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NG Slogan?

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Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 13:51:30

Newgrounds.com - Welcome To Hell, Bitch!

Newgrounds.com - You Can't Handle This Shit!

Newgrounds.com - The Home Of Newgrounds!

Newgrounds.com - More Than Just The Best...

Newgrounds.com - Don't Plan On Leaving...


Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 14:11:13

Newgrounds.com-we have everything else.
Newgrounds.com-vote or we'll kill you!
Newgrounds.com-ROFLMAO n00bz!!111!! we teh k1ngs!!111!!

oh and when is alien hominid coming out (on gamecube that is)?

NG Slogan?

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 14:17:13

At 1/7/04 12:40 PM, Flourman wrote: Oh yes I always hated that slogan.

Here are some ideas NOT to choose for your new one:

Newgrounds is gay
new and groundy
Give us some money
Newgrounds - Eat my schlong
There's OK, then there's NG!
Fucking Newgrounds is the fucking shit
nooop noop

what the hell are you talkin about? the old slogan was pretty good! you suck! give us some money? that was to support USERS not themselves! gay? you are!

NG Slogan?

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 14:43:53

At 1/8/04 01:28 PM, Rice_Clock wrote: newgrounds:because i say so

he may be a level 2 "clock", but he's got a damn good catchphrase here!!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 15:39:52

Try one of these. If you don't like them, don't use them.

"Newgrounds - Conquering the Internet One Blam At A Time"

"Newgrounds - Where It's Cool To Be A Noob"

Or, the all-faithful...

"Newgrounds - The Home of True Talent"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 15:44:50

Newgrounds.com - Where else can you find Clocks, Locks, Knox and Tox?

:o) Kinda long though..

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 15:58:45

If you could pick a new slogan for Newgrounds, what would it be?

My idea for a slogan is a variation of the current one, and please don't over look this just because i haven't made any flash:

Tomorrow's problems, today's solutions.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 16:07:03

If you could pick a new slogan for Newgrounds, what would it be?

Lol @ the manipulating children one,

Newgrounds, slowly taking over your brain, one cell at a time

Your insignificant life was laughable, and still is, unless you join....

Newgrounds, more corrupt than the U.S Government

Newgrounds, the only place on the Internet with pubes crossed with Kermit the Frog

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 16:23:08

At 1/6/04 10:17 PM, TomFulp wrote: We've been talking recently about the need for a more prominent Newgrounds slogan. For example: "The Talent of the Future, Today!"

Tom, i think thats a great slogan, and u got my confidence! :P

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 17:07:45

plz keep the slogan

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 17:31:10

eh just leave it the slogan is perfect considering how many dumbass people think this site and its contents are controversial

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 17:34:19

I like the slogan know! here's just a long one I'll write for fun:

If you want Perfcet Movies, Games and music; you'll be searching for ages! While you're waiting, there's NG!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 17:54:37

At 1/8/04 05:32 PM, FreakmanJ wrote:
At 1/8/04 09:18 AM, Omnisus wrote: Newgrounds "more submissions each day, than a nazi concentration camp"

Tom, if you are reading this, stop being a n00b and PICK THIS ONE!!!

i don't think the neo-nazis would like that.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 17:57:12

"Give in to Temptation"
"NG - better then dropping the soap in a prison shower"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 18:13:27

wot about:

"Newgrounds..more knowledge than you can carry in a suitcase"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 18:13:44

I say go for something simple and humorous.... "Flash me." .... or... "The Number One Spot for Flashers"

Right..... it may sound retarded... but hey, wouldn't it make an impact if someone stumbled or was somehow referred here and the first thing they read was "The number one spot for Flashers"... or... you know... something LIKE that. Yeah... anyway. Shutting up.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 18:15:08


"Newgrounds, more fun than peeing on an electric fence"

i recommend u try it too

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 18:17:14

Tom I would like to hear what you think sofar and could you make a list of the top 20 ideas from your point of view so we can make better ideas and it would make the chois alittle easyer or giv us the chois of the 20 it dosent have to be 20 though but if you dont wont to thats ok you dont have to

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 18:38:59

"Its What Keeps Us Comming Back" -MaDe

hmm... is that good??

NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 18:58:15

OMG, this thread is 12 pages, and I'm too lazy to read them all, so if I repeat anyone, sorry.

Here's what I think would be a good slogan for Newgrounds.com:

"Newgrounds - The empire of the future, today!"
Not only does it pretty much cover what NG is becoming, but it fits with the tank logo too!

NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 19:18:35

Newgrounds is going to hell - something this good must be a sin

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 19:51:38

There are heaps of site's that say they are Number 1 in Flash! Ng doesn't say it... they are it!

Not that great but I felt like mentioning it!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 20:07:39

It depends if your looking for something funny, subtle, serious, meaningful or just plain nonsense...Here goes ( i got a list, and if I repeat anyone's, I apoligize.)

1. Newgrounds: If you dont pee your pants, we're not doing are job.

2. Newgrounds: Nothin' but the best.

3. Newgrounds: We're so good, we ran YOUR website into the ground (....SUCKER!!!!) ()-not needed

4. Newgrounds: More talent than a room of Chinese kids.

(too racial? but hey, you gotta agree : )

I cant come up with any more right this second...But I am really drawn to my #2. Its not personal to anyone or any group, it shows that newgrounds is good in all aspects, it kind of explains how we sort through the crap to give only protected files, its catchy, its short, and I like it. If you read this Tom, make sure you take ALL other users' into consideration. There are some good ones out there, and I think NG is in for another change.

Or you could just call up your little bitch Stamper and put him to work!

hahahahahaaa Just kidding.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 20:23:49

why not
-newgrounds, home of the retarded animal babies
-newgrounds, if you dont come for the flash movies, why not the ads?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 20:34:29

At 1/6/04 10:48 PM, bigbadron wrote: everything good changes to something shitty.

keep it the way it is.

best thing i've heard yet ...... don't change what everyone is already familiar with and has grown to know by heart lol .... nuff said

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 20:49:16

How about this:
Newgrounds.com: Paving the Way for Future Talent

I know it is similar to what Tom had, but I thought it is kind of a tongue-in-cheek play on the current war situation with the whole "restructuring". In a way, Newgrounds is restructuring the way talent is expressed through technology.


Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 21:08:45

''The talent of the future...today.'' I think it's great dude,alot of these people are very talented and you give them somewhere to start off you know.I'd consider it done,post it up.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 21:09:29

ng:this is the site that never endes

ng:welcome to my side of the web

ng:its better then you think

ng:you'll never leave

ng:gest give it a try

thats all I can think of right now Im sorry if I copyed anyone theres 12 pages it would take forever to read them all

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 21:58:57

I think the slogan the way it is sounds just fine..."talent of tom. today..?ok "the world biggest flash...?"ok but i like it just the way it is.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-08 23:59:25

i liked the more talent than a room full of chinese kids one that was pretty good but i think maybe the one that says "NG: Welcome to our side of the web" just change it from my side of the web to our side of the web it makes more sense. some of these are funny as hell. like the nazi one. but some of ya'll need to just keep your day job...yea uh...i'm done.

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