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Reviews for "Galaxy Siege 3"

Really well done. The upgrading was really well done and the levels were fun. I always had to change my strategy for every different boss. Good work.

Almost everything is great except the balance between upgrade of weapons and stages. All of them are available on the moment that there are over 70 planets (on the main route) to go.

Did anyone else find the glitch that lets you get more money at the end of each level???

Really fun
Sad that the upgrades stop after a while :(
The 50% buyback price really hampers you from experimenting with different ship layouts.

I was just minding my own business... murdering yet another tentacle space boss... when all off a sudden his giant rotary arm of death swiped my ship to pieces. Then I was simply looking at a scene of a Saturn-like planet with some stars floating by and some very wormish environment in the forefront. The happenings of the game had just disappeared. Was it a bug? A glitch? Or something more... Like a subtle message to me, the gamer, that in life, there is no restart button. No trying again. You simply die and then the universe simply goes on functioning without you. As I just sat here, watching the Saturn-like planet chill light years away from the scene of my virtual death, I felt so empty inside. I didn't know how to feel. So confused. Frustrated. Unsure of what to do next. That's when it hit me. Every piece of my virtual ship was floating about in the virtual universe. I don't know what might happen to it, or if anything will... but... the beauty is... all you have to do, you being the creator of this virtual universe... is write some code. With this said code, you can create a story for this virtual debris and include it into this game. Lets take this a step further. Anyone could sit down at a computer, and write the code to a virtual game that gave its avatars or NPC's thoughts, or feelings. You could theoretically program a virtual character to think, feel, and act like a human. You could literally do anything in this virtual world if you had the time for it. You could literally be god. Now ponder this. What makes our existence any different from the modular, interchangeable ship we control in this game? Nothing.

You did this to my brain today. You, are a wonderful person and I value your existence. In fact, I love you.

Very nice and entertaining game, the only thing i found was a bug when sometimes i get an upgrade but not the one i choose :((