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Reviews for "SS - Keys of our Past"


Here i thought i was going to watch an animation, Not a bunch of baised, inaccurate statments in the form of a slideshow trying to further an agenda.

RiverJordan responds:

Pft, you got neither of those things!


Let me first start off by saying, all of this is pseudoscience. It's the hodge podge creation of morons and blithering autistic window lickers who pieced together random parts of other philosophy and culture to make a puzzle where all the pieces were punched in. Point being, it doesn't work.

And no, this isn't because I didn't watch the Sphinx special on Discovery after the two hour program on Hitler's dog's secret birthday parties, or because I didn't pick up every 1/2 off book on sale at Barnes and Noble in the New Age section.

Yours are the rantings of a man whose head is so far up his ass, that he wafts in his own scent and is pleased. At no part in this is there a factual statement made. In fact, I would go as far as to say every single word of it is conjecture about the machinations of the universe on a pseudoscientific scale.

Let me repeat, no where in this entire rant about dolphins from deep space 9 that planted the pyramids did you give a factual statement. Only, you gave canned lines you learned from the New Age community college class, and random clippings from ugly webpages about indigo children and how someone's sister married bigfoot.

What's worse is the fact that you don't acknowledge the opinions of others, spewing your own as fact and inviting everyone to drink the kool aid with you. You look down your nose at all opinions that are not your own, as shown by your condescending remarks to other negative reviews, opting to hold yours up as the one sole truth, to which all others are wrong and moronic.

You remind me of how I was when I was a gullible community college kid who made ugly animations with the help of google stock images to help further my own beliefs and show them to the world, in all their unsupported and not-based-in-fact glory.

RiverJordan responds:

That's cool, i'm glad you have opinions too :)

...how was that?

seriously though, "pseudoscience, insightful, bullshit, amazing", you can put labels on it if you want. I say, it is what it is. It's what i'm interested in, and it's what i'm going to continue talking about.

What's the harm in that?

bromethus I appreciate the intellegent arguement..

...but in this example it's irrelevant. This was boring. Plain and simple. No need to delve any further than that.

RiverJordan responds:

I'm sorry i failed to keep your attention.

By order of the Reptilian Resistance

You will rue the day you brought about this Spirit Science series upon the naive and weak-minded Newgrounds community. You are not a Prophet or a Philosopher, but merely a peon of the Reptilian overlords, preaching their corrupt and altered truths about our existence on earth! If not to the author of these "lessons", but to the viewers! This man has been indoctrinated with the false beliefs and knowledge implanted through reptilian mind control!

We are brought up in society to be able to question what we read, watch, think and feel, regardless of how coherently composed and articulated it might be. Before you dare accept any of these ramblings as fact, please question the credibility of his sources; Conspiracy theorists, Psychics, Magicians and Cultists slowly feeding you bizarre new age pseudoscience bullshit!

Although these maybe playful ideas and interesting(absolutely ludicrous) concepts, these are crazy(hard to believe) cultist beliefs and are both stupid and dangerous. If you are truly looking for belonging and purpose, don't just go for what you see as interesting or different, even if they go about it logically, use your head! An open mind is only a good thing if you can back it up with common sense.

I must also say, along with other reviewers, that the style in which this is presented(surprisingly well composed despite the content and annoying voice pitch morph) is blatantly plagiarized from the escapists "Extra Credits". A fact that I would be shocked to hear a logical explanation for from an already known unoriginal, arrogant hack. I would be honored to receive a hilarious condescending response from a plebeian who believes he is of a higher life form.

RiverJordan responds:

Hey Redfeather! Glad you're doing well. Damn tho, you figured me out. The reptiles pay me big money to teach this stuff.


not the best animation...
and way to serious... I am not nerd enough for this... :s
If u make the animation better (so let it move with more frames) it would be a lot better