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Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat

7,216 Views | 107 Replies

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 16:26:57

It was confirmed LAST MONTH that this is a yearly event that the men where partaking in, they eat it, they are not killing it for fun...

but I dont agree with it..

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 16:28:40

And the one doing the killing is a civilian, not a US Soldier

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 16:36:03

At 1/13/12 04:26 PM, VsynthGt wrote: It was confirmed LAST MONTH that this is a yearly event that the men where partaking in, they eat it, they are not killing it for fun...

but I dont agree with it..

I kinda feel that killing the animal by beating it several times with a metal bat much to the amusement of other officers or civilians or whoever they were goes more for the 'killing it for fun'. Because there are humane ways of killing animals for meat and if no one has taught those men how to then I worry if they can even kill humans humanly too.

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 16:45:12

This is gonna sound controversial but soldiers who kill innocent creatures/people for fun are even worse than your average Taliban member...at least the average Taliban member does what they do for a reason (misguided, cruel and brainwashed may it be)

They should be locked up like any of the radicalist fellas in Guantanamo (without the torture though obviously)

On the other hand though there are more important things to worry about than animal beating so these guys would probably only be let off with a discharge or a cover up or something

Still though this kind of irritates me.

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 16:48:42

Looks to me like a semi quick death, I have no quam with this video

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 17:02:24

At 1/13/12 04:15 PM, Phantox wrote:
Yes. If they wanted to serve their country, they would do it for free without getting payed. So much for fighting for my freedoms while my first amendment is taken away with SOPA, my second amendment is taken away by the ATF, and my fourth amendment got taken away with the "patriot" act

You're a fucking moron. Soldiers in the Middle East risk their lives every day. They don't go there to get stoned, fuck bitches, and play CoD all day. They have to bust their asses to survive. Taliban soldiers and insurgents are a constant risk, not to mention things like IEDs which can end an entire platoon of US soldiers in the blink of an eye. And you're going to look me in the eye (figuratively of course) and tell me that they deserve NOTHING for their service? Go fuck yourself.

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 17:07:44

I came in here expecting a giant flying bat. I was dissapointed.

Why the fuck was I expecting that?

"I need a katana to slice a banana"

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 17:10:28

That was a baaaaaad idea.

Taxes well spent in my opinion.

Sig by BabiesAteMyDingo

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 17:11:48

These are only the most fucked up soldiers. This probably doesn't happen often.

I'm quite jealous of these clever signatures.

Lol my Page

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 17:16:13

At 1/13/12 05:07 PM, ZombieMonkey wrote: I came in here expecting a giant flying bat. I was dissapointed.

Why the fuck was I expecting that?

Cus you are a silly pie.

I'm quite jealous of these clever signatures.

Lol my Page

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 17:37:21

At 1/13/12 03:28 PM, RobJohnson wrote: Military has always been a last choice reserved for those who failed to succeed at the game of life.

I would love to knock you out, you ignorant piece of shit.

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 17:50:30

At 1/13/12 03:28 PM, RobJohnson wrote: Military has always been a last choice reserved for those who failed to succeed at the game of life.

You're a douche. Most people in the military are guys nobody really cares about. They come from the end of the line. Small towns you never heard of. A job waiting for them back at a factory if they are lucky. They're poor, they're the unwanted, yet they're fighting for our country and our freedom. They're the bottom of the barrel and they know it yet they still risk their life for people like you.

Sig by BabiesAteMyDingo

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 17:56:58

At 1/13/12 05:50 PM, LocoJoe wrote: They're poor, they're the unwanted, yet they're fighting for our country and our freedom. They're the bottom of the barrel and they know it yet they still risk their life for people like you.

What you just said makes you just as bad as him.

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 17:59:21

At 1/13/12 05:37 PM, Dromedary wrote:
At 1/13/12 03:28 PM, RobJohnson wrote: Military has always been a last choice reserved for those who failed to succeed at the game of life.
I would love to knock you out, you ignorant piece of shit.

I'll take you on all day of the week.

От каждого по способностям, каждому по потребностям

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 18:00:22

The taliban pissings and now this.

They should get a bat to the face and pissed on as well.

Pretend not to care about anything, but be bothered by everything.

You may be fast on the roads but it's no use on the track.

ScaryPicnic made me do it.My letterboxd.

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 18:02:47

At 1/13/12 06:02 PM, Mfan wrote:
At 1/13/12 05:59 PM, RacistBassist wrote:
Sorry, but our military isn't fighting for us right now. That's bullshit rhetoric and you know it.
and that attitude is bullshit liberalism

our military is fighting for our freedom and our right to exist, by stomping out the threats that america has

yeah man they sure stomped all the threat out of that defenseless sheep.

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 18:05:23

At 1/13/12 05:59 PM, RobJohnson wrote:
At 1/13/12 05:37 PM, Dromedary wrote:
At 1/13/12 03:28 PM, RobJohnson wrote: Military has always been a last choice reserved for those who failed to succeed at the game of life.
I would love to knock you out, you ignorant piece of shit.
I'll take you on all day of the week.

You pathetic cunt.

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 18:06:24

At 1/13/12 06:05 PM, Dromedary wrote:
At 1/13/12 05:59 PM, RobJohnson wrote:
At 1/13/12 05:37 PM, Dromedary wrote: I would love to knock you out, you ignorant piece of shit.
I'll take you on all day of the week.
You pathetic cunt.

I'd play jump-rope with your intestines.

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 18:09:07

At 1/13/12 03:54 PM, Travis wrote: What... ok, first pissing on taliban and now this?

Are you fucking kidding me?

I find this to be even more fucked up and disrespectful.

Somebody outta beat the fuck out of them with a bat and see how they feel.

And rape them 24/7 and piss on their body when they die.
I don't have any respect for the Military, they're just the douchebags who grew up with you during highschool.


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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 18:10:59

At 1/13/12 06:07 PM, RacistBassist wrote:
At 1/13/12 06:05 PM, Dromedary wrote:
At 1/13/12 05:59 PM, RobJohnson wrote: I'll take you on all day of the week.
You pathetic cunt.
Watch out, we got a few badasses over here

For once you don't make me want to vomit :X
Gr8 job

Sacred wind tribe

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 18:12:06

At 1/13/12 06:09 PM, Mfan wrote:
At 1/13/12 06:03 PM, RacistBassist wrote:
I'm sorry, but when was the last time Iraq attacked us? Yeah, a terrorist faction from Afghanistan did, but we kind of killed off their leaders and we're doing an occupation, not an extermination.
i'm not really sure what to make of this sentence , but anyway.. we're dealing with the threat this terrorist group represents to freedom loving capitalist democracies , even if it means killing off their leaders

Oh, that's right. Those people who want to kill us but never would have if we didn't decide to kick down their front door and bomb their shit into oblivion. Besides, like Bin Laden said, if they hated freedom, they'd attack Switzerland.
did we provoke two planes flying into our towers ? , did we do anything to deserve that ?

As a US citizen, if I did not belong to this country, would I be the target of a terrorist attack?


The answer is fucking no.

I have done nothing to piss off a terrorist... and that alone should keep me safe.

You don't just blow people up for no reason.

Why are the terrorists attacking our country?

The government pissed them off royally.

Who is taking our citizens and making them into soldiers a.k.a war-fodder?

The government.

wake up

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 18:16:20

At 1/13/12 06:00 PM, Slint wrote: The taliban pissings and now this.

They should get a bat to the face and pissed on as well.


Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 18:30:14

b4 I log off... I would like to add:

The government needs warm bodies to throw at a problem that THEY CREATED.

We are civilian citizens, and those who are fighting overseas along with their friends and family have this great illusion of grandeur when it comes to being in the military.

Its ugly. They kill bad people...innocent people.... just people in general. They are no better than the terrorists who crashed planes into our buildings.

Justify it however you want... but it is the truth...

If you WANT to go to another country to kill people... you have a mental problem.

If you do it as a last resort because you dropped out of high-school and got a GED instead or just cant quite hold a job.... I'm glad you put your life to SOME use instead of killing yourself.... but I'd prefer you did not waste/risk lives and prolong a pointless war.

...and once again I would like to say that not everyone in the military is a fuckup.

....but our government would sooner send our fuckups instead of our successful citizens... to go commit murder and risk their lives.

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 18:45:57

At 1/13/12 06:36 PM, Mfan wrote: so not only do you stand up for osama bin laden ( as mentioned in your previous post) but now your saying " yeah Saddam would of been better to keep in power "

For the record, we put Saddam in power.

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 18:58:22

At 1/13/12 03:38 PM, Molotov wrote:
At 1/13/12 03:37 PM, EmmaVolt wrote:
At 1/13/12 03:36 PM, Molotov wrote:
At 1/13/12 03:28 PM, EmmaVolt wrote: What makes you think this type of behavior is uncommon?
you're a 19 year old women you don't know shit lmao
I know how to spell "woman".
still dont know shit about the men and only men that fight for your rights to say stupid liberal bullshit.

As much as I hate shitting on your parade, I'm going to anyway. I know a woman in the Navy, my aunt was in the air force, and my great grandmother managed to sneak into the military during WWII. If you seriously believe that only men join the military, army, navy, air force and marines, then you sir need to kill yourself for being completely and utterly ignorant.

Seriously, who even reads these things anymore?

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 19:52:42

What do you expect when you give a bunch of criminals, homeless and the insane a chance to join the US military and are given full immunity what do you expect?

These soldiers are disgusting, and I'll be the first person to line up and piss on their graves and beat them with a baseball bat.

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 20:11:07

I bet virtually none of my fellow Americans know why we were even attacked on 9/1. It wasnt because a bunch of Arabs and Afghans thousands of miles hated us because of our "freedoms". Its because during the Gulf War, we stationed thousands of our troops in Saudi Arabia. This was seen as sacrilegious, a shameful blasphemy on what was considered sacred ground(he birthplace of Islam). Osama never forgot or forgave this perceived transgression so thats why 9/11 occurred.

Now back on topic, someone mentioned it was a yearly custom or something?I guess its more understandable but I think that there are more humane ways to do it.

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 20:14:09

At 1/13/12 05:59 PM, RobJohnson wrote:
I would love to knock you out, you ignorant piece of shit.
I'll take you on all day of the week.

Save the Children!

this thread is so full of stupid it kind of hurts...

Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat

Even as I walk through the shadow of the Valley of Death, I shall fear no Evil. Semper Fidelis

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 20:20:45

OH GOD THEY BEAT A SHEEP, not like people are starving in Africa or anything, lets just stop all the relief aid to save a fucking sheep.

Join my goddam Minitroopers http://sarviens-army.minitroopers.c om

Gamertag: Sarvian

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 20:33:51

Were they discharged?

play Etehfowr Against

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