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Reviews for "Galaxy Siege 3"

Fun concept, basically a Tower-OFFENSE game.
Managed to crash the game by entering a boss zone and using both a nuke and support at same time.

Could use work like the reviewers mentioned below. Even though the style, the sound effects and weapon upgrades are pretty fun. The enemies, levels and bosses are not.

Good luck man, I'd like to see this developed some more ^^

The customizable ship is the best thing this game has going for it. But that may be the only thing this game has that's worth checking out. Virtually everything else this game features is a disappointment or unnecessary. (Before I get very negative, I must say that I played this game over the span of several hours...but the repetition led to overwhelming boredom and with much difficulty I finally pulled myself away).

So yes, you are able to grow and build your ship with weapons to kill aliens and shields to not be killed by aliens. Early in the game it is really rewarding to see your ship grow because you really need more weapons. But by the time you've slogged through a good bit of the galaxy a larger ship doesn't equal more interesting gameplay. In fact, I'll contend that the length of the game is probably its greatest weakness. The dull, repetition-filled levels with the bland enemies make the game a chore.

To go on about the gameplay, the level themselves are short, virtually indistinguishable between one another, and everything moves........slowly. And as the player, the only control you have over the ship is to slowly nudge the ship forwards and back, left and right, through a nonsensical tunnel-like space environment. Problems with this: 1) Any possible strategy involving dodging enemy attacks is gone. To get through a level, all you can do is hope and pray you have enough guns. 2) With the exception of two in-level attacks that you can click to activate, the player is essentially passive in the playing of the game. While the game gives an impression of freedom, it is so restrained that it'd be best if it was never there (if the game was an on-rails shooter instead, that would make much more sense). The ship becomes so big and takes up so much of the screen that the game begins to look ugly. 3) Each level is boring and makes no sense. While you move from planet to planet, you play each level in some nondescript tunnel with virtually no difference from the level before. No environmental changes or hazards, just flying in a dumb tunnel. 4) No story. There's nothing connecting one level to another. How do I even know if I'm the hero--saving the galaxy--or a villain--slaughtering a helpless alien race?

So that was a bunch of scattered complaints. In short, while the core concept of the game is solid--get money to build and upgrade ship--it isn't enough to sustain interest when everything else quickly becomes monotonous and unrewarding.

So for anyone struggling. Shields are not that great until you get them to higher levels. Especially for kack32. They are pretty good but too weak to do much early on. Put all the short ranged weapons like rifles, alien weapons, and homemade weapons up front and put lasers behind that. I am pretty much blowing through the game with full port slots and this has worked for me so far. I only put in shields just because I could and it turned out ok. My only problem so far is that whenever you leave the page or refresh it, the stats on the weapons change and only get WORSE. My lasers were doing 324 damage a 1.5s firing rate, now they only do 43..... That is NOT a good thing at danger level 43 :P
If the dev is reading this please fix? Please? It's actually really depressing to see your level 20 weapons that cost 323 do less damage than the same weapon at level 10 :(
Overall the game is good, addicting, simple, and just plain fun. BUT the data that SHOULD BE HARD CODED INTO THE GAME seems to get mixed up and put the player at a crippling setback from all the progress they made. Overall I give 3 stars instead of 5 because of that last fact as it kinda ruins the game, especially considering how many levels there are and how each one will only get harder :(
So please fix?

After danger level 56, I had no more upgrades showing up. It was rather difficult to save the blue crystals also, since I need 1000+, and would only get 40 per stage.

I also had the bug where once logged out, coming back the lasers had changed.
I would occasionally get stuck on the side of the level.
I had a few "Queens" kill me the same time I killed them, and would not get anything for it.
I also had a few queens vanish, and freeze the game.

Ship build to other players struggling :
Proto-shield = PS Shield = S Laser = L Rifle = R Homemade = H Alien = A Claws = C Fuel = F Command module = CM Nuke = N Support = SP


For the Queens, just hold your mouse/up arrow, and park yourself on top of her. hit your nukes and supports right off, and should be golden. Sure it'll tear your ass up, but the magnet at the end will get it all and you won't die.

It's an ok game with severe shortcomings.
The main thing is (de-)motivation. You are playing the same level all over again with three different boss types that all can be defeated with the same tactic: mush your ship into their mouth - hope for the best. The ship is too sluggish to evade anyway and your stronger weapons will win the day 95% of the time. Btw, the grabby boss type is the worst as it latches on to your stuff no matter what - you can't dodge, you can't dissuade the grabby arm by shooting it or do anything about it - so again, you're left with going face to face.
Apart from the lack of tactical finesse, I didn't have to think twice about buying stuff, no economical savvy needed, too. You can just sell off the old stuff for hardly any less than you paid and with the plentyful crystals you don't have to worry one bit. If you had to at least replace destroyed weapons/items.
One last aspect that is a real drag is the equip/upgrade/research system. You can't plan on what items you want to upgrade or where to put your new slots. If you could strategically buy upgrades and slots for crystals you'd have a more challenging game - you'd have to balance between buying new weapons or new upgrades or new slots. The research is kinda random, too.
All in all, it has potential. As it is, I'll move on and never look back.