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Reviews for "Guild Dungeons 2"

Beat it in one sitting. Game was decent, but the resource income rates were bs.

Very good game, just a bit confusing at times as to the requirements for a quest, after I finished the game I became experimental and sent out 250 beserkers and 250 guardians to the reflecting pool (seems to be only place to get mushrooms) they failed the quest, yet if I sent out like 30 beserkers, 30 Guardians and 30 Archers they would likely succeed. Ok ranged support is advantageous, but really enough that it'd make up for 410 of the world's strongest men?
Some other gripes are the amount of time it takes to get resouces before you finish the final quest at which point it becomes incredibly easy to amass an army of whatever you like.
I know you didn't want to game to be completed in a single sitting but I feel you've skewed it too far in the opposite direction, where it feels like I'm half way between flash game and an online sim like tribal wars where I'd be expected to wait days for resources.
Also I know this has been mentioned before but how is there a massive gap in difficulty between 2 and 4 difficulty yet the last 4 quests can be completed with practically the same troops but there is a difficulty increase of 400.
The amount of loot also never seems to change when using research items, hero items and heros which would supposedly get more resources.
Overall the game is great and I love watching the city expand over time but if the features it looks like you've implemented were actually implemented and the mines could be upgraded for more resources I would replay this time and time again.

The management style of the game was nice,the different troops and items are nice, however it takes a long time to get them, I was able to beat the game with mainly thieves,racked up with over thieves among other troops,the balance with regard to the quests seem off,also maybe have a limit to the amount of troops per quest,this will make the game require more thinking and blend it in with the actual descriptions of the places,my troops were hardly affected by some quests eventhough they needed ranged weapons or magic. Add more buildings in the industrial section,the stone produces too slow and the iron also and yet these are used up so quickly, also as other posters have said,decrease the requirements for research and spells but overall I enjoyed it,thanks

The casino is supposed to add +5 gold to income, but it only adds +1 gold. Very disappointed after working up to buy that.

This game has a very "hurry up and wait feeling". Just add a fast forward button.

very good game, one of those that makes you think hard about the way that you want the game to work. obviously, there are a couple of things that could be improved upon, specifically the resource parts. Stone was just way too damn hard to get, along with mushrooms. and the blacksmithing and drainstone parts were literally just guess and hope. and the jump between the strengths of the units as the game goes on, such as the knights. took forever to earn the keep, and they are only slightly better than the succubi, who you get very early on in the game. just something to consider. overall, great game!