to deal with violent white nationalists. The criminal justice and counter-terrorism system handles them quite well. Antifa are domestic terrorists according to the DHS. Claiming a bunch of domestic terrorists, communist terrorists at that, is somehow better than a handful of extremists you will not name but insist are endorsed by the right isn't just evasion, it's tacit endorsement of their tactics.

which you are constantly burying, to keep your argument about whites being under attack alive.

That's actually not why I care about Antifa. But if you want to keep up this white nationalist narrative so you can play white knight, cool.

Why white supremacists love Tucker Carlson

And? Is Carlson a white nationalist?

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

Yeah, that was a shitty thing to say. Antifa and white nationalists say they mean well, but both are a combination of vile and delusional. This seems to be something you -- and Don Lemon -- can't admit.

You even got white nationalist praising Trump.

This is you right now: "If I can't prove Republicans like white nationalism, let's see if some random white nationalists like Republicans!"

Still waiting for the numbers on that from you. Anyone can spin a few examples - and Like I said, I don't care if antifa and white nationalist people get into scuffles, because they both want to beat each other up. I would pay for it if it was on pay per view.

So that's where we are, eh? History proves nothing; only polls and studies from institutions, when, as I said before Antifa has already been classified a domestic terrorist group.

And you actually enjoy the violence -- because, like Antifa, you believe those who disagree with you are deplorables who deserve it. Nauseating.

We are talking about the left, not Islamic terrorism.

I wasn't talking Islamic terrorism -- but at least I got you to put those two words in the same sentence, lol.

And the biggest bombing in US history was from far right terrorist, Timothy McVeigh, in the Oklahoma bombing, which killed 168 people.

Ah yes, the left's favorite terrorist. I'm sure you're about to dive head first into a rant about Christians or at least Republicans, but for one thing, McVeigh was a deist, and for two, you are tactically evading the term "alt-right" in order to pretend the farthest right conservatives you could ever find would ever entertain the thought of bombing buildings to further their beliefs.

McVeigh was motivated by an extreme form of populism -- hatred for the out-group, hatred for the federal government, etc., not right wing conservatism.

You can't find any us bombing attempts by the left leaning groups/people since the 70's

2500 of them from 1971 and 1972 alone, for the same reason Antifa attacks people today. Thanks for reminding me.

But leftists rant that there will be bombings.

That's because Trump is doing a victory dance over it, and people like you are being over sensitive

Over-sensitive, hah. Let's not forget you're the one who brought this whole shebang up whining about some rolls of Brawny, and not because you care about the Puerto Rican people either, but so you could get a dig in on a president you again only talk about when it's politically expedient for you.

You entertain with your deflection over admitting you made a mistake.

If one word which does not necessarily alter the meaning of a statement about your persistently held beliefs is a mistake to you, and you still wish to continue a meaningless now 3 day discussion about nothing in order to try and, I dunno, win brownie points in a forum where civil folks actively encourage others to block you for being such an intentional ass, says a lot about your personality.

[TLDR virtue signaling, gas lighting, and implied ad hominems omitted]

You are using a small number of incidents, and overreacting, to justify your views about the other side and looking for anything to justify them.

Ditto. Except you usually follow up with a whole lot of "look how virtuous I am," as if anyone actually cares how great you think you are, lol.

You want people to call you a Nazi, or a racist, and you keep going down the rabbit hole, embracing things you can't justify, and daring people to call you those things. I's like you are practical goading me to say those things about you. It's like fetish that turns you on. Weird.

I'd like some sources for the things I "embrace" that I can't justify -- so you can justify all the hot air you've been wasting for the past however many responses implying even mild Trump supporters such as myself are racist, and if they aren't racist, crazy.

Like the Puerto Rico claim by Trump, or over North Korea, Trump exaggerates his accomplishments, when they are from that reality. And that was the point I was making.

If that was your point, you might have bothered to do a little editorializing. I also notice you didn't respond to any of my other points. Probably ran out of characters or something. If you haven't already, I'll wait.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // Take My Cymbals // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT and X! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

At 9/1/18 03:43 PM, ADR3-N wrote:
At 9/1/18 01:07 PM, EdyKel wrote:
At 9/1/18 01:00 AM, ADR3-N wrote: I post evidence of Antifa attacks on innocent leftists in response to your claim POTUS is doing the same alarmist dog-whistling you do when he frets that there may be violence come mid-terms, and here you are shouting from the rooftops I'm deflecting, excusing, and projecting...
The point we were disusing was your lack of condemnation of white nationalist, Neo Nazies, and outright racists that plague the right
Your logic so far: keep insisting your opponent condones Neo-Nazi bullshit when you get called out for making alarmist and outright false claims, ignore evidence, then when all else fails, gas light and shift the goalposts to avoid whatever statements the opponent has made entirely, because actual violence against innocent people is only important when it reinforces your narrative, lol.

Again, this all started with you waxing melodramatic on Trump's Puerto Rico comments, as well as his wariness about potential violence at midterms. I provided evidence that Antifa target political gatherings, particularly but not limited to republican campaign destinations, anti-communist demonstrations, etc. -- because they, like you, associate anyone who disagrees with them with Neo Nazis and Neo Nazi sympathizers.

Yada... yad... yada... Good thing I don't read all your stuff. All I read from you is your humping of Trumps legs when he outright lies, your pure hatred for Clinton and liberals, how you ignore the marching of Neo Navies in the street, and you posting of incidental examples to get away from the fact that the far right is on the FBI watch list for terrorism. At the same time calling me every nasty thing you can think of in almost every sentence you go after, while constantly crying about how you are victim here and how people ignore shit they have previously addressed. You have some problems, seek some professional help.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-01 19:54:40

At 9/1/18 05:17 PM, EdyKel wrote: Yada... yad... yada... Good thing I don't read all your stuff.

When all else fails, run away, hahaha.

All I read from you is your humping of Trumps legs when he outright lies, your pure hatred for Clinton and liberals

Weren't you just whining about how mean I was a second ago? Lol. How cute.

how you ignore the marching of Neo Navies in the street

That sounds like a sci-fi movie.

and you posting of incidental examples to get away from the fact that the far right is on the FBI watch list for terrorism.

And you demanding evidence, then ignoring it, tacitly defending actual domestic terrorists just because Trump and his base rightfully condemn the violent suppression of speech. And also communism, LOL.

I'm not sure what you don't seem to understand about, "white nationalism is bullshit" and "no sane person is a Nazi sympathizer," either. I conclude you're just mad I won't let you derail the topic or apologize for things I don't believe in.

At the same time calling me every nasty thing you can think of in almost every sentence you go after while constantly crying about how you are victim here and how people ignore shit they have previously addressed. You have some problems, seek some professional help.

Well, you know what they say. You are what you persistently do. And all you've done since you started posting in the politics forum is whine, cry, gas light, and otherwise exhibit textbook characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder, like the constant virtue signaling, as if you're somehow superior to those you disagree with despite being an actual hateful bigot yourself, lol. Normally I'd be tempted to write that off as a characteristic of the political left you lean toward, but doesn't matter how civil anyone attempts to be, you're just not interested in discourse -- it's your way or the highway.

Of course, until you actually address any of my points, you and I know winners don't quit, and quitters don't win, lol. See ya round the asylum, Dad. ;)

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // Take My Cymbals // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT and X! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

At 9/1/18 07:54 PM, ADR3-N wrote:
At 9/1/18 05:17 PM, EdyKel wrote: Yada... yad... yada... Good thing I don't read all your stuff.
When all else fails, run away, hahaha.

All I read from you is your humping of Trumps legs when he outright lies, your pure hatred for Clinton and liberals
Weren't you just whining about how mean I was a second ago? Lol. How cute.

how you ignore the marching of Neo Navies in the street
That sounds like a sci-fi movie.

and you posting of incidental examples to get away from the fact that the far right is on the FBI watch list for terrorism.
And you demanding evidence, then ignoring it, tacitly defending actual domestic terrorists just because Trump and his base rightfully condemn the violent suppression of speech. And also communism, LOL.

I'm not sure what you don't seem to understand about, "white nationalism is bullshit" and "no sane person is a Nazi sympathizer," either. I conclude you're just mad I won't let you derail the topic or apologize for things I don't believe in.

At the same time calling me every nasty thing you can think of in almost every sentence you go after while constantly crying about how you are victim here and how people ignore shit they have previously addressed. You have some problems, seek some professional help.
Well, you know what they say. You are what you persistently do. And all you've done since you started posting in the politics forum is whine, cry, gas light, and otherwise exhibit textbook characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder, like the constant virtue signaling, as if you're somehow superior to those you disagree with despite being an actual hateful bigot yourself, lol. Normally I'd be tempted to write that off as a characteristic of the political left you lean toward, but doesn't matter how civil anyone attempts to be, you're just not interested in discourse -- it's your way or the highway.

Of course, until you actually address any of my points, you and I know winners don't quit, and quitters don't win, lol. See ya round the asylum, Dad. ;)

Son, it doesn't take a genius to know that you are rage trolling, and hoping to get a reaction from me. I dealt with smarter people than you who know how to push my buttons. Your just... not that bright enough to make me take you that serious. You're like a goldfish with a 3 second memory, who forgets responses to his points, and goads when people don't respond to every sentence you challenge as a win. If you want give yourself a superficial gold star to boost your fragile ego, then that's fine. Whatever floats your boat.

Anyways, this is getting off topic, so I'll give you the last word.

At 9/2/18 11:30 PM, EdyKel wrote: Anyways, this is getting off topic, so I'll give you the last word.

You say this too often.
It doesn’t make you look the better man, all it does is punctuate a ridiculous, long-winded argument between two people.

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-04 17:53:18

looks like Kavanaugh is getting his hearing and the dems are freaking out. Kind of feel bad for the guy he got picked for a job said yes and his kids are sitting there enduring it too, but he did know what he signed up for when he said yes. and how long due these hearings usually last?

also that chamber ceiling with all that tax money we give them they couldn't put in some decent wood paneling I mean they always try and give it the old colonial feel but they sure are skimping on those pillared rafters.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-05 10:33:32

Kavanaugh hearing going on right now. and Dianne Feinstein is having her turn as I post.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-05 11:53:23

I'm watching the Kavanaugh hearing its just old people on the committee arguing with each other like in a nursing home and Kavanaugh is the grand kid sitting there, these old people are still using card board infographic and a LCDTV how hard is it to get a college room projector screen?

jesus this is a killer.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-05 11:59:02

At 9/5/18 11:18 AM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote:
At 9/5/18 11:01 AM, JosephStarr wrote: When you pretty much instantly responded after I posted that, I thought that was exactly what happened.

This is pretty much how I felt when i saw that bell light up, lmao
motherfucker I don't have a comeback to that.

well played.

If you keep up with off topic taunts, then it might be taken down - if that is what your whole purpose is to do. Personally, I just see posts being removed, with some people freaking out about their free-speech rights being silenced, and a conspiracy against their political views.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-05 14:38:43

At 9/5/18 11:59 AM, EdyKel wrote: If you keep up with off topic taunts, then it might be taken down - if that is what your whole purpose is to do.

I’m happy to oblige, by the way.

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-05 15:21:37

At 9/5/18 02:38 PM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote:
I’m happy to oblige, by the way.

I'd humbly request the thread not get taken down due to a troll or two - it DOES help contain the politics forum from a flood of pro-anti-Trump threads in the forum (even if it doesn't always succeed).

On the topic of Trump, Bob Woodward put out a book. I generally avoid the controversy on the books about Mr. 45, and sometimes even come to the tepid defense of him if the source is ridiculous (I really do - you can check the Omarosa thread if you don't believe me). This was put out by the same guy that did the initial investigative reporting on Nixon when he was taken down, so I take this book MUCH more seriously than the others, and... well, to put it mildly, our current president is apparently not only completely insane, but he's also so grossly incompetant that his insanity hasn't completely fucked us in the ass yet.

If this is to be believed, much of why we haven't tumbled into global conflict and self sabotoged ourselves into some form of defensive crisis is because his aids have secretly been taking papers off of the President's desk, and our commander-in-chief has simply made orders and forgotten about them later, allowing more competant staff to just ignore him when he makes really terrible orders.

I mean, I'm not sure who'd be more upset at these revelations (again, if it's to be believed), Democrats upon hearing just the level of insanity coming from our commander-in-chief or Republicans hearing that their representatives and Republican staff is blatantly ignoring and disobeying the President in a regular level for the sake of global stability.

Probably Democrats, if I'm going to be honest, but isn't it at least annoying that Republicans are often defying their leader to at least some degree?

Need some music for a flash or game? Check it out. If none of this works send me a PM, I'm taking requests.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-05 15:56:12

At 9/5/18 02:38 PM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote: I’m happy to oblige, by the way.

In my experience, better to keep the catch all, and let people make outside Trump threads at our discretion. Better for the mods, better for the users, better for everybody. Sometimes I have a plan lol.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-05 16:09:05

At 9/5/18 03:56 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 9/5/18 02:38 PM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote: I’m happy to oblige, by the way.
In my experience, better to keep the catch all, and let people make outside Trump threads at our discretion. Better for the mods, better for the users, better for everybody. Sometimes I have a plan lol.

For the record (and I’ll keep this brief because it’s off-topic) I agree with that line of thought, here.
There are other threads in this forum where I feel discussion goes off to die, which I think is counter-productive.

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-05 18:22:06

At 9/5/18 04:09 PM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote: There are other threads in this forum where I feel discussion goes off to die, which I think is counter-productive.

This forum is a difficult beast to maintain and keep going but....is worthwhile in the end....really it's the same as it's subject matter that way. We'll keep at it though. I'll just stop being off-topic here. Sorry all!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-06 20:47:52

At 9/5/18 03:21 PM, Gario wrote:
If this is to be believed, much of why we haven't tumbled into global conflict and self sabotoged ourselves into some form of defensive crisis is because his aids have secretly been taking papers off of the President's desk, and our commander-in-chief has simply made orders and forgotten about them later, allowing more competant staff to just ignore him when he makes really terrible orders.

Well, if it's believed, this seems to be given more credence by some anonymous White House official, who wrote an op-ed for the NY times claiming they are doing just this to protect the country. That they are part of some resistance. Of course, this has sent Trump over the edge, demanding that the person step forward, or that NY times release the name of this person, claiming it's a national security issue.

And I blame republicans more, since they control both chambers of Congress, and set an unprecedented low bar for the Trump nominees for the White House, and the US house (specifically Nunes) for trying work with White House officials to undermine any investigation against the Trump administration.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-08 08:31:59

At 9/6/18 08:47 PM, EdyKel wrote: Well, if it's believed, this seems to be given more credence by some anonymous White House official, who wrote an op-ed for the NY times claiming they are doing just this to protect the country.

Yes, because anonymous, unelected, unaccountable schmucks frustrating the efforts of the president must know better than the people who democratically elected him. Lol. You keep eating that commiefornia pie though.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // Take My Cymbals // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT and X! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

At 9/8/18 08:31 AM, ADR3-N wrote:
At 9/6/18 08:47 PM, EdyKel wrote: Well, if it's believed, this seems to be given more credence by some anonymous White House official, who wrote an op-ed for the NY times claiming they are doing just this to protect the country.
Yes, because anonymous, unelected, unaccountable schmucks frustrating the efforts of the president must know better than the people who democratically elected him. Lol. You keep eating that commiefornia pie though.

Given that people like you elected a used car salesman, with a mop of hair that flairs like his ego, and has made the white house into a reality TV outhouse, that made my week.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-08 14:02:58

At 9/8/18 11:48 AM, EdyKel wrote: Given that people like you elected a used car salesman, with a mop of hair that flairs like his ego, and has made the white house into a reality TV outhouse, that made my week.

Why are you so salty? The American people elected Donald Trump over that wannabe oligarch Clinton and her Whore House -- I mean White House -- intern-schtooping, walking rape-scandal of a husband. I'm not sure why you spend so much time complaining about when your alternative is Mike Pence, bwahahaha.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // Take My Cymbals // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT and X! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-08 14:18:52

At 9/8/18 02:02 PM, ADR3-N wrote:
Why are you so salty? The American people elected Donald Trump over that wannabe oligarch Clinton and her Whore House -- I mean White House -- intern-schtooping, walking rape-scandal of a husband. I'm not sure why you spend so much time complaining about when your alternative is Mike Pence, bwahahaha.

Lol you forgot to mention she was noped twice and Bill's handedness is very well known you just have to look at Lewinsky the Lolita Express and after he got out of office paying people off or dying off.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-08 14:32:03

At 9/8/18 02:02 PM, ADR3-N wrote:
At 9/8/18 11:48 AM, EdyKel wrote: Given that people like you elected a used car salesman, with a mop of hair that flairs like his ego, and has made the white house into a reality TV outhouse, that made my week.
Why are you so salty? The American people elected Donald Trump over that wannabe oligarch Clinton and her Whore House -- I mean White House -- intern-schtooping, walking rape-scandal of a husband. I'm not sure why you spend so much time complaining about when your alternative is Mike Pence, bwahahaha.

Funny you should mention oligarch, considering that Trump is richer than the Clinton (well, if he ever releases his tax returns to see if that is true), and hired his family to work for him at the white house, who set right away working on deals that either promoted their products, or financially benefited their businesses, on the tax payer dime. And you know, Trump claims he hires the best of the best, which is why they misuse tax payer money, or are involved in scandals, or turn on him. And you can't blame Mike Pence on anyone but Trump, who personally selected the best of the best of the VP candidates, don't cha know.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-09 05:23:53

At 9/8/18 02:02 PM, ADR3-N wrote: Why are you so salty? The American people elected Donald Trump over that wannabe oligarch Clinton

Nitpicking I know, but the people didn't; the Electoral College did.

Teacher, goth, communist, cynic, alcoholic, master swordsman, king of shitpoasts.

It's better to die together than to live alone.

Sig by Decky

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-12 16:29:57

At 9/12/18 05:20 PM, Sause wrote: I found two stories, I couldn’t decide on one, so I have both. Behold. Which is funnier, a professor shooting himself in the arm to protest Blonald Blumpfle, or the SOURCES SAY that Orange peepee hands has some kind of mad scientist weather machine to pick on brown people?

I’m split. I’ve heard of shooting yourself in the foot but how do you shoot yourself in the arm? But the weather machine, just, 😂 but sadly this story has been done before to Bush 43 during Katrina so some points have to be taken off for originality

Trump skewered after calling Hurricane Florence 'tremendously big and tremendously wet'

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says

And people wonder why Trump gets attacked for his lack of tack.

But, what do you expect from a president who rehashed last year's White House photo tribute of 9-11, fist pumped his supporters on the way to a 9-11 memorial, with a brief tweet counting the years from the tragic event.


Cool beans.

Not sure when public opinion held any legal authority in a case or had any bearing on reality, though. Let Mueller sort out that Russian influence & general corruption bologna while the rest of us leave it alone, in my opinion. You never know - Mueller could say Mr. 45 isn't worth holding a trial over, and if that happens I'd be forced to accept that as a done deal.

Out of morbid curiousity, though, I'd be curious to see Americans polled on whether the President committed any obstruction of justice - that's literally indisputable looking at his twitter account alone.

Need some music for a flash or game? Check it out. If none of this works send me a PM, I'm taking requests.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-13 14:03:06

This was so ludicrous, I had to do my research, lol. Much to my dismay, it wasn't just memes. People really are this dumb.

At 9/12/18 05:20 PM, Sause wrote: I found two stories, I couldn’t decide on one, so I have both. Behold. Which is funnier, a professor shooting himself in the arm to protest Blonald Blumpfle

Should I even be surprised? Lefties exercising the right to bear arms. By shooting themselves. In the arms. At school, like actual school shooting. And leaving a hundo "for the janitor." To protest the president?

And they say Trumpies are nuts, hahaha. Apparently the school also didn't tell anyone what was going on, either. Probably because it makes the SJW dems look crazy.

or the SOURCES SAY that Orange peepee hands has some kind of mad scientist weather machine to pick on brown people?

Here's the article. Basically the Washington Post whining we haven't gone Commiefornia, forced our citizens to pay exorbitant taxes and undergo progressive rationing (for no reason), in order to enrich "green" corporations that are actually just as expensive and environmentally taxing as the oil/gas industries, as if harsh regulations, high taxes, and subsidies will make this created problem go away.

It will not.

The cold hard truth is, even if humans were solely responsible for even half of global warming, which they aren't, wiping out the entirety of our industries, period, would not be enough to stem the tide, pardon the pun. And neither will throwing money at it, for that matter.

Global warming and cooling is governed by more than greenhouse gases. Ice caps, ocean currents, axial tilt, sun cycles, etc., all of that is a better predictor of global mean temperature than simple carbon emissions. Short discussion, related. Short version, global warming facilitates global cooling, particularly when it comes to those ice caps, and we're headed for a long overdue iceage.

An inevitable problem humans can't solve, no matter how much money we throw at it, or how much we oppress our citizens, doesn't make POTUS look bad. It makes morons out of the Post, lol.

I’m split. I’ve heard of shooting yourself in the foot but how do you shoot yourself in the arm?

Like Booker's "Spartacus" moment, pretending to release emails that were already out. They're pretty out there, so who knows.

But the weather machine, just, 😂 but sadly this story has been done before to Bush 43 during Katrina so some points have to be taken off for originality

Let's not forget the left will spin anything it can get its hands on to try and stay relevant. If that means printing dumb, misleading, outright false material based on fudged studies that have been debunked ten times over to suit the narrative, they'll stand by it, haha.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // Take My Cymbals // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT and X! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2018-09-13 14:42:28

At 9/13/18 02:03 PM, ADR3-N wrote:
Here's the article. Basically the Washington Post whining we haven't gone Commiefornia, forced our citizens to pay exorbitant taxes and undergo progressive rationing (for no reason), in order to enrich "green" corporations that are actually just as expensive and environmentally taxing as the oil/gas industries, as if harsh regulations, high taxes, and subsidies will make this created problem go away.

It will not.

HOW DARE YOU! Bernie and the Progressives say it'll work therefore it has too, private property, taxation and over regulating be damned it must be done! otherwise how are we going to keep the planet prosperous for our grandchildren once we get rid of the racist white male misogynists thats friendly toward vulnerable minorities?!?!