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Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat

7,217 Views | 107 Replies

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 20:57:17

I still can't believe people really think that America went into Iraq and Afghanistan to fight terrorists.
For anyone here who still believes that, I feel sorry for you.

Iraq had nothing to do with the Taliban, just like RascistBassist said, Saddam was against "Radical Islamism" and made sure to detain, arrest, and torture them.
You do realize that Saddam was a US ally and given the Detroit key to the city?

Don't you know that the Mujaheddin (Taliban) was created by the CIA and Pakistani ISI to fight of the Russians? Don't you know that during the Iraq - Iran war, BOTH sides were funded heavily by the US?

You see people, this is not about America saving the world and beating terrorists.

No, this is the US Government's creation, and they're just trying to hide their mistakes.

On topic: I think that's just regular US training, hitting defenselessness victims.

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 22:46:23

At 1/13/12 03:27 PM, Xyphon202 wrote: While I don't exactly condone their actions, and I really don't like what the military is doing right now, I have to say that making generalizations on the entire military based on a few isolated incidences is pretty ridiculous.

I 100% agree.

Also, let us remember that the military is a business involved in the mass killings of people. It's bound to attract some psychos.

Also I hope they ate the sheep.

A man once described hell as a place where there is no reason. Thank you, Feminists, for dragging me into hell.

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 22:58:57

Wow, if you're going to eat it, just shoot it to make the death quick and painless. This is just inhumane bullshit.

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 23:04:57

thats slightly cruel, suppose it must get boring a time :L

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-13 23:30:45

At 1/13/12 06:58 PM, robotking98 wrote: If you seriously believe that only men join the military, army, navy, air force and marines, then you sir need to kill yourself for being completely and utterly ignorant.

I was joking, even though combat units are closed to women.

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 00:05:05

<stress sigh> followed by <sigh of empathy>

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 00:08:34

At 1/13/12 03:27 PM, Xyphon202 wrote: While I don't exactly condone their actions, and I really don't like what the military is doing right now, I have to say that making generalizations on the entire military based on a few isolated incidences is pretty ridiculous.

you're right, people would rather ignore the isolated incidents which seems to make them less isolated

its not like the US military is known for their respect for human life or anything

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 00:20:54

At 1/13/12 03:54 PM, Travis wrote: What... ok, first pissing on taliban and now this?

Are you fucking kidding me?

I find this to be even more fucked up and disrespectful.

Somebody outta beat the fuck out of them with a bat and see how they feel.

Travis, Stop being an asshole.

Science can't lie.


Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 00:34:43

At 1/13/12 08:57 PM, Cochises wrote: garbage...

Yes, oh great one, please bring me my Tin Foil hat so I may be freed of my ignorance. I will gladly fetch the anti-government brainwash punch from the basement, so all may be enlightened...

god, every one in this thread...just...just needs to go take a long shower and think about what the fuck they're saying...

Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat

Even as I walk through the shadow of the Valley of Death, I shall fear no Evil. Semper Fidelis

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 00:36:57

At 1/14/12 12:34 AM, HollowedPumkinz wrote:

Care to elaborate instead of just dismissing my views as "garbage?"

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 00:41:22

But I needed to fill my lesser soul gems! Unfair!

"خيبر خيبر يايهود جيش محمد سوف يعود"

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 00:43:38

At 1/14/12 12:36 AM, Cochises wrote:
At 1/14/12 12:34 AM, HollowedPumkinz wrote:
Care to elaborate instead of just dismissing my views as "garbage?"

What is there to elaborate on? Many of the things you said are historical facts. Yet it only sounds bad out of context, you see, you only gave the parts that made the government look bad and the parts you did give, you distorted to make it sounds bad, because some how, that justifies your claims or rather, your claims justify it.

It's called a Strawman Arguement, and is a logical fallacy.

But then again, what the fuck do I know? I'm a government drone who is keeping you busy on the internet while the real me is sneaking into your house to slit your filthy communist loving, terrorist hugging, freedom hating, bastardizing neck.

Even as I walk through the shadow of the Valley of Death, I shall fear no Evil. Semper Fidelis

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 00:44:02

At 1/13/12 03:22 PM, Phantox wrote: I don't understand why conservatives preach about small government yet bend over for cops and soldiers.


We don't bend over to them, scumbag. However, why punish those who do work and services who put animals off the street and kill terrorists by risking their lives? You liberal scum make me want to vomit. You're the reason why the U.S. is going into the shithole that it's going into today. Voting should not be a right and I think a law should pass so that you have to take a basic history test in order to get the privilege to vote.

Just my opinion, but it will improve this country by a lot to make voting a privilege (just like driving). It will prevent morons from voting (should have seen the dumb Obama supporters in 2008).

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 01:02:51

Oh please this is a isolated incident and its a fucking animal for chris sake. These guys are risking their LIVES to protect your freedoms. Don't blame the whole group because of a couple of fuckups.

Besides the sheep were the warm up if you want tame Arabs you have to kill their GOATS.

The goats are next.

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 01:08:28

At 1/13/12 04:35 PM, Mfan wrote: fuck yea nothing stands in the way of the US military


so proud to be an american

yesterday you were defending the marines who pissed on 3 dead bodies

you have an awesome love for sheep

BBS Signature

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 01:11:42

At 1/14/12 01:10 AM, Mfan wrote:
At 1/14/12 01:08 AM, Spilda-Bongwata wrote:
you have an awesome love for sheep

what do you not understand?

BBS Signature

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 01:17:41

At 1/14/12 01:14 AM, Mfan wrote:
At 1/14/12 01:11 AM, Spilda-Bongwata wrote:
what do you not understand?
i don't love sheep , i hate lamb chops and cashmere is for sissies or women

so what's with saying that i love them ?

who do you know who thinks wool is cashmere?

BBS Signature

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 01:32:05

I'm done talking to you. Obviously, logic is too much for your feeble mind to grasp. The only terrorists that are killing people for not converting to their religion are Islamic terrorists. They are a problem all around the world (even in the U.S). Did you know that South Park (a show I'm sure you kids watch) had to censor anything that makes fun of Islam because a group of extremists sent the producers death threats? They also killed a movie director in his own home for making a movie about Muslims mistreating their wives and girls.

So when you can understand the word "terrorism", then we can talk. For now, continue living in your fantasy land that Muslims are the victims and that Christians and Jews are the evil ones, that 9/11 was done by our government, and that Christians are terrorists.

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 01:38:29

I cannot understand how a lot of you get into arguments about armies and wars here. It's just a black and white issue that you want to all make grey.

Mistreating/disrespecting any corpse is wrong. They're dead, thats done. Going one step further is just insulting to what you're meant to be standing for.

Mistreating/abusing innocent animals is wrong. No matter what.

Doesn't matter who you are or the situation you are in. It really is that black and white.

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 01:39:24

People who kill animals with bats just for fun deserves the same treatment in return.

Fucking filth disgusts me.

BBS Signature

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 01:40:05

At 1/14/12 01:22 AM, Mfan wrote:
At 1/14/12 01:17 AM, Spilda-Bongwata wrote:
who do you know who thinks wool is cashmere?
my mistake, though cashmere is a type of wool ... lets not get side tracked

answer my question, what's with saying i love sheep ?

i mean really , what was it i said that had you leaping to the conclusion " this man love sheep ", and thus posting such claim ?

i get the point you're trying to make, im dismissing your immaturity.

just know that men don't wear cashmere sweaters.

BBS Signature

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 01:43:13

At 1/14/12 01:35 AM, Mfan wrote:
At 1/14/12 01:32 AM, hateyou1 wrote:
So when you can understand the word "terrorism", then we can talk. For now, continue living in your fantasy land that Muslims are the victims and that Christians and Jews are the evil ones, that 9/11 was done by our government, and that Christians are terrorists.
the country would be honored to have more freedom loving citizens like you

Right back at you, friend. America is falling in a shithole and it's all thanks to these morons who elect cronies and unAmerican asshats into office/senate/house. We can't change these people because they have been heavily brainwashed and mislead into believing these lies and deceptions. So the only way we can cure the issue is by making voting a privilege and having a basic history test that is based off the real history of the world. That will prevent a lot of stupid people from voting, making it so that only educated people who know what they are doing have the privilege to vote.

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 01:47:52

At 1/14/12 01:32 AM, hateyou1 wrote:


I'm rolling on the ground from this post, I can't stop laughing.

A man once described hell as a place where there is no reason. Thank you, Feminists, for dragging me into hell.

BBS Signature

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 01:52:47

At 1/14/12 01:27 AM, RacistBassist wrote: Since when was I someone being suppressed by the Taliban? The "protecting our freedoms" is the biggest bullshit lie

Just skimmed though this flame bait of a thread and stumbled upon this. I myself never really felt that the "protecting our freedoms thing" was not very accurate, but please tell me you don't think human rights and regional stability is not a noble goal.

Are there a few isolated incidents of terrible things happening due to undisciplined soldiers? Obviously. But statistically the Taliban are the ones who target civilians and butcher people in brutal ways, and unlike in places like Sudan and Syria, we can actually do something about it.

The only arguments I see against that is either the overly pessimistic thoughts that war and conflict is somehow built into the genetic code of these people in that particular part of the world and them alone, or the those who think that just leaving would create no real backlash for us since it's so far away (truly amazing this way of thinking still exists seeing the tech advances of recent times making this world smaller) and we can more easily ignore the death that goes on there because we are not the ones involved and instead we can focus on more pressing, and less depressing matters such as football and celebrity gossip.

Sadly it is very obvious that despite being a major world power for decades our citizens still have a very narrow, inwardly focused view on things.

"Communism is the very definition of failure." - Liberty Prime.

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 03:07:43

At 1/14/12 01:43 AM, hateyou1 wrote: So the only way we can cure the issue is by making voting a privilege and having a basic history test that is based off the real history of the world. That will prevent a lot of stupid people from voting

This is where your argument begins to fall apart. You believe that simply because someone knows the history of a Nation then they are intelligent.

This isn't so.

What you are referring to is the regurgitation of data.

Allow me to explain:

- People take a class on U.S. history so that they can 'prove' themselves of being intelligent enough to vote.

- In the class you are told about what has happened in U.S. history.

- If you pass the final exam you have proven yourself to be intelligent enough to vote.

This is a farce. All the people in this class are doing is regurgitating data. That is not intelligence.
Even some animals can reiterate what someone has taught them.

Real intelligence can be defined as problem solving skills.

Lets take computer A.I. in video games for instance. Also let us say that you are playing a shooting game, and you are playing this shooting game on normal.

You are shooting behind cover, at enemies, roughly 30 yards away. You have much more firepower than them, enemy A.I. on the 'normal' difficulty setting isn't intelligent enough to solve this problem(being outgunned by the enemy).

Whereas enemy A.I. on the 'hard' difficulty setting would be intelligent enough to counteract your superior firepower, by flanking you.

It's just that simple.

And because of what I've just said, you're going to have to come up with an entirely new theory of how people should 'earn' the right to vote, because your first notion was stupid.


A man once described hell as a place where there is no reason. Thank you, Feminists, for dragging me into hell.

BBS Signature

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 03:11:44

This thread is full of autism and you should all feel bad

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 03:12:21


NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0

Gamertag: JuicyRumpSteak

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 03:59:50

At 1/14/12 03:15 AM, MrPercie wrote:
At 1/14/12 03:11 AM, Halberd wrote: This thread is full of autism and you should all feel bad
why do you always gotta insult us autistics!

were people to ya know! I fucking hate you!!!!

Because autism is a "disease" that is over diagnosed and you most likely don't have it.

Sig by BabiesAteMyDingo

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Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 04:10:12

That sheep was the real trooper, it took like 5 blows to the head with a metal bat and was STILL ALIVE

Are you not Entertained ?!?

BBS Signature

Response to Soldiers Kill Sheep With A Bat 2012-01-14 08:20:04

I don't care what soldiers do to animals. The fact is, animals are genetic retards who are so fucking stupid they deserve getting smacked/eaten up/raped.

To quote the Bible at the heart of the U.S. Constitution: "And lo, I give unto man all the beasts of the field, and all the creatures of the sea, and all the plants of the Earth, and he shall make them his own" this is living proof that people shouldn't give two shits about animals.

Inb4 edgy vegetarians get angry.

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