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Reviews for "The Deepest Sleep"

Great game...but I wasn't able to finish. The stone puzzle doesn't seem to work at all no matter what I do. And the diagram seems to be no help either! Hope it's just me being a dolt, but I wish I could get past that.

Jumpscares c-c

When i Clicked on that guy on the left when that guy scared me i throwed my mouse.

al menos se ve con un buen lore

*Note: I'm going to spoil the entire game here, skip this review if you haven't completed the game*
I liked Deep Sleep, and loved Deeper Sleep, but somehow I didn't really enjoy this one.

I can understand what you were trying to do with the Bottom-Dweller's movement mechanic, but in practice it was rather tedious, because you had to slooooowly comb every inch of the room with your flashlight until you found out what you had to do.

In addition the ladders you have to climb to escape the last two Bottom Dwellers are far too picky about where you have to click, and you have to pretty much click-spam every inch of the ladder trying to find the one spot that the game will acknowledge.

But where the game really lost me was the ending, the old "No, YOU ARE THE MONSTER!" cliche. Maybe I'm jaded. Maybe Retsupurae's made me a bit cynical about that sort of thing. I mean credit where it's due, you handled that twist better than most games like this do. But it also has the effect of making this entire game feel like a prolonged game over screen of the second one.

I could also swear that getting caught by the Shadow Person in the first game actually made you die in your sleep, not get possessed, but I could be confusing that with The Ring Girl from the second one.