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NG Slogan?

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Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 01:16:35

At 1/6/04 11:07 PM, ToastBlue wrote: Tomorrow's musical talent, and flash now, Today!

you would need to put the flash before the music. newgrounds is most popular because of flash!

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 01:16:57

I was reading through all of this and i came up with one too. I thinks its a preatty good one.

Newgrounds.com: Do You Have Anything Better To Do?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 01:18:27

Newgrounds-Bringing flash and Royalty free audio, to users like you!

Newgrounds-Filled with tons of flash and audio submissions, daily!

Newgrounds-Where YOU bring the entertainment!

lol IDK

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 01:18:48

newgrounds, where flash and audio combine in a big, gooey mess.

newgrounds, no porn... honestly

newgrounds, where problems are born

come in to my portal said the fulp to the user

newgrounds, 50% good, 50% bad, 50% porn*
*100% margin of error

thats all. (>")> ice_mage <("<)

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 01:21:22

"Newgrounds: Didn't your mother ever warn you about us?"
"Newgrounds: What? Me worry?
"Newgrounds: And on the eigth day, God created Flash."
"Newgrounds: Because we can!"

Ugh...I shouldn't have read this post...now I've got ideas flying all over the place!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 01:29:51

i got a good one
how bout
"Newgrounds - Flash and Audio Never Seemed So Great"

ya.... that sounds about right

NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 01:32:49

"Newgrounds: We used to be really, really funny in 2001. We're still funny though"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 01:34:07

How about instead of one slogan, the slogan changes randomly like severedheads?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 01:42:37

The current slogan has always been good. Here are some ideas for a newer version:

"Newgrounds - The Flash Capital"
"Newgrounds - Minds on matter"
"Newgrounds - The crunked community!"
"Newgrounds - Flash's 5th R"
"Newgrounds - Reveal is King" A personal favorite
"Newgrounds - Fulptopia"

As you can tell, i'm running out of ideas. I hope this helps. Maybe i'll see one as the new slogan some day! Good luck with the search,


NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 01:49:00

Newgrounds.com: are'nt retarded kids funny?
Newgrounds.com: It IS our fault.
Newgrounds.com: Truth, Justice, Porn.
Newgrounds.com: When you run out of drugs...

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 01:53:49

newgrounds, "going to take over the whole piece of shit planet and fuck you in the ass with a hammer".

i agree it shouldn't be the talent of tomorrow today since lots of horrible stuff gets shot down often :) it needs to somehow mention that while talented artists can receive recognition through newgrounds, horrible ones get cast away and even ridiculed at times for unpleasent amounts of time. but i can't think of a fitting one so GOOD LUCK HEHEHEHE

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 02:03:31

Newgrounds.com: "home of newdgrounds.com"
NG.com: "Macromedia whores of the future, today!"
NG.com: "Kreatively Kapable Kommunity" (can substitute any words with "Killer" or "Kontent")

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 02:07:28

At 1/6/04 10:17 PM, TomFulp wrote: We've been talking recently about the need for a more prominent Newgrounds slogan. The slogan for years now has been, "The Problems of the Future, Today!" As much as I love that slogan, I can't say for sure that it accurately portrays what NG has become.

Well, I have a few slogans in mind, so just bear with me. Only thing is, after reading through the four pages of this thread, some of these may just seem like clones of a previous idea. In that case, I apologize. Anyways, here's the list. Hopefully, you'll like at least one of them...

1) "Newgrounds.com. Just when you'd thought you'd seen it all."
2) "Breaking rules. Crossing boundaries. Covering... new grounds."
3) "Flashing the internet, one user at a time."
4) "Life is boring. Cover new ground. Newgrounds.com."
5) "Three things are inevitable. Death, taxes and boredom. Guess which one we can help you with."
6) "If you're reading this slogan, you need something better to do. Check out Newgrounds.com today."
7) "For all the times that masturbation's lost its fun. Newgrounds.com."

Well, there's seven for you. Good luck getting a new slogan, Tom. God bless your decision to let us choose a new slogan for you instead of just going with that "The Talent of the Future, Today!" thing...

NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 02:10:22

At 1/7/04 01:43 AM, hyper_goat wrote: "Newgrounds: We flash you for free!"

Heh...that's a good one.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 02:11:01

How about "new grounds more fun than playing with seizors"

*the master of bad spelling*

suprise your friends burn there houses down

NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 02:12:47

I've stayed away from using the word "flash" from these suggestions. It might be trademarked by Macromedia, it is a program after all. It also makes it sound like that's all NG has to offer. So with flash, audio and the forums I think the phrase "new media" might be applicable. These are all undeveloped means of expression NG provides. The portals give everyone the chance to be seen and have their talents recognized. Aside from the new media tag I though about the current NG logo. It does speak of breaking new grounds, and that's also known as a revolution. The tank is an icon of war. I've always thought it was a war against current mainstream entertainment. But maybe I've thought about it too much. A revolution is also defined as a single complete cycle of such orbital or axial motion. The portals constantly cycle new submissions every day.


The Media of the future, today.
New Media Revolution
The New Media Revolution
Delivering New Media
The home of new media
Paving the way for New Media
The Voice of New Media
The heart of new media
The new era of entertainment
Entertainment without a price
The voice of chaos
The house that chaos built
No Bounds
Voiced anarchy
The new underground railroad
Breaking every law known to man
Violating every civil right
The pimp of new media
Pimpin' ho's since 199?
More fun than sex with midgets
Ever growing like J-Lo's ass
The new date rape drug
The STD of the future, today.
Discover the joy of cooking with soy

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 02:25:55

Whoa! I just looked through al the comments thus far. I can't believe the number of people trying to suggest "marketing" to idiots to whom "dick/ fart/drug/illegal/etc." jokes never-ever get old. This is why inmates shouldn't run the asylum.

And what is with folks listing tons of suggestions? Brain-storming is fine and all, but who needs or wants to witness it in progression? Wait until you come-up with something good before sharing it.

Ok, thats enough time wasted complaining about the obvious.

Tom, your own ideas are fine. I'd go with the "biggest" one because people can judge talent for themselves. (so long as they think, that is)

I also liked someone's suggestion of combining the two. I can't remember who, and I feel too lazy to look. I am surprised he left the thought at "somehow." It's easy to cominbe them.
Example: "The world's biggest collection of tomorrow's talent."

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 02:29:00

Holy s-word! I didn't realize until after I posted that my comments came just after someone who exemplified BOTH of my complaints. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to single anybody out.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 02:35:27

"Mommy says no.
Daddy says yes"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 02:46:24

At 1/7/04 01:32 AM, Pueidist wrote: "Newgrounds: We used to be really, really funny in 2001. We're still funny though"

We have a winner!

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 02:48:02

Well some know me for calling "Newgrounds" - "Da 'Grounds" (thats ma favorite slogan and i try to make it known!) - But for a slogan I like something like:

"New grounds - Every flash is created into something."
"Newgrounds - Making flash look better now and forever."
"Newgrounds - Flash of Yesterday, Today & the Future."
"Newgrounds - Home of the New & Old Flash."
"Newgrounds - Making tomorrow, remembered Today."

If you feel this is going somewhere let me know - hope you can take some of mine into consideration...........

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 02:55:24

Newgrounds - It's whats for dinner.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 03:02:08

how about a short significant one like: "newgrounds - moves your movies"

NG Slogan?

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 03:05:48

'Kicking everyone's ass". Something like that. We kick celebrity's ass, we kick ass at flash and audio, we kickin' everyone's ass. ^_^

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 03:13:04

Newgrounds: "Because without it, the Internet would suck"

The worst member.

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 03:23:49

At 1/7/04 02:29 AM, MisterMudBrain wrote: Holy s-word! I didn't realize until after I posted that my comments came just after someone who exemplified BOTH of my complaints. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to single anybody out.

That's ok. Had I know the suggestions were for you I would of edited them. I didn't know there were restrictions to the way we thought of ideas. Next time you ask for some sort of creativity I'll remember to leave you in the dark as to how I got to it and present the finished product. I still think you tried to single me out cause you want some ass. But I don't swing that way candy pants. Go sing your YMCA somewhere else.

At 1/7/04 02:25 AM, MisterMudBrain wrote:
And what is with folks listing tons of suggestions? Brain-storming is fine and all, but who needs or wants to witness it in progression? Wait until you come-up with something good before sharing it.

Who decides what is good? Can't a bad suggestion lead to a better idea? A single word can make someone else brainstorm and solve the problem. That's why you don't hold back when you concept.

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 03:26:06

At 1/7/04 03:13 AM, -MaK- wrote: Newgrounds: "Because without it, the Internet would suck"

you need to add ass to the end of it. that would be an ideal slogan.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 03:48:35

Hey Tom, How bout- " The Talent of the future, In a Flash!"

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 04:01:23

i would have to agree with the slogan
"The Flash of tomorrow, Today"

that just sounds cool :-D

i hope you pick a good one Tom :-D

Response to NG Slogan? 2004-01-07 04:06:51

I agree Falconrath

NG Slogan?