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My way of getting through the day

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Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-06-20 18:04:24

At 6/19/10 12:26 PM, theWesley wrote: wake up

pouring rain....

god hates me

Bloody weather.

The comics are nice. Stylisch. Haha. I'm not really into the cartoony world, so its hard for me to critizise them.

Starting out big and then go smaller is mainly the right way to work. Maybe the overall details are too well worked through. Areas with a higher amount of detail than another area works as a focal point - an area the observers eyes will tend to rest on while looking at your image. This goes for high colour saturated areas contra low saturated areas, from high light and dark contrasted areas contra grayish areas and so forth. Keeping an overall high amount of detail can make an image messy and makes the impact of your image less interesting. The image in the first post is an example of over detailed work, with a color work that blends in with itself. I think its well done, but it gets messy with allmost all the leaves and moss getting equal amount of attention. Also, theres a lot of shadows that are completely black, making it hard to focus on key areas aswell. Working with bigger shapes and softer shadows in areas that don't convey the images message would've really helped the image "pop".

Regarding your view on still lifes, I think you should rethink. Spending time to observe and put down on paper is crucial to learning. You don't have to set up a classical still life though, even though that gives you more freedom of what kinds of things you want to learn. Just drawing whatever you see at the moment you have time to pick up a pen and paper can do wonders. I dont think i've ever evolved so much in my own capability of painting as the months when i spent up towards 3 hours a day just drawing people i saw at cafés. (Unemployed - no money, plenty of time.) The drawings themselfs arent fun to look at, and they weren't very funny to do, but seeing what lines and what shadows that really captured the shape of somones arm or nose helps me be able to recreate it later. The same goes for perspective, light, atmosphere, texture, and so on. This will probably help you divide your 3d-2d-effect you were talking about.

I keep rambling.

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-06-24 17:35:13

been busy since the weather cleared up so i havnt been able to sit and draw much but i will post progress pictures of the mural im working on soon as i take the time to upload em

but anyhow i was lurking some threads and i saw mention that it is some sort of fat batman holiday :3

and i couldnt pass up the chance to draw an obese crime fighter....

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-06-24 17:43:51

At 6/24/10 05:35 PM, theWesley wrote: but anyhow i was lurking some threads and i saw mention that it is some sort of fat batman holiday :3
and i couldnt pass up the chance to draw an obese crime fighter....



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Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-06-24 17:45:01

I'm glad you participated cause that looks great. Thank you for participating. You're work is really nice but I think the shading on this one makes all the other graffiti ones shimmer. It actually looks like a 3-d image rather than a flat piece you should try this shading on some of your graffiti work.

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-06-24 18:05:12

At 6/24/10 05:45 PM, Mabelma wrote: I'm glad you participated cause that looks great. Thank you for participating. You're work is really nice but I think the shading on this one makes all the other graffiti ones shimmer. It actually looks like a 3-d image rather than a flat piece you should try this shading on some of your graffiti work.

personally i have no desire to make my graffiti look like a true 3-d, i prefer a bastardization that is more alonf the lines of traditional 2-d style with a twist...plenty of people have done the true dimension style for lond enough that i dont find it appealing.

however, i agree i need to learn from these speed drawings when it comes to the shading

a huge issue i am finding is that if i worked this into a fully rendered final drawing, i would get muddled up in the details and lose all the shape that i was able to get down in this 15 minute glorified doodle...so in a way you are right, i do need to take technique from this, but it needs to be applied to my actual art instead of me doing the reverse, and applying the graffiti style to my art and basically ruining great ideas with un needed stylization....

i think....

or i may be wrong...ive been doing alot of thinking lately and havnt came to a complete conclusion yet so if im confusing now...its only cause im still confused :3


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Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-06-24 18:09:27

an example of what i aim for...

it may not look proper but to be it is exactly what i wanted to draw....

to me it walked the line between 2-d and 3-d perfectly

but again i may just be making excuses, i wont know until i look back :P

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-06-24 18:20:58

Keep up the pro work! Your stuff is the best I've seen on this site

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-06-27 23:46:26

drew this today

thought i would share


My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-14 01:22:22

been animating lately so i havnt just drawn to draw for a bit

but here is something i did draw just doodling and for whatever reason sorta liked

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-14 01:25:46

and one more for the lulz as they say

this is a rework of the scene i posted on the first page, anyhow i like it more now....its simpler...

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-18 14:38:24

im going to post a few pictures in a row, since i cant post multiple pictures in one post and its impossible to take a picture of this all in one sooooooooooooooooo...

collaborative effort with clone jrat oni blam and myself

starting with myself

My way of getting through the day

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Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-18 14:40:12


Clone (Mario)

My way of getting through the day

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Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-18 14:42:38

oni (sonic the hedgehog)
jrat (megaman)

this wall is still not completed, but i wanted to post up the flicks anyhow since we have speant sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long painting each one of these pixels......that i wanted to share

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-18 14:52:59

ive always been too ashamed to show things like this

but...art is about being vulnerable


something like that

1 of 25 pages i did last night (hand cramps fml)


30 second timer....




i may post more now since im actually keeping them in a book instead of imediatly throwing them away to hide my shame :P

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-18 15:18:23

dunno why but i feel like posting crap today while drinking my coffee, my thread is just too boring for me right now

need moar pichurezzz

painting a mountain with a roller on a cherry picker....fun fun

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-18 15:20:45


i painted the re re squirrels

with jrat and clone

My way of getting through the day

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Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-18 15:22:35

tubby me

My way of getting through the day

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Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-18 15:29:01

dont ever try to do posemaniacs with the tv on

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-18 16:55:21

These murals are awesome

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-18 17:18:04

At 7/18/10 04:55 PM, M-Vero wrote: These murals are awesome

I agree. Incredible. It's nice to tune in to the forum and see some variety. Awesome idea doing pixel art on buildings and you executed the idea in such a cool way.

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-19 01:47:26

glad to know we pulled the pixels off, it was the first time for all of us working in that form

anyhow here is my chow since im a picture whore

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-19 16:12:31

getting mah pose on

but i was fond of the lil lucha so :P

also....i need to stop drawing with mechanical pencils.....i've never owned a real drawing pencil let alone a set...time to up my game

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-22 06:18:17

I'm on a mission to hunt down all my artistic demons and atack them head on from here on out...

in the spirit of self discipline....

...a still life...

i havnt done one of these in years and i gotta admit, im ashamed at how hard it was to pull off

that is...if i even pulled it off

but yeah time to sleep finally

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-22 08:37:36

Wow really nice stuff here! Its funny how we both have really different artistic backgrounds yet we seem to both be facing the same drawing demons! I agree that posemanacs is brutal, I guess if you find yourself getting frustrated trying to draw something its probably a good thing right? At least thats what I've been telling myself.

Someone mentioned your drawings are looking a little flat, but i dont think thats going to be a major problem for you to overcome. I think in some cases your just missing out the final and easiest stage of rendering, which is establishing your darkest darks and lightest lights. Your process is actually really good, i find it really hard to refrain from using black tones or pure white until the last stages of my image, laying down a bit more contrast will help things pop out a lot more.

Keep up the posemaniacs man, i cant wait to see where we're at in a month or so.

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-22 17:26:19

At 7/22/10 08:37 AM, Ne7ers wrote

Someone mentioned your drawings are looking a little flat, but i dont think thats going to be a major problem for you to overcome.

Keep up the posemaniacs man, i cant wait to see where we're at in a month or so.


i hope you are right regarding the flatness, its the number one thing im trying to fix

also more poses coming soon, until then....random face

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-22 17:29:07

and doodling ontop of it turning her into a crusty leper or something.....

My way of getting through the day

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Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-23 01:06:09

i took the shit out of my pocket....dropped it on the table and sat and drew it

a crumpled napkin, my keys, a lighter, and a receipt for a blunt wrap and a mt dew

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-23 04:34:02

At 7/23/10 01:10 AM, ImpendingRiot wrote:
At 7/23/10 01:06 AM, theWesley wrote: i took the shit out of my pocket....dropped it on the table and sat and drew it

a crumpled napkin, my keys, a lighter, and a receipt for a blunt wrap and a mt dew
Really awesome renderings man. I'm digging these still lifes of yours.

glad you like them sir

one last one for the day, im really enjoying doing these

My way of getting through the day

BBS Signature

Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-24 06:04:27

posting here as well for obvious reasons

chow 40

My way of getting through the day

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Response to My way of getting through the day 2010-07-24 06:42:04

Dude, your the best graffiti artist EVER.

FUCK YES. Send me a wall with spray paint and ill send MONEYZ.