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Reviews for "TOME Episode 03"

I think the biggest leap in improvement for you as an animator has been the TOME series (both old and new). I hope you find the motivation to continue creating entertaining flashes, as well as continue to grow as an animator. Everything needed to be said has already been said by much more experienced flash artists below me (search for the lowest rated comments haha), but don't let it get you down!

Little boring and long on the talking parts, but the music and animation is good.

Hurry,I need more footage for my "Animated Music Video" (AMV).

Anyways :D

-I seem to like the dialogue.
-Voices are matched, loud, and shows their impression good.

-Seems a bit cheesy

Neutral comment
-The fighting looks good at certain times, but most of the time...sad...
-The story,I kinda hate where this is going, but since I haven't even gave it time to "expand", who knows whats in store for me...

On the whole, I really rather enjoyed this. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I went into your back catalogue and watched every single TTA episode (I'm still looking for the movie). That said, I do have two sets of thoughts, which unfortunately come from having watched TTA but I think they have their own merit:

1. On the whole, I thought you did a great job in adapting your characters for the reboot. The art style is fresh, the scripting is of pretty high quality (no more spelling errors, but I'ma get back to that later), and your self-titled hero and Alpha seem pretty appealing off the bat. That said, there is one big thing that I thought TTA had over this: the characters, in an odd way, actually seemed more realistic, because they sounded and spoke like most folks you'd find on an online game. Granted I've "retired" somewhat from the online gaming scene, but what struck me about the TTA versions of Kirb, Alpha, GC, Nylocke and the like is that they were (more) relatable. They spelled things incorrectly, GC sounded like a typical online teen, and Nylocke was an otaku. And don't get me wrong, I love this Nylocke; he's really wacky and appealing. I know this will probably sound rather obvious, but the TOME reboot feels much more like a cartoon than TTA, and much more like a cartoon set inside of a universe than a cartoon about folks playing an online game. So while I think the characters are appealing, they don't feel quite as real or three-dimensional (at least not yet, maybe you're waiting to surprise us); they don't feel like the sorta guys and girls I would talk to on Battle.Net or what have you. I know it sounds odd, especially when the overall quality of this reboot is so far beyond the original. I'll just watch and wait, so to speak, because I do still think this series has great potential.
a. As sort of a side thought to this, TTA seems to be darker and edgier, or at least this seems lighter and softer. It's not really a complaint, I'm just not sure how we're gonna transition from this to Zetto, Kagemamura, and the Ericho incident from this. Again, maybe you'll surprise us.

2. The Bechdel Test and the "racial test." I dunno, this rendition of Rockcoon just sorta made me feel uneasy. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing things. The Bechdel Test however has definitely been troublesome for both TTA and TOME however, although I feel like it became less problematic for TTA as we got to know our female characters better. In case you're wondering, I'm referring in TOME to the fact that Whytie and gang talk only about boys on-screen. Just something to think about.

Feel free to take my thoughts to heart or just ignore them. This is your series and you can deal with it as you want, and I'm just a random schmuck on the internet expressing his anonymous opinions. In any case, 3.5/5, since it won't let me do 3.75/5. Keep it up!

That's really nice. I love this serie.
A shame the writing isn't exellent.
For exemple, the demon is hacking to get money to get back in school. That's exellent and interesting but why would he accept to stop hacking just because he was asken to? He didn't really hurt anyone and he had a way to get more education.