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Reviews for "The Deepest Sleep"

ok man i likes this but a jump scare 5 seconds in c'mon!

Uau, que jogo incrível :O
Wow, what an incredible game.

Direção de art: boa.
Art direction: good.

Músicas: Marcantes & Tensa.
Music: Exciting & Tense.

Puzzle: bom, e que requer um uso bem do raciocínio.
Puzzle: good, and that requires a good use of reasoning.

História: faz você ficar preso no jogo (No sentido literal).
Story: makes you stuck in the game (In the literal sense).

Nota: 9.0 (Nove ponto zero)
Grade: 9.0 (Nine point zero)

Amazing game :D
Jogo Incrível
Eu recomendo
I recommend

Great game...but I wasn't able to finish. The stone puzzle doesn't seem to work at all no matter what I do. And the diagram seems to be no help either! Hope it's just me being a dolt, but I wish I could get past that.

Definitely the most lack luster, most straightforward, and shortest of the series. However I still enjoyed it and actually liked it more than I have the previous ones (mostly because I'd end up getting lost or stuck). The plot this time around didn't have any of the extra harrumph that I've come to expect from Deep(er) Sleep in the past and the ending served only to highlight the lack of more sophisticated undertones.

Still, it is without doubt a worthy entry for simply concluding the series. I think it's meant to be played soon after the previous one. Excellent work, excellent art, but just not something that can stand on its own as well as its predecessors.

Not the best game I ever played, but it's creepy as creepy can be.