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Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread

29,910 Views | 393 Replies

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-10 23:37:22

At 3/10/16 08:17 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: He is the best bet to win it all as long as we forget this.

To be fair, head to heads in March mean absolutely nothing at this point.

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-11 10:42:17

Donald Trump has Chris Christie and Doctor Ben Carson supporting him. He is the Republican candidate with the most former candidates supporting him.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-11 15:50:55

Bless this thread.

I'm really curious about the psychology behind how Trump could be so beloved. I mean, a first-world nation with a-okay economic status (Save for the whole 'no jobs after college' part), with a decent standard of education. What lead to such a strong favour for a foul-mouthed business man, with incoherent stances and political platforms, to be the vote of a huge part of the US?

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-11 18:37:49

Donald Trump will be a great President and should be given a fair chance to win it. The media, Hollywood, and and even other Republicans have been trying to stop him. The more the odds are stacked against him, the more people will support him. If Trump wins Florida, Rubio will pretty much have to give up.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-11 18:57:58

At 3/11/16 05:15 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: He has all of the makings of a despot. He is a complete and total ass hole. A bully. He has no class. He is corrupt and amoral. He is not fit for the job and electing this man would be horrible for our country.

All the attributes of a good president.

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-11 19:22:47

At 3/11/16 06:37 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Donald Trump will be a great President and should be given a fair chance to win it.

So far, he has been. Nobody has done anything other then what it is within their Constitutional powers to do to try and convince people not to vote for him

The media, Hollywood, and and even other Republicans have been trying to stop him.

Again, all within their Constitutional, First Amendment rights so far. But the media is also feeding this beast with the constant coverage of his every bad behavior and/or the bad behavior of his supporters. So I'd argue they're actually helping as much as hurting (and maybe a little more with the helping even though that isn't the intent).

The more the odds are stacked against him, the more people will support him.

The more SOME people will. But we've already seen some signs that the bloom is coming off the rose a bit. The debate last night (I only watched the first hour, I had to work early today) was a real disaster for him as he was asked policy questions and he dodged, ducked, re-directed, and evaded like a mad bastard. At one point even commenting on that it wasn't a slug fight because frankly, he's lost in a mature discussion of policy. If it isn't an insult contest he is pretty well fucked.

If Trump wins Florida, Rubio will pretty much have to give up.

If anybody but Rubio wins Florida, his campaign is dead. It's on life support right now and without his home state (especially with it being winner take all) he's done. I think he's done already as frankly, his policies make no sense (seriously, the guy is the poster for why we should reject his immigration policy and arguments), every time you give him a big opportunity he flubs it, and he's already on the apology tour for his gambit of out-Trumping Trump and it blew up in his face. I think he should probably save himself the trouble, drop out now, endorse Kasich and/or contribute to whatever fund the Repubs will clearly need to create to hire someone to do away with Trump and Cruz because right now I cannot see a scenario beyond completely re-writing party rules, or going ahead and ripping the thing in half that doesn't wind up with one or the other as the nominee.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-11 22:26:26

Going to leave this here:


It's fucking scaring the hell out of me to a) see this shit, and b) be reading a book that is a compilation of Hunter S. Thompson's letters from around the 67-72 period and seeing how similar a lot of those situations are to now. We haven't learned shit....if we have, all we've learned is how to be worse.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-12 02:22:23

It's funny how Donald's campaign has gone. A few points to make. @DoctorStrongbad is saying that we should give him a chance to be President and that the media and Hollywood shouldn't keep him down. I'm sorry to say this, but this is how elections work. We elect a President. If you feel he should have a chance at being President then great! However others do not feel he should be President. Just because you feel he should have a chance is not enough of a defense for him being President.

I tend to look for both Pros and Cons. @aviewaskewed has listed a great number of Cons not to vote for Donald Trump for President. I have found Pros to vote for him that don't come down to simply repeating the rhetoric of the candidate like a babbling sheep... but I digress. I mentioned that his Tax Reform and Healthcare Reform are good ideas. Combine that with everything Donald Trump has said and his failures in the past, I believe he shouldn't be President of our country.

I can't understand the support that Donald Trump has. I understand that many American citizens are angry. Obama doesn't have a great approval rating right now as President and the anger has built on both sides. With Donald Trump supporters angry at the government, Bernie Sanders supporters angry at the top 1%, and Hillary Clinton supporters who believe everything is fine.

Perhaps a Donald Trump supporter can tell me exactly in their own words why they support Donald Trump.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-12 13:37:46

At 3/12/16 11:25 AM, SuperUltraAusterity wrote: Donald is guaranteed to become president

So I went looking to buy a Trump for President 2016 button.
They are available for as little as 2 dollars for 2.5" face on it "America Great Again slogan ....but shipping was $15.00 !
If ever their needs to be a law, its gotta be shipping can't ever be more then the price of the item.

15 bucks for a pin ! I wonder what its shipped in ?

Those who have only the religious opinions of others in their head & worship them. Have no room for their own thoughts & no room to contemplate anyone elses ideas either-More

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-12 13:44:42

At 3/12/16 09:25 AM, Dronzo wrote:

I just want to preface with I respect your rights to your views. I do. I just don't understand them in the slightest and think they come from a place of maybe not understanding the full picture. Please do not view the following as an attack or a slander, it's not meant to be. It's meant for me to try and open a dialogue so I can try to understand your points, and maybe you can better understand mine. Onward.

He will be putting America first before anything else, and by this I mean he will be looking at the best interest of the country.

Why do you think other Presidents haven't? Why do you believe someone who has talked about changing laws that he admits he's exploited (like the ones about companies hoarding guest worker visas to bring in foreign workers to take low skill American jobs) is going to honestly change those laws and make things better on that score?

He wants to stop countries like China and Mexico from screwing us over like they have for all these years.

How have they screwed with us? We need to be specific about this so that way we can look at the facts in those particular cases.

I very much enjoy the idea that Americans would have to buy American goods, that American companies stay in America and make jobs for Americans.

I do too. Unfortunately, I don't see where he's offered any concrete way for that to happen other then "I'm Donald Trump, they'll do it because I'll tell them to do it". Perhaps you've heard something different from that? If so, please please do explain or link the evidence to me here so I can get a better understanding.

He is damn good at making deals and making money, we need that now.

Is he? Because there's that long list of failures. His Atlantic City casinos and deals are a DISASTER of epic fuckin' proportions. Even his family admits he's had periods where he's looked at homeless people and said they had more money then him. These are matters of public record. Also a lot of the deals he's made are not about things he personally did, but rather about him licensing his name to someone else and letting them do all the effort and work. Is that the sort of deal you want your President making?

You don't turn 200 million into 10 billion (or 4.5 billion if you want to believe Forbes) by making bad deals.

Trump greatly exaggerates his net worth, admitting in depositions that sometimes the net worth he qoutes is based on "feelings, how I feel on a given day".

Trump is not an idiot by any means and he knows how to get his way and use loopholes.

And this is the sort of person you want in the highest executive position in the land?

Presidents in the past, especially Obama, have put us in bad deals where we gained little or nothing.

Be specific please.

You mention that Trump has failures in the past and I'm assuming you mean the bankruptcy.

I personally mean the failed businesses too.

Just put this into perspective, Trump did not personally go bankrupt but his 4 businesses did.

If their his businesses, that he ran....why and how is he not responsible for those failures?

The ones I know of were the resorts and casinos he used to own.

Also Trump Vodka, Trump Stakes, Trump U, and I'm sure there's others I'm forgetting. We're up to 7 now then.

That was 4 bankrupt failed businesses out of the 515 successful businesses he does own.

I think you may be counting things with his name on them like he owns them....this is is a misnomer as I pointed out earlier. Mr. Trump LICENSES his name to other companies therefore he takes the money from that without taking any active part in operations. He is on record as saying this is a great business model, maybe his favorite.

That wall in Mexico should've been built a long time ago and he will make Mexico pay for it. People scoff and laugh at that idea but he can actually make that happen.

Because he offers no real way for this to happen. It has NEVER happened in modern history that something like this would happen. The Mexican Government has already refused. Also net immigration is zero, there are many monetary and logistical challenges, it's a pie in the sky idea that's unworkable when you look into it.

I really don't understand why anyone would be against the idea of stopping illegals in the first place.

False Dilemma. Thinking the wall is a bad idea is not the same as being against stopping illegal immigration.

America wants immigrants in this country, we're a country made by immigrants, but illegal means illegal and that should say it right there. But i'm going to stray away from the idea that the wall will be saving us a lot of money and encourage immigrants to go through a legal process. That border is a human rights disaster in general. Women who go through the journey of crossing the border with others are raped 80% of the time. There are not only drugs being brought into the country but child sex slaves as well by the smugglers, cartels, corrupt officials, whatever. And let me also add that El Chapo, one of the biggest drug kingpins in the world, managed to cross our borders TWICE to visit his daughter in LA undetected, what does that say about our borders?

So the only way to fix the failures and issues is the Trump way?

The way I see his tax plan is this. He wants to decrease taxes for the middle class, which is the strongest facet of any economy. I like making money I earn, I'd like to very much keep most of the money I earn. I'll admit I don't know much about money and taxes so this is where my opinion ends. I'm sure there is a lot of you that want to show flaws to his tax plan but like I said, it's the way I see it.

Economists say his tax plan would add trillions to the debt and do the exact opposite of the things he says it will do. Why are they wrong?

Trump right now is disrupting the regular flow of things and people are scared. Do you know why establishment Republicans like Romney and McCain hate Trump? Because he is an outsider to them.

No, it's because he courts the bad elements of the party, the racists, the ignorant, the bad. They also deplore the violence (usually along racial lines) that happens at his rallies.

I know it's hard to believe that a guy like Trump is nothing like them and he is anti-establishment but it's true.

Except for the parts where he's written checks to establishment candidates in the past.

He funds his own campaign and does not have to do favors for anybody when he makes office.

Incorrect, he gets a LOT of donations actually. This has been pointed out again and again.

There are no special interest groups donating him money and for that he can say, do, and believe whatever he wants. He is disrupting the regular flow of things and the GOP does not want that.


Trump is not a bigot or racist by any means despite how media and others like to portray him as such.

Why did the KKK endorse him? Why did he not strike down that endorsement immediately? Why does he condone the racial violence at his rallies? Why does he endorse violence in general at his rallies? Why does he make sexist comments? Why is he so hard on Mexicans and Muslims? Please explain these things in a way that isn't about race.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-12 14:40:39

At 3/12/16 01:37 PM, morefngdbs wrote: 15 bucks for a pin ! I wonder what its shipped in ?

The international tariff may have something to do with it.

I was going to post this prior to last night but I got preoccupied: The Guardian had an excellent article earlier this week as to why many people support Trump. It has to do with his anti-trade message. When you've had your job outsourced and/or have to trade your H1B visa replacement, and suddenly a candidate who is firmly against free trade agreements comes along, the message will resonate. They didn't point it out in the article, but the majority of Trump's support in Massachusetts came from Democratic union members. That is significant. I think we are also seeing a reawakening of the Reagan Democrats.

As for last night: the only violence I saw came from the protesters. I don't support Trump, but people have a right to hear the man speak, and he has a right to hold rallies. The protesters scream about intolerance and then are intolerant themselves. (Then again, these are the same idiots who shut down Bernie Sanders for not groveling at their feet.) This is the kind of shit that got Nixon elected. NIXON,for chrissakes. I don't know about anyone else, but I am really fucking tired of being called a racist, bigot, or fascist for believing that the country's laws should be upheld. These motherfuckers wouldn't even know an actual fascist if one goose-stepped past them. As a matter of fact, shutting down opposing speech through Alinsky tactics pretty much IS fascist.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-12 14:43:54

Reddit post by an attendee of the rally. It sounds the Chicago Police really, REALLY fucked up their response.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-12 15:17:51

At 3/12/16 03:10 PM, X-Gary-Gigax-X wrote: This "flash mob" style of thuggery, I hope, does not happen in Cleveland tonight, where I live. The Cleveland Police are pretty good from what I've heard and read, so as long as they get the memo, there shouldn't be any screw-ups, like suspicious guys in trench coats with no business there other than raising hell for hell's sake.

They also have the GOP convention coming up, so I imagine they're well-prepared. Hopefully.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-13 14:20:57

At 3/12/16 02:43 PM, RydiaLockheart wrote: Reddit post by an attendee of the rally. It sounds the Chicago Police really, REALLY fucked up their response.

That is some truly terrifying stuff, and unfortunately I don't question that Bernie's supporters likely made up the majority. It's inexcusable, and I'm sorry the candidate I support has followers disrupting Trump and his follower's first amendment rights.

Now that I've said that, let me make a point that may not be popular in here - when people are called useless thugs, idiots, any number of racial slurs and quite frankly are ignored when they attempt to correct such notions (or simply cannot convince someone otherwise no matter how much explaining they do), people get upset. When no one with any authority attempts to correct such behavior, either because they don't want to or they simply can't, people WILL eventually act themselves, which is never a good thing. Mob justice is brutal and indiscriminate, no matter what political leanings they hold.

The people who blocked Trump were wrong, and their actions were terrible. However, it was also inevitable, and it will get worse, considering the reaction from Trump himself. No other candidate in modern history has actively encouraged violence against another candidate. Not only is it obviously wrong, with a following as large as his it's very dangerous. To my knowledge, while other candidates historically say harsh things about their opposition, there has never been a call to violence against another candidate and their supporters. Do correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's unprecedented, and Mark my words when I say Bernie supporters will be hurt directly due to this.

Academically, I can see a lot of Trump's appeal that isn't based on simple anger against Democrats and some compromising Republicans, or straight up white superiority - he's planning on getting business back to this country using tariffs, he's standing stronger against illegal immigrants than most, he has the single most comprehensive healthcare plan among the Republicans and frankly is more resistant to traditional forms of bribery. These are all positive things, and as far as I can tell, these are objectively true and achievable (not using his methods, but overall the ideas are achievable). I either support these things or at least would find them permissible if the President held these positions.

However, he is doing something that no other candidate has done, which is the single most terrifying thing any politician has ever done in this country - he's rallying his followers himself and PERSONALLY inciting violence against other Americans. His policies are mattering less every day, as they're sounding more and more like a description of how wonderful a domestically abusive person is at everything else. None of that matters anymore, when the cost is the call for American blood.

I am stunned at how this campaign is going down. Not surprised - the rhetoric from the right and the polarizing responses from the left make this conflict inevitable - but I'm stunned that we're at a point now where Americans want to literally beat and kill one another over politics. It's the most terrifying thing to happen in America I've ever seen in my life, to be honest. I don't believe we're going to recover from this brewing internal conflict for a very long time, regardless of who wins the position in the oval office.

For all that I say in here, Trump's supporters have actually been pretty respectable on NG, so I give high respect for that. I do worry about the state of America now, though.

Need some music for a flash or game? Check it out. If none of this works send me a PM, I'm taking requests.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-13 16:41:36

At 3/12/16 11:25 AM, SuperUltraAusterity wrote: Donald is guaranteed to become president after the nasty shit that occurred in Chiraq last night. People are going to rally around him strongly from now on.

What happened there (and what's happening in other unrelated events) is really proving liberals only support freedom of speech when it's in their favor. By blocking the rally they pretty much committed censorship.

And now you've got thugs threatening to kill Trump's kids, and the families of Trump supporters. I hope some of them try it and get their heads blown off.

That's right I like guns and ponies. NO NEW GUN CONTROL.

Politically correct is anything that leftists believe.Politically incorrect is anything common sense.

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-13 17:13:38

At 3/13/16 04:41 PM, wildfire4461 wrote: What happened there (and what's happening in other unrelated events) is really proving liberals only support freedom of speech when it's in their favor. By blocking the rally they pretty much committed censorship.

Exactly. I would not be surprised if there's suddenly a groundswell of support for Trump, because shit like this really pisses off the silent majority.

And now you've got thugs threatening to kill Trump's kids, and the families of Trump supporters. I hope some of them try it and get their heads blown off.

I heard that someone tried to get on the podium last night and the Secret Service had to nab him. Makes me wonder if he wanted to do anything to Trump himself.

Sounds like the Cleveland Police really had their shit together though. Metal detectors and bag checks were a good move.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-13 17:48:03

At 3/13/16 04:41 PM, wildfire4461 wrote: What happened there (and what's happening in other unrelated events) is really proving liberals only support freedom of speech when it's in their favor. By blocking the rally they pretty much committed censorship.

You're forgetting the videos of Trump supporters punching people who are removed from rallies too....and usually that trends along racial lines. Also, Trump himself has advocated violence against people who don't support him, saying he wished there were physical consequences at these rallies. Also let's not act like Trump supporters are great supporters of free speech here either, just look at how many times DrStrongBad here has been trying to shut down dissent, or making fun of Trump just because he supports him. Everybody has idiots.

And now you've got thugs threatening to kill Trump's kids, and the families of Trump supporters. I hope some of them try it and get their heads blown off.

There is no excuse ever to advocate any kind of violence against anyone for any reason to my mind. You defeated your first sentence with your second dude.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-13 19:07:09

At 3/13/16 06:39 PM, lapis wrote: You're all probably just as interested in the history of presidential dick jokes as I am. No? No bother; this post is partially just to test if this works anyway: s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶t̶e̶x̶t̶.

Trump is in the company of Teddy fucking Roosevelt. He has already Made America Great Again, and he's not even President yet!

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-14 08:51:34

At 3/13/16 05:48 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:

There is no excuse ever to advocate any kind of violence against anyone for any reason to my mind. You defeated your first sentence with your second dude.

So someone killing someone in self defense is against freedom of speech? Good god.

That's right I like guns and ponies. NO NEW GUN CONTROL.

Politically correct is anything that leftists believe.Politically incorrect is anything common sense.

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-14 10:29:47

At 3/14/16 08:51 AM, wildfire4461 wrote:
At 3/13/16 05:48 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:

There is no excuse ever to advocate any kind of violence against anyone for any reason to my mind. You defeated your first sentence with your second dude.
So someone killing someone in self defense is against freedom of speech? Good god.

No, it's not. Hoping Trump's children suffer from an attempted murder solely for the pleasure of watching the attackers themselves die, however, is an affront on both Trump's children and the American people. It's a veiled desire to get rid of opposition via extermination, which is actually WORSE than what the protestors did, as terrible as it was.

So yeah, you're a hypocrite. I honestly hope no one tries to harm Trump's children - as much as I don't like Trump, I don't believe in attacking a person's family in order to get to them. That's just fucked up.

Need some music for a flash or game? Check it out. If none of this works send me a PM, I'm taking requests.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-14 11:13:33

At 3/12/16 02:40 PM, RydiaLockheart wrote:
At 3/12/16 01:37 PM, morefngdbs wrote: 15 bucks for a pin ! I wonder what its shipped in ?
The international tariff may have something to do with it.

I was going to post this prior to last night but I got preoccupied:

I don't support Trump, but people have a right to hear the man speak, and he has a right to hold rallies. The protesters scream about intolerance and then are intolerant themselves. (Then again, these are the same idiots who shut down Bernie Sanders for not groveling at their feet.) This is the kind of shit that got Nixon elected.

Yeah, that could be it, although i recently bought an item on Amazon, shipped from the States & it was less than $5.00 ...& it was a hell if a lot bigger than an election button.

I am too lazy to bother looking up who it was which American once said something like " I may not agree with what you have to say, but will fight to the death for your right to say it."

In My Opinion, that attitude should be the stance of all freedom loving people anywhere.
I don't have to agree with you or even like you, but that is my right & you should also have the same right, as long as we express our disagreement in a nonviolent way ... that is what is also very important part of being allowed to have our say.
It also as I have been seeing in recent years especially in the USA, its getting into everything, abortion rights/deniers are now killing each other ...what can be crazier than someone who believes allowing abortion is murder . Going out & murdering those who work in or are seeking an Abortion ?!!?
Its like saying "Murder is wrong" ...unless I disagree with you & then its OK !
Religious people have IMO also inflicted this same misguided insanity on others.

For example, just because I have no problem with gay marriage, does not mean i want to try it. It certainly doesn't mean i am anti family or church or god (although I have been anti church for as long as I can remember. support or lack there of has nothing to do with the gay issue for me)
But people kill others, because of their hate of another persons views ...IMO insanity.

How do we fix it ... kill 'em all ! ~;-p (sorry couldn't help myself )

Those who have only the religious opinions of others in their head & worship them. Have no room for their own thoughts & no room to contemplate anyone elses ideas either-More

At 3/14/16 01:22 PM, X-Gary-Gigax-X wrote:
But if you really wanted to play the blame game, as per who "started it".... It would be the protestors at Trump rallies whom loudly and rudely tried to cause a ruckus.

Yeah, they're protesting the hateful rhetoric toward Mexicans, Chinese and Muslims, as that sort of rhetoric hurts them in their day-to-day lives immediately. If he didn't focus on directing all of America's problems on people like that, people would be less inclined to protest. Technically, that would mean Trump "started it".

They wanted to get punched in the face, in a place full of witnesses.

No, protesters never want to be punched or assaulted, they want to be heard, which is perfectly fine. Hell, even Ghandi in his civil disobedience never WANTED to have Indians assaulted for their actions, though in that case he may have expected it. We as Americans shouldn't expect to be assaulted by our own countrymen, but I guess we live in different times, now.

Don't want Trump protesters to draw terrible press from assaults? Don't assault them, and don't encourage your audience to assault them. If Trump and his supporters either ignored them or escorted them out without any other incident (it's Trump's right to assembly, after all, he IS allowed to escort them off), there would be no bad press, and ultimately the protesters would look terrible for being asshats at a peaceful rally.

If protesters get assaulted, Trump and his followers deserve every piece of bad press that they get. It's seriously not that hard to restrain yourself, but Trump so far has not been able to do so, and his followers are doing so less every day.

Need some music for a flash or game? Check it out. If none of this works send me a PM, I'm taking requests.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-14 16:51:35

I believe Trump needs a better message, something like
"If America can survive 8 years of George Dub YA ... how bad will I be ??? Let us see ! "
George B was all ass
Barrak O was a half ass

Trump for no ass at all

Those who have only the religious opinions of others in their head & worship them. Have no room for their own thoughts & no room to contemplate anyone elses ideas either-More

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-14 17:17:57

At 3/14/16 10:29 AM, Gario wrote:

So yeah, you're a hypocrite. I honestly hope no one tries to harm Trump's children - as much as I don't like Trump, I don't believe in attacking a person's family in order to get to them. That's just fucked up.

I hope no one tries it either, (and not just Trump's children, don't forget his supporters) but if they do I hope they get shot dead. It's that simple.

That's right I like guns and ponies. NO NEW GUN CONTROL.

Politically correct is anything that leftists believe.Politically incorrect is anything common sense.

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-14 17:23:09

At 3/14/16 03:53 PM, X-Gary-Gigax-X wrote:
At 3/14/16 01:22 PM, X-Gary-Gigax-X wrote: Hell, I'd do the same thing if it meant changing the course of my country's future for the better. What's a punch in the face if it is for the greater good? It's microscopic.

Temporary pain + disgraced image of opposed candidate = worth it, baby
Someone, anyone, refute the logic of this.

Sure, that's easy to refute. Logically, just because something COULD be true doesn't mean that it IS true. I posited that people don't protest to be punched, based on two points - people should not want to be hurt when being heard achieves the same goal, and people in America shouldn't have it be a common enough occurance to be able to plan around an assault occurring at any political rally.

If you're right and people are planning around it, why is that even possible? These sort of things should not be regular enough to plan around. If they are, that points to a larger problem than the protesters.

Need some music for a flash or game? Check it out. If none of this works send me a PM, I'm taking requests.

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-14 18:50:20

At 3/14/16 08:51 AM, wildfire4461 wrote: So someone killing someone in self defense is against freedom of speech? Good god.

You didn't read what I said, you also seem to be a little mixed up on the "free speech" issue too. Allow me to try and clarify, because just looking at it again, I think I should have explained better:

1. Free speech doesn't cover threats of harm. Never has, never will. Donald Trump is not protected by free speech rights when he advocates violence against protesters at his rally (and he has). Nor are those who make threats against him or his family protected by free speech. Both of them are wrong.

2. You're example doesn't wash because it isn't what I was talking about. Advocating someone's death is completely different from actually attempting it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

At 3/14/16 03:53 PM, X-Gary-Gigax-X wrote:
At 3/14/16 01:22 PM, X-Gary-Gigax-X wrote: Hell, I'd do the same thing if it meant changing the course of my country's future for the better. What's a punch in the face if it is for the greater good? It's microscopic.

Temporary pain + disgraced image of opposed candidate = worth it, baby
Someone, anyone, refute the logic of this.

You're taking it for granted that getting beaten up by Trump supporters is disgracing his image instead of reinforcing it.

At 3/14/16 12:11 PM, lapis wrote: This I don't get. From what I've heard he comes across as a non-interventionist to me, apart from maybe his stance on bombing ISIS. Otherwise, I'd say he's less likely to start a war than Cruz, Rubio, or Clinton.

This entirely boils down to how you interpret a candidate's judgement since the POTUS is directly in charge of the US armed forces. Clinton is more openly hawkish but Trump, but fuck me if I thought for a second that Trump would have better judgement than any other candidate in the Situation Room. Appearances matter because we have nothing else to go on; Trump has deliberately constructed a 'shoot first ask, questions later' persona.

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-14 22:20:22

At 3/14/16 10:13 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: http://money.cnn.com/2016/03/12/media/cbs-sopan-deb-arrest-trump-rally/index.html

More examples of blatant racism and suppression of the press.

Trump, the fascist candidate.

Trump isn't a fascist.

BBS Signature

Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-14 22:50:41

I'm geniunely disturbed by the idea that anyone thinks protest in this country should ever be met by violence. As we've said, Trump has said "hey, if somebody throws a tomato towards this stage, punch them in the face" or advocated the "good old days" when people who protested "would be carried out on stretchers". He's also advocated basically shutting down the media if they disagree by upping libel laws to the point that disagreement is libel basically.

Now, does that excuse protesters who charge the stage or throw punches? Fuck no. That shit isn't cool, it isn't protest, it's picking a damn fight and they should be arrested, as is proper. It should not be a situation where they are assaulted in turn, we have laws. If a protester goes from voicing a dissenting opinion, or trying to campaign for their belief into the physical realm, arrest their ass and cart them away. Same goes for people at these rallies for Trump that are throwing punches and starting incidents (we have video footage of that too). The larger issue for me is that Trump stirs this shit up, advocates it, then when called to take responsibility says "nope, not me....their angry, angry people do shit, nothing to do with me".

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Thread 2016-03-15 00:52:58

At 3/14/16 10:50 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I'm geniunely disturbed by the idea that anyone thinks protest in this country should ever be met by violence.

If people were concerned about "playing by the rules," Trump wouldn't be the presumptive nominee.

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