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AIM - Chris, the Boat and the Tormented Sea


Author Comments

Full title (it's a bit hidden up there):

"Chris, the Boat and the Tormented Sea"

It would seem as if I managed to compose a piece for the competition, just in time!
That's a common theme for me though. Ask any teacher I've had ;)

Nah, but seriously. I wouldn't want to miss out on this contest, since I've participated in one way or another since 2014!
It's a relatively huge event involving the music community on NG, after all!

The most difficult task for me was honestly choosing the art. I pulled up more than 30 tabs, all with marvelous artistic creations, and tried to pick between them. I ended up going for the very first artwork I opened, because I didn't really have any other means of choosing. That painting, would be this one:


I went for a solo piano piece, in which I wanted to depict the struggle of the main character facing the waves on the ocean, kind of adding my own interpretation to it ^ ^
I hope you enjoy my composition!

If you want to, you can also watch me play it, since I figured I might as well record it for my channel:


Thank you for listening, and good luck to everyone else who's participating this year!

P.S. If you want to check out the 30+ other pieces of art that I couldn't choose between, there are links to them here:


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I like the flowy vibe and bright tone. The mood changes a lot from chord to chord, which adds a lot of tension to the piece. It seems to have a very uplifting direction at around the 2-minute mark. The marked pause at 3:00 was a bit jarring, and I'm not quite sure of the purpose it served in context. The structure of the mini-phrases in the piece gets a little repetitive, and I would've loved to see you open it up a little more after a while, but the mood of the piece is what really ties it together IMO. It could even make a decent loop. The music really breathes despite the structural repetition. Keep up the good work, LSD! ;)

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Leave it to you to call my piano music flowy ;)
I kid, though, since obv this if anything is one of those flowy tracks. Quite intentionally so, considering how much the sea tends to flow ^___^
I did indeed intend for the mood to be ambiguous and quickly changing, once again, kind of liek the ocean :D
I'm not sure I would call the point at 2 minutes uplifting, but more like someone bravely facing a challenge; not sure exactly what I'd call that, since it isn't pure bravery :V
I know what I feel better than I can describe it in words xD

The 3 minute mark is the silent cruelty of the sea, while you desperately struggle, with nobody around to help; a sudden realization that maybe things won't work out.

I didn't want to diverge too much from the style of the piece, since that is pretty much all it is, along with some good chord choices. This is also, naturally, because it fits my interpretation of the art better. Thanks a lot for the review, TL (#Fearless Squirrel)!

Aw man, I'm sad I missed this. I enjoy hearing your pieces (even though sadly I don't often take enough time to sit down to them).

I love your style, and I love your solo piano pieces. Definitely soothing, and just downright beautiful. You may not have won, but you no doubt have gained yourself a virtual hug over this.

Right on mate (don't think I'm Australian)

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

You didn't miss it if you're listening to it now! And I'm glad you did :3!!
Congratulations on your placement! I missed your track as well, but I took a listen now, and favorited it, because it's really cool! :DDD

I threw this piece together in like half an hour, so I don't mind not making it on the album! I'm still glad I participated though, as always :D
*gives a virtual hug*

Thanks a lot for listening and reviewing! ^_________________^

No words. Simply amazing, omg.
Just played this randomly on the subway on my way home for work, and I almost cried. Just too beautiful.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Aww, thank you, dude ^___^
I'm glad that you liked it so much!

First listen I thought about The Terminal by shadow6nothing9. The nostalgia is very deep. But this piece is a beautiful composition on its own. I am honored​. This piece is amazingly fit that art piece. I love the progression of the melodies. And the uncertainty of the overall mood. There's despair and desperate, but there's also hope somewhere in there. It's a strange feeling that it was inspired by something close to my heart. I remember something about the piece, it was a birthday present for somebody that they didn't really pay attention to. And I'm so glad it didn't lose to time.

Thank you for this work.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

I remember "The Terminal"! So it's awesome that this piece reminded you of it :O! I can definitely hear the resemblance.

It's really the most important to hear from you that the piece fits the art, considering you're the one who made it, once upon a time. So thank you very much!

You really captured a large part of the theme, with "uncertainty". I'm glad you get it! While I definitely want there to be a slightly negative tone at parts, I want the overall experience to be a bit more ambiguous ^ ^
"Hope" would probably also fit quite well, considering who else has used the art for inspiration in the past!

Oh, was it? I'm glad that the art is still alive, and has more than one composition inspired by it. It certainly is deserving of that!

Thank you very much for creating the art, for listening, and for writing down your thoughts. And for being you ;)
Good luck in the AIM!

The emotional state of the track fluctuates between tranquility and restlessness, as the chord progression progresses. The way you periodically slow down in playing serves as a momentum killer; the song lacks a stormy climax, but that's a good thing because the lack thereof contributes to the cold-somberness of the track, which appropriately resembles the art. I really like the chord progression; it flows well, yet it conveys so many emotions, from bittersweet to dissatisfaction. The LH arrangement is interesting to listen to by itself; it sometimes sounds like the RH is supplementing the LH arrangement, rather than vice versa. Additionally, the LH arrangement is far more memorable once the song ends. Regarding the mix, the piano sounds harsh and cold; it sort of denies one full-satisfaction, but that's appropriate here. Not only does your song resemble the art work well, but you managed to perfectly manifest the art work's color palette in your own work, from the cold-blues to the highlights and shadows. The very ending evokes a sense of dissatisfaction, which I believe was a risky move, but it worked. A more-satisfying conclusion wouldn't have been that appropriate here in my opinion. I wouldn't say that you composed this song in a rush, but rather, you got caught in the storm of life and made it out just in time :)

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

I agree with pretty much all of your observations! I would argue there's more than tranquility and restlessness in the motion, such as uncertainty, determination, etc. But that's definitely two major parts!

Also, although the song lacks a clear climax, there are a few parts that are a bit more triumphant than the others. One example is the part between 1:45 and 2:15.
It's good to hear you like the chord progression! It repeats almost entirely (with a few changes, and additions) after 1:35, but with a new arrangement, and at times differing right hand movement.

I'm especially happy you like the LH parts! A lot of the melody is indeed prominent in the left hands role, after all. Ofc, the top notes of the right hand, serve as a sort of melody at many points as well. Great observation, once again!

As you know, I tried several different mixes, to have some to choose between, and I settled for this one because it sounded the most grand, and fit the artwork the best (IMO). It would be very possible to create a "warmer" mix, but I think that would change the atmosphere a fair deal :)
I'm glad you seem to think so as well!

I definitely didn't want the piece to have a seemingly positive ending. I wanted it to be somewhat ambiguous, yet heavily leaning on the darker side of things. I wouldn't say it was a rush either, to be truthful. I just really managed to ride the waves of "flow" :D

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this more than once, and for reviewing it!

Credits & Info

4.66 / 5.00

May 7, 2017
11:39 PM EDT
File Info
9.3 MB
4 min 4 sec

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You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.
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If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting creation only under a license identical to this one.

*You may not use this work without making specific arrangements with the artist UNLESS your work is a web-based game or animation, in which case you may use this freely.