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Reviews for "The Power"

Decent Metroidvania for the most part. Initial backtracking is irritating, but later on the level design is fine. The end is rather anticlimactic: here I am waiting for the king to test my worthiness in a grand final boss battle and he just...doesn't?

How do u even beat that second boss? mines? cause shooting him has zero effect. meh, no thanks. follow my motto: keep it simple.

amidos2006 responds:


It was okay. The bosses showed enough challenge to keep me trying again until the end fight. Able to develop a strategy for fighting the knights (for a lack of a better term) at the end until the fight against two of them. There was no pattern to be found in the fight since the enemies randomly turn around in pursuit and their attacks have no noticeable pattern. The frustration found in this fight due to the inability to dodge their attacks and the high damage their attacks delivered made me walk away from this game.
This is a bummer, as I would have liked to see the whole game.


Graphics are meant to be retro, so I can't really ding for that, but there is a reciprocal expectation for gameplay. After trying nearly every button to switch between missiles and mines, I still couldn't find it. The controls in the comments do not remind how to do this and it is impossible to progress without it. This is a very minor issue in an otherwise fairly standard linear platformer.

The boss battles are well balanced and reminiscent of Mega Man. The exploration should feel a bit like Metroid (NES) but with a bit less freedom. As with games of this type, the new tool/weapon progresses you through and sometimes aids you in boss fights.

A little slow paced waiting for the invincible monsters to get out of the way, but not a bad game.