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Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread

29,908 Views | 393 Replies

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-02-28 01:33:37

At 2/27/16 06:01 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Really?
No, when you go bankrupt and this many businesses fail...there's usually more then just one mistake involved there.

Yes his businesses did go bankrupt and there have been deals that have gone wrong. He did get successes though. I'm not gonna defend the guy, because the last thing we need is a businessman like this playing with our tax dollars.

I'd have to think he got something. Maine's governor endorsed him too...so it seems like Trump is starting to act like the presumptive nominee and start putting a team together.

I think even Trump is surprised that he got this far and is now thinking that he needs to step it up more. Too bad that means taking the crazy and dialing it up to 11.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-02-28 12:56:21

At 2/26/16 07:15 PM, The-Great-One wrote: I'm thinking Chris Christie is probably gonna be getting a cabinet position promised to him from Trump. Say what you will about Trump, he is a businessman and can make deals.

Christie will definitely get a position. Trump has just started to makes deals in the political arena.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-02-29 18:39:51

At 2/28/16 01:33 AM, The-Great-One wrote: He did get successes though.

The only thing the guy has done successfully is promote himself and his brand despite all his failures, despite contradiction. The Apprentice was a success, absolutely, but again, that show was primarily about promoting the Donald Trump name and brand.

I'm not gonna defend the guy, because the last thing we need is a businessman like this playing with our tax dollars.

If he was a more successful business man, with better instincts, then ok, I could maybe see the appeal. But this is a guy who lies about just about everything. He's smoke and mirrors to the max, and it begs the question: Which Donald Trump would someone voting for him actually be electing? You really can't know with all the position changes he's made over the years, or even in just the last few months. That's what scares me the most about him, that he seems to be a man who's only real deeply held conviction is that he be viewed as the most amazing and successful person possible, and he'll do anything to achieve it.

I think even Trump is surprised that he got this far and is now thinking that he needs to step it up more. Too bad that means taking the crazy and dialing it up to 11.

That's the problem he has now though. He CAN'T just keep dialing up the crazy talk now. Now he has to start making the case for why he wouldn't be a disaster and hand the White House over to Clinton or Sanders. Christie and La Paige are similar to Trump in terms of style and some of the stated rhetoric and such, so that helps him get it both ways....that's a good pick up. But at some point it's entirely possible he'll need to court people more in the mainstream, and take more mainstream positions....and then what happens? Do the true believers who look at him as the poster child for their bad ideas and rage and hate feel betrayed and dumped? We'll see. But this could (I hope) be starting towards the unraveling of his whole tapestry of bullshit here.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-02 21:47:48

At 3/2/16 01:17 PM, X-Gary-Gigax-X wrote: Bumped so people can see the new official thread.

If I turned on CTRL+F for any news site today, I would get 52 results for "Trump" alone on the first page. It is getting tiresome to see the same 1 guy all the time.

Maybe this should be pinned?

At 3/3/16 02:20 AM, WhaleofaTale wrote: Here is a wonderful photo of Trump on the campaign trail in December. He has come so far since then.

BBC news this morning had American searches about Canada- #1 subject search ...moving here

No offence meant to those looking at that, but I believe you are a bit away from doing anything so drastic.

Although, there are several places here in Canada advertising for Americans to move there

L M F A O !


I was born on Cape Breton island. With the collapse of the coal industry, almost all of it mines dug out under the ocean.

The subsequent collapse of Sydney steel plant, the population has reduced by more than 50% from when I lived there as a child.

Big beautiful place, land is cheap especially compared to many other places. But as I say to my family still living there, nice to visit, but happy to be heading back to the mainland.

Those who have only the religious opinions of others in their head & worship them. Have no room for their own thoughts & no room to contemplate anyone elses ideas either-More

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-03 10:44:27

At 2/29/16 06:44 PM, WhaleofaTale wrote: Does that mean that you think Donald Trump is going to win, since a position is just a promise until he gets elected.

Yes, I believe Donald Trump will win. America will not be able to take four more years of Democrat tactics. We need to make America great again.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-04 02:01:42

At 2/29/16 06:44 PM, WhaleofaTale wrote: Does that mean that you think Donald Trump is going to win, since a position is just a promise until he gets elected.

I think Donald Trump will most certainly get the Republican Nomination. However whether or not he will become President is still too early to call with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders still pretty close.

At 3/3/16 10:44 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Yes, I believe Donald Trump will win. America will not be able to take four more years of Democrat tactics. We need to make America great again.

Perhaps you can tell me what it is you like about Donald Trump. What is it about his positions that you like. It seems to me you're spouting party loyalty completely.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-04 11:23:25

At 3/4/16 02:01 AM, The-Great-One wrote: Perhaps you can tell me what it is you like about Donald Trump. What is it about his positions that you like. It seems to me you're spouting party loyalty completely.

I like Donald Trump being a political outsider. I really like the fact that he is using his own money, and does not owe anybody favors.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-05 06:20:41

At 3/4/16 11:23 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I like Donald Trump being a political outsider. I really like the fact that he is using his own money, and does not owe anybody favors.

First off, no Donald Trump is not a political outsider. True he has never held political office, but he has campaigned in the past and has endorsed candidates as well. One being Mitt Romney back in 2012. He is not a political outsider.

Two, he is not really using his own money. He is loaning money to his campaign and thus whenever people donate money to his campaign, he will use that to pay himself back. This also counts for any merchandise that is sold such as the Make America Great Again hats. He is not part of a Super PAC nor has he formed a Super PAC, so that is true in this case as well.

Three, not owing anybody favors. This I have some doubts about, especially with Chris Christie endorsing Donald Trump recently. There is probably a potential favor there.

I love that Donald Trump has decided to run for President. He has shaken up the political spectrum and it desperately needed it. The Republican party is being split though with the moderate and centrist Republicans ending their timidity and coming out of the closet to voice against this. Also the crazy conservative Republicans are also going against Trump, which is kind of scary.

A lot of people say that Donald Trump will be a bad President. That's presumptuous. Granted I'm not a huge fan of his and would not like to see him as President. I can't say for sure though that he would be a bad President. Doubt is humble.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-06 00:52:51

@aviewaskewed looking for your thoughts.

I wonder if Trump's rallying for voters by bringing out the crazies is just his way of getting votes. I say this because I recently read his Healtchare Reform and I have to admit that I really like it.

For one thing it does keep the part of the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) that is crucial in it. Allowing Americans to deduct health insurance premiums from their tax returns, which is what I did when I signed up for health insurance. I pay less than $30.00 a month for my health insurance instead of $230.00 a month. This would not change under Trump's Healthcare Reform.

Also I love the idea of setting up a Savings Account that can be passed down. That way when your kids are about to get Health Insurance you can pass down this savings to help them out. It is a wonderful option.

The best part about this is the removal of barriers on the free market. People can buy pharmaceuticals at cheaper prices from other countries. With the lifting of the embargo on Cuba, this is great news since Cuba is one of the best pharmaceutical countries out there.

There are a lot of positives here. Which even with his Tax Reform could still work out pretty damn well. Why is it in one moment I find something to not like about the guy and the next he pulls out stuff like this?

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-06 11:09:19

At 3/5/16 06:20 AM, The-Great-One wrote: I love that Donald Trump has decided to run for President. He has shaken up the political spectrum and it desperately needed it. The Republican party is being split though with the moderate and centrist Republicans ending their timidity and coming out of the closet to voice against this. Also the crazy conservative Republicans are also going against Trump, which is kind of scary.

I find it funny that so many politicians are against Trump, the more they come out against him, the more I want him to

A lot of people say that Donald Trump will be a bad President. That's presumptuous. Granted I'm not a huge fan of his and would not like to see him as President. I can't say for sure though that he would be a bad President. Doubt is humble.

I do think that Donald Trump should be given a fair chance to run as President. I have never seen such an onslaught of people against Trump. He really feels like the underdog. He if does not win, politics will go back to boredom as usual.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-06 17:03:48

At 3/6/16 12:52 AM, The-Great-One wrote: I wonder if Trump's rallying for voters by bringing out the crazies is just his way of getting votes. I say this because I recently read his Healtchare Reform and I have to admit that I really like it.

I think that was absolutely the idea to get the ball really rolling there. Now you're starting to see him pivot away from more of the racially charged rhetoric, or the ideas that are illegal and can't be done (going after terrorists families for instance). Right now his game has changed to trying to appear more electable and less like the tire fire he's looked like all along. I haven't read his healthcare proposal personally, I should look into it.

There are a lot of positives here. Which even with his Tax Reform could still work out pretty damn well. Why is it in one moment I find something to not like about the guy and the next he pulls out stuff like this?

The thing to remember though is all of this still has to go through Congress, and whether it remains Republican controlled or more evenly split, I don't think they'll work with him on a lot of these things. His Tax policy has been ripped apart by pretty much every economist as something that would treble the debt. He's right Big Pharma is a problem, but I think they have enough congressmen and women in their pocket to continue to kill any real reform on them. It's not that he never says anything that's correct, he does from time to time, but my problem is there's all the other stuff he says that's blatantly awful, and the things he does say that would be good to do I don't think he can get the support and the votes to get it done.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-06 18:44:22

so, I've read the proposal, and I've also some reactions and it looks to be yet again another case of Trump pivoting....and his ideas are mostly just a paen to Republican ideas and don't actually give us something better then we have now.


You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-06 23:42:31

At 3/6/16 05:03 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: The thing to remember though is all of this still has to go through Congress, and whether it remains Republican controlled or more evenly split, I don't think they'll work with him on a lot of these things. His Tax policy has been ripped apart by pretty much every economist as something that would treble the debt. He's right Big Pharma is a problem, but I think they have enough congressmen and women in their pocket to continue to kill any real reform on them. It's not that he never says anything that's correct, he does from time to time, but my problem is there's all the other stuff he says that's blatantly awful, and the things he does say that would be good to do I don't think he can get the support and the votes to get it done.

With Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House I feel he could get a good bit through or at the very least get a lot on the table. I know that a lot of what Presidents promise gets watered down through Congress. Even Obamacare was watered down (or I guess you could say waterboarded) to what we have now.

I can see the flaws in the tax plan. However I do like the four bracket system he has set up as well as eliminating the death tax. Eliminating the death tax is the best idea out of his whole reform and if it ended up being the one thing passed out of all of it, that would be a great deal of service to many Americans. The four bracket system is also great due to eliminating many Americans out of paying an income tax. Therefore they keep more money in their pockets by the end of the day and could partially solve a part of the minimum wage problem. The minimum wage problem would still need to be discussed and other parts of the tax plan would need to be ironed out as well. However the four bracket system and the elimination of the death tax are the best parts of it.

If this is what he brings for to the table for discussion then it ain't half bad.

At 3/6/16 06:44 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: so, I've read the proposal, and I've also some reactions and it looks to be yet again another case of Trump pivoting....and his ideas are mostly just a paen to Republican ideas and don't actually give us something better then we have now.


I'm just gonna say right now that I am a supporter of Single-Payer Health Insurance. I like most of what Obamacare offers. If it wasn't for Obamacare I wouldn't have health insurance at a price that I can afford. His ideas are great and he does keep what works with Obamacare there. It is still pretty muddled though.

He says that he's going to overturn Obamacare, however since it was passed by the Supreme Court with the final vote coming from a Republican judge then I don't see it being overturned. Improved upon yes, and boy does it need to be improved on.

I've made my points about what I like from Trump's Healthcare Reform, so I'll leave it at that. The Trump I see on TV and The Trump I am reading about through his positions are two different Trumps. Then again the same could be said for Hillary.

If it comes down to Trump vs. Hillary which is a highly likely possibility then that debate will be one to watch for this generation.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-07 01:12:43

Another Donald Trump thread was made and locked with a redirection to this one. However I wanted to bring something up that user @AJ posted.

A video that he shared from Vice News about Donald Trump and how the voters in South Carolina respond to him. Also AJ's post

He's going to win the Republican nomination, but he's doomed in the general election. He can win among the Republicans base, but he's too hated nationally. This election won't even be close in all likelihood. Here's a graph that illustrates just how hated he is compared to every other presidential candidate since 1992.

He does have a chance in the general election. Especially if Hillary Clinton get's the Democratic nomination. It will split the Republican party, but they will ultimately come together against Hillary Clinton. If Bernie Sanders get's the Democratic nomination, this Republican split could lean towards Bernie Sanders.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-07 01:29:51

At 3/7/16 01:12 AM, The-Great-One wrote: He does have a chance in the general election. Especially if Hillary Clinton get's the Democratic nomination. It will split the Republican party, but they will ultimately come together against Hillary Clinton. If Bernie Sanders get's the Democratic nomination, this Republican split could lean towards Bernie Sanders.

You forget the independents. The purple places of the country don't have that fond of a view for Berie. His policies push the away and his personality isn't likeable, let alone likeable enough to ake people overlook his policies. Not saying he cannot win, but those who say Hillary will do worse have spent far too much time in the middle of big cties or on college campuses.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-07 01:31:17

At 3/7/16 01:29 AM, Camarohusky wrote: You forget the independents. The purple places of the country don't have that fond of a view for Berie. His policies push the away and his personality isn't likeable, let alone likeable enough to ake people overlook his policies. Not saying he cannot win, but those who say Hillary will do worse have spent far too much time in the middle of big cties or on college campuses.

I said if Bernie got the nomination. I believe it will come down to Hillary vs. Trump.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-08 01:08:24

At 3/7/16 09:30 AM, Dronzo wrote: The double standard in the elections nowadays amazes me. If Trump said something like this he'd be condemned 10 feet away from any microphone.

There's a big difference between what Trump says and what Sanders said here.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-08 21:35:59

At 3/8/16 10:05 AM, Dronzo wrote:
At 3/8/16 07:39 AM, SansNumbers wrote: Is there any way I can get information on what Donald J. Trump, Future President of America actually wants to do?

Then cross-check that against statements he's made on the campaign trail and in debates (spoilers: There's a lot of flip flop), and then cross check it against the viability, cost, and benefit that experts have weighed in with (spoilers: It doesn't tend to go well)

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-08 23:05:28

At 3/8/16 09:35 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Then cross-check that against statements he's made on the campaign trail and in debates (spoilers: There's a lot of flip flop), and then cross check it against the viability, cost, and benefit that experts have weighed in with (spoilers: It doesn't tend to go well)

I have a belief that there is little to no such thing as an economics expert, at the very least in the United States of America. You can ask two different economics experts what our budget is being spent on and how much debt we're in and you're likely to get two different answers on our debt, different answers for the amounts on our budget, and two different answers for where the problems lie with.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-09 11:23:39

Donald Trump just won Hawaii, Michigan, and Mississippi. Glad to see that Mitt Romney and negative ads have had little effect so far.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-09 16:51:12

At 3/9/16 11:23 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Donald Trump just won Hawaii, Michigan, and Mississippi. Glad to see that Mitt Romney and negative ads have had little effect so far.

Little, but they've had some. The Party still wants a contested convention, he's polling a bit lower now, and he still loses in one on one match ups even at this level (and to both Democratic challengers should he get that far)....so not all is rosy in camp Trump these days.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-09 19:29:55

What Donald Trump used to look like....

Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-10 08:25:43

At 3/10/16 06:01 AM, zornuzkull wrote:
At 3/9/16 07:29 PM, NostalgicNerd94 wrote: What Donald Trump used to look like....
I prefer this one...

I prefer this one....

Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-10 12:26:33

Can somebody get rid of the four images? This is a serious topic about Donald Trump.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-10 12:48:14

At 3/10/16 12:26 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Can somebody get rid of the four images? This is a serious topic about Donald Trump.

Don't worry, we're all taking this very, very seriously.

Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-10 19:02:08

At 3/10/16 12:26 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Can somebody get rid of the four images?

No, no rules are being violated.

This is a serious topic about Donald Trump.

This is a "Catch all topic" about Donald Trump because just about every other thread being posted here was being posted about Donald fucking Trump killing all other conversation. So yeah, it's going to run between the serious and the absurd, as long as the absurd doesn't break any rules, or overwhelm the whole thing, I see no reason to step in. Congrats, you now understand how people feel when you shit all over their candidates for what they perceive to be no good reason.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-10 20:17:00

At 3/8/16 04:38 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Since Trump is still leading, he would be the best bet to win it all.

It was posted elsewhere, but would best be responded to here:

He is the best bet to win it all as long as we forget this.

I think I'll go ahead and bet on Bernie Sanders if the Dems can get over themselves.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-10 20:55:52

At 3/8/16 10:05 AM, Dronzo wrote: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions

All well and good, but I wonder if he'll post/refine any positions on other issues such as education if he gets the nomination, since that sort of thing will come up in a debate. These are obviously big issues that need to be discussed, but the page doesn't go into as much detail as some of the other candidates' pages do.

I have noticed he is already pivoting to the center with answers on things such as Planned Parenthood. I've heard several folks say he is actually a moderate.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-10 20:58:36

Trump's plan on sucking all of the oxygen out of the NG politics conversation is working. His path to becoming President of Newgrounds seems inevitable.

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