I'm CLOSE to having the winners announcements ready for the Halloween Spooktacular (movies, games, art, music, pumpkin carving AND Carve 'n Share pumpkins) but I forgot that the Best of October would be ready to announce this week! So I'm gonna announce the Best of October today and I might hold off on the Halloween Spooktacular announcement until early next week, unless I decide to just do it late Friday.
Top Five Movies
The top-ranked movie based on original material and winner of $250 is Hellbenders!
Top Five Games
Runner-Up Movies
9. Canis lupus
11. Lazy Writing 8
12. Hyper Halloween
14. Mameshi-BUH?!?
17. Free Wilco
18. Transit
Runner-Up Games
6. Deep Sleep
7. Talk Head
8. The Visit
10. Demon Shift
12. Flightless
14. Arrow
18. Siegius Arena
19. AirScape
20. Hunt of HORROR
The voter of the month and winner of $100 is jewdudewtf!
Congrats to the winners!