I like the waltzy vibe at the beginning (although I suppose any piano piece in ¾ sounds waltzy to me). The melodies sound both melancholic and cutesy, but by :18 the texture has much more of a structurally flat quality that emphasizes the melancholic part. The chords themselves are a colorful variety of major and minor, which makes me think that this piece is fundamentally about joy or memories of joy, even if that joy is presently lost. I also like the heavy low chords at :28. They really add a sense of urgency to profoundness to an otherwise mellow section of the piece. The clashing notes at :31 work well for me, too. I’m really enjoying the dichotomous character of the piece, even if I wish the angry, inward parts and the light, graceful surface were integrated a bit more fluidly at times. I also think the chord at :39 was played just a tad too loudly, even if that’s a miniscule detail. You did a really good of guiding the listener’s expectations with the gradual ritardando there and then the rich chords at :50. The violin entrance at 1:02 was rather unexpected, although it certainly fits the somber, evocative mood of the piece. I think the violin would’ve been more effective if the solo was longer there. Everything about this piece seems so short-lived and fleeting. Maybe that’s the point given the subject of the thematic content, but I wanted you to explore the ruefulness inherent in the violin solo a bit more. Still, the content that’s here is still really enjoyable. The composition might need some more fleshing out, but the emotional piano and violin riffs and fun jazzy filler content do a lot for me in a mere 95 seconds. Keep it up, Everratic! ^^ Also, if you ever need someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to message me.
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score