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Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-26 21:32:10

Trump will win all 5 states tonight.


-EcG member for CSGO-

Attorney, Gamer, Sport Fan, PhD student (future Senator, maybe?)

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-26 23:07:17

Katie McGinty has defeated Admiral Joe Sestak for the Pennsylvania Senate primary.

Great freaking job, Pennsylvania Democrats. Ignore the progressive who actually has a track record of getting things done in favor of the DSCC yes (wo)man whose sole reason that we should vote for her is because she has a vagina. Looks like I'll be voting Toomey in the fall.

This (and the DSCC) just ensured that Toomey holds onto his Senate seat. When he was elected in 2010, I was like "oh crap" because I thought he'd be another Santorum. He actually really dialed down the crazy and has been a surprisingly good senator. Hell, he's willing to work with Bob Casey, even.

So why am I mentioning this in the Trump thread? Because hatred of McGinty will likely motivate people who could be convinced to support Trump.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-27 01:13:14

That's right I like guns and ponies. NO NEW GUN CONTROL.

Politically correct is anything that leftists believe.Politically incorrect is anything common sense.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-27 06:57:45

At 4/26/16 09:32 PM, EcG-TracyJackson wrote: Trump will win all 5 states tonight.

And he has.

I said it before and I'll say it again, no election I remember has been this simultaneously hilarious and terrifying.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-27 07:38:38

At 4/27/16 06:57 AM, Heretic-Anchorite wrote: And he has.

I said it before and I'll say it again, no election I remember has been this simultaneously hilarious and terrifying.

Many Republicans are not really too big on the current establishment, and they felt that a change is needed. Trump is an outsider, and Cruz is an establishment guy...Kasich doesn't stand a chance, but he's siphoning votes because he too is not of the establishment.


-EcG member for CSGO-

Attorney, Gamer, Sport Fan, PhD student (future Senator, maybe?)

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-27 16:11:15


I admire your way of deciding on a candidate to vote for. Truly a nice system to look at. I work in a similar way and I feel a lot of other people who vote also think in a similar fashion, maybe on an extreme level though.

As for if Donald Trump becomes president, the only thing I worry about is him going overboard with executive orders. That's it really. He is not swayed by the establishment either way and you're right, there is a chance of the government coming to a screeching halt with him in that one branch of the government. At the same time though, with Congress and the Supreme Court there, anything he might want to pass will either be blocked or heavily watered down. If anything his presidency could possibly bring Congress together.

His campaign has brought a lot of people out of the closet who normally don't care about politics. Who don't want anything to do with politics. On both sides of the party. That is a remarkable thing. He has shaken up the political spectrum a lot and for that I do respect him for coming out and just talking about whatever is on his mind.

Most of the time I disagree with what he is saying, his views, everything. However, he has shown that you can say whatever you want, not worry about offending someone, not worry about what others would think, and still have a successful campaign and get votes. Bernie Sanders has shown the same thing, you don't need big money as long as your message is strong.

Hell it would be amazing to see a ticket with Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. A possibility since Sanders is truthfully an Independent.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-27 18:28:08

At 4/27/16 07:38 AM, EcG-TracyJackson wrote: and Cruz is an establishment guy...

No he isn't. He's a Tea Partier the Establishment hates because Cruz will fight and fight with no morals backing it whatsoever, he just wants to win and push his ideas and agenda. The party will hold their nose and go with him if it means not fielding Trump, but don't mistake that for any love or deep desire for him. Kasich would be more palatable to what the establishment wing wants. This is really why I think we'll be seeing major fracturing, if not out and out break up happening in the party. You are down to three candidates who represent the three major coalitions of the party and they are all tearing the thing to pieces in their desire to win.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-27 18:34:47

At 4/27/16 06:28 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: You are down to three candidates who represent the three major coalitions of the party and they are all tearing the thing to pieces in their desire to win.

Good. It needs to go to hell in a hand basket. We need proper reformation. Not a revolution. Not a rebellion. Something to shake this damn country up without complete anarchy. This will be the way. Not exactly pretty, but at the very least something to have people give a damn.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-27 21:49:26

Congratulations to Donald Trump for winning 5 states on the same day. He is getting closer to the magic number.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Bernie supporters to Hillary: We won't support you.

If that happens, expect a Republican in the White House next year. It goes without saying that would help Trump if he get's picked.

That's right I like guns and ponies. NO NEW GUN CONTROL.

Politically correct is anything that leftists believe.Politically incorrect is anything common sense.

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-27 23:52:10

At 4/27/16 11:12 PM, wildfire4461 wrote: Bernie supporters to Hillary: We won't support you.

If that happens, expect a Republican in the White House next year. It goes without saying that would help Trump if he get's picked.

I have also heard several Bernie supporters say that if he doesn't get the nomination, they're going with Trump.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-28 14:58:27

At 4/27/16 11:52 PM, RydiaLockheart wrote: I have also heard several Bernie supporters say that if he doesn't get the nomination, they're going with Trump.

These people are not Democrats and weren't going to vote for Hillary anyway.

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-28 23:26:30

At 4/28/16 02:58 PM, Feoric wrote:
At 4/27/16 11:52 PM, RydiaLockheart wrote: I have also heard several Bernie supporters say that if he doesn't get the nomination, they're going with Trump.
These people are not Democrats and weren't going to vote for Hillary anyway.

Ugh. These Bernie supporters remind me of pro se criminal defendants. They rail at the system for being unjust and how they're getting shit on. Yet when it comes down to actually solving their problem all they can do is rail on about how unjust the system is. Result? Convicted on all counts. The way you fix a bad system is through the system or you destroy the whole system. I mean the WHOLE system. You're not going to get the massive change Trump and Sanders talk about merely by shouting at the establishment. You're also not going to get the change by blowing up one position. That position may be gigantic, but overall it still makes up a tiny portion of the system as a whole. For the revolution to truly work they will have to break the entire executie (all the way down to the local street sweeper), the legislative, AND the Judicial (all the way down to your local judicial clerk.) That would cause serious and vry negative ripple effects on our daily economic lives.

So, like that pro se criminal defendant, I see neither of these candidates as being to accomplish ANY of the dramatic shit they spout. Cruz is a perfect example of this. Cruz was snt in to fuck the system in the ass. All that's fucked now is Cruz' ability to get anyone to work with him. Kasich and Hillary are the only current candidates that will have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting anything they want done. Frankly, they actually have a decent chance (as decent a chance you can get with the current congressional woes.)

People who wants these dramatic nowhere candidates to make big changes will actually end up with far more of the status quo (cause they will be as impotent as a shit-faced 90 year old who can't get a viagra prescription) than an establishment candidate who knows enough of the system to actually use it and mold it.

As someone who works in a very strict and complex system like this (law) I can tell firsthand that the way to change it is to become it, not to attack it.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-29 00:49:13

At 4/27/16 11:52 PM, RydiaLockheart wrote: I have also heard several Bernie supporters say that if he doesn't get the nomination, they're going with Trump.

I find this ironic that this for all of the beady-eyed optimism that Gen Y has on a democratic socialist system for America, a segment is more than willing to throw it all away because Bernie didn't get the nomination for the Democrats, which could possibly, however unlikely swing the presidential election to Trump. Let's all be honest here, a political revolution that Sanders keeps bringing up is not going to happen overnight, let alone if it happens at all. Frankly, they should be lucky if they get watered-down versions of the things they want in the future with future Democratic candidates and then build up once they get there.

Barring some sort of major economic collapse, (As in Great Depression levels) a democratic socialist style government will not fly in America. Honestly, why should we try to anyway now? The last thing that we need to do is to appeal to Scandinavia and to lesser extent Western Europe on how we should run our government and tell us we would be happier for it. The last time we did that, we ended up fighting 2 world wars in Europe and was damn near a third one with the Russians.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

BBS Signature

At 4/27/16 11:52 PM, RydiaLockheart wrote:

I have also heard several Bernie supporters say that if he doesn't get the nomination, they're going with Trump.

And this is why I hate millennials and most of my generation. They're a whiny bunch of babies that for the most part have no actual viable solutions for things.

Don't get be wrong, I wanted Sanders to get the nomination too, even though it was a long shot and a bit of a risk; but to go from Sanders to Trump is just ridiculous.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-29 08:05:59

At 4/29/16 04:57 AM, Heretic-Anchorite wrote: Don't get be wrong, I wanted Sanders to get the nomination too, even though it was a long shot and a bit of a risk; but to go from Sanders to Trump is just ridiculous.

The problem is, most of Sanders's supporters will not vote Clinton, no matter what. If voting for her is the only way to avoid dying, they still won't vote for Clinton. So in their minds, to deny Clinton the presidency, the only way to do that is to vote for a Republican.


-EcG member for CSGO-

Attorney, Gamer, Sport Fan, PhD student (future Senator, maybe?)

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-29 19:22:32

At 4/29/16 04:57 AM, Heretic-Anchorite wrote: Don't get be wrong, I wanted Sanders to get the nomination too, even though it was a long shot and a bit of a risk; but to go from Sanders to Trump is just ridiculous.

I tend to think that these people are just in a "I don't want an establishment candidate". They want an outsider, and if they can't get their preffered outsider, then fuck it, they'll go for the other one. To go from Sanders to Trump, the complete opposite of the things Sanders stands for shows they have no real political conviction, they just want to blow shit up to blow shit up. Hopefully this will just be a loud minority that can't really effect anything.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-29 19:58:06

At 4/29/16 07:22 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I tend to think that these people are just in a "I don't want an establishment candidate". They want an outsider, and if they can't get their preffered outsider, then fuck it, they'll go for the other one. To go from Sanders to Trump, the complete opposite of the things Sanders stands for shows they have no real political conviction, they just want to blow shit up to blow shit up. Hopefully this will just be a loud minority that can't really effect anything.

Electing Trump will not blow up the nation. Getting a two-thirds majority to override his veto capability to push through executive orders will be child's play. Any hint of war-crime, and like magic, we'll suddenly be respecting the Geneva convention again and he'll be impeached. The Supreme Court will eat up any support he can drumpf up on the level of the states. The only thing that might give pause to people that are usually just there rolling their eyes at the primaries is if he goes with a Koch or someone with genuine influence as his VP, but your government is set up to handle much worse people than Trump.

That said, I'll be voting Stein unless the moon turns red on the night of the Democratic Convention and locusts descend to carry him up from the podium as he gives his concession speech, and Sanders then runs as Trump's VP under a joint Antichrist/Old Confused Activist ticket. Or maybe the liberal smugness will overwhelm my good senses and political conviction and in a fit of insanity I'll do it just to annoy you.

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-04-30 01:47:15

At 4/27/16 11:12 PM, wildfire4461 wrote: Bernie supporters to Hillary: We won't support you.

If that happens, expect a Republican in the White House next year. It goes without saying that would help Trump if he get's picked.

That would be amazing. Donald Trump needs all the help that he can get.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-05-04 09:12:56

Trump wins Indiana, Cruz drops out.
The deal is pretty much sealed.

Strap in. The really wild part of this campaign ride starts now. :P

That's right I like guns and ponies. NO NEW GUN CONTROL.

Politically correct is anything that leftists believe.Politically incorrect is anything common sense.

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-05-04 10:16:22

At 5/4/16 09:12 AM, wildfire4461 wrote: Trump wins Indiana, Cruz drops out.
The deal is pretty much sealed.

Strap in. The really wild part of this campaign ride starts now. :P

Clinton is a 13-pts favorite in the General Election, so at this point, we should expects a Democrat in office comes next year. I think Democrats who are Sanders supporters will tolerate Hilary (if only barely) in office rather than allow Trump to win. On the other hand, almost every Republicans (at a much bigger margin than Sanders's supporter's willingness of Clinton) will rather we have a President Trump than a President Clinton (again).


-EcG member for CSGO-

Attorney, Gamer, Sport Fan, PhD student (future Senator, maybe?)

Kasich just dropped out of the race. Trump is now officially the only Republican left, he is the nominee. He will be making his concession speech today at 5pm ET possibly.


-EcG member for CSGO-

Attorney, Gamer, Sport Fan, PhD student (future Senator, maybe?)

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-05-04 15:53:52

At 5/4/16 12:52 PM, EcG-TracyJackson wrote: Kasich just dropped out of the race. Trump is now officially the only Republican left, he is the nominee. He will be making his concession speech today at 5pm ET possibly.

Just read todays news seeing That Cruz now him are outta there ...

Go Trump ...that's the first clown ...now will it be a female clown or will it be Bernie .

But if it turns into a 2 clown show its unfortunate that neither of them are funny >_<

Those who have only the religious opinions of others in their head & worship them. Have no room for their own thoughts & no room to contemplate anyone elses ideas either-More

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-05-04 18:54:29

At 5/4/16 03:53 PM, morefngdbs wrote: ...now will it be a female clown or will it be Bernie .

A lot of Democrats are saying they will tolerate a Sanders in office than Clinton, which is understandable. But the chance of him winning is slim barring a revolt at the Convention, even if he did win Indiana.


-EcG member for CSGO-

Attorney, Gamer, Sport Fan, PhD student (future Senator, maybe?)

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-05-04 21:19:42

At 5/4/16 06:54 PM, EcG-TracyJackson wrote: A lot of Democrats are saying they will tolerate a Sanders in office than Clinton, which is understandable. But the chance of him winning is slim barring a revolt at the Convention, even if he did win Indiana.

I think the out and out hatred of Hillary is overblown. I think it's a very vocal minority, and even if it isn't, I think Trump is so offensive to so many, he'll propel her into office just by being him. He clearly won't have the party behind him, he'll basically be holding them hostage. I wouldn't be shocked if in four years (assuming he loses) that they won't be accusing him of being a plant that "stole" the nomination and "hijacked" the party as part of an elaborate plan to ensure Hillary gets elected.....and you know something? I'm not entirely sure that's wrong.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-05-04 21:36:45

At 5/4/16 10:16 AM, EcG-TracyJackson wrote: Clinton is a 13-pts favorite in the General Election, so at this point, we should expects a Democrat in office comes next year. I think Democrats who are Sanders supporters will tolerate Hilary (if only barely) in office rather than allow Trump to win. On the other hand, almost every Republicans (at a much bigger margin than Sanders's supporter's willingness of Clinton) will rather we have a President Trump than a President Clinton (again).

Clinton is also at a disadvantage now that she is fighting a two-front war. Trump will turn all of his attention to Clinton now, while she still can't shake off Sanders. She hasn't always done well in her debates, and Sanders is pretty genteel. So how on earth is she gonna stand up to Trump? He has absolutely no filter and will bring out her baggage. For example, her tolerance of Bill's alleged crimes against women. People are now hyper-aware of all of this now that we have cases such as Bill Cosby. So what happens if Paula Jones (a known Trump supporter) of Gennifer Flowers suddenly show up?

That, and during his speech last night, Trump was actually mature and well-spoken. I don't know what the results will ultimately be, but he is not gonna be the pushover the DNC seems to think he will be.

At 5/4/16 09:36 PM, RydiaLockheart wrote: That, and during his speech last night, Trump was actually mature and well-spoken. I don't know what the results will ultimately be, but he is not gonna be the pushover the DNC seems to think he will be.

That's because he's following script. For most of the election path, Trump spoke off the cuff and said basically what comes to his mind. But now that he's the presumptive nominee, he must act like he knows what he's doing. He got a lot of very talented and accomplished advisors and writers on his staff, and he will have to use them more than he did before. Anything he said from now on will always be looked at, even more than they already are.

Once he's the official nominee after the Convention this summer, he will have to become more "presidential" as he said. Trump already have almost all major media companies (even Fox News if you can believe it) against him, so he needs to be on his toes, stick to the written script, and not do impromptu speeches that could further estrange him from the general population.

As someone who will be working for him later this summer (urgh), as a policy advisor for the GOP's 2016 Election staff...I don't envy my job. It's gonna be hella tough to turns Trump into a candidate that can actually wins this November instead of losing in a predicted landslide to Clinton.


-EcG member for CSGO-

Attorney, Gamer, Sport Fan, PhD student (future Senator, maybe?)

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-05-05 01:49:31

Holy Shit.

I as well as many others have predicted that Trump would get the nomination. I'm not entirely surprised that Kasich gave up, I'm more surprised that Cruz did. What I thought was him looking to fight Trump just turned into a final gambit that didn't work and that was picking Carly Fiorina as his running mate. Yeah... didn't work. Republicans who outright do not want Hillary Clinton are going to rally behind Trump either begrudging or hopefully look to turn this into a political movement in a similar fashion to Ronald Reagan... and if that is what a Trump presidency turns into then it will be the best case scenario.

I've said it in the past in this thread, I think even Trump is surprised by how far he got and back then he was dialing up the crazy... now he's toning it down. I guess it was a sound move, to be the Republicans and become the nominee you need to fight fire with fire... sure he brought a flamethrower to a room of blowtorches, and at the same time showed the Republican party their nasty true colors in a mirror. If anything I hope this has changed the Republican party for the better... most likely not, but hey there's hope.

Onto Trump though. I feel I am one of the few (if any) in this thread who is on the fence with Donald Trump. Some of his ideas I like and have brought mention to. Some of the things he has said I have had disdain for. Others I have found surprisingly admirable.

All the cards will be put forth onto the table come the first debate. If it is a debate between him and Bernie, it will be one of the most interesting debates we will see in a long time. If it comes down between him and Hillary. Although Hillary can't debate against fellow Democrats well, she can fight Republicans, it is what she's good at.

At 5/4/16 10:14 PM, EcG-TracyJackson wrote: As someone who will be working for him later this summer (urgh), as a policy advisor for the GOP's 2016 Election staff...I don't envy my job. It's gonna be hella tough to turns Trump into a candidate that can actually wins this November instead of losing in a predicted landslide to Clinton.

I'd say pretty near impossible. As I've said all along this is his biggest problem now. He can't be the blowhard pissing off every group in sight that looks at him cross eyed to keep the attendance of his rallies up. Now he will actually NEED women to vote for him, after spending all that time, creating all these sounds bites showing he isn't a big fan. Now he NEEDS hispanics to vote for him, even though he's called people they may be related to rapists and murderers and wants to build a wall to keep them out. He needs Muslims and others. He's been running on the "white slight ticket" up till now, but the white slight coalition isn't big enough. But he still needs them, so now he has to figure out how to appease and entice the other groups I mentioned....and still keep the original core of his support interested and engaged and enthused without feeling like he abandoned and betrayed them once they propelled him to the nomination. He also will have to overcome what a fundamentally thin skinned person he is, and how he has no real experience politically on anything. I don't worry about Hillary in a debate, because I think she just has to make her speech, ignore Trump's bait, bait him a little....and watch him explode on stage as usual. It's also not going to help him that there's reportedly been a concerted party strategy to just dump his campaign and leave him twist in the wind. I think it would be stupid to just assume this is going to be a no chance in hell car wreck with no hope....but for the kind of folks Trump brings in, I'm really curious what it'd do to them and their politics if he did lose in that landslide many are predicting.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-05-11 20:38:14

At 5/5/16 07:11 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I'd say pretty near impossible. As I've said all along this is his biggest problem now. He can't be the blowhard pissing off every group in sight that looks at him cross eyed to keep the attendance of his rallies up.

Yeah this is going to be a serious problem for him now.

Now he will actually NEED women to vote for him, after spending all that time, creating all these sounds bites showing he isn't a big fan.

Not an entirely major issue since women will still vote for him despite these comments. His comments are certainly not the worst made by a Republican nominee or Republican politician. Sexist still yes, but at the same time not all women are too keen on Hillary either. Either way he's going to lose a majority of the women vote.

Now he NEEDS hispanics to vote for him, even though he's called people they may be related to rapists and murderers and wants to build a wall to keep them out.

Didn't you see his picture though? He loves Hispanics!

He needs Muslims and others. He's been running on the "white slight ticket" up till now, but the white slight coalition isn't big enough.

Yeah... we're going to look back on all of the Muslim humor the same way we look back on the Japanese humor after World War II and it ain't gonna be pretty.

But he still needs them, so now he has to figure out how to appease and entice the other groups I mentioned....and still keep the original core of his support interested and engaged and enthused without feeling like he abandoned and betrayed them once they propelled him to the nomination. He also will have to overcome what a fundamentally thin skinned person he is, and how he has no real experience politically on anything.

I suspect he will be used to further other people's agendas... looking at Paul Ryan on this one.

I don't worry about Hillary in a debate, because I think she just has to make her speech, ignore Trump's bait, bait him a little....and watch him explode on stage as usual. It's also not going to help him that there's reportedly been a concerted party strategy to just dump his campaign and leave him twist in the wind. I think it would be stupid to just assume this is going to be a no chance in hell car wreck with no hope....but for the kind of folks Trump brings in, I'm really curious what it'd do to them and their politics if he did lose in that landslide many are predicting.

A majority of people also want something different. We could see a drastic change with Donald Trump come the first debate.