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Reviews for "TOME Episode 03"

The cliche characters are a little tacky, but this flash isn't without some redeeming value.

What I liked:
-The flash had nice length to it.
-The story seems to be developing.
-The art was pretty good.
-The audio quality was also pretty good.
-The main character is likable.

What I didn't:
-Characters seem too one dimensional. Nylocke is the nobleman. The demon was the bored-but-powerful guy. The raven was the flamboyant guy. It's all stuff that's been done before without bringing much new to the table.
-The battle with the demon guy came to a very anticlimactic end, and not really in a funny way.
-The laziness in some of the animation is disappointing. No one interacts with their surroundings. The characters in the background never move their mouths. The irritating slide-ons of them in the foreground move their lips in an endless loop that doesn't resemble what they're actually saying. I know you have the talent to make decent animation, but when they talk you don't show that talent.
-The "Sasuke goes crazy with his hidden bloodlust power and Sakura brings him back to reality with a hug" thing has been done and done and done (didn't something similar even happen in your first episode?). On top of that, it even seems out of place here, where the characters are insisting that they don't have feelings for each other.
-Nylocke didn't die.

Better ones, perhaps the best one in my opinion. So let me state again that I am not a fan of anime & Japanese rpg styles which is painfully abundant in these series. But this 1 is better because there's lesser in these, kind of balanced, the 2 new characters that are flamegirl's friends seems to be a lot more human & not so squeaky or 1 sided, which is good, makes it feels more like they are real people, not anime or Japanese rpg characters, but I don't want to say too much on that, because I don't want to see it all goes downhill when these newly introduced characters will be turned into those Japanese rpg characters who lacks in dimension & characteristics. Still I think the hacking should be better explained. If these hackers can attack anywhere they want, and non hacker chars can attack them as well, doesn't that makes every chars. hackers as well? Or is it areal thing? Does the hacking applies as a radius of that area? Because if TOME is a game, then the non hackers WON'T be able to attack back unless they're pull into a battle mode, which in TOME 1, you showed us Alpha & his friends went into a battle mode just for that. But this is the mech city where it is forbidden, so more explanation is required. Lastly, since that "forbidden power" can get into Alpha just because he is afraid of not having any friends, wouldn't it be better to explore the minds of Alpha on that point a bit? As I've seen so far, he seems like a totally normal person & that "forbidden power" just want to get into his body for the sake of driving the story forward which in my opinion is STUPID!

Looking forward (not so much) on how the story is going

The animation isn't great but it's an interesting idea which I havn't seen done before

Damn it gopher(or whatever the hell ur name is), the first was good, the 2nd one was great, but this one? Bad!

Pros:Better animation, and sounds.

Cons:Cheesy plot, too many unexplained characters that randomly appear, and that goddamn nylocke joke. Learn some better humor for god's sake! You can do FAR better than this crap.

Wow, these characters are so uninteresting. They have little to no personality, I'm barely engaged into the story as it is, why include characters that do not have separate thoughts other that, "HERP DERP IMMA BE A HERO MAN GUY". Honestly, look for more quality over quantity.