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NG Slogan?

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NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:17:46

We've been talking recently about the need for a more prominent Newgrounds slogan. The slogan for years now has been, "The Problems of the Future, Today!" As much as I love that slogan, I can't say for sure that it accurately portrays what NG has become.

I had a few bold proclamations in mind, such as "The World's Biggest Flash Community." These are tempting because they give newcomers an immediate impression of what Newgrounds is. That is much more important than it sounds - a good slogan leaves a lasting mark on the casual web surfer. We are, after all, the biggest Flash community / archive on the net - so why not let people know that? Most casual surfers end up reading the same claims on other sites, and get the wrong impression as a result. Yeah, people are stupid like that.

But then again, Newgrounds isn't JUST Flash. The Audio Portal is a great place to scout for tomorrow's musical talent, for example.

So I'm sitting here in San Diego tossing around slogans in my head. I was thinking, what about a slight alteration of our old slogan? For example: "The Talent of the Future, Today!"

Is that more accurate? Does it sound cheesy? While I still take great pride in the edginess of Newgrounds, I don't think we need to tout our gross-out factor like we used to. After all, the site has always been about "breaking new grounds", so why pigeonhole it as a site full of socially-unacceptable / morally-questionable content? Am I right on this one?

If you could pick a new slogan for Newgrounds, what would it be?

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:20:26

What about "The Flash of tommorrow, Today?" :D

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:20:54

Somehow combine those 2

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:21:17

I kinda like the one now... And I hate change. But I do agree there could be a better slogan. As for what it could be, I'd have to get back to you on that.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:21:25

"The Worlds Biggest Flash Community" sounds kinda cheesy. The current one is good, but If I had to pick a new slogan it would be.
"Newgrounds- Flash has never been the same..."

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:22:12

I still like "The problems of the future, today" slogan. While it doesn't accurately portray the flash community aspect, it does portray the attitude of Newgrounds (IMHO). I think it is just as effective and lasting as something like "The world's largest Flash community" would be.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:22:12

The World's Biggest Entertainment Community

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:24:00

"if you want ng movies....theirs realy no where else to go...and even if their was they wouldnt be near as good." new slogan, what do ya think?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:25:40

"The talent of the Future, Today" doesn't sound right, considering that the ratio of blammed movies to protected movies is 2:1. "The World's Biggest Flash Community" is on the right track, I mean if it is, why not have it as a slogan? I can't think of anything as a slogan, so use the last one (unless someone else thinks of a better one).

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:25:49

Well, I think the slogan is perfectly fine, as is. After all, Newgrounds is (no offense) one of the dirtiest and crudest sites out there, as far as sense of humor goes. Heck, Retarded Animal Babies -alone- could give any sight that reputation.

Besides, I think the original slogan better represents Newgrounds' general heedlessness towards the constraints of censorship, and the will of the masses.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:26:49

Okay I thought of one! How about "Newgrounds- Your life will never be the same"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:28:55

It sounds kind of lame. I like the slogan Newgrounds has now, because it was here when I came here a couple years ago, and it's still pretty funny.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:29:27

Newgrounds.com: "So much content, one slogan can't describe it"

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:30:40

How 'bout "Newgrounds - We're not evil! Honestly!"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:33:55

i would use something thats a take on the original but still as light.

Breaking new grounds, so you dont have to!

Newgrounds: the portal beckons you!

Home of all your favorite Flash and audio!

Breaking new grounds, even as you sleep!

Wade totally sucks goat! (just kiddin)

Welcome to Newgrounds.com! now bow down to Tom/Pico!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:34:06

At 1/6/04 10:17 PM, TomFulp wrote: If you could pick a new slogan for Newgrounds, what would it be?

NG is more than Flash... it's a movement

A movement to show the world the talents of our generation, the views, the opinions, the hate, the love, our world and how we see it...

I believe NG has become bigger than what anyone else can see, it's showing the talents of the most underappricated artists with the most mind blowing results, we are the power! We can express our veiws in the biggest way possible and everyone is here to see, it's our power and it's the power of NG!


BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:35:07

Newgrounds.com: "Screwing up the world, so USA doesn't have to."

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:35:53


The alternate slogan idea is great! I liked the original one, but I think "The Talent of the Future, Today!" sounds good. It would make more sense if it were "The Talent of the Future, is the Aptitude of Today!". I don't really mind the first one to be honest; I just don't think people would really get it right away. Since I am more of an audio artist on this site, it would make the slogan sound more true to the site by encompassing both talents. Hope this helped.


NG Slogan?

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:36:05

At 1/6/04 10:20 PM, Falconrath wrote: What about "The Flash of tommorrow, Today?" :D

I definately agree with Falconrath.

"The Flash of tomorrow, Today"

It's good because this slogan is a good modification of the current one... so it's not as though NG is becoming something different... it's like it's evolving, which is a good thing :-D

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:38:13

At 1/6/04 10:29 PM, Afro_Ninja wrote: Newgrounds.com: "So much content, one slogan can't describe it"

i like urs

how bout "Oh, and we got flash too!" hmmm seemed better before lol

what else......

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:38:18

ng.com : "No place like it"
ng.com : "Most original content on the web"
ng.com : "More fun than a drunk and a whiffle ball bat"
ng.com : "It's clobberin time!"
ng.com : "Home of the freshes content in the world"
ng.com : "Constant fun"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:38:32

Newgrounds: Where does the time go?
Newgrounds: One stop shop for flash!
Newgrounds: Why go anywhere else?
Newgrounds: Entertainment served daily!
Newgrounds: Millions entertained everyday!
Newgrounds: Creating a million laughs everyday!
Newgrounds: We have what you need!
Newgrounds: Because you know you wanna!
Newgrounds: The flash and music of tomorrow, today!
Newgrounds: Because we are too good for a slogan!
Newgrounds: Your search is over

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:38:45

Breaking New Grounds doesnt sound half bad. Mabey:

The Future: Now Playing (WARNING! DO NOT USE! infringment on copyright laws!... i think)
Tomorrows Future Talents Today
Lord of the Chickens!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:39:23

Newgrounds "Ground Zero of the Flash Universe"

Best thing I could think of right off

It serves its purpose.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:40:24

I like the old one alot, and most of the suggestions on top well, they suck. Just leave it the way it is.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:41:11

or "newgrounds. losing all future social life, today!"

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

¥ ♡ ¥ Sig pic byTemplate88 ¥ ♡ ¥

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:42:34

At 1/6/04 10:40 PM, neo_catalyst wrote: I like the old one alot, and most of the suggestions on top well, they suck. Just leave it the way it is.

well thanks for being honest...

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:43:22


Over 900,000 Flashes (that about right?) served

NG Inc. Flash and music of the future, today!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:43:57

"Flash, music, and everything else you would find between your toes!"

i personally like mine XD (might be too long though)

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-06 22:45:19

Warping peoples minds faster than US elections.
Screwing with more people than J. Lo.
Long Live George Bush! (or not)
Causing more deaths than the bubonic plague!