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Prelude to Destruction


Author Comments

For the NIM Contest:

Category: Boss Theme

I wasn't sure if this should be in the title track category since it is so short and it does seem like an introductory piece to a boss, but either way, this will have to do.

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While it is my natural inclination to let an artist who's music I stumble upon and thoroughly enjoy know that I thoroughly enjoyed it, I almost didn't want to add a comment to the bunch because this song is so blatantly good, you must already be aware of your prowess in composition and my words would simply reiterate the facts. But so be it :) Wonderful job!! I loved the drum work as well as the xylophone-ish sounds that lead into the meat of the song. Mad Max is one of my GPs, and it was easy to envision a multi-car chase with pole cats. Great overall pace, though I am left wanting more song, but can one call that a complaint?^^

Phonometrologist responds:

Thank you for letting me know what you think of the piece. Though I wouldn't assume that one would be aware of any level of skill that they have achieved and demonstrated. I can't focus on that. I merely was inspired to write a piece of music that I wanted to write, but there is a lot more music to be discovered and a lot more knowledge that I must attain. Don't think that your words mean nothing as I really do appreciate knowing that someone has enjoyed something I've written. Here's a quote that I have always found encouraging:
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." - Mark Twain

== This is an NGAUC Audition Round Review. ==

This song rocks. The mixing is ace (those drums!!) and it nails what it sets out to do so hard. My only critique is that it's too short and that the climax seems to come and go without even a cymbal crash or anything to let me know that something happened - which leaves me dissatisfied because I feel like I missed the ‘best’ part of the song because I didn’t know it had come. There could have been a stronger melody, but let's be honest - this piece is already incredibly awesome. Score: 9

Mini-scores (Note: See http://johnfn.newgrounds.com/news/post/936953 for what this means and how to improve)

* Mixing: 4/4
* Composition: 3/4
* Arrangement: 3/4

Phonometrologist responds:

Yeah you're right about the brevity of it. I made a mistake, I think, in releasing this track without the main one that this preludes to. It definitely lacks in melodic content as well as the emphasis is in the rhythm, but I'm glad you think the mixing is good. Slowly but surely, it seems to be improving.

Great song. I like the instrumentation, with the echo on the piano and xylophone (is it?) Makes it sound very mysterious. It has a long introduction. It could be a boss theme if you hear the section after 52 seconds, but then it doesn't loop very well, because it becomes more quiet near the end, and starts with the introduction. More like a cutscene in preparation of a boss fight, or something like that, than an actual bossfight, because the action driven part only takes up 50% of the song. Would work in a film as well. Good luck with the contest! I think you have a fair chance!

Phonometrologist responds:

that echo sound instrument was just some yamaha thing on my keyboard that I recorded audio for, and I used a bit of sample delay to get a stereo image. So i really don't know what it is lol
I think you're spot on too with this being like a preparation piece of a boss fight. Kind of like when we first get introduced to that character but the fighting actually happens later in the game hence "prelude" being the title. Thank you for listening!

Yes! I've been waiting for you to post this :D
I can't access the preview anymore, so I can't compare. But I'm pretty sure you made some pretty awesome additions to this, as I don't remember the track being this... Expressive?
Then again, my memory is one thing that I usually don't trust too much XD
Either way, I like it.

I've been thinking about the third track that comes out of this same idea, hehhe. I think I'll do a complete basic version of it (similar to last time), and then perhaps send it to you, as well as the MIDI file? In that case, you could apply your mixing and intruments, as they are superior to mine, as well as some of your own additions if you feel like it, and perhaps some percussion?

You can take several months to do this if you want, with all the competitions and all going on and all, or suggest other ways to collab, as I'm open to all ideas :3
That's just my idea of one way to go about it without millions of PM's sent back and forth :)

Either way, I like this version of the track a lot, and I think the mixing is splendid too. I'll now go and review the track that I haven't heard before :D

Phonometrologist responds:

Well I did email the early sample of this piece to you. What I sent you did sound less expressive I suppose because it was primarily just Midi inputted via Sibelius. If it is more expressive than what you remember, it would perhaps be contributed to more dynamic, automation, and me actually playing the sample libraries on my keyboard to give it a more human touch. The percussion part derived from me actually playing along rather than just trying to match the actual tempo such as the loud toms. The collab that you and I will partake in from the series of this will be considered a Postlude I think. Like exit music is what I imagine it to be. It will be a pleasure to do so. Maybe I'll email you the original piano piece that I have yet to arrange/orchestrate so you can get an idea of the story/feeling of the track that our collab will derive from.

I was getting worried you weren't going to enter, I'm so glad you did! :)
My favorite part was where the staccato/slaps came in, I loved that! The mixing is awesome as well.
My only criticism would be the length of the song, really wish it was a bit longer because it's great.
Awesome work :D

Phonometrologist responds:

Yeah I was getting worried as well since I almost didn't make it. Glad you enjoyed as this was very fun to create. I think the part that you enjoyed the most is what makes this piece worthwhile to write. And that would be a valid criticism. This piece was primarily conceived because it serves as a prelude for another track that I probably won't be able to work on for another several months. The whole piano part is done, but I just would need to arrange/orchestrate the parts.

Credits & Info

4.77 / 5.00

Jul 12, 2015
11:41 PM EDT
File Info
4.2 MB
1 min 51 sec

Licensing Terms

You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.
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*You may not use this work without making specific arrangements with the artist UNLESS your work is a web-based game or animation, in which case you may use this freely.