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NG Slogan?

73,887 Views | 583 Replies
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Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-10 17:27:15

Ok tom, although my age is kinda misleading, I'll cut to the chase... If you change the NG Slogan I WILL FUCKING KILL ALL OF YOU. I've been visiting NG since late 1999 (yeah i starting young so sue me) I remember when you guys had the flash layout with byte sized cartoons and the little screen with pbot in it (when he was a bit smaller), and each time i saw that slogan in the title... "Newgrounds, the problems of the future, today!" Without that slogan, Newgrounds will obviously turn into a shit pile of mainstream horse shit. Newgrounds, is newgrounds, I don't want to see this place turn into some ass-fucking (fda is an exception) retarded piecashit where people pay to watch movies and has corporate legal bullshit all over the place etc. Though Tom hardly knows me, I've read everything tom's posted on this site since my first visit to the site in 1999. Tom is the first person to stand up and say what bullshit everything is... society, laws, war, people who watch mtv, just stupid people in general... think about it Tom, I like the new layout, dont get me wrong, but i Mean if you change the slogan, newgrounds will no longer be the old newgrounds at all! I mean hardly any of these people remember pico's school (if they where even around during the time of its release) or FDA or samurai asshole or tellebubby funland with suck suck and noo noo and when that piecashit bbc took it down because they have a boner for being direct jackasses... Sorry for the long post... i dont usually post in the bbs since I don't really have much to say to these clock-worshipping morons :) But this just pushed me off the edge, ill go vent now... bye bye.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-10 23:46:16

Newgrounds- the flash frontier

Newgrounds- we make crap, smell good!

Newgrounds - the frontier for flash

Newgrounds! Redifining Flash 24/7

Newgrounds! The only major website without a real slogan!

Now i like this one but it is already another persons webiste...

i thought some of them sounded catchy.. u?
(but i still ike the problems of the future. today!)

questions? comments? email meh. at evanXnewman@hotmail.com

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-10 23:50:38

oh! and also...

Newgrounds- Flash, with garenteed satifaction

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-11 01:05:14

Newgrounds.com - Like religion with less lying!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-11 21:43:06

"NG, this is what you want Flash is what you get"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-14 01:08:26

Okay, I'm not gonna single any one person out, because I don't want to make enemies and it's not my intention to bring someone down.

But seriously, are you guys even LISTENING to what you're suggesting? Honestly, I couldn't imagine worse slogans if I TRIED. They're FUCKING SHITHOUSE.

I'm sorry everyone, but Tom I advise you to just stick with the slogan you have, unless you want to wade through a million suggestions to sift out the 0.1% of suggestions that aren't FUCKING RETARDED.

If you wanna get all angry at me, fine. I probably won't even check back into this topic. But I'm not just trying to cause shit, I'm just telling it like it is. I pity Tom if he's actually going to waste his time reading through all this crap - just stick with the slogan you have, dude.

Oh, and my sincerest apologies to the 1% of you who actually submitted a decent slogan. By no means are all of the suggestions bad, but the majority of them are FUCKING STUPID.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-15 21:04:14

i was thinking

Newgrounds: Now without any hidden charges!!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-16 13:54:34

Newgrounds: Time for a new slogan

Newgrounds: Portal Kombat

Newgrounds: Destroying egos since day one.

Newgrounds: We aren't mainstream enough to need a slogan.

Newgrounds: Yeah ... this is Newgrounds ... now what?

Newgrounds: Thank God we trashed that Newdgrounds idea

Newgrounds: We own your souls.

Newgrounds: Opening doors on submarines everywhere.

Newgrounds: Our finger is on the button.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-16 14:57:05

How about "Newgrounds-The Free Exchange of Bad Ideas", I think it has a good ring. Huh? Huh?

Give a man a match he will be warm for an hour.
Light a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest
of his life
-Aincient stupid proverb

NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-19 14:39:29

Or we could go with a spin on a classic:

"Newgrounds: All your flash are belong to us."

NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-19 19:19:43

At 1/8/04 02:43 PM, cool_penguin_0 wrote:
At 1/8/04 01:28 PM, Rice_Clock wrote: newgrounds:because i say so
he may be a level 2 "clock", but he's got a damn good catchphrase here!!

rawr...fine u like the quoters that r stolen :P

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-22 16:55:54

this might already be here but try going to slogan generator it comes up with some good stuff

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-23 23:15:07


All your Humor are belong to Portal.
Newgrounds - 100% matience free or your money back!
Newgrounds - Where Networks tremble in fear.
Newgrounds - Older than the Internet (well, we think it is)
Newgrounds - Where Humor comes from!
Newgrounds - The Other Side Of The Wall Of The Networks
Newgrounds - May the portal be with you.
Newgrounds, The Problems Of Socity, Today!

now if i could only come with some good ones....

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-02-06 04:31:10

hmmmm.....that is a toughy. how about.....

"newgrounds. Sign up, or fuck off"

lol im just kidding, i dont know


BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-02-06 10:17:57

well...let's see what i can think of..."the synacist's haven for flash outreach..." or ...."NG, newborn talent"...

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-02-06 10:20:25

i like Formantera. his slogan "our finger is on the button" describes things pretty well...it involves flash entries and the judged...

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-02-06 10:22:16

how about...Newgrounds: the judged and the judgers
or...Newgrounds: opening eyes to reality since day 1

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-02-08 11:55:03

NG:Becouse Reallity Sucks
NG: Its better then having cancer
NG: Free flash fore life

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-02-13 16:35:34

At 1/6/04 10:35 PM, Kraidle_Effect wrote: Newgrounds.com: "Screwing up the world, so USA doesn't have to."

I kind of like this one...lol...

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-02-13 16:38:25

How about this one:

Newgrounds: Maturity Free, Guaranteed

It even rhymes, and that would describe most of the users on here anyways.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-02-16 21:23:41

i didnt read all the pages so i dont know if anything like this has been posted but

Newgrounds:Because friends are over rated

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-02-19 22:09:24

were can i get pictures, also i agree with vibes

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-02-23 10:11:14

I don't know if sombody suggested this but, how about:
"Breaking new grounds, everyday" or does that just sound cheesy? Anyway that's my idea.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-02-23 10:12:34

*somebody. I don't know I just hate making spelling mistakes.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-03-06 03:41:05

I think it should stay mostly the same, but with some cool words in there like "sou kraut" and "mobster villiage".

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-03-11 21:38:23

Newgruonds.com: Fun for a small portion of the family!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-03-14 00:07:08

ok ok i got one...

Newgrounds.com home of Pico and the ClockCrew!

(please note I am one of the ClockCrew)


Response to NG Slogan? 2004-03-15 08:09:03

What about, "Newgrounds- We lost our slogan, can we have yours?" just a thought. Man I'm tired.

"Ok. It's Saturday night, I have no date, a 2-liter bottle of Shasta, and my all-Rush mix tape. Let's Rock."

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-03-18 22:53:50

Newgrounds the twentieth century

(Cuz of the tcnology of the 20nieft century like falsh

Newgrounds flash depot

Newgrounds tecnology of the future today

Newgrounds brutelness of hitler - today!!!!

Thats all i could think of in one min

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-03-20 21:12:12

Hmmmmmm how bout
Newgrounds-It kicks ass... what more could you need to know!