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Reviews for "NONDEVICER"

I thought the game was going to be really, really cool. HOWEVER...

Never make a precise platforming game have a SLIPPERY floor. Every time I made a mistake, I thought "AUGH this is frustrating!" instead of "Well that was my fault, I should try again. Maybe I'll be better this time around."

That is when a game becomes more "unfair" than "challenging." And you can only take so much unfairness before getting worn out from the game and wanting to stop.

"gotta quit this fucking cirkus" great room UAHSUHASASUH

The game is amazing with an exception of a couple things that shouldn't be in a E rated game. But other than that its amazing. Even with every part of the map covered I can't find that last gem anywhere. I even got the one from the castle.

The game was absolutely amazing :D
I don't know how much time can one spend beating it without the help of a map though.. it took me some 3-4 hours using it. and it was quite challenging ! Worth the time !

the music is too repetitive
and the game became like the music after a while