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NG Slogan?

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Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:03:30

how about something like "flashing the world"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:06:34

Most i've read on these pages were corny and nondescriptive, or just an inside joke....

ohwell...here is my contribution:

NG: The end of your social life
NG: Its like romance, without the sex
NG: The end of your social life, today!
NG: We'll be gentle...NOT!
NG: Too late to escape
NG: Because we all need a hobby...so get yours today!

Btw, i like the old one better... its just the kinda of rebelious attitude that makes this site stand out from the others, even if it doesn't bring in a lot of new people. You probably want to keep this uniqueness instead of cheesy marketing slogans...

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:07:34

hey i got another one "newgorunds. . . an internet geeks wet dream"

like that one? how bout "Newgrounds. . . bring the kids"

or "kids bring your parents"
"fun flash family"
"Not you're average flashers"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:08:18

i think the slogans ok im used to seeing it every time i come here but i wouldent really mind if you did but watever you do dont change the NG tank i love that tank ....

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:21:22

What do you think of :

-Newgrounds.com , The Best of Flash.

-We know you will LOVE Newgrounds.com

-Take the tank and watch out for the war of th portal!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:25:34

Newgrounds you will never want to leave the greatest site the web has

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:26:02

I kinda like a few of the other suggestions, like...

NG: Bring the kids
NG: We'll be nice...NOT!
NG:We blame our parents
NG:More fun than a drunk with a wiffle bat
Tom's suggestion is alright, but it sounds incredibly cheezy. I love the original slogan because it tells you what to expect..."Problems!" j/k

Well, there's my two cents on the issue. Have fun making a descision Tom!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:28:47

After seeing all of the newest entrys I think it should be NG Everything You Wont In A Web Site offcors I like it the way it is but sometimes change is good but sometimes things should remain the same

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:34:43

You say you have a life look at your level that goes to show you have no life

NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:39:14

if you gop back to page 4 you can find a person who does say he has a life im not saying if your like 10 or any thing its when your 22and higher

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:48:48

At 1/7/04 09:39 PM, Thronia wrote: if you gop back to page 4 you can find a person who does say he has a life im not saying if your like 10 or any thing its when your 22and higher

some people come here for years...

and wtf are you to criticize? you don't know any of us... you just say something like that because someone is a much higher level than you....

and we do have quote buttons...so people could actualy know the fuck you are talking to

and i hate flaming in 4am...

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:50:40

how bout if you can read this, u can be here!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:57:06

i was also thinking:

come on down!! your the next contestant of dealing with crap!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 21:57:34

and wtf are you talking about? there is nobody on page 4 that said it!
Unless you are refering to reverse microwave, who indeed doesn't have a life because he is a mod and has to put up with our crap all day just because its his job, and he doesn't even get paid!
And he didn't said that, its his signature... and the words weren't even his! because if you read, it actualy says their randomfreak's.....

you are the biggest n00b i have seen yet....

aaargh! where are my pills!!! >:(

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 22:00:22

"Almost as good as AOL, except the BBS is better."

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 22:11:55

really, you should go with the random quote one...but only pick the very best slogans to put in it.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 22:18:35

really, i think that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The problems of the future, today still works i think. Bezman makes some good points about keeping the old slogan (back on page 6). But, if you insist on a new slogan, I’d suggest one of the following ideas already mentioned in the thread...

Screwing up the world, so USA doesn't have to.


NewGrounds.com "Anything else would be civilized"
If there ever was a line, Newgrounds has crossed it.

I’d say this is probably the best

or (mine); where people in florida can really vote. j/k

I don't think the random slogan is a good idea. As you (Tom) pointed out in the original post, a slogan is important, it gives people a good idea of what they're getting themselves into. I think having random slogans would, only weaken the message. Also, since the slogan is meant to stick in peoples' minds in order to brainwash them, having hundreds of different ones wouldn't help.

A lot of the other slogans suggested have a good concept, but only recognize the flash portal. I guess some people didn't read Tom's entire post.

Once again, I must say, I like the old one.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 22:31:01

Here's more like I promised:

"Newgrounds.com - Family Entertainment...HA!"
"Newgrounds.com - You've Got Issues...We'll Make Them Worse"
"Newgrounds.com - Give It A Try"
"Newgrounds.com - Flash of Tomorrow, Now!"

More will come. Later.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 22:42:34

I've got a great slogan that was used as one of my government paper's title. It's "As boring, but not as funny as old people feeding ducks." But we could re vise this and use "As funny, but not as boring as old people feeding ducks."

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 22:50:37

"Newgrounds: The internet's entertainment empire since XXXX."
(XXXX is the year Newgrounds was founded).

"Newgrounds: Push every envelope, for great justice!"

"Newgrounds: Aren't you sick of every slogan proclaiming 'something about the future' presented today?"

"Newgrounds: XX million rotted minds can't be wrong!"
(XX is est. number of hits since NG was founded)

"Newgrounds: 1337 entertainment for 1337 individuals."

That's all I got.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 23:01:46

i agree with you in the need to change teh NG slogan, it used to fit perfectly when it mostly had things that represented problems that could hapen but havent, but now it needs a new one, it needs to be something that goes with the current appearance of the site and it's content, maybe something that thells the surfer that hell find everything on this site or something liek that, i don;t know, im not good for this so lets help out people

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 23:08:05

I think your new slogan should be Newgrounds " The best site to waste your time on" and then you could say " if you consider killing shit and watching hentai and blowing up things and fighting aliens a waste of time." Or your slogan could be Newgrounds "What haven't we made a flash movie about?" Yeah that slogan is way better than the first.


NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 23:10:24

Actually just a couple of comments on some of the slogans I've seen. I, unlike many people on this thread, feel that the slogan does need changing. It doesn't properly reflect what this site does. This site is a breeding pool for flash animators and sound effects artists. It's also a site where thousands of people every day get to take a break from their lives and watch some completely original content (except if you're me, who's trying to build blam/protection points, having to watch stupid Mario sprite movies and stick fights). I'm sure that hundreds of others could literally live on this site. It's also a site where anybody, at any time, at a whim, can whip up a movie about anything they want and throw it up on this site to see if it sticks. I could go on, but I think you get my drift.

A lot of the slogans I see being posted are fundamentally wrong in one aspect, they're too long (including one of my own). If anybody has taken a marketing class, then you know that the whole idea of a slogan is to be catchy. Catchy slogans can't be tounge twisters, can't be at too high of a reading level, and can't be essays.

I have a couple more now that I've thought about it, including a couple of 'I know it won't make it, but it sounds funny' ones.

"Newgrounds: It really whips, the Outwar's ass."

"Newgrounds: Scouting the animation landscape for entertainment everywhere!"

"Newgrounds: When will Pico 2 be out?"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 23:28:52

How about,

NewGrounds: Got Flash?
NewGrounds: Where the Flash hits the fan.
NewGrounds: Flash R' Us
NewGrounds: (Your slogan here)
NewGrounds: Kid tested, Mother approved.
NewGrounds: Get your free anime E-zines here.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 23:31:47

"The Talent of the Future, Today!"

If i had to pick a slogan, that would be it, it describes this place perfectly, an i always tell my friends who do flash, to "test" there stuff at this sight, and they usually get good feedback on there stuff aswell.

NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 23:47:16

How about: "NewGrounds.com: The Ultimate in Freedom of Expression".

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 00:13:09

Well, since you want to start a flame-war, I'll explain why I'll allow you to have the last word after this, if you want it badly enough.

At 1/7/04 03:23 AM, MagicalMusicalHulk wrote:
That's ok. Had I know the suggestions were for you I would of edited them.

Let me explain an over-looked clause in an often cited concept. Freedom of speech cuts both ways. Just as you're free to say what you want, (so long as you're not banned or breaking any rules) I'm free to say that what you said was stupid, and explain why, just as I'm doing now.

Who decides what is good? Can't a bad suggestion lead to a better idea? A single word can make someone else brainstorm and solve the problem.

Is there an excuse for everything? We're not talking about theoretical science. We're talking about a new slogan. Somebody who is supposedly smart enough to come-up with something good, but is dumb enough to not to be able to think of it on his own, is likely to have alot of trouble later on in life.

The reason I said something about this in the first place is because it is obvious that someone who has many different ideas for a single slogan is obviously not sure of what is or isn't good. What is the matter? Can't you judge your own ideas by yourself?

And what is with this "who decides" bit? I keep hearing this subjectivist mantra in defense of everything crappy. Gee, I wonder why. And thank you for providing proof of what I just said about being sure of what is good. I don't decide what is good in any sense different in principle than how I decide what is red.

As for the triple-implications (my, how subtle) that I'm gay: project much?

On a serious note, I'd like to ask everyone to raise their hand if they haven't said and heard those very gay jokes at least a hundered times by now. I suppose you thought you were being very clever by repeating stuff you've just heard only a few days ago in your junior high-school bathroom.

*checks proflie*

What the...? You're an adult? That is so sad. I would've thought someone who had been on newgrounds that long would've tried to be a bit more original.

I don't like flame wars enough to engage an enemy who is so damn boring. That is why I really wasn't trying to single anybody out. It is also why you can have the last word if you want it.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 00:18:10

Why just stick with just one slogan? I mean isn't newgrounds about breaking..well new grounds? Why not make a list of about 10 slogans and use them all? I've seen a couple of good ones in this topic, so please consider it as an idea. Anyway here's my contribution to the slogan bin:

"Making censorship our bitch"
"And you thought american idol was sick..."
"Treaspassing parents will be shot"
"The sickest flash community in the world"
"Squeezing flash by the balls"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 00:42:22

ooh! i thought of another gay one:

"where your imagination (or dreams) become reality"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 00:57:45

At 1/8/04 12:18 AM, Brood_of_Evil wrote:
"Making censorship our bitch"

thats a good one!!! hell yea

"And you thought american idol was sick..."

its ok...

"Treaspassing parents will be shot"


"The sickest flash community in the world"

that one just sucks

"Squeezing flash by the balls"

thats a good one too...

too bad i cant think of any... :-(