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Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

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Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:11:13

Pico Day was this weekend and it was the best and biggest Pico Day ever! So many amazing people showed up, I wish I could have talked a lot more to everyone individually.

I want to put together a more thorough Pico Day post but my head is all foggy so today I'm gonna wrap up the Lakeview Cabin Fan Art Challenge!

Lakeview Cabin Collection by @Hypnohustler is now available on Steam. Go buy it! These next ten artists don't have to because they won the fan art challenge:

Steam Key Winners


Thank you everyone who participated, it really means a lot to both us at NG and to the devs behind these games! Another Indie Game Fan Art Challenge is lined up, will probably announce on Friday.

If you took pictures at Pico Day, please post some in this thread! I regret once again failing to attempt a GIANT group shot of everyone.

Here's @Luis petting @Bill-Premo.

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:13:29

Also here's a pic of a bunch of people who participated / judged / organized the Newgrounds Annual Tournament of Animation! Now we need a photo tagging feature.

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:21:11

At 4/27/15 07:13 PM, TomFulp wrote: Also here's a pic of a bunch of people who participated / judged / organized the Newgrounds Annual Tournament of Animation! Now we need a photo tagging feature.

There's so much joy in this picture. This is one of the many reasons why Newgrounds is great. I'm still bummed I wasn't able to come to Pico Day again. I'll finally be in PA soon though ;3

Good news all around.

I hope to one day post a submission for all the NG holidays on a cornerstone year just like this one.

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:28:52

At 4/27/15 07:11 PM, TomFulp wrote: If you took pictures at Pico Day, please post some in this thread! I regret once again failing to attempt a GIANT group shot of everyone.

I don't think that would of been possible, there were so many people! Every corner of the building had groups of people hanging out, drawing, playing video games, playing card games, playing arcade games, talking animation/art/coding.

You threw one hell of a party Tom and it is all well deserved. Newgrounds is a very special place there's little wonder why we're still going strong even after countless bubbles and 2 decades! Very few web communities can boast that longevity.

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

¥ ♡ ¥ Sig pic byTemplate88 ¥ ♡ ¥

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:32:35

At 4/27/15 07:28 PM, Malachy wrote: You threw one hell of a party Tom and it is all well deserved. Newgrounds is a very special place there's little wonder why we're still going strong even after countless bubbles and 2 decades! Very few web communities can boast that longevity.

Really is cool that despite being in the shadow of YouTube and various social sharing sites, I'm pretty sure no other website in the history of the Internet has had a party that cool... It's not just the sheer number of people, it's how everyone feels like family, something hard to get with a crowd that big.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:33:16

At 4/27/15 07:28 PM, Malachy wrote: You threw one hell of a party Tom and it is all well deserved. Newgrounds is a very special place there's little wonder why we're still going strong even after countless bubbles and 2 decades! Very few web communities can boast that longevity.

Bear in mind that IceBox.com is one of them.

They don't have shit but they do still exist.

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:46:27

At 4/27/15 07:32 PM, TomFulp wrote: Really is cool that despite being in the shadow of YouTube and various social sharing sites, I'm pretty sure no other website in the history of the Internet has had a party that cool... It's not just the sheer number of people, it's how everyone feels like family, something hard to get with a crowd that big.

That was my favorite part. I could walk from group to group and strike up a conversation with everyone. It was very inclusive and friendly. Everyone seemed so happy to be there and approachable. The atmosphere was awesome.

The only downside with that many people is that there were that many people. It was hard to find a quiet place for some of us who aren't used to that much interaction. You should totally install one of those rooms with soundproofing all over so introverts can go and recollect themselves. Hell, make it an audio mixing room so audio artists could stay and work on projects like you said you want to do with animators.

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

¥ ♡ ¥ Sig pic byTemplate88 ¥ ♡ ¥

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:46:34

Here's @cosmicdeath @krinkels @ricepirate from left to right.
I shot some okay video too, most of which turned out better than the pictures I took :(

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:48:12

I'm not sure how to upload more than one, but here's one of me at the pool table. There are a few more on my most recent post, so check out my profile for more.

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:50:47

Tag your self if you see your self! Love you all!

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

Check out my work at MysticSkillz

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:52:51

More to come!

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

Check out my work at MysticSkillz

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 19:55:44

Good times.

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

Check out my work at MysticSkillz

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 20:16:29

You're all winners

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 20:35:42

It was amazing! The only bad part was going home. Met so many awesome Newgrounders. Thanks again Tom!

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 20:48:27

Dammit, how the hell is it that I wasn't in any photos AGAIN this year? I'm like fucking Bigfoot or something. Ah well, this year was a blast and I got to meet even more awesome people. Here's hoping next year's bash is even more awesome!

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

I'd rather die a Wolf fighting against the Herder, than die a Sheep heading for the slaughter.

AVGN Fan Club. - The Culturally Diverse Crew - The Carnivorous Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 21:27:22

W00T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PICO DAY WAS A BLAST!!!
Here is a sexy picture of Me, Oney and Sandra D

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

"A reward is it's own reward." - Killgar

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 21:27:35

At 4/27/15 08:48 PM, Knights wrote: Dammit, how the hell is it that I wasn't in any photos AGAIN this year? I'm like fucking Bigfoot or something. Ah well, this year was a blast and I got to meet even more awesome people. Here's hoping next year's bash is even more awesome!

I never got to finish my drawing ;_;

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 21:31:01

At 4/27/15 09:27 PM, Grub-Xer0 wrote: I never got to finish my drawing ;_;

Haha, aw it's cool, man; you can always finish it next year.

I'd rather die a Wolf fighting against the Herder, than die a Sheep heading for the slaughter.

AVGN Fan Club. - The Culturally Diverse Crew - The Carnivorous Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 21:37:34

Pico Day was amazingly awesome, but my biggest regret was not taking any pictures! Also not bringing a sketchbook. Also bein a lil shy. But it was still really cool to meet so many people and hang out! If there's one next year, I'll definitely come more prepared.
Thanks for throwing such a great party Tom!

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 21:48:57

Wish I would've gotten my submission in on time, but I'm still glad I finished it.

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 21:52:26

At 4/27/15 09:31 PM, Knights wrote:
At 4/27/15 09:27 PM, Grub-Xer0 wrote: I never got to finish my drawing ;_;
Haha, aw it's cool, man; you can always finish it next year.


Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 22:06:31

One thing's for sure: it's not gonna be easy putting together a party this big again. It was a hell of a day and I couldn't have asked for much more. To anyone I didn't get to hang out with as much as I'd like, hit me up next time you're in my area.

Mandatory group photo.

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.

NYC Meet 2010 | NYC Meet 2011 | NYC Meet 2013

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 22:15:04

At 4/27/15 07:11 PM, TomFulp wrote: Pico Day was this weekend and it was the best and biggest Pico Day ever! So many amazing people showed up, I wish I could have talked a lot more to everyone individually.

How'd the ninja stars go over Tom?

You get my signatures? :O

At 4/27/15 07:13 PM, TomFulp wrote: Also here's a pic of a bunch of people who participated / judged / organized the Newgrounds Annual Tournament of Animation! Now we need a photo tagging feature.

I'll tag who I can, still figuring out names to faces :)

@Magnivez (?)

People who were there but we missed in the group photo:

Also here's an album https://www.facebook.com/NGTournament/posts/810557149020946

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-27 23:18:37

It sure was nice meeting you all.

I miss you so very much.

Need a hot dicking?


I do voices.

I didn't think anything could top my first trip to the NG Office in 2014, but damn if this wasn't an awesome weekend that's topped everything that came before it. Loved meeting a whole new bunch of people for the first time while also getting spend to a lot of time with good NG friends I've made over the years. Really hoping that we can do this again in the same space in 2016!

Also, here's a picture of @Shikamarana (AKA Spiderman) and I chillin' at the office.

Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

BBS Signature

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-28 00:01:28

This is awesome man! Thank you!

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-28 02:37:28

At 4/27/15 07:13 PM, TomFulp wrote: Also here's a pic of a bunch of people who participated / judged / organized the Newgrounds Annual Tournament of Animation! Now we need a photo tagging feature.

Hey! Thats me!!! in the middle!!! me!!!

Response to Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day 2015-04-28 03:53:34

I've posted this once before, but here's my album... in 3D!

However the website does give you the option to change your viewing option to 2D, anaglyph, or Active Shutter (Nvidia 3D Vision only though)


Lakeview Cabin Winners & Pico Day

BBS Signature